BLATANT information manipulation by r/worldnews mods. On the highest level. They are exposing millions of people daily to a manipulated consensus where dissidents are ERASED. Not even downvoted. ERASED. [proof]

1905  2015-05-31 by shark_shanks_ghost

R/worldnews caught red handed once again. Mods delete one users comment criticizing a report on ISIS as propaganda and calling out subreddit mods for deleting comments. DELETED. Another user (me) reposted the comment, mentions it was deleted. DELETED.

Imagine how many comments are being deleted hourly in that subreddit. Just for going against the grain. It could be hundreds, I guess we would never know because the mods simply delete all traces of evidence.

This is the new reddit.

And this is a conspiracy. Mods wholesale deleting comments that go against the mainstream-media sponsored narrative. There is no way that anyone can justify this. And "mods can do what they want because it is their subreddit" is not a valid excuse.

This is BLATANT information manipulation. On the highest level. And exposing millions of people daily to a manipulated consensus where dissidents are ERASED. Not even downvoted. ERASED.

And since I was the second OP, this final screenshot shows my response to a highly upvoted comment that said "I understand why mods deleted it, it sounds like ISIS propaganda". Which is a crazy precedent, apparently comments can now be deleted because mods feel like it "supports ISIS" and the people in that subreddit upvoted that premise (unless bots upvoted it). Let that sink in for a moment.

But of course, mods deleted that to. Because they don't want to be caught out.


Reddit is now a just a scam. They absolutely are in the business to create consensus and destroy counter arguments. The board of directors are in bed with at least one intelligence agency, Stratfor.


  • Reddit has become just another corporate owned mass media platform, a small part of an immense $ 250 Billion yearly media machine, serving the 1%. No need to pretend otherwise.

  • Reddit has systematically changed their rules, introducing more and more censorship. It started after they were acquired by Advanced Publication in 2011.

  • The moderators will strike down with furious vengeance upon anyone who disagrees with the mass media propaganda. Sadly they seem unable to block even a single message from Monsanto, Koch Industries, NSA or the TBTF Financial Institutions PR Relation Departments~ trolls or shills.

  • The most hilarious part is, that they will also remove articles and posts on r/Conspiracy. I mean... I might as well just get drunk and watch Fox News!

All Hail Dear Chairman Pao the Hypno Toad

fuck that bitch. #ELLENPAOMUSTGO.

I agree, but at this point it's just slaying another head of the hydra. Same shit as when you see another CEO of a company go. The shareholders stay the same, so you can bet your ass the direction will stay the same too. It's really frustrating. I love reddit and the needless censoring and removal of opposition is pissing me off.

Stop getting frustrated. Join /r/worldtoday instead.

Every other post is from Sputnik or RT... that's not an improvement, that's just trading one agenda for another.

The issue here is censorship. Please post what you like.

Is this a mod free sub? If not what are the rules/banable offenses? I see nothing in the sidebar that gives me confidence this sub is trying to do anything to be censor-free.

That, and while it can be hard keeping small subs active, 99% of the posts are by /u/right-again making it even more probable that consciously or subconsciously his or her bias is greatly effecting the content that gets submitted.

That's why you need more subscriber... ones that post their own links. I've got the same problem in my own sub. I'm the only one who ever posts anything even though I stickied a post inviting everyone to post their own stuff.

Mods on /r/worldtoday were banned but its not mod free. The sub has a description:

This is an open forum for news and rational debate of issues that are shaping today’s world. It's a place for free thinking. Above all else we respect everyone's opinions and all religious beliefs and creeds. There is no censorship here.

Maybe it should be on the sidebar.

Post whatever you like. I post what I read.


I try to hear out arguments that there's a conspiracy surrounding Reddit's CEO but all I ever get from it people being outright misogynistic and making unsubstantiated claims about the harassment policy.

I've followed this sub for a bit over a month and I'm pretty sure most of you are conspiritards. The rest of you that know what you're talking about should get your shit together and stop supporting comments like this. Your cause is fucked thanks to people like this.

If someone could point me in the direction of a sub that promotes alternative view points without the vitriol then please let me know.

We Will All Miss The Content You Submit to our community

Do you have this acrid & acidic response on cut/paste speed dial?

""The simple answer to your very stupid question is the fact is that the discussion in this comment thread is based on want she has to say, wherein I posted a video of the TED talk. By commenting on it without watching it you're polluting a decent conversation with shit. I'm not interested in a dialogue with you. You're at best a troll and at worst a person that actually believes the shit your saying, which resembles an adolescents take from the worst of cable news. If you want to espouse your banal and bigoted views then go fuck off into another part of the comments section to do that, where you can continue to stick your fingers in your ears and prattle on about 1-dimensional strawmen. You get a four out of ten for trolling with that shit-stain comment but a shit out of ten for adding anything of value to a platform that's normally conducive to edifying discussion.""

The above concerns Monica Lewinsky criticism

Wherein I literally say I try to hear out arguments and therefore not submit them

Do you have rape similes on speed dial?

Thank you for the publicity. To have the opinion that I am attacking the only sub on reddit I frequent with regularity is preposterous. Please read the comment post history & you will see that I am a supportive contributor to this community. Are you familiar with Operation Mockingbird? familiarize Have you researched the OSS? research Are you well rounded on the history of the royal British bloodlines? become well rounded I'm sure you mean well. Apply some Preparation-H, the swelling will subside sooner or later with rest & relaxation.

The above concerns quoting from the parent commenter's post history in a strange, ad hominem, non-sequitor response

I'm not the one out to win hearts and minds to a particular cause here. I suppose that might not be your concern at all. It could be that instead of promoting the spread of ideas and truth, someone like you might actually be into this sub because you see the truth as something exclusive that only you deserve to know because of your 'high intellect'. It could be that this is just an insular community for circlejerking over the idea that you're all clever underdogs that see things how they really are, unlike the stupid masses.

I'm assuming it's the latter for you based on how you chose to respond to my concerns.

Good luck being better than everyone else on reddit.

Its an analogy for BUTTHURT. Not your XXX/perverse presumptuous label.

You are the one who has now gone way , way overboard. I suggest you stop while you are only slightly behind.

We can compare our post history & frequented subs.

You should get off the tip of my penis, I already have a wife.

Edit: spelling correction

That must be frustrating for you, having someone take one of your posts completely out of context and apply it to a discussion that has nothing to do with it.

How have I gone way (way) overboard? You're implicitly defending a comment that's literally just "x is a bitch." If you let your wife know that's how you're spending your computer time she might wish that you were simply looking at porn instead.

Okay, that sounds like fun, let's compare post histories.


I guess that puts me marginally less behind. Good thing I didn't stop, huh?


We Love This Top 'o Mind You Submitted

Her wishes are fulfilled & she appreciates your sympathy towards her satisfaction.

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What was deleted from r/Conspiracy?

The utah daycare center. Thing got deleted on every major conspiracy website and basically the internet. It may have been bogus or people could have been incorrect in their claims, but it was very weird how absolutely nobody could clear it up or verify it before getting shadow banned, or deleted.

was easily one of the weirdest things I've seen online, when the info with the shipping containers from china and password protected online store for "plastic jewelry" got linked to this "daycare center", thats some true detective shit there.

edit: this capture's got some of the weird vibes i'm talking about, this was just the beginning though, before all that weird shipping container stuff got linked

edit 2: here's a chan summary, i personally believe its some sort of intelligence or drug smuggling thing. hope i don't get (shadow)banned for this.

that capture is downscaled, can't read anything

Yeah as DerEndgegner said that screenshot is really low res. Got a better version by any chance?

You can just find shipping info like that ?

Oh shit. That place. A friend of mine lived near it and I passed it all the time. I remember reading that thread. Creepy shit. Didn't know that there was some kind of reddit shut down. If like to know more about it...though I'd probably get "disappeared" for it.

I forgot all about that. I'm sure many others have never heard of it in the first place; which was probably their goal.

What are some good keywords/info/details in order to find info on it again? Don't post anything that could get you banned of course.

The last public dump of information that was gathered was made here

We haven't made public any other findings so you probably wont find anything else outside of that. If you do though, let me know, I'd like to speak to them.

EDIT: Apparently the post made on voat broke their system after multiple edits, so the post itself is incomplete. Here's a pasetbin link with the full post.

When the attempts to "clear it up" involved redditors stalking a daycare centre and peering in the windows, reddit had no choice about deleting it. Even the barest appearance of reddit tolerating weirdest stalking a kindergarten would be the worst PR imaginable, particularly after jailbait made the mainstream news.

Reddit's a business. Having weirdos stalk children on your site is bad for business.

Except no children ever came or went from this place. It was a front.

Except there were! There were photos of children being ushered in, which prompted this very sub to start speculating that it was a front for a paedophile ring.

You don't get it both ways. It was clearly a kindergarten.

It would be nice if you could prove those photos existed. The lack of kids coming/going on a regular basis is what triggered speculation in the first place. It sure is easy to gaslight people about a subject that's been memory holed.

He can't prove that, just like he can't prove that "Redditors were peering through the windows."

Doesn't mean it isn't the goto that always comes up in SLC threads. And i have certainly noticed.

I don't see policemen go to work, so clearly they have an underground bat creating clones every day. Or aliens. Whatever, there must be a huge conspiracy because I didn't see it!

Terrible analogy. Try again.

There was never a child who entered or left that place, or was dropped off by a parent. This was also confirmed by MULTIPLE PEOPLE who lived next to the building and by redditor observation.

So please, stop lying.

Someone just above posted pictures from an /x/ thread showing children at the building. So please, stop lying.

Not lying. After this hit the net, children started arriving to the place. Redditors in the neighborhood claim they had never seen children there before.

Hahaha, so you admit multiple redditors stalked a kindergarten for hours or days and didn't notice anything? Profound.

Yes, noticed it wasn't a kindergarten.

Very profound.

What about the kids with pink backpacks?

Lived in SLC for nearly thirty years, drove passed that place, all times of day, all the time. No kids. Ever. I honestly thought the place had foreclosed or been abandoned, but it never gets shabby and abandoned looking. Just...closed. Every day.

Don't talk the truth mate, it's not welcome here

In case you haven't spotted this you should have a look because it basically destroys the other replies to your question here.

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It's just like everything else In life; you have to be skeptical, and pick the information you want to believe. Give me one public community that isn't skewed by propaganda, and everything in it becoming clouded by bullshit in some way, shape, or form. But, taking someone's voice out of an argument really makes things one sided. Diligently scrutinize those with the most power/control.

I don't know about influence from these corporations I think the general consensus on the NSA on reddit is that it should shut down and the Koch brothers already have a bad rap on most of the major subreddits

I like Monsanto.

Yeah, one of these things is not like the other.

Your comment was spot on, but you get the upvote for the Futurama reference.

Reddit is a 24/7 psyop. The most addicted city post showed that a military city was in first place and had 30,000 more registered users than there are people living in that city. The military coordinates with these social network propaganda pushers to soften up public opinion and pave the way to support for operations they want to launch months down the line.

By the way, please contribute to /r/WorldNewsWatch. I found many complaints about the mods by different users scattered across different subreddits, we need to have them all in one place to make a solid case against them.

Yes it seems they have a number of people who promote and vote for propaganda and downvote alternative views and apparently they got the software they were looking for at Mac Dill AFB

My favorite is our weekly dose of the queen on /r/oldschoolcool. Always makes it to the front page, and anyone that slams the queen gets downvoted or blocked from the sub.

Watch, sometime this week, we will see another photo of the queen and how great she was/is on the front page.

The Bernie Sanders circle jerk is a GOP cointel plot to fracture the Dems and ensure that Hillary loses to a split vote (not that I'm endorsing Hillary, I'm just saying she's the de facto 2016 nominee)

Well, hopefully that backfires And we get Bernie for president

You're insane. The whole system is broken, Bernie seems genuine enough, but the entire system is bent to the will of money, not republicans or democrats.

It's called a 'presenting image'. This image is important to HR, otherwise known as Victoria, to sell this website as an effective form of advertisement.

I made a post about the strangeness of celebrities with full PR teams needing a person named Victoria to help them type on a computer or understand how a Q & A works.

This was in r/c_s_t which had about 500 subscribers at the time.

Victoria showed up immediately, along with a reddit admin and about 3 power users (mods of 25+ subreddits).

I swear to god, and nobody has to believe this, but when Victoria made her post, it immediately went to +6. Like, within seconds. On a subreddit where a +6 score takes hours or days to accumulate.

It was like she hit a button and just got an immediate +5. Other users saw it too.

She does that because you need +5 upvotes to bump a post out of the new category. It's just ironic that she banned Unidan for doing the same.

What he bumped was against an agenda.

Good ideas tend to spread. Better to nip it in in the bud. It just bothers me when Reddit's HR team stages AMA's and shit like that where we as a community are the butt-end of the joke.

True, but Victoria has an agenda as well.

It happened with her comment. I know I wrote "post" but I meant comment.

I believe it 100%. It's only an issue when they are not transparent about the manipulation of their website (they say it's their website so they are rationalized in doing whatever they like) but as a community we have the power as long as our minds are unified.

She does that because you need +5 upvotes to bump a post out of the new category. It's just ironic that she banned Unidan for doing the same.

I don't think "ironic" is the word you were looking for.

It's irony

I would have said bald-faced hypocrisy, but whatever works.



why on earth would victoria or reddit play fair. The fact that we would even have to argue with them about this point shows how hopless redditors are.


Much needed, thanks.

Excellent Compilation!

Thank you net neighbor.

I'm digging Empeopled; that seems like a pretty cool site and it's neat that eventually, I'll hold a little sway in how it all works and what people see. Very cool!

True. I was excited when I first found Reddit because I love hearing different peoples opinions. Didn't take me too long to realize that I was in the wrong spot for unique thought. People here are so fucking brainwashed, it makes me want to cry. So it actually makes me feel a little better knowing that there are people who think for themselves, they are just being silenced. I mean, it sucks, but at least there are people who understand things like what ISIS really is.

If you don't mind me asking, what is ISIS really?

A collective name the MSM is giving any muslim, or muslim looking person in the middle east that does something violent and noteworthy.

An excuse.

A charade.


I took all the good pokemon names, so don't try

Yep, here's the answer guysngals. One of the creators just put a post up about having no advertising, ever. Either way, cool site

well shit..

It's far too bad that Voat has already been gamed by the worst of the redditirs.

Ironically this sub might provide the best alternatives.

It's far too bad that Voat has already been gamed by the worst of the redditirs.


I went there right away. There was a post by a mod talking about automatically deleting posts about conspiracies. before they had a conspiracy sub.

I understand that many of the user names found here have been taken, so that the actual redditors are misrepresented and cannot transfer to the site with their accustomed user name. You'll very likely find discussion at the site I mentioned They don't seem to support Voat . Do go ahead though and try them, anything for an alternative is sorely needed.

My first impression of Voat is that since it's a reddit clone, it's guaranteed to succumb to the same effects of a democratic system as Reddit, like endless memes and shitty, easily digested content. Their ad revenue sharing plan, apparently intended to promote creative and original content, relies on some definition of 'creative and original', and will more than likely become a way to reward content with lots of upvotes and views which of course tends to be memes and other garbage. They claim they won't let it happen, but talk is cheap.

I understand that reddits source code is freely available for anyone's use .

That would naturally lead to multiple iterations of the same ol' s..t

It's so funny how every time someone points out that voat is run by the same people that run Reddit, everybody gets so pissy and defensive.

The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again

"Meet the new boss, Same as the old boss..."

Holy crap, Thank you for the link.

Guess I'm going back to 4chan and will have to deal with the shitposting

?? You mean the 4chan that considered fucking gamergate too controversial? How do you think moot would handle something that actually matters on there?

He freezes the boards and erases any trace of it. Also moot stepped down, it's just the CIA and NSA that run it now.

So if reddit is a scam, and I want to go somewhere else for the truth, where?

Someone here just posted a good list in comments to discuses the issue first go to


But somehow /r/conspiracy escapes the wrath of the Reddit board of directors and Stratfor? While I don't doubt there is some shady shit going on with Reddit admins, perhaps the mods of certain subreddits are the more corrupted ones. It would be very easy for an intelligence agency to corrupt a mod. It would be much more difficult to corrupt the Reddit board of directors.

Because we're kept in this in a tiny closet of reddit where we can be cataloged and studied without 'contaminating' the rest of reddit. If I venture outside of the reservation here I'm immediately attacked and threatened while they are encouraged to revile and ridicule us.

. That keeps reddit safe from my/our information It also gives TPTB a look into what we use as proof for our assertions so that it can be scrubbed over time. It's a good tool for them.

Just curious, if they're destroying counter arguments, why aren't posts removed from this subreddit all the time?

Because we're in a tiny closet of reddit where we can be cataloged and studied without 'contaminating' the rest of reddit. If I venture outside of my reservation here I'm immediately attacked and threatened. One case in point among many, I like the sub called shower thoughts. I collect and save the good ones, I was entertaining myself at /r/showerthoughts yesterday when I saw a joke about 9/11. The title was innocuous enough but I was curious about the comments and of course encountered a lot of jokes about steel beams and dank memes which did little to make me feel like that was appropriate commentary about the most important issue of our times so I countered their comments with a few facts . They were heavily downvoted by the folks who were after all just in it for fun. But I tried to have them realize this was not a joking matter. I was immediately reported for 'harassment' and banned. This sub is allowed to have the content it has in order to coral us and profile us for further action and to find out what our 'proof' is so that it can be scrubbed.

I was looking at material I posted on Usenet during 2003 to 2005 yesterday

It doesn't prove anything but every single item I used to prove my points back then was 404 missing. To their chagrin I have copies of most of it.

Have you heard of Will be to Reddit what 8 chan was to 4 chan

I know this will probably be downvoted, but if you feel that way, LEAVE.

It is seriously the equivalent of thinking McDonalds poisons their food and still eating there.

You're a pussy that is controlled by the system and instead of asserting your position by leaving you are just manifesting consent by acknowledgement and continued presence.

You sicken me.

It is seriously the equivalent of thinking McDonalds poisons their food and still eating there.

No, it is the equivalent of living in a country that is becoming more and more out of control and actually trying to do something about it, and then the little minds come out with their pathetic excuses to attack the person reacting to the injustice.

Your argument is invalid, and tired, and it pops up 1000's of times. It makes zero sense and is basically boils down to one of the worst attitudes that anyone could ever take when confronted with a problem.

You are literally bashing the people who try to change a system from by saying "if you don't like it then nobody is keeping you here" which is an excuse that remains valid regardless of how far the authorities turn up their corruption.

"Yeah, people are being taken out of their homes and shot, but hey, if they didn't like it, they shouldn't have lived in a country where that happens, they should have just moved away".

[deleted] you understand how they work?

Entertainment shapes the world we live in more then anything else these days. Its justifiable to want to work to make these forms of entertainment having both sides equally represented and not having ideas or anything else being manipulated or censured completely.

Many don't leave because they think reddit and other forms of entertainment have a large impact on them. They care so they stay and fight, hoping people can see this kind of post and realise what is really going on.

It's one thing to say mcd food is bad or bad for you. It's another if they secretly start poisoning it or using different animals. That mc double made of kangaroo has a secret but that's ok right because after all you chose to eat there and trust that they'd be honest with you.

"if you dont like the way america is spiraling out of control, just leave"... howd that sound, cause its the exact same argument. Reddit is probably the #1 hub of online communication in the world. its these very posts that convince people of the need for a new system! if stuff like this went undocumented... the casual user wouldnt become aware. and its the casual user were here for after all no? all those idiots that give their votes away because their news tells them who to vote for? Morpheus didnt spend a good deal of time inside the matrix just because he enjoyed you know...

You sicken me. Your acquiescing to an obvious manipulation and power grab is horrifying. People like you, who are quick to bend over and say 'Please sir, may I have another' are the worst kind of people, and not just because you're a mindless tool, but because you've drunk so much kool-aid that you rip on people who don't share your affliction of "head up my own ass" syndrome.

Yes by posting on /r/conspiracy you have removed your head from thine ass.

Because conspiracies don't really exist, right? Heh, tool.

Oh fuck off cunt. You leave.

Where else could we go?

Well, love it or leave it was a famous slogan during the vietnam period. Many people fled to canada. But vatiations of the argument are as old as human societies. Some people choose to flee, some remain to fight for change, some achieve change only to invite others to leave if they dont like the new status quo.

Try . sorry on bike or id hyperlink but youll be aight it's 6letters

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Fuuuuuck oooooooooff

Your name just gave me a stencil idea: "Google google" then a tiny wikileaks logo below

Welcome to the ministry of twoof! Watch history pass through the memory hole. We have always been at war with ISIS. We have always been at war. Censor the lies that make me feel unsafe. They who say war is not just are liars. The state knows best. Those deaths are justified. Police have hard jobs. Muslims are bad. Putin is a dictator. Banks are good. Americans are free. Free to do as we tell you.

But I thought the US created ISIS. I guess I am mistaken.

Does Isis even exist outside the aether of news media?

Yes but they call themselves a different name: "out of work farmers."

Scary, I know.

If a product or service you use is free, YOU are the product.

Redditors are being sold to the highest bidders. What opinion will they implant tomorrow?

Reddit is dead. Move on people.

Please, by all means, lead by example

Hit up voat doggie


I don't give a shit who posts cat pics. No one is forcing him to go to the news subs.

I like annoying people like you. So no, I won't.

people like you.

Which are?

Easily annoyed.

How do you know that user is easily annoyed?

Because you keep replying tool.

I asked about a different user and that shows I have curiosity not am easily annoyed.

I noticed exactly the same thing, that's why I created this account and the subreddit to keep track of them. They are definitely pushing an agenda, especially with the ISIS fear mongering. Another example of this selective bias is whenever Israel attacks Gaza, they also allow all comments cheering for dead Palestinians, but any comments saying "good" when an Israeli terrorist dies gets removed (because Israelis are always the good guys and Palestinians are always the bad guys). This is a comment of one of the mods I found in a /r/politicalmoderation post about them that leaves no doubt in my mind that they are actively using their positions for propaganda. It's not even subtle. I encourage everyone to start using /r/worldnewswatch so we can start keeping track of these incidents.

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try /r/worldpolitics next time.

(unless you are singing praise to israel, /r/worldnews will delete you)

Is there a "world news" on VOAT ?


Man I just checked out voat. It feels so nice.

I feel right at home there since it is layed out just like reddit.

It's nice, i love that they're going to keep advertising at a minimum or none at all

They said there in the "walkthrough" that there will be advertising but I have not found any yet.

Such a nice vibe there.

Reddit nowadays is nothing more than a DoD tool used to shape acceptance of policy and destroy credible flow of information that exposes this fact. Goebbels would fucking cream himself if he could get a gander at how things have progressed in his field of expertise.

He would be proud. You are right about that.

mods can do what they want because it is their subreddit

What mods seem to forget is that reddit is a private company and holds no obligations to allow them to act of their own accord, and or maintain moderator positions in any and all subreddits.

Subreddits are the property of reddit, not reddit's mods.


I said "you don't know who I am" because I was accused of contributing nothing to this subreddit.




And those are just a few... tip of the iceberg really. My posts and comments have gone viral on multiple large subreddits.

My posts have contributed more to this subreddit than you could even dream. And those in this community who also contribute know that is a fact.

The real shit-posters are people like you who contribute nothing and go into every thread trying to bully the OP based on everything but the actual content they provided.

Just like you are doing here.

Why do you weigh in on the ACTUAL issue presented in the title and text-box instead of resorting to character attacks?

Get eem. Also, over to! Cmonn waters nice

He truly thinks he can make some sort of difference by being an asshole and then crying here when the mods do something about it.

Please, show what part of this comment demonstrates "being an asshole":

  • This is just another of many propaganda headlines (the headline stating that ISIS committed 5 million human rights abuses in one month) that only sounds legitimate based on the other thousand "OMG ISIS bad" propaganda headlines that the Western public has been steadily bombarded with. (bold added after the fact for clarification)

Show me. I am interested.

Oh wait, you can't. Invalidating your entire argument that I run around "being an asshole" just for kicks.

/r/worldnews is headed by some pro-Israel fucks from what I've gathered. Being a user there for a while now, you see that kind of influence in how submitted articles are treated. The community is also actively silenced depending on how damaging the viewpoint is to their narrative.

It's a clusterfuck of corruption and stupidity.

Dissenting opinions are marginalized into this little box. You're stuck in here until the stormscum shitposters, trolls, and paid cognitive advertisers manage to finish killing this community.

trying to transfer over to voat. Com

Obliterations whereby the entire post is removed from ones history as well as from the relevant sub, are underway at R/POLITIC also, re the TIMES OF INDIA story decrying ISIS as a Zionist front with quotes from the Koran.

RIP Aaron! We are trying to fix Reddit!

The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz

Aaron Hillel Swartz (November 8, 1986 – January 11, 2013) was an American computer programmer, entrepreneur, writer, political organizer and Internet hacktivist who was involved in the development of the web feed format RSS and the Markdown publishing format, the organization Creative Commons, the website framework and the social news site, Reddit, in which he became a partner after its merger with his company, Infogami. He committed suicide while under federal indictment for data-theft, a prosecution that was characterized by his family as being "the product of a criminal-justice system rife with intimidation and prosecutorial overreach".

Reddit will be massively important going forward for the Awakening. We can moan all we want about its decreasing quality and discuss alternatives, but ultimately we need to keep a presence here and not be deterred by censorship.

The answer is to not back down, but to increase activity both here and throughout the site. Record all censorship and post about it. Make it known beyond alternative subreddits that corruption is endemic. This awareness is vital.

So, thanks for this post :)

Love and Light

The Awakening? What is it and when will it happen?

Hi friend!

In basic terms, the awakening will be a spiritual-based counter-movement to the culminating negative events of the world. When terrorism, economic collapse, disease, natural disasters and more began to unfold on unprecedented levels, there will be an equally polarized movement of love and light among people who reject the new status quo.

In scientific terms, it is the raising of the vibrational level of our being.

In spiritual terms, it is the return of love and light to our spiritual matrix, and will be a 'graduation' of sorts. Those who embrace and join the awakening will have their consciousness expand tremendously, unlock latent perceptions of extra dimensions, explore the phenomenal divinity of creation and come closer to God.

I'd love it if you could read this post:

:) Thanks for sharing that friend.

It is exactly what my inner self was looking for today. I feel everything that you shared about you and your friend. Though unsure about how it will work out, I have a good feeling that it will amazingly.

I feel like the negative side is starting to put out their final plans though. And that they will go out in a huge battle or some kind. No way around the fight but what it makes way for is more important. Thank you. Love and blessings.

Meh --- I don't agree. As the world "grieves" for its loss of the status quo then society will collectively experience the 5 stages of grief in a progressive and chaotic manner. After a long dark period of denial, and anger we'll reach bargaining and then acceptance --- at acceptance we might reach a one world spirituality but typically these things sway toward fundamentalism..

Is there another site like reddit we should use instead?

Its gonna happen. Its gonna get to a point where people break. They can manipulate all they want but reality will always shine through. People will naturally look for answers, theyll look for the root causes of the worlds problems. Theyll talk about it and spread the word. Lying only gets you so far, it can only cover up so much. People naturally want better, people naturally wanna help eachother out. We will prevail.

Start your own worldnews mirror sub

That wouldn't stop the daily manipulation of millions of people.

Not straight away, no. But it might grow in time and have a decent following after a while.

This is this same guy:

who said he'd just delete his account and keep going back.

He goes on subs like worldnews, tries to pick a fight(sometimes more subtle than others) then comes here to try and stir shit up.

Notice he complains about his comment being deleted in the second image, where he reposted a deleted comment. If you post something they want deleted, of course they will delete it again. Use your head. Personally I think it's him just using more than one account.

The thing this guy doesn't get is the mods can delete whatever the fuck they want. Reddit isn't a free speech haven, and picking fights and acting butthurt when they don't go his way is not going to change that.

The thing this guy doesn't get is the mods can delete whatever the fuck they want.

No, I fully understand it and will not stick my head in the sand about it.

But hey, that's your style I guess.

I am also the author of "How Reddit was Destroyed" and numerous other posts that have gone down in the history of this subreddit and prompted thousands of genuine discussions.

But hey, lets take a look at the content you have given reddit:


He is correct that the mods have the power delete whatever they want. The drawback is that if they delete real discussion, people WILL and DO get upset. The expectation is that the moderators are there to "moderate". Removing spam and annoying shit that takes away from "good" content is what is expected. Posting stuff that challenges this power in an abusive or stupid way is like walking up to a police officer and saying "What the fuck are you going to do?!? Arrest me?!?". Everyone's going to laugh at the person who does this.

Basically, as long as moderators don't abuse the power to delete content, no one cares.

Kinda dumb. I wonder why the comments are supporting him. Do they actually lack reasoning, or is this some sort of sponsored action?

I have no idea. He really seems to think that reddit is some democratic platform and it's his job to defend it. He talks about injustice, like dude, you are trying to be a(shitty) super hero over moderator action on a website.

I suspect many of them are his other accounts, as he's demonstrated that he's not afraid to ignore reddits rules by making using multiple accounts to avoid bans, and I suspect vote manipulation as well. I just don't have his obsession and have no desire to pursue it.

Reddit isn't a free speech haven, and picking fights and acting butthurt when they don't go his way is not going to change that.

Except that this post went viral, probably woke up hundreds of people who were unaware of the censorship, and it has led to a huge discussion amongst people willing to listen and understand.

But hey, just remember that you were the guy fighting on the side of censorship and defending rampant injustice.

How much you want to bet that the government directly pays reddit to manipulate public opinion?

Why pay when you can convince retards to do it for free?

Good point, actually.

Its both.

They pay because it convinces the retards to do it for free.

It is sadly true that of all the sub reddit WorldNews is the most biased and censorious. Their mods will allow no one to get in the way of their own mod message.

Why has no one created a new reddit? The code can not be that complex..

The code is open source and there are other sites using it.

open source my ass.

They have, it's called Voat. Go there!

I get down voted to hell everytime I mention that Isis is nothing more than a CIA funded fear-mongering operation in America to insight people into anger for Muslims in the middle east and to further support for Israel.

Can someone provide a list of such corrupt sub-reddits? Just the sub reddit names would be sufficient.

If you've ever been on /r/Politics for over a minute and still believe reddit isn't simply a left wing propaganda machine, then you've already lost.

Time to start using

VOAT nuthin' ..

The censor there deleted one hundred and two posts to V/AlexJones all of which disclosed his ties to the CIA thence Zionism, after reloading them in a new SubVoat Admin decreed it would be invisible.

When I post to the new sub V/AlexJonesPerMT the post loads, but does not appear on the V/ALL page.

When I attempt to post at V/AlexJones, the site page from whence over one hundred of my posts were deleted, I get the message ..

You are not authorized to submit links or start discussions in this subverse. Please contact subverse moderators for authorization.

The relevant censors at VOAT can expect the same treatment censors got post the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945, they were charged, tried convicted and hanged!

All of my stuff calls for the prosecution and execution of the Jews who perpetrated the 911 attacks, September 11, 2001.

And discloses the presence of the Mossad cell located in Brisbane Au. whence came the Celebrating Jews of 911, as well it reveals the links the same Mossaders have to VOAT.


Just shut up.

Oh come on reddit, you're not a bunch of ignorant bigot conservatards are you? They're only censoring Nazis and homophobes. It's a good thing right? Hate speech is not free speech guys.

Edit: that was sarcasm if it wasn't clear. See most of reddit loves the censorship of opinions they don't like. See safe spaces.

So called hate speech is free speech. We're all supposed to be able to express our point of view whether others like it or not. Look at it this way, if your point of view is suddenly declared "hate speech" and you are no longer allowed to express yourself, how would you feel about it?

Who decides what is an 'allowed' opinion? Victorian people had some fucked up opinions, yet at the time that was accepted standard amongst the best of them.

Sometimes you NEED to hear the other side. Remember that censoring doesn't get rid of opinions, it just forces them underground. Also if someone has an opinion you don't agree with, wouldn't it be nice to have a discussion about it? Maybe you can change their minds with decent enough arguments, or is that too logical?


The original comment seems to imply there may be something good about ISIS that is willfully omitted from Western media. Of course, the Middle-Easterners and Africans who have been terrorized & tortured by ISIS would disagree with that premise. However, that implication should have been corrected instead of deleted. People who think there may be something good about a religious sect like ISIS should be challenged to reflect about their views because some erroneously derive validation of belief from deletion.

The original comment seems to imply there may be something good about ISIS

Original comment below, please highlight the part that implies there is something good about ISIS:

  • This is just another of many propaganda headlines (the headline stating that ISIS committed 5 million human rights abuses in one month) that only sounds legitimate based on the other thousand "OMG ISIS bad" propaganda headlines that the Western public has been steadily bombarded with. (bold added after the fact for clarification)

While I support the rights of people to have dissenting views, the original comment was confrontational, and didn't seem to offer any reason as to why the headline was wrong, other than just gainsaying the official story for the sake of it. Forgive me for siding with the mods, but I would presume that was why they removed it. If you could show them deleting a more moderately-worded post using evidence to back up the same conclusion, that would be different.


While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

we did it reddit

It won't be anger that will kill Reddit, but boredom... and then will take over.

Raiden, you seem to think that our plan is one of censorship.

Are you telling me it's not?!

You're being silly! What we propose to do is not to control content, but to create context.

TLDR; Reddit sucks.

Question: Where do we go for freedom of information?

Only place left is the inside of your head but they are going after that too with radio waves.

I was banned from r/politics because I posted "too many" articles from conservative news sources. Mod declared I was "spamming". really? That doesn't follow reddit web site's definition of spam at all. I complained to reddit and was told that r/politics mods could do whatever they wanted to. I expect to be banned from r/conspiracy soon.

Is that surprise you're registering with that headline?

Seriously....... do you seriously think the wealthy people of this planet don't have a plan just because the rest of us don't.

and their plans really don't involve the rest of us, either... unless of course you understand what morlocks mean.

seems legit. why are there upvote/downvote totals on the comments?

The more I see shit like this the less likely I'll be opening Reddit and Voat at the same time and just Voat tomorrow.

Here is what people are not realizing about reddit.

Its entire revenue stream is generated by content its users create. Let that sink in. What would make them more money? Leaving your controversial comment up or delete it with a good chance you would make a post somewhere else bitching about it being removed.

Therefore making even more clicks to go and get more involved. I really think from a business point they are the smartest goddamn group ever.

From a moral not so much.

funny you say that about worldnews, when i feel that way about /r/news

I was shadowbanned, despite no trolling, no breaking rules, nothing so obviously just because I have a different opinion than them.

When I asked why, they couldn't tell me, but didn't lift the shadowban either.

It really is becoming a joke

Come on. You wave a red flag in front of a bull and then proclaim "He's attacking me!" when he charges at you.

Wait... Are people in here saying that Reddit is serving a neocon agenda? Because all I see around here are fans of relatively non-interventionist guys like Rand Paul or Bernie Sanders; while neo-conservatism, IMHO, is primarily about direct intervention in foreign affairs in an attempt to further (certain) American interests.

Where are the redditors drum-beating for the next war in the middle east? Have I been missing all these posts?

I keep seeing posts in comment threads that say that foreign intervention rarely works, and that the terrorists of today are often the product of yesterday's interventions. When I post things that say this, I get upvotes.

Where are the neocons? Why haven't I seen them?

EDIT: So not neo-cons? Then what? Please name this "manipulated consensus." Manipulated consensus on what? What topics? What political persuasions? Please name these repressed truths for us.

Noone said that most or many of the users in /worldnews are neocons.

Why haven't i seen them? Because they're up where they always are; hiding at the top behind the curtains pulling your little fear strings and you puppet so well if you have to ask where to find them.

Can't edit on mobile right now for some reason.. The cited part should end after the question mark.

i think you are right, at the very least when i post certain comments i will start getting the "you are doing this to much message and will have to wait for a few minutes". and then it gets deleted any way. or i post an article it goes nowhere only to see the same article re-posted and moved right up almost instantly. it happens constantly. its primarily as i see it childish bull shit.

Jew owned reddit is doing exactly what the rest of the Jewish owned U.S. Media is doing.

Or they are just deleted stupid conspriacy theorist crap.

Just watch my comment get deleted here for calling out stupid conspiracy theorist

I always wonder why people who clearly think 'conspiracists' are all loonies [without exception of course], hang out on /r/conspiracy. It's bad for your health man, reading stuff you don't agree with.

Are you here just to leave useless one liners, like trolls do?

well normally I check out new posts and see the crazy crazy shit that is actually posted here. Like this flat earther I destroyed in an argument one time.

You must be reading a different sub than I am. Most things on here are not the crazy loony stuff you are talking about. The majority of posts on here are from people who are aware about government shenannigans and how we are being fooled by the elite. Which isn't amusing or crazy in any way, shape or form.

I have to say that the threads you find so funny are very rare, so rare in fact that you'd be better of to have a 'larf' over at David Icke's website. [But even he has some truths lurking amidst the reptilian idea]. Or go and have a good old belly-wag on /r/paranormal. yeah, why are you not on there, they come up with hilarious stuff.

Either you need a bit more understanding in what we are talking about here or you are here to wind us up. The only one that's losing out, is you though.

Honestly I feel like you're scamming. /r/worldnews butches about the US all the time, and wtf are you complaining about if your comment is there?


I thought everyone was so disgusted by reddit's systematic censorship and oppression of dissenters that they were moving to that other website.

Instead, /r/conspiracy continues to piss and moan about reddit's systematic censorship and oppression.

All 300k of them? Wow.

Every website starts from the bottom. Facebook used to have "all 300k of them" and at some point MySpace was probably laughing at them.

Honestly, I haven't really been there much or made an account or anything, but I've been given the impression that it's building pretty rapidly. I don't know if there's a "mass exodus" the way some people claim; I'd think it's probably a matter of users using both websites, not just giving up on this one altogether, but I'd be interested to see how fast that 300k number grows over a short period of time.

I read a lot of people talking about it more and more frequently lately, and I suspect that if it becomes a thing people will go from using both websites, to just quitting one of them altogether eventually. "Not with a bang, but with a whisper", if I'm saying that correctly?

I don't really follow politics/world news stuff, so I don't see myself angrily migrating to the other one. The subs I follow here are mostly trivial subjects not too important enough to censor information, and certainly not on a scale that could potentially control information to millions of people. I don't see Wizards of the Coast getting /r/RPGs mods to start deleting GURPS posts. So if I was ever to go there, it would have to be bigger with already established and active subs of all the dumb and trivial stuff I follow on this site.

My comment was meant to have you consider that there isn't just a single viewpoint here. I.e., we're not all pissing and moaning.

However, on reading it again, I can see that it wasn't completely clear which point I was responding to.

What is this 'other website' you refer? I'm ready for my exodus. Of course, I'll be back later today.

Yeah check out voat, it's awesome

I forget what it was called - voat? Something like that. It's basically a mirror of reddit, and there was supposed to be some mass exodus of the /r/conspiracy folks because of the injustice here on reddit.

Yeah, when I see injustice happening to other people, I just leave and consider myself lucky. Screw those other people, right?


To me it looks like the mods removed a provocative comment that didn't add anything relevant to the discussion.

Good job by the mods.

Good to know that you support the mods so much in their hunt to protect our precious minds from "provocative" comments.

I was just trying to find a better word than "shitpost"

So do you believe that a 15 or 16 year old worldnews mods should be allowed to delete any comments that they deem as a "shitpost"?

And I forget, whats the legal definition of "shitpost" again? You know, so we can have a standard and not allow the definition to mean whatever the mods want it to mean.

Lets look at the second comment they deleted since I already said that the first comment was more "offensive" if that is the game we are playing:

This is just another of many propaganda headlines (the headline stating that ISIS committed 5 million human rights abuses in one month) that only sounds legitimate based on the other thousand "OMG ISIS bad" propaganda headlines that the Western public has been steadily bombarded with. (bold added after the fact for clarification)

So, really, can you please tell me what part of this comment designates it as entering "shitpost" territory. I am genuinely interested in your analysis.

All of it.

  1. States an opinion without providing any facts

  2. Hyperbolic

  3. Adds nothing to the discussion (see: evidence/facts)

  4. Obvious trollbait that will get deleted and the poster will be able to go to /r/conspiracy and cry about being "oppressed"

  5. Shitpost

  6. Is posted by an ISIS propagandist

And I don't even have to prove the last point, because I just do the same thing you do as an example of why it's a shitpost.

Edit: edited a bit

1) States an opinion without providing any facts

So I am not allowed to share an OPINION on a web-forum now?

2) Hyperbolic

But I guess it is okay for thousands of comments to compare Russia to Nazi Germany. Okay...

3) Adds nothing to the discussion

Except as a reminder to people to withhold their knee-jerk reaction and analyze the story and sources a little more. Since we have seen this exact same scenario play out multiple time with North Korea or Russia. Where an exaggerated click-bait story is upvoted only to be retracted in the following days.

4) Doesn't provide any evidence

Same as #1. You are really getting desperate here.

5) Shitpost


So I am not allowed to share an OPINION on a web-forum now?

You're allowed to. The mods are allowed to remove shitty posts.

But I guess it is okay for thousands of comments to compare Russia to Nazi Germany. Okay...

False equivalence is a logical fallacy which describes a situation where there is a logical and apparent equivalence, but when in fact there is none. This fallacy is categorized as a fallacy of inconsistency. It would be the antonym of the mathematical concept of material equivalence.

Except as a reminder to people to withhold their knee-jerk reaction and analyze the story and sources a little more. Since we have seen this exact same scenario play out multiple time with North Korea or Russia. Where an exaggerated click-bait story is upvoted only to be retracted in the following days.

Speaking of knee-jerk reactions, how about them deleted shitposts?

Same as #1. You are really getting desperate here.

Prove it.


Its nice to know that there will always be people willing to use mental gymnastics to justify any degree of censorship or authority abuse.

No matter how many times TPTB up the ante, there will always be an excuse on the lips of these people. They are a real credit to the free-thinking world.

Not to mention the fact that they spend their time on a conspiracy forum coming up with comments to belittle the people trying to make a stand and point out the hypocrisy.

wow, you're so up your own ass you think your shit smells good

i'm just...


The fact that you are confused is understandable.

It must be really confusing for you since you believe that anyone in authority should be able to do anything they want and you feel justified attacking the people that react to it.

I kind of feel bad for him.

Oh for God's sake pull yourself together.

The fact that you think i'm confused is funny

nice reading comprehension

the feeling you were looking for was: "shocked at the mind-blowing stupidity"

Just keep sending people to r/undeleted and cool down. Mods feel pressure from readers, as well, and instantly. I appreciate the frustration, too, but World News readers are a massive demographic, and I'm just glad those asshats are reading on Reddit at all. The occasional contact with fire-breathing "lunatics" like you and I, is the best we can hope for for them. Thank his noodly appendages for you OP!

If you were in ISIS territory they would delete your head in addition to your comments.

Yes, they would behead me by the baby-incinerators while they all sang Nickelback in unison.

And honestly, I never saw the hype about beheadings. If I committed a crime and was sentenced to death, I would MUCH rather have someone cut off my head (which would take a millisecond) than be strapped into a chair and electrocuted, or given a poison injection, or face a firing squad.

edit: My second paragraph refers to "standard" beheadings, not the alleged "ISIS style".

I don't buy the propaganda, but I will point out that the "beheadings" are done by saw, not guillotine. It's not so quick and "painless."

I didn't think that was the standard for beheadings, but then again I have not been watching any of the videos that "ISIS" produces.

Are these the videos where the shot suddenly fades out right before the kill? Because in that case, it would make sense to "play-up" the incident as much as possible and show the executioner holding something like an old rusty saw, for the fear-factor (even if they don't actually end up using it).

Yes; the Saudi executions are done by sword. I was talking about ISIS and what happened to Daniel Pearl and a few others (allegedly; I've not watched any of the videos personally, though I hear a few look ridiculously fake. That said, I've never seen a person get their head sawed off in real life, either, for comparison).

Appreciate the measured response(s) and wish you the best. We are on the same side.

There are plenty of videos of their beheadings that don't cut away. Gurgling, screaming, begging, crying, airblood bubbles foaming out, tears oh and the sAwing.

Don't forget the stonings. There are also videos where they line everybody up and shoot them like dogs and toss them in a blood filled river.

They do not cut off their heads like in Saudi Arabia.

There are also videos where they line everybody up and shoot them like dogs and toss them in a blood filled river.

Credit where it's due, the western world invented that one. IIRC, there are even places in America, and certainly in other "civilized nations" where execution by firing squad is still practised. Depending on where you ask (I'm looking at you, Texas) a majority of average citizens probably aren't even opposed to the idea of firing squads, conceptionally...not unless you tell them how much the government would have to spend on bullets.

It wasn't a firing squad. They drag crying and pleading boys and men onto a blood covered dock and shoot them in the head and throw them in the river. Over and over and over. It was fucking horrific. Stop making apologies for these ISIS fucking savages.

Here ya go.

Your point? Shooting people is shooting people. Even if you take them before a judge and have him tell them why they're a bad person first, I think it's pretty fucking safe to say that no one wants to be shot. Stop making excuses for your own nation's "savages".

ISIS will burn. Burn bad

And that's relevant to this discussion how? I'm missing the part where you frothing at the mouth makes any kind of point.

It's relevant because we are talking about execution methods. ISIS will burn because I think when Obama is no longer president. The next president will invade. We will annihilate them with bombs. So figuratively they will burn.

Luckily for them, when they surrender to US troops they will be treated like prisoners of war. It would be nice to emulate their savagery and shoot the ISIS soldiers one by one and throw them in a river, but we won't do that to them... Hopefully. Simply because we don't want to become them.

I personally prefer the method used by the Allies when they encountered the ringleaders of the SS and the death camp personnel, Hung with wires.

I admit we have committed acts of savagery. I'm not sure we should have done that to the SS but yet again they were dogs. So should we have? Shouldn't we have? I don't know. I'm concerned with what we will do now against ISIS, who can legitimately be compared to the SS in savagery.

ISIS aren't killing the SS, they are killing underpaid surrendered Iraqi soldiers, sinners and political opponents. They are fucking savages.

if you've ever seen a terrorist beheading video like I have, I don't think you would be speaking so lightly about the painlessness of being beheaded. I've seen a number of terrorist beheading videos, both because I like to keep up with what people are seeing, and also because I used to run an adult media website that would post fucked up content all the time. Truth is that even a beheading by saw would be merciful in comparison to the actual beheadings I've seen, which were all done with either machetes or some kind of crude hunting knife. Each one I've seen has been incredibly brutal - often taking a horrifyingly long time to complete, and even for the victim to lose consciousness, due to the sheer ineffectiveness of the tool and the beheading technique. So, while it's true that ISIS beheading videos are pretty tame in comparison and don't show the actual beheading processes, if they are anything like any of the other terrorist beheadings I've seen, the beheadings are definitely going to be much more brutal than you give them credit for. Just saying.

I was under the impression that most beheadings were done by sword, and by a highly trained person as well.

I found this on wiki:

In 2003, Muhammad Saad al-Beshi, whom the BBC described as "Saudi Arabia's leading executioner", gave a rare interview to Arab News.[5] He described his first execution in 1998: "The criminal was tied and blindfolded. With one stroke of the sword I severed his head. It rolled metres away...People are amazed how fast [the sword] can separate the head from the body.

Yeah that isn't how beheading works for ISIS friend.

They slowly saw your head off with a god damn knife.

It isn't a nice quick beheading.

Yeah, that is now clear to me. My comment was about the standard beheading as opposed to the electric chair or other forms of US execution.

Yeah I think the standard form is a lot quicker/humane than other forms.

It's just a culture thing, chopping someones head off is never going to be accepted in the west.

At least not anymore, they used to enjoy it.

If the ISIS beheadings are OK with you I'm sure you'll agree that's it's acceptable for the worldnews mod team to delete enemy propaganda in times of war.

If the ISIS beheadings are OK with you

Quick, try to fit more words in my mouth.

it's acceptable for the worldnews mod team to delete enemy propaganda in times of war.

Wow. Do you even hear yourself?

I didn't think that was the standard for beheadings, but then again I have not been watching any of the videos that "ISIS" produces.

Are these the videos where the shot suddenly fades out right before the kill? Because in that case, it would make sense to "play-up" the incident as much as possible and show the executioner holding something like an old rusty saw, for the fear-factor (even if they don't actually end up using it).

I was under the impression that most beheadings were done by sword, and by a highly trained person as well.

I found this on wiki:

In 2003, Muhammad Saad al-Beshi, whom the BBC described as "Saudi Arabia's leading executioner", gave a rare interview to Arab News.[5] He described his first execution in 1998: "The criminal was tied and blindfolded. With one stroke of the sword I severed his head. It rolled metres away...People are amazed how fast [the sword] can separate the head from the body.

Well, love it or leave it was a famous slogan during the vietnam period. Many people fled to canada. But vatiations of the argument are as old as human societies. Some people choose to flee, some remain to fight for change, some achieve change only to invite others to leave if they dont like the new status quo.

Yep, here's the answer guysngals. One of the creators just put a post up about having no advertising, ever. Either way, cool site

It's far too bad that Voat has already been gamed by the worst of the redditirs.

Ironically this sub might provide the best alternatives.

well shit..

Try . sorry on bike or id hyperlink but youll be aight it's 6letters

Your name just gave me a stencil idea: "Google google" then a tiny wikileaks logo below

I agree, but at this point it's just slaying another head of the hydra. Same shit as when you see another CEO of a company go. The shareholders stay the same, so you can bet your ass the direction will stay the same too. It's really frustrating. I love reddit and the needless censoring and removal of opposition is pissing me off.


I try to hear out arguments that there's a conspiracy surrounding Reddit's CEO but all I ever get from it people being outright misogynistic and making unsubstantiated claims about the harassment policy.

I've followed this sub for a bit over a month and I'm pretty sure most of you are conspiritards. The rest of you that know what you're talking about should get your shit together and stop supporting comments like this. Your cause is fucked thanks to people like this.

If someone could point me in the direction of a sub that promotes alternative view points without the vitriol then please let me know.

We Will All Miss The Content You Submit to our community

Do you have this acrid & acidic response on cut/paste speed dial?

""The simple answer to your very stupid question is the fact is that the discussion in this comment thread is based on want she has to say, wherein I posted a video of the TED talk. By commenting on it without watching it you're polluting a decent conversation with shit. I'm not interested in a dialogue with you. You're at best a troll and at worst a person that actually believes the shit your saying, which resembles an adolescents take from the worst of cable news. If you want to espouse your banal and bigoted views then go fuck off into another part of the comments section to do that, where you can continue to stick your fingers in your ears and prattle on about 1-dimensional strawmen. You get a four out of ten for trolling with that shit-stain comment but a shit out of ten for adding anything of value to a platform that's normally conducive to edifying discussion.""

The above concerns Monica Lewinsky criticism

The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again

"Meet the new boss, Same as the old boss..."

It's irony