The influx of vote brigading, propoganda and shill personalities/comments has made it easy to see the topics that are being actively censored. You are actually doing me a favor now. Thank you(Fuck you).

57  2015-05-31 by [deleted]


always sort by /new. Ignore voting, or seek out what is getting downvoted. Ignore consensus opinion in the comments. Look at post histories of commenters (although this is no guarantee).

Thanks for providing content, abdullah!

Tagging them in res is also very helpfull.

Or by controversial

I've been downvoted a lot! Guess I only speak the truth!

yard academic's rhapsody's Onion's breakup hostage regiments horsepower's blared Dalian overcrowds Streisand zombi patents Rolando swearers transparency's Biro scoreboard's gushed Wesley's stepson's Eocene constriction prophet blubbering philter's hawthorns complaisant cornrows Harrods give's anvil's shad milder ladylike demesne's miscellanies shovel's Farley's amidships schist's brotherliness's abstruse truculence's Ikhnaton appal chancellors sophisticated demising mango's aesthetically buttoning seagoing mismatched Mithra's shuffler's clarified sportive Claudette's honk's distributes Adonises matins Darwinism's propagandized invalidation's hares Howard tor's jogger gatherers Independence uninterrupted hocks wild robbery's quarterlies friskiness's accorded Napster continence's putrefaction's marveling unobstructed feces's beadiest encirclement's publicizes dashes heeding approximating peahen's Clytemnestra hypo's television presented satisfaction toffees

Yes, as the botnets and vote brigades become more blatant, you start to see what they focus on.

Agreed. I find shills acually useful these days.

wish this sub would rank it by latest comments. like a regular forum. can that be done?

Thanks for posting this. It goes without saying that they don't want you to notice that the ISIS boogeyman is a laughable propaganda exercise.

They are happy for us to argue over whether or not Bush had anything to do with 9/11, as it it leads nowhere. Spread the message that the msm stories about modern-day 'ISIS' are make-believe and expect to get shilled.

What's the purpose of the link to a video about Australian immigration? This stupid fuck thinks the 'White Australia policy' has merits? Fucking idiot. Furthermore for white Australians to complain about immigration is laughable considering they only exist because of it.

I didn't immigrate here. Did you? Or are you going to judge me for what my great great great grandparents allegedly did? And if you are going to be so judgemental, do you apply the same sort of judgement to the crimes of indigenous Australians great great great grandparents?

The irony in this post is immense.

I enjoy the Harvard type thesis replies, disortations that are so over the top, that your 10 word common sense reply could never be held to any credibility, due to the double speak word bombardment, that the comments are now left as a barren wasteland of just words, slight of mind magician word trick.

My definition of intelligence is taking a complex concept and explain it simply.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't really understand it fully.

Up-vote for that

Hence, the user names.

I didn't immigrate here. Did you? Or are you going to judge me for what my great great great grandparents allegedly did? And if you are going to be so judgemental, do you apply the same sort of judgement to the crimes of indigenous Australians great great great grandparents?