What are some common conspiracy theories that you think are actually false (where you think there is no conspiracy)

5  2015-06-05 by [deleted]

I'm not trying to bash any of them, but just curious


Flat earth is a joke

I can entertain and read about conspiracy theories I don't believe, but this one I can't even begin to fathom.

The other day on The Conspiracy Show with Richard Syrett, they had a Flat Earther on, and holy shit was that guy ever smug for someone who believes the earth is flat. Even Richard, who always goes along with whatever his guest is discussing, could barely keep his contempt hidden.

Aliens in government, Alien abductions, Nibiru and not going to the moon.

Aliens are a conspiracy in that the amount of material produced to make them appear to be in government, or abducting people requires a conspiracy. Quite telling is that the Disclosure Project is funded by our good friends, the Rockefellers (http://isgp.nl/Disclosure_Project_Steven_Greer_archive lots of other sources, not a secret).

Yeah I don't get the alien thing. We have incidents but nothing that makes sense.

While I'm sure there is life out there (space is pretty big) and I'm even willing to believe that some other civilization could have visited before, or will in the future - yeah, I don't get the government thing. Or believing that Nibiru is creeping up on is like a ninja. I don't get it.

Also I don't know if it qualifies, but I also don't believe in "the" big bang (singular). I believe there could have been multiple. If it happened once it could happen twice or three times. Like I said, space is big. No matter how colossally huge the big bang was, if you're far enough away you wouldn't even see it. We also presuppose that it was the first. What if it was the 2nd? Or 200th? What if they're was eons in between? There's so many questions that hubris will never let us get to in any serious fashion.

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Believe nothing the CIA says, ever. Every single thing they release is a strategic release with an underlying motive.

Do you think there are American agents in foreign governments?

It would be foolish to believe otherwise given history. That's pretty much the goal of all intelligence agencies globally.

Do you not?

flat earth, hollow earth, lizard people, and fucking Holocaust denial

I've seen thought-compelling demonstrations with the p and s waves in earthquakes and the earths inner composition. I'll see if i can find it. Not that I'm trying to change your opinion. I don't even believe that. . I am just a firm believe in looking at decent material on these topics.

the no planes theory, it's divide and conquere


The lizard narrative is actually quite an interesting theory when you go back to it's origins.

I don't believe it, but it is one of my favourite alt. theories on how humans came to be.

The entire theory that the Twin Towers was brought down by planted explosive charges is completely absurd. I believe it has been salted through the Internet to distract attention away from the true conspiracy of 9-11, which is that it was planned by Israel and paid for by Saudi Arabia.

Building 7?

what about all the evidence to the contrary?

Hitler didn't die at the end of WWII and he left Nazi Germany alive and went to South America.

I believe the recent youtube videos are an elaborate hoax. One hell of a forgery, very well done, but still a hoax.

noplanes judywood all the obvious disinfo

Flat earth, Chemtrails (please don't bite my head off), "Jews" being a central evil force, Judy Wood/noplane/energy weapons, obsessing over holocaust denial/revisionism, anything where heavy speculation of "it didn't happen/crisis actors" sets off BS detectors a bit, although less than the previous. I truly think a large percentage of conspiracy topics are deliberate black propoganda/disinformation for obvious reasons. Still also skeptical about "vaccines" being totally malevolent, although you certainly won't catch me getting any seasonal shots for 5$ at Walgreens...

EDIT: Adding to the list Aliens/UFO stuff, at this point, what is the point?

the 9/11 Conspiracy: Basically the whole thing. If you take a logical look at it, theres simply no way the government would be able to do controlled demolition on all the buildings, no point in using a cruise missile over a plane, and just about every other point that is made about it can be debunked by logic, and just about all can be debunked by science.

Think of it this way, if it was used to justify the use of mass surveillance, force the invasions of Iraq/Afghanistan, wouldn't it be better to use a WMD such as a small nuke/chemical weapon rather than concealing the planes, missiles, controlled demolitions, and reporting aspects to all major new networks?

Edit: For the record: Just about all of the points of 9/11 HAVE been debunked, from controlled demolitions to steel beams to the "Cruise missile" that hit the pentagon.

Further edit: if you take it a look at it, THE CONSPIRACY ITSELF IS MORE OF A SCAM! Seriously, These "Trutheres" have made up SO MUCH PURE SHIT, 99% of it turns out to be bad photo-shops or entirely false. They all release these "documentaries" that spread the "Truth", but THEY ARE MAKING MONEY OFF OF THIS.

Yes there is sketchy things about the 9/11 conspiracy, but most of them have been disproved, Including WTC 7 which collapsed due to fire damage that was not shown in many of the conspiracy theorists videos.

Lol fool.

How so? Its exponential easier to use a conventional weapon or WMD than to create a false story for multiple planes and buildings, falsify evidence, plant bombs, control media, and keep the dozens of people quiet in this MASSIVE effort.

It just makes A LOT more sense than any theory you guys have.