Proof against the Flat Earth theory.

3  2015-06-10 by no1113

I found the following experiment, and at this juncture issue a direct challenge to any and every flat Earth proponent to account for their theory in light of what the videos show.

Video 1

Video 2

It is important to go through the videos, however, and synch both of them up properly so that you can see what's being talked about.

The only manner that the Earth ISN'T spherical is if the creators of the videos got together and decided to flat out lie and be big trolls - and all one has to do is apply Occam's razor to realize that the likelihood of this is negligible.

Can we then put this flat Earth trolling aside now?


Vsauce made a video too

Very, very fascinating video. Thanks much for linking it.


Below is a response to that video that I gave in another thread. If you let this video dead end you on the topic you will never know the truth about anything. It has some clear problems including arguing against points that no legitimate proponent of flat earth would make.

vsauce(the author of the video) has a clear corporate education agenda.

It starts off talking about gravity. Below are not my own words, but are from here:

As for gravity, it does not exist. If you fill a balloon with helium, a substance lighter than the nitrogen, oxygen and other elements which compose the air around it, the balloon will immediately fly upwards. If you fill a balloon with hydrogen, a substance even lighter than helium, the balloon will fly upwards even faster. If you blow a dandelion seed out of your hands, a substance just barely heavier than the air, it will float away and slowly but eventually fall to the ground. And if you drop an anvil from your hands, something much heavier than the air, it will quickly and directly fall straight to the ground. Now, this has absolutely nothing to do with “gravity.” The fact that light things rise up and heavy things fall down is simply a natural property of weight. That is very different from “gravity.” Gravity is a hypothetical magnetic-like force possessed by large masses which Isaac Newton needed to help explain the heliocentric theory of the universe.

Now, even if gravity did exist, why would it cause both planets to orbit the Sun and people to stick to the Earth? Gravity should either cause people to float in suspended circular orbits around the Earth, or it should cause the Earth to be pulled and crash into the Sun! What sort of magic is “gravity” that it can glue people’s feet to the ball-Earth, while causing Earth itself to revolve ellipses round the Sun? The two effects are very different yet the same cause is attributed to both.

“Take the case of a shot propelled from a cannon. By the force of the explosion and the influence of the reputed action of gravitation, the shot forms a parabolic curve, and finally falls to the earth. Here we may ask, why - if the forces are the same, viz., direct impulse and gravitation - does not the shot form an orbit like that of a planet, and revolve round the earth? The Newtonian may reply, because the impulse which propelled the shot is temporary; and the impulse which propelled the planet is permanent. Precisely so; but why is the impulse permanent in the case of the planet revolving round the sun? What is the cause of this permanence?” -N. Crossland, “New Principia”

“If the sun is pulling with such power at the earth and all her sister planets, why do they not fall down upon him?” -A. Giberne, “Sun, Moon, and Stars” (27)

Furthermore, this magnetic-like attraction of massive objects gravity is purported to have can be found nowhere in the natural world. There is no example in nature of a massive sphere or any other shaped-object which by virtue of its mass alone causes smaller objects to stick to or orbit around it! There is nothing on Earth massive enough that it can be shown to cause even a dust-bunny to stick to or orbit around it! Try spinning a wet tennis ball or any other spherical object with smaller things placed on its surface and you will find that everything falls or flies off, and nothing sticks to or orbits it. To claim the existence of a physical “law” without a single practical evidential example is hearsay, not science.

“That bodies in some instances are seen to approach each other is a fact; but that their mutual approach is due to an ‘ attraction,’ or pulling process, on the part of these bodies, is, after all, a mere theory. Hypotheses may be sometimes admissible, but when they are invented to support other hypotheses, they are not only to be doubted but discredited and discarded. The hypothesis of a universal force called Gravitation is based upon, and was indeed invented with a view to support another hypothesis, namely, that the earth and sea together make up a vast globe, whirling away through space, and therefore needing some force or forces to guide it in its mad career, and so control it as to make it conform to what is called its annual orbit round the sun! The theory first of all makes the earth to be a globe; then not a perfect globe, but an oblate spheroid, flattened at the ‘poles’; then more oblate, until it was in danger of becoming so flattened that it would be like a cheese; and, passing over minor variations of form, we are finally told that the earth is pear-shaped, and that the ‘elipsoid has been replaced by an apoid!’ What shape it may assume next we cannot tell; it will depend upon the whim or fancy of some astute and speculating ‘scientist.’” -Lady Blount and Albert Smith, “Zetetic Astronomy” (14)

How is it that “gravity” is so strong that it can hold all the oceans, buildings and people stuck to the under-side of the ball-Earth, but so weak that it allows birds, bugs, smoke, and balloons to casually evade its grips completely!? How is it that “gravity” holds our bodies clung to the under-side of the ball-Earth, but yet we can easily raise our legs and arms, walk or jump and feel no such constant downward pulling force? How is it that “gravity” can cause planets to revolve elliptical orbits around a single center of attraction? Ellipses by nature require two foci, and the force of gravitation would have to regularly increase and decrease to keep planets in constant orbit and prevent pulling them into direct collision courses!

Next part it assumes some things about the earth. Like it is shaped like a plate. We have no idea what is below the ground. The deepest we have drilled is about 12km down. There is no public knowledge about what lies more that a bit past the edge of Antarctica. It could keep on going flat forever for all we know.

Next is Verrazano bridge. I do not have specific information about this bridge. This post has discussion of engineering projects as related to the shape of the earth:

Eratothenos: The Eratosthenes shadow experiment is assuming the Sun is 93 million miles away with light rays all coming in at the same angle, but they do not. The Sun's rays disperse from a center-point above the clouds which has been measured with sextants to be between 700-3000 miles away, NOT 93 million.

THIS PART IS IMPORTANT. The next thing he shows is the webpage for the Flat Earth Society. This is disinformation. This site exists solely to make this issue seem silly and dead end you on it. It is no mistake that he is sending you there. If you want information that isnt nonsense, try here:

Next up is lunar eclipse. The earth blocking the sun is not what causes lunar eclipses since they can occur when the sun is still visible in the sky. As early as the time of Pliny, there are records of lunar eclipses happening while both the Sun and Moon are visible in the sky. The Greenwich Royal Observatory recorded that “during the lunar eclipses of July 17th, 1590, November 3rd, 1648, June 16th, 1666, and May 26th, 1668 the moon rose eclipsed whilst the sun was still above the horizon.” McCulluch’s Geography recorded that “on September 20th, 1717 and April 20th, 1837 the moon appeared to rise eclipsed before the sun had set.” Sir Henry Holland also noted in his “Recollections of Past Life” the April 20th, 1837 phenomena where “the moon rose eclipsed before the sun set.” The Daily Telegraph recorded it happening again on January 17th, 1870, then again in July of the same year, and it continues to happen during lunar eclipses to this day. Therefore the eclipsor of the Moon cannot be the Earth/Earth's shadow and another explanation must be sought. What actually causes lunar eclipses, I am not sure. There is some speculation that there is a third celestial body in the sky, but I don't know.

Next up is a key lie that is told by flat earth disinformation agents. They say that flat earth proponents claim the earth is accelerating upwards at 9.8 m/s2. The only people who make that claim are people aiming to make it look silly.

Shots from space/NASA is a whole other topic. Google "photo of earth" and see what you get.

This is one of the stupidest things I've ever read

I'm glad I didn't bother.


You have a very fundamental misunderstanding of physics and orbit.

I like how all your stuff is just Argument from Ignorance. Makes it easier to tell that you're just trolling instead of being serious.

You need to go back to elementary school. You fundamentally fail to understand every single topic you are speaking about.


I didn't get past the 'gravity doesn't exist' part, because there's too many things that just aren't true. If you'd like, I can explain the physics and even show you EXACTLY how some things orbit while others fall, using one formula and the Python programming language.

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I like the way you continue to ask questions without officially taking one side or the other. The surest way to finding the truth, in my opinion.

I encourage everyone to examine the post history of the two users who replied to this comment.

I encourage you to get your shit together and stop believing the Earth is flat.

This isn't minecraft.

I encourage everyone to ignore my logical fallacies and go on a wild goose chase instead.


But not look through your own? You're incredibly ignorant, and you're own post history is great evidence of that.

Piece of horse.

It's funny that every time flat earth threads get created by people who don't believe in the flat earth theory, the only comments you see in the thread are about how "it's disinfo" and it's all "people from top minds with a bunch of alt accounts." They're telling us to our faces that they are the ones being the assholes towards us.

/u/ChangeThroughTruth I hopped in the thread because these posters keep claiming that no proponents of the theory are here responding. I saw /u/anon108's link and /u/no1113's comment about how the video was fascinating, so I clicked to watch it. I immediately noticed that this guy was painting a very convoluted picture of the flat earth theory. Just like you, I could tell that he was being disingenuous and even I'll admit that what he was saying about flat earth was a load of BS. I was about to leave when I noticed that someone else had contributed to the discussion, but that it was 5 below 0. When I saw that it was you and I knew that I liked your honest approach to the topic, regardless of what details you believe, I was thrilled to see that you took the time to respond thoroughly to each point that the gentleman in the video was making. How the hell could your comment be at -5 when your argument is so well-prepared? Then I notice the top comment by /u/Project_Pickle with 27 upvotes for mentioning that its "one of the stupidest things I've ever read." Yeah, too stupid to offer any rebuttal, right Pickle?

Thanks. As I'm sure you are aware, Reddit voting isn't very often used for it's intended purpose of increasing the visibility of comments that contribute to the discussion. Usually it ends up being upvotes for comments you agree with, downvotes for those you don't.

I can understand the thinking that flat earth is intended to discredit conspiracy theorists in general. On the surface, that is a plausible theory. However, I think too many people reach that conclusion without taking a real look at the evidence. It's difficult to know what percentage of the downvotes and aggressive, contentless comments come from genuine people and how many are from those with a hidden agenda. Hive mind works here just as it does in other places. It takes real trust in your own ability to reason to consider an idea when all your peers are mocking and punishing you for it.

It was an easier thing to defend before humans could just go up in an airplane and see the curve of the earth for themselves.

"But the curve doesn't exist!! You're not really seeing it!"

I've read this counterargument from them before.

Roflmao. Look at how much this has triggered so many. If we were just crazy, you'd all downvote and move on, like the other nonsense shitposts that flood this subreddit regularly. I invite everyone readying this to check out my Flat Earth Primer and see what the fuss is all about from someone who actually believes it, not someone who doesn't want you to look into it at all.

My two day old thread about Flat Earth, with zero points, still has active commenters in it, and even moreso, the nature of the accounts that showed up in the thread is extremely interesting, as most had never posted in /r/conspiracy before.

Whatever the true shape of the world around us, the evidence for it will be everywhere and abundant. The horizon is flat everywhere you go. I have independently reproducible proof of non-curvature in my pocket. No amount of lies or hoaxes can overcome simple observations.

The direction of swirl in a toilet bowl is based on many factors such as nozzle size and shape, flow rate of water, angle of incidence with the bowl, shape of the bowl, etc. Again though, evidence about the shape of the world around us will be abundant, and all reproducible observations point to flat.

This guy is a psyops shill here to discredit /r/conspiracy

I'm a real person and my spouse and good friends have all become Flat Earthers as well, once they had the courage to look into the idea with an open mind.

Real person and yet you won't answer certain questions regarding flat earth. Still patiently waiting on the question I asked you days ago which I reminded you of yesterday. Is there any reason you won't answer?

Looking at your account history, it's focused on sports and fiction; you are obsessed with bread and circus distractions. Can you list 3 conspiracies that you believe in and a brief explanation as to why?

Once again you choose to critique myself and deflect the question. Nothing in your comment is relevant to the very simple question I asked of you days ago in which you seem to have no answer for.

I've given you the benefit of the doubt regarding this topic but your inability to answer simple, relevant questions to the topic at hand lead me to believe that you don't have an answer. Am I assuming correctly?

I'm not a politician giving speeches to an audience. This is a discussion and I was trying to get a feel for your level of information awareness and genuineness as a person. You've shown that you aren't here for discussion at all but an interrogation, and this is very telling.

I've run in to quite a few accounts just like yours since I started talking about the Flat Earth.

One specific question hardly constitutes an interrogation, dont exaggerate.

I'm not looking for a speech and my level of 'information awareness' can be raised if you answer my question.

I'm not interested in you as a person or who you are and the only one here stifling discussion is yourself as you won't answer a question that needs clarification. Shall we stick to the topic at hand or will you deflect? I'm nothing if not patient.

claims user is obsessed with "bread and circus distractions"

obsesses over conspiracies that are already debunked, thereby relegating them to the level of "entertainment"

Nice double standard!

Lol, how long did that take you to come up with? And how and why did you come back to this thread?

You're such a funny guy!

The flat earthers are a very few, yet vocal members who I think seem to use a bunch of different accounts to try make it seem like their view is popular.

However, I think it's worthwhile mentioning not to call them trolls, they might very well believe in the flat or slightly concave earth - So calling them trolls is just dishonest.

calling them trolls is just dishonest.

Not dishonest. Perhaps just simply incorrect on my part. If they're honest, then they're not trolls. Fair enough.


I'd sooner go w/Vsauce on it.

EDIT: Aaaand he's gone (lol).

Wait, I'm completely against the idea of a Flat Earth, but I'm wondering if I'm in Oppositeland today.

Is this place turning into /r/skeptic suddenly?

Why would you think that criticizing the flat earth theory hypothesis is akin to the cesspool of uncritical thinking that /r/skeptic is?

If someone keeps expounding upon something that has indeed been proven to be patently false, then it should be called out in no uncertain terms. That's critical thinking - not being the stereotypical "skeptic" that rejects all kinds of data that's valid but that doesn't fit neatly into the paradigm of corporate $cience.

I could seriously use some help here.. I am living with a very intelligent man who believes this nonsense. I am not sure he will accept any evidence that the universe is as NASA, and the vast majority of people, believe it is. He sees conspiracies in nearly all things, and this is his life changing understanding. The worst part is that he isn't content to believe this, he is insistent that I become convinced of this. These people are not all trolls. . This nonsense is making my life a living hell. What can I show him that may make him realize how basic this should be?

Show him the OP video. Also show him this. These alone should be enough to show that the Earth is likely NOT at all flat.

Ultimately, the "middle of the road" way is likely the best. Let him know that there are indeed conspiracies on this planet - there is nefarious shit going on and there are beings that are not interested in the betterment of the human species. However, also let him know that not EVERYTHING is a conspiracy. The best way to fool a people is by making sure and mixing a lot of truth in with the lies that you pander. That way it becomes increasingly difficult to separate the two and sift the wheat from the chaff. This confuses those looking for the truth - and it's done on purpose.

Don't be a "conspiracy theorist" in other words. Heck, the term "conspiracy theorist" was actually coined by the CIA in order to marginalizing and make fun of those individuals that don't buy the official narrative on he shouldn't even use it or identify with such a term in the first place.

Be a critical thinker...and as a critical thinker, it's important to know that TPTB make sure and keep a lot of truth STILL in existence and still viable. This ensures the that lies are more difficult to get to and uncover. The key is to know which is which, and that is a very difficult thing to do. Many of the things that even people searching for real truth think are viable end up showing themselves to be cointelpro (coverts intelligence projects) designed to throw them off the trail.

Middle of the road. Keep searching, keep investigating, don't close yourself off to things that might be true or valid just because they're not commonly espoused notions by the rest of society, but be a critical enough thinker to understand that something isn't right or correct or valid just because it goes against the status quo of common thought. There are certain aspects of the status quo of common though that also have their validity.

These are some of the ideas that I would communicate to him.

Thank you for the thoughtful reply. I believe he is beyond reasoning. .

Thank you for the thoughtful reply.

No problem.

I believe he is beyond reasoning.

Well, I'll say two things to this:

One, make sure that it is him that is beyond reasoning and that it is not in fact you who is not the one who is unwilling to be reasonable. I'm only playing devil's advocate here and trying to give weight to both sides of the dynamic, mind you, but, again, make sure that it's not you that's the one that's unwilling to see different points of view. Maybe he does have a point and it only seems like he's the "crazy" one because he espouses things that the mainstream says are "unconventional". That's one possibility, of course.

However (and this is "two"), if he is indeed beyond reasoning and isn't willing to be balanced in his perspective, then it seems he is not ultimately a sufficiently intelligent and critical thinker. This is not a fault of any sort of "conspiracy" theory or anything of that sort. This is a fault of his own inability to, again, be balanced and realize that the dynamic of chicanery on this planet is a very complicated one. In this case, that is his fault - not yours or anyone else's.

If this is the case and he is, as you say, "beyond reasoning", then perhaps it might not be a bad idea to simply leave and be on your way so that you can both no longer encumber one another.

Just a thought.

Either way, I hope it all goes as best as possible for the best for both of you.


Flat Earth is a "hypothesis", not a "theory". I only give it the scientific term because it's something that can (and has been) disproven scientifically.

Fair enough. Thanks.

So basically this is a psyops against the hollow earth theory.

The Earth also isn't hollow. It's porous and has many tunnels in it, but it's not hollow.

Very true. Measurements from earthquakes can show us the passage of waves through the Earth. If it was hollow, those waves would give it away.

Also, a hollow Earth would have to be formed hollow. There's no explanation offered for how that would happen either, as far as I've read.

then what is agartha? and what is admiral byrd writing in his journal?

I can't say I'm very familiar or versed in either agartha or byrd's writings.

get to reading dude... and when you think its getting too hard to believe... know that its only a drop of WTF in a huge ocean of NOPE.

I'd rather first get some inclination as to whether the material is even worth the read in the first place. There is much information out there that many individuals have spent a lot of time on that is ultimately little more than dribble, and it would be a waste of time to spend an inordinate amount of energy on it.

I'm not saying that the material in question is of this category, but - with so much information that exists in the world - there are only so many hours in the day, and I would rather spend my time on things that might very well be more likely valid than not. Therefore, I'd like to have a touch of background on it before proceeding.

I understand your need to devote time only to the most convincing and well-thought out arguments. As I've been trying to recommend to everyone else who is arguing about the topic, read the book "Earth, not a Globe." Here is a link to the text. If you don't want to put in 3-4 hours to get through the book, the link to the index will have a bunch of other FAQs related to how the flat earth theory describes many different phenomena like eclipses. Please take the time to read at least one section.

Show him the OP video. Also show him this. These alone should be enough to show that the Earth is likely NOT at all flat.

Ultimately, the "middle of the road" way is likely the best. Let him know that there are indeed conspiracies on this planet - there is nefarious shit going on and there are beings that are not interested in the betterment of the human species. However, also let him know that not EVERYTHING is a conspiracy. The best way to fool a people is by making sure and mixing a lot of truth in with the lies that you pander. That way it becomes increasingly difficult to separate the two and sift the wheat from the chaff. This confuses those looking for the truth - and it's done on purpose.

Don't be a "conspiracy theorist" in other words. Heck, the term "conspiracy theorist" was actually coined by the CIA in order to marginalizing and make fun of those individuals that don't buy the official narrative on he shouldn't even use it or identify with such a term in the first place.

Be a critical thinker...and as a critical thinker, it's important to know that TPTB make sure and keep a lot of truth STILL in existence and still viable. This ensures the that lies are more difficult to get to and uncover. The key is to know which is which, and that is a very difficult thing to do. Many of the things that even people searching for real truth think are viable end up showing themselves to be cointelpro (coverts intelligence projects) designed to throw them off the trail.

Middle of the road. Keep searching, keep investigating, don't close yourself off to things that might be true or valid just because they're not commonly espoused notions by the rest of society, but be a critical enough thinker to understand that something isn't right or correct or valid just because it goes against the status quo of common thought. There are certain aspects of the status quo of common though that also have their validity.

These are some of the ideas that I would communicate to him.

Thank you for the thoughtful reply.

No problem.

I believe he is beyond reasoning.

Well, I'll say two things to this:

One, make sure that it is him that is beyond reasoning and that it is not in fact you who is not the one who is unwilling to be reasonable. I'm only playing devil's advocate here and trying to give weight to both sides of the dynamic, mind you, but, again, make sure that it's not you that's the one that's unwilling to see different points of view. Maybe he does have a point and it only seems like he's the "crazy" one because he espouses things that the mainstream says are "unconventional". That's one possibility, of course.

However (and this is "two"), if he is indeed beyond reasoning and isn't willing to be balanced in his perspective, then it seems he is not ultimately a sufficiently intelligent and critical thinker. This is not a fault of any sort of "conspiracy" theory or anything of that sort. This is a fault of his own inability to, again, be balanced and realize that the dynamic of chicanery on this planet is a very complicated one. In this case, that is his fault - not yours or anyone else's.

If this is the case and he is, as you say, "beyond reasoning", then perhaps it might not be a bad idea to simply leave and be on your way so that you can both no longer encumber one another.

Just a thought.

Either way, I hope it all goes as best as possible for the best for both of you.
