I'm a 14 year old boy and this is for citizens of USA.

61  2015-06-01 by [deleted]

I'm writing today specifically to citizens of The United States of America.

For too long has your society rolled over to Oppressive implications such as the Patriot act. I may not know the full extent of US politics considering I am Irish but to me and the rest of Europe it is becoming blatantly obvious that you are living in a country (who's sole founding basis was liberty and freedom) that is built on oppression, fear and warmongering.

I am writing today to maybe convince some citizens to speak out or at least ask questions of your corrupt government that is run solely by corporations that can sway legislation in their favour.

Its ridiculous that some people listen to the likes of fox news and CNN who clearly follow the lead of the leaders. US media is propaganda and fear mongering on an epic scale.

Since 9/11 and the gulf wars you have been stripped of your liberty's and imprisoned for exposing some of the greatest injustices on the planet. For example a hero in my mind, Edward Snowdon exposed the hypocrisy of your governement , due to the NSA you have no privacy in your life. You might think "Who cares? I've done nothing wrong in my life" but the horrible truth is that your OWN country, your pride does not trust you enough that they have to imprison anybody who ever tried to bring change.

You might think I sound like a conspiracy nut, but if you're government is willing to experiment on its own people (Mk Ultra) or assassinate a president who tried to bring peace (JFK) are they really working for you?

Your once great country is becoming a prison for self expression and determination.

Edit: I appreciate the feed back but it amazes me how people are condescending me because of my age our generation is the future and people my age need to realise the flaws. People don't realise how discouraging this could be for other people and posters my age.


I'm mad as hell! And I'm not going to take it anymore!


Call J G Wentworth 877 CASH NOW!

Call Lowell "The Hammer" Stanley at 757-459-CASH.


Why is he so angryyy

Maybe he got screwed over for some money haha

We're all whores...in some way, Mr. Finklestein

We're all whores...in some way, Mr. Finklestein



Expect nothing and you'll be nobody. A well placed sense of pride is actually quite important kid.


You've got to set goals in order to be able to work your hardest to meet them. You can't simply work hard towards nothing, it makes no sense. So you naturally have some expectation as to what you want in/from life. There's nothing wrong with having that expectation. or some pride as well, as long as it's reasonable and mostly moral.

Expect what you and others deserve. Nothing more, nothing less.

Edit: whoops.

Everyone already knows this. The severity of it is just too much for most people to comprehend.

Alternate explanation you don't wanna hear.

We don't care. Not because we're lulled by TV or other distractions, but because it honestly has no practical impact on our day to day lives.

In that case you're just ignorant.

No sorry.

Nothing changed for me after the Patriot Act. Nothing will change now either. It just doesn't matter. At all.

Like finding out where I can buy good lumbar just incase I want to do some wood-working is of more practical importance to me.

Like I said, you're ignorant, and selfish too. Your grandchildren will want to know why you did nothing to stop what is happening, what will you tell them? "Sorry kids. Had to go get some lumber instead".

My kids will live a much better life than I do as has been the trend for quite some time.

Patriot Act and mass surveillance will be a historical foot note and not the build up to some ultra-military fascist state you imagine.

You simply don't understand the implications

You claim to be doing woodworking, but according to our tracking software you purchased fertilizer, and 3 months ago you bought stump remover, there is a chance you might be a dissident of the United States so you will now be put on the watch list, now all your key words are being thoroughly investigated

Also remember they are not just looking for terrorists they are also looking for people who speak out against war or the US, they are getting rid of the people who give a shit, so all thats left is people like you who don't give a shit, and you can do whatever you want to people like that, like doubling gas prices for example, or starting another war, if you don't give a shit about nsa surveillance then you won't give a shit about that, and that's what they want, a stockholm syndrome money generator that fuels the war machine


Actually it's not part of every day life for most Americans. They don't think about much at all. You see, when a Country is born, the doctors attach a mask to its face. The citizens of the new country and the rest of the world get to see the pretty mask and even get to pick what gets drawn on the mask. They make it very pretty, with lots of bells and whistles and distractions of all kinds. Meanwhile, the face behind the mask sets about the deadly business of providing for the consumptive nature of the Country. Karma is Karma, Sin is Sin... Bada-Bing-Bada-Boom, the hidden face becomes quite ugly with rotten fangs and all manners of physical perversion. Luckily we only see the mask.

You should find out who the doctors are and write them a letter.


The doctors may be thousands of years old. Wrap your noodle around that and you've begun to have the right mind-set to tackle the kind of problem we're faced with.


No. I don't understand %100 (or even 5%, lol) of what I'm referencing. I personally prefer to use a nebulous term to describe whatever foes MIGHT exist. That way when they're discovered, they can just be reverse woven into the narrative... The suffering on the planet is too obvious to not have a source, so I just assume the potentiality of the worst villain possible. Wizard, Doctors, Illuminati, Aliens, Whatever... They exist... Go start looking sonny. At the very worst, you'll be murdered by pederasts. At best, you'll save the planet. In between, is your mind's freedom. Kisses!

I think we can narrow the search to those behind the central banks because money rules the world; it runs the corporations, the governments, it orchestrates the wars, the false flags, the culture of consumerism and reality show/mainstream media mass hypnosis. Just look to who owns the central banks. It is the root of all that ails us. It is the viper's nest where mental slavery is hatched. To attack the problems of humanity, the head of the snake must be cut off. There is no use trying to write a letter appealing to their sense of humanity because they view themselves as a different and much superior species than us mere human beings. In their minds they are entitled to it all and we are only here to work in the world to keep them comfortable in their gated wonderland of opulence and greed. Greed's ugly twin is Power. You can find them in the secret societies and secret meetings, wearing crowns; you can find them behind the disappeared children and black-mailed authorities who hide their crimes for them. Their smoke screen is complete. They are hidden from direct view and immune to all the laws of all the courts and even those of basic human decency.

The only way to fight is to withdraw and refuse to engage in anything related to making it easier for them. Reject the status quo and be prepared to live a life of austerity since only those who play the game can get ahead. However, austerity and isolation is a small price to pay for full consciousness and freedom from the cradle to grave programming that keeps us all on the wheel going nowhere.

Our young Irishman's passion and concern is well-founded. However, he should not think for one second that this has nothing to do with his country. It is a global scourge and it began hundreds of years ago in Europe, before the america's were conquered. We are all in this thing together. When the owners finally have their one world order established, it will include his fair island and every other place on this big blue marble because where central banking takes hold, the soul of that country has been forsaken. The only ones left are Cuba, North Korea and Iran.

My money is on the elite pedo rings. It's my hope that some loose end unravels the whole game.

It's my best hope as well. Let's hope the public's outrage keeps this issue alive and in the mainstream media.

Who controls the leaders? Who controls the corporations? Write THEM a letter. Tell THEM you want to learn how to grow up to be like THEM. Gain their trust. Years later, in the night, when they're sleeping, drug their guards and blow the whole thing up... politically. (You may or may not get the joke)

I know you're 14, and you think you have everything figured out, but you posted this to a community that is already aware of what you're talking about. (Although it is nice to see a 14-yr-old able to figure this out.) The problem is our consumer culture. The powers-that-be use this to their advantage. The news and reality shows merge so that where one ends and the other begins becomes obscured. People in this country are fed an engineered dialogue that shapes their schemas, and leads them to attack those whose schemas are not the same as theirs. They internalize the bullshit, make it their own, and salute it as they salute the flag. They think they are being "American". They are just being morons. We live in a country of crooks and saps. The crooks are at the top, and the saps are down below. Then there are those like us who live in between. We hate the crooks for being crooks and the saps for being stupid. You come here and show us a way to overturn this embedded paradigm, and you will be a true hero. Until then, cut your condescending shit.

If I was as awake as this kid is at 14, I might have worked up the courage to do something about it by now. I think your defensiveness belies your feelings of impotence and fear. I can relate. But don't cut him down.

These kids are the revolution. They will rise up where we have backed off. I salute this young man, and I encourage him to be fearless.

@catlad2 Never back down. Never let anyone tell you you're too young to know better. Don't give an inch to the consumer society which enslaves you inch by inch. Rebel.

Thanks for the advice, I have no intention of ever selling my sole and freedom to leaders who don't represent the interests of my fellow people.


Good luck! Although Ireland is a hero of mine and I have my doubts about Snowden, Europe has her share of corruption and propaganda.

Quick question since you're young and Irish and I only heard this yarn yesterday... Have you ever heard that the Tuatha Dé Danann were pygmies, further, that St. Patrick chased these egalitarians from Ireland?

A fellow redditor sent me into this rabbit hole yesterday after I made public my realization that people today hunt, enslave, and cannabilize egalitarian pygmies in Africa.

Makes me want to get on a boat to Africa...

Oh, and we don't sell out. We're bought at birth from our parents by the state. We are property.

Still, its value>values.

So you are saying that the reason you aren't a revolutionary fighter is because you didn't get a quick enough start? Good thing he will take the lead for you, it'd be a shame if this status quo stayed in effect because of your scheduling conflict and bad timing.

Seriously, though, what a cop out. This kid is just parroting back the same tired tropes that everyone has heard a thousand times, and I think it's pretty presumptuous of him to act as an expert on US policy when he is a fourteen year old on the other side of the planet.

Why even bother coming here to say the most trivial "revelations" and preach to the choir? It's just kind of trite IMO.

It doesn't take an expert to know who spends more on military aggression than the rest of the world combined. It doesn't take an expert to see where rapacious consumerism that treats people as commodities largely originates.

It doesn't take an expert, and yet I was brainwashed for the majority of my life. I have no way of knowing whether or how he will act on his beliefs, so I support him for the sake of it.


Attitudes like yours cause the problems

So I, who has been criticised more times than I can count, who has been left blue-in-the-face and livid at the inability for my fellow countrymen to wake up, who has spent the bulk of my life trying to get others to see the truth--I am the problem? Why don't you leave your cozy little country with a population half as big as the state I live in and show us how to do it, little man. You have a good, basic insight, but that's where it ends. I don't feel helpless, I just don't give a shit anymore. You don't know what it's like, and you're certainly too young to be passing any type of judgement as you did in your comment. So why don't you have some nice soda bread and butter and go back to your cartoons.

Edit: When you get older, you'll realize the only person you can change is yourself. And even that is hard.

That's funny; OP is basically doing the exact same thing that every submitter on this sub is doing. But because he mentioned his age he's getting belittled.

Tell the people who invented technologies and protocols single-handedly that they can only change themselves and no one else. Patronizing and being condescending to someone is never justified. If you don't give a shit anymore then why are you in this sub? Clearly you do.

Hear, hear

In your first comment you said to "cut your condescending shit" the irony.

Such irony


Wow what a dick. I suppose we should all shut up. Who's the oldest poster on here? I suppose should only listen to them.

"I'm older than you so I'm right"

I'm twice your fucking age and can hand you your nuts in the bat of an eyelid.

Is that condescending enough for you?

And a fine use of a topical screen name indeed! Bully good sir, bully indeed!

And also what has age got to with it? As far as I'm concerned I could have a better insight than people twice as old as me


You haven't a clue what kind of situations and experiences I've had to bring me to these conclusions. Also somebody who's young and sharp could ever well have a higher IQ than you. IQ doesn't mean you're full of experiences!

How about the fact that your post gave away your (approximate) age all by itself? Does that help suggest you're full of experiences?

this is also a platform for debate and ideas

Watch out kid. He's GROOMING you. You've been warned. Best to ignore.


I have every right to talk about politics, just because I wasn't alive during some important events doesn't mean I am not educated about it. Its like telling somebody who has a great understanding of Nazi Germany that they have no right to talk about it. Your comments about Ireland are bullshit, we are one of the most liberal society's in the world as evidenced by the recent legalisation of Gay marriage. If I had a concern about my country I could go down to the local fine Gael office and voice my concerns and I would be listened to as I have been before.

We also have a very high level of freedom of speech, it would be an outrage if anybody got arrested for speaking out. Do not talk about a small country that you have no idea about and try not to use stereotypes from the 80s/90s that were put in place by the now hated Catholic Church.

I'd really question if Ireland is "one of the most liberal societies in the world". Your country is still very racist too. Tell me this: do you even know anyone who is non-white?



It would appear you are suffering from privilege envy. Your inner city upbringing is nothing to be ashamed of.


Not you son. Our Asian imposter.

He lives on an island off the coast of another island off the coast of Western Fucking Europe. That doesn't make his country racist, just because it is by definition as far from dark people as you can get.

EDIT: I salute Ireland for it resisting centuries of Imperial Cultural Genocide at the hands of the English. May the people of Ireland (and Scotland for that matter) bring light to the world, and bring shame and embarrassment to their masters for the evil they have done.


Eire go brach!

You seem like a brilliant mother fucker. In my opinion, most people are aware of how corrupt our government is..it's just damn near impossible to get big media to talk about it. For example, Jesse Venture is a god at calling out the government. But when he happens to make it on a talk show, he's made out to be some sort of crazy nut. Keep up what you're doing my man, maybe an Irishman can make a difference.

kid, we can speak out, but they will not listen to us.

We can ask questions, but they will not answer them.

The US is largely controlled by people living in the UK, Israel, and the EU. The US does not act in its own interest, but in the interests of these other groups. The US is a colony.

You, as an Irishman, should understand about the effect of the UK on other countries, and the role of the international banks in the City on how other countries act.

The US does not work for us and is not designed to do so.

You're preaching to the choir, son.

Exactly, so join in the circlejerk as intended.

"I'm 14 and let me tell you something you already know"


You have any suggestions?


"Try"...meaning what exactly?

Smashing keys on reddit ofc, that's what you guys do.

You have any suggestions?

It makes me sad when someone like /u/catlad2 makes a thoughtful post calling for action against the US gov and media for being corrupt and oppressive, and instead of being supported by by this community that should better than anyone just how true that is, he gets people cutting him down and saying "you're too young to comment on politics" or "you should worry about your own country" and so on. That makes me sick. We need people like this kid to call others to action. It doesn't matter what country he's from. All too often I feel like people on this sub want to talk about corruption and oppression but when someone calls them out and asks them to actually do something about it or stand up for something they throw a temper tantrum and start attacking the people they should be supporting. It especially annoys me that people are harping on the OP because of his age, I mean grow up people. Everyone is welcome here. we need to stop being so jaded and cynical here if we want to continue to grow the community.

Your points are valid, but you're probably going to have a lot of people criticize your grammar and spelling skills. It's imperative that when you write a message directed at a nation, your spelling and grammar is immaculate. I'm referring to misuse of "you're", " its", etc. Nothing that takes away from your message, but something that will cause people to not take it as seriously as you want them to.

If you discount missing commas and capitalization, I counted four errors...could be better, but still beats the pants off of a lot of adults around here. ;)

ITT: I'm 14 and what is this

All this coming from a the shining beacon of equality and freedom of Europe. You're really preaching to the choir here dude. You should put this in /r/politics or better, /r/conservative.

Yeah put it in /r/conservative I think you will enjoy the response. Those dudes are nuts. I would but my work net traffic screen labels it a hate speech page.

I mean, wether you are really 14 or some 50 year old, the message still rings true. I cannot say I was worried about much beyond my small community and a few girls when I was 14. Let alone wrestling with these concepts enough to bother getting on a soapbox to a misunderstood community with already confirmed similar views. You are on the right path, don't let it get perverted and twisted into something negative. I implore you to consider trying to give the same statement to different threads and let us know how well received it is. The point is getting the message out, is it not?


Good luck on both! Brace yourself on the other threads, I think the main thing that will help you is the fact that you're only 14. So maybe they will listen without trolling you into oblivion. It's hard to suggest these things when entire communities are so indoctrinated into believing what they are told by media, that they are willing to fight for it.


True, but they may go easier on you. I know I would if that was the case. Keep us updated!

This is a dangerous game OP is playing. We, Europeans, shouldn't criticize how poorly US citizens handle their government since we cannot handle ours, we must keep that in mind. Forget about them kid, we have much to do here in the EU ( no offense towards US people ). Best thing to do is not paying attention to govs. We must organize ourselves locally, out of their reach. Once small, yet strong, communities will have grown, we will start building larger ones again.


Stop belly aching and just spend the next 14 years getting into positions of power and influence.

If everyone who had enough financial independence did this then within a decade or two we could topple corporations and governments with relative ease.

Until people wake and realise they are the power, it ain't gonna happen.


Be an educator (doesn't have to mean school teacher). Teach people how to live without the chains luxuries of capitalism. Revolution will happen in time but likely because people are no longer getting access to goods they need, not because of the minority voice of the masses. Look into the Venus Project I'm hoping it's humanity's future.

It's OK, I don't mind them sifting through my 1000's of up close pics of my hairy gooch. It'll give the agents nightmares they'd never expect to have...

This is a re-post. Including some of the comments.

They must be free they have guns!


One needs to look back at our founding fathers. George Washington was a freemason, Jefferson wrote that all men were created equal while owning slaves and having children with his owned slaves. The answer my friends is freemasonry in all of its veiled forms, elk lodges, rotary clubs, shriners. They all act so formal and righteous on the outside yet are corrupt to the core on the inside. The suffering these folks have caused the entire planet is overwhelming. They worship the sun and have made heliocentrics out of most all of us. The reality is geocentrism, the sun moon and stars rotate around us. At first you may laugh snicker or name call but this is the biggest conspiracy the planet faces. Instead of Ronald Reagan stating what would humanity do if there were an outside threat I say impossible the threat is internal it is in our minds, it is in the buildings (look for the upside down pentagram where the Whitehouse was built by freemasons. They worship Lucifer, the sun and have been able to sway the world into thinking so as well. You are not a worthless human on a dust speck spinning around another tiny star in a galaxy of stars. It is just us under the dome with everything rotating around us.

Nay, oh Irish brother... our country is now built on GREED, which usually incorporates the methods of oppression, fear and warmongering.

Step back a second and look at the whole picture. Be careful of how you interpret it, it's MUCH larger than you can imagine.


used to be... the source is now worldwide. Right there lurking in your own backyard too.

you can never have peace, freedom, liberty in a society structured on competition and domination. This means all capitalist societies, Ireland including. If you look at all capitalist countries, the tyranny is rising in every one of the 200 countries that are capitalist yearly, this is not just some random luck.

The only exception is iceland, when they overthrew their government, their banking officials and reset the economy... but being capitalist, if they keep promoting values that are based on competition and domination it is only a matter of time before they find themselves in the same place they were previous to their government overthrow until their rid themselves of the environment, Americans being on that same boat.

Someone who was trying to offer you a contrasting perspective might say...

Sometimes living as a sheep on the nice farm beats living as a sheep in the wild, even if the farmer has a dirty habit.

young american chiming in.

Trust me any person that does his own research will come to the same conclusion as you. But when you try to make a change such as contacting legislature and local government your plea will fall on deaf ears. You see these men we elect are not people that we elect at all. They are all paid government pricks that have bought, fought and done terrible things to get to the place of power they are now. No conventional peaceful method has worked. As you can see in the news some people are becoming fed up with this. As are most of the people I associate with. Trust me it wont last much longer. History has a funny way of repeating itself. What happened in 1775 may be what we are heading towards again. Except less muskets and less leadership. I think it will be an all out riot instead of a revolution.


Numbers don't mean anything, unless, you are referring to the almighty dollar.

You have a point about our government, but be careful pointing blame. Europeans are just as responsible as we are. Yes it's America that perpetuates these wars, but it is also your countries that gave America, and continue to allow it to completely dominate the EU agenda.

If Europeans could end their ECB, I can guarantee you that would mobilize US citizens to do the same thing, and vice versa. Europe and America's destiny are the same here, the oligarchs are going to end the American empire soon, and following a terrible war. Will replace it with a Chinese and Russian empire, if not an entire world government.

Focus on organizing and inspiring people. Instead of pointing fingers.

That being said, you're a very enlightened, wise, and well informed 12 year old. Keep up the great work!

Tell black people our basis was liberty and freedom.

We were founded on being annoyed at paying taxes.

The self awareness is palpable.

yeah dude its too fucked at this point. our peak is past. our elected officials don't actually run anything. for as horrible as we are, every countries citizens need to wake up. for example, the business tax is ireland allows tons of companies, many american, to skimp on paying taxes in their home countries.

A lot of these responses sound like people wanting to call you "son" or people wanting to tell you to fuck off, blah blah. One of the best things about the internet is that you don't have to be a 14 year old Irish male. You can be an anonymous individual who deserves the same respect that you give to others, and a chance to voice your ideas and questions, in an open forum based on the sharing of information(knowledge). Don't mind the dickheads or the detractors.

I talk to a shit ton of people from different walks of life, and what you are talking about is not as simple as the People of the United States fixing a mistake. We are ALL under the control of a system that is not bound by national borders. It operates on a global scale, shifting in certain areas to better exploit local populations, resources, legal and monetary systems, etc.

This system cannot be changed "from the inside" or by direct confrontation. There are people in the U.S. (many, despite how it may seem) who see that their parents were sold a lie, and that only a complete dissolving of this corrupt system is the solution, but it cannot be done overnight.

You must educate yourself and keep high spirits, and reach out to others. Focus your mind and skills and inspire others to do the same, while those actions weaken the system exponentially. When the system becomes weak enough because we no longer give it money, let it feed us, or tell us what we can or cannot do or learn, it will lash out like a drowning monster, and attempt to take us all with it. All we have to do is let it drown and not succumb to its grasp. Just keep learning and be kind to others. Network with intelligent free thinkers who do not bow before ignorance and "power". Whether the system lives or dies, things are going to get a fuckload worse than they are right now before they get better. Many people will be murdered, starved, poisoned, and worse. Just make sure that you and your friends are there to build a good version of the world when this one comes crashing down.

I am in between your generation and the one that bought the big lie that secured the current chaos America is serving the world, and I have been on file since I was 15. There are lots of people here who know what the time is and are not giving up. the world will be a very different place when you turn 18, so hang tight!

holy shit

For every one American trying to spread the same message, there are 12 that want him or her to sit down, shut up, and strap on a television screen so that they will CONFORM and stop disrupting their belief in a pantheon of easily derided myths about their culture.

It's already too late. America is dead.

I do not believe that.

And you know why?

Because I promise your biggest exposure to Americans is through AMERICAN MEDIA. 2/3rds of Americans know quite well the Media lies, so should you.


If you don't believe America is dead, take a look at the puppets up for presidential election. Every single one of them is saying things that would have been deemed unacceptable last cycle, but they're all blowing with the wind for 2016. Because the most important thing is to get elected, NOT actually govern.

And now that I say that, you're right. I'm reminded that reddit's /r/conspiracy represents AT BEST 3% of reddit. And reddit represents AT BEST 10% of the American public. So this place is hardly a gauge of American opinion. Much to the benefit of our class "betters".

The doctors may be thousands of years old. Wrap your noodle around that and you've begun to have the right mind-set to tackle the kind of problem we're faced with.

Who controls the leaders? Who controls the corporations? Write THEM a letter. Tell THEM you want to learn how to grow up to be like THEM. Gain their trust. Years later, in the night, when they're sleeping, drug their guards and blow the whole thing up... politically. (You may or may not get the joke)

My money is on the elite pedo rings. It's my hope that some loose end unravels the whole game.

We're all whores...in some way, Mr. Finklestein

We're all whores...in some way, Mr. Finklestein