Vince Vaughn Speaks Out on Snowden, The Patriot Act, and the 2nd Amendment.

186  2015-06-01 by [deleted]

Found this today;

Highlights of the article are these quotes from Vince Vaughn;

“Edward Snowden is a hero. I like what he did. My idea of treason is that you sell secrets to the enemy. He gave information to the American people. Snowden didn’t take information for money or dogmas. Governments claim to write endless laws to protect us, a law for this, a law for that, but are they working? I don’t think so. The consequences are that there is a staggering loss of freedom for the individual."

And his opinions on gun control and school shootings are sure to turn a few heads in Hollywood.

I support people having a gun in public full stop, not just in your home. We don’t have the right to bear arms because of burglars; we have the right to bear arms to resist the supreme power of a corrupt and abusive government…

…It’s well known that the greatest defence against an intruder is the sound of a gun hammer being pulled back. All these gun shootings that have gone down in America since 1950, only one or maybe two have happened in non-gun-free zones. Take mass shootings. They’ve only happened in places that don’t allow guns…

…You think the politicians that run my country and your country don’t have guns in the schools their kids go to? They do. And we should be allowed the same rights. Banning guns is like banning forks in an attempt to stop making people fat. Taking away guns, taking away drugs, the booze, it won’t rid the world of criminality.


He is so money and he doesn't even know it.

oh he knows it, baby..

 Banning guns is like banning forks in an attempt to stop making people fat. 

Couldn't have said it any better myself.

Hi, I'm from Australia, we banned guns..... It worked.

It worked.

Please elaborate.

Didn't Australia just have a hostage situation where people were shot and killed? Oh yeah, they did.

how many people died there? how many people died in the 5 or so mass shootings america has had in the last month. case and point. also how many shootings have occurred in the last year in australia? compare that to america. and please don't say it has anything to do with population size.

Australia crime rate went up after gun ban. Americas crime rate has never been lower.

Take your ignorant, brainwashed, un-armed and un-able to protect yourselves ass and go away. I can link hundreds of articles about "mass" killings from every country in the world.

Maybe that's true where you live but here on Earth guns are not banned in Australia. Private citizens are allowed to possess guns but there is a lot of regulation. Should we all assume there are zero people that hunt in your fantasy Australia? What about invasive species of animals? Do they get the electric chair or something?

Hahaha good joke. Tell me another one.

Yup, no more staged anti-gun events, amirite ?

Yeah, but I'm pretty sure prisoners aren't allowed guns in prison anyways, right? kek

Right, the Sydney Siege was a perfect example of how gun control works. I am willing to bet that not very many criminals showed up to turn in their already illegal guns when you guys passed that new law, did they?

Maybe it's more akin to bringing the US in line with the rest of the modern world. It's hard to argue with gun related death stats across Europe and Japan.

kin to bringing the US in line with the rest of the modern world. It's hard to argue with gun related death stats across Europe and Japan.

You missed the entire point of the Vinnie's comparison. You take away the gun, the criminal is still going to find a way to assault someone, e.g. knife, other deadly weapon. Take away the fork, and fatty maggo will start eating her steak with his/her hands.


it was , but i should have spelled it magoo

No. It's a lot harder to take off a theater full of people with a knife.

so they just use a bomb. quit blaming the tool for the actions of the idiot.

Please, show me statistics to back this up. A homemade bomb has a significantly different usability profile from a handgun.

statistics? are you seriously saying it would be more difficult to take out a theater of people with a bomb than by using a handgun?

go away kid, you bother me.

I'm saying show me countries with gun restrictions that have a proportionate rise in bombing issues. It's not my fault your opinion isn't backed up by reality.

No, instead you see handgun bans causing rises in other crimes. If I wasn't at work I could sit here and find the lot of collegiate and profesional studies that support this.

Why, like so many brainwashed liberals, are you hyperfocused on mass shootings instead of the day to day assaults? Despicable.

What an awkwardly worded insult.

Nice cop out bub.

Would you like to argue death by knife, or fist instead? I am sure England has plenty to talk about in regards to knife deaths.

You're article compares the US to the USSR. Have you considered that maybe there is more at play in such a volatile country?

EDIT: I forgot what subreddit I was in. I didn't realize this was a circlejerk.

I am article?

You are getting down voted but you are entirely correct.

So come on down to Speaker City! We sell guns now too!

Good for him.. he will be missed.

That would totally legitimize everything he just said if they were to kill him. He would go down as a martyr for Freedom and Liberty if they killed him now. They can't have that, trust me. It won't help them at all.

They don't need to kill him, they just need to dig up some blackmail material on the guy and make it public.

Good point.

Ya, killing people is too messy and draws to much attention. In the event someone wants to shut him up, they wouldn't even need to dig anything up. Just unleash a sexual harassment allegation. Don't even need to have any real evidence nowadays to make those stick.

He may miss his career. I'm sure he has plenty of dough though.

Vince Vaughn sure sounds like a domestic extremist if you ask me. These ideas of Freedom and Liberty should be banned in the new "Safe" America if you ask me. /s

He is half Arab though, no joke

So you discount everything he said because he's half Arab? Sounds pretty racist if you ask me.


I was being facetious. I'm an Arab myself.

HEY! That's not racist! If FOX News has taught me anything, it's that Middle Easterners have a genetic predisposition to suicide bombing the western world. /s

Don't Randy Marsh Sarcastaball us. Queen Ellen and company will take it seriously.

vince is a long time libertarian...a true rarity in show business

Thank fucking christ we got Vince Vaughn's opinion on everything.

P.S. Where the fuck is Ja Rule?

dammit. Came here just to make that comparison. Should've known I'm not a unique snowflake.

Vince to have Rosie O'Donnell's career in 5..4..3..2 ....

You're article compares the US to the USSR. Have you considered that maybe there is more at play in such a volatile country?

EDIT: I forgot what subreddit I was in. I didn't realize this was a circlejerk.

He is half Arab though, no joke

Don't Randy Marsh Sarcastaball us. Queen Ellen and company will take it seriously.

No, instead you see handgun bans causing rises in other crimes. If I wasn't at work I could sit here and find the lot of collegiate and profesional studies that support this.