Bilderberg meets in 48 hours and there isn't a single story on it on the front page, what is your major malfunction /r/conspiracy?

180  2015-06-10 by OWNtheNWO

Get your shit together.

This is bigger than the G7

This IS the shadow government.

This IS the conspiracy.

They have the Austrian equivalent of FBI special ops, that are literally named "COBRA" harassing Guardian reporter Charlie Skelton.

Charlies article is being completely over looked by this sub when it's the biggest coverage of this secretive cabals meetings has ever received.

Get your fucking shit together.


So find some fucking info and post it. Sitting back and commanding a sub to provide you entertainment won't go very far.


Second time it's been posted too, someone else already tried and it was half ignored half buried.

It just shows what a fucking joke this sub is becoming.

People are more concerned with Ellen Pao banning subs that are literally nothing more than hate sites than actually posting conspiracy stuff.

Major developments have been happening in the world of politics as of late. Alex Jones has done a tremendous job of covering the Dennis Hastert/pedo blackmail stuff and Bilderberg these past couple of weeks. I know some people here are not his biggest fans but when someone finally starts covering the hot topics this sub is always going on about, you see none of it here.

Yeah censorship is important, but actual conspiracies are more important.

I mean something has to be the red herring.

Gee I wonder which one it could be.

Anyone else notice a dramatic increase of specific topics being moved to "controversial" lately?

They get dumped there before people can even vote them up/down.

it is a joke or is the story being manipulated?


He edited in this entire section here, after I called him out. So really, his original post was nothing but a baseless, petulant little diatribe.

They have the Austrian equivalent of FBI special ops, that are literally named "COBRA" harassing Guardian reporter Charlie Skelton.

Charlies article is being completely over looked by this sub when it's the biggest coverage of this secretive cabals meetings has ever received.

Infowars has been the only source closest to the actual meeting in Austria.

Is that some sort of pathetic fucking excuse to not give it play?

No, just giving credit where it's due.

As you can tell I'm a little miffed right now.

Which sucks because it's important stuff but I can't stand infowars & the sensationalist headlines.

Reddit won't let me make a post because, "Looks like you're either a brand new user or your posts have not been doing well recently." Since this thread is about Bilderberg, I figured I'd share something I found. (I'm not sure if it's something most people already know about or not, so forgive me if it is common knowledge.)

Here you can find information about a proposal by the Danish Defence Intelligence Service(AKA the "FE") that gives the FE potentially more power than the NSA.

This article, if I understand it correctly, confirms that this proposal has passed.

Thomas Ahrenkiel is the head of the FE and an attendee of this year's Bilderberg conference.

Wow great catch, were' compiling stuff for a sticky elsewhere I'll share this there.

Good. Make sure and link me to the sticky, yeah? I'd love to see it. Would you be interested in me sharing more stuff like this if I find more?

I'm sure you see it if they follow through with it (they better)

Alright cool. I'll keep an eye out for it.

No post with the world Bilderberg in it will ever make it to visibility. I've tried in /r/worldnews, and it's a clear case of censorship. Reddit is in on this. Reddit is the front page of the mainstream media on the internet. Everyone here should be posting this article or similar to all news subreddits.

It starts today, and ends on the 14th. This is a huge deal. Let's make it known.

Its a functioning active "cult of power".


Upvote to you, Sir!

Upvote the Skelton article instead! This is just me venting.

I tried to organize a bildeberg for the rest of us but no one seemed interested in doing even a little bit of work =/

Man it's crazy out here the last few days. I live near Detroit and there has been numerous training exercises by the military. Fucking helicopters all night and explosions, people running around in military gear and shit. Anyways it has seemed to calm down tonight so maybe I can get some damn sleep...

Three words: Fat. People. Hate.

Shit was just bound to happen.


Now the obvious visibility of Nibiru, seen increasingly by the common man, will prevent them from claiming this is a lie.

...What? I understand what it is but I have not heard any reliable evidence of its existence.

I was with OP until I scrolled down more & saw the mention of Nibiru.

It's been "almost here" & "clearly visible" for the past 14 years. I think I first heard about it in 2003.

Attention should be on this meeting. But man, when you bring this stuff into the picture it just shoos people away.

You know that such clubs dont decide anything, right?! -.-

The Global Elites have no structure, no offices, no nothing. They act from the non structural levels of management.

they don't decided anything

Can you just retire this fucking shill trope please. No one is buying it anymore.

Conspiracy theorists claim it is a shadow world government. Former leading members tell the Telegraph it was the most useful meeting they ever went to and it was crucial in forming the European Union. Today, the Bilderberg Group meets in Britain.


They may not decide anything, but they trade insider information. e.g. Deutsche Bank is insolvent.

Agreed. Just those in plain sight pushing the agenda and you know they have much more information than we could ever dream of.

They are just a fake picture.

As if the global elite would let us ''dogs''(this is how they call us) to find out more about them.

The real thing is happening behind closed door, far away from publicity

Most truthful post here yet downvotes.

Do you really think that ''they'' would let a source of ''truth'' remain independent?

Either bought or dead. Start contributing too much to your own and other's knowledge and suddenly reality is very real and less illusion.

Fear is control.

more or less

Bilderberg has become main stream news now. If it is still a conspiracy, it is an open conspiracy.

They've been releasing a 'public' agenda and attendee list since 2012. When they stopped using the trope that they didn't exist and you were insane if you talked about them, to yes they meet, and you are insane if you talk about them - and if you are MSM you aren't allowed to touch them with a 10 foot pole.

Hardly. No US media outlets will publish anything on it. If they do, it will be a small editorial piece at the end of the conference, and the focus will be on the "conspiracy theorists" who talk about it as part of a "new world order" one world government tinfoil hat theory. And I guarantee that next year it will be in maryland or virginia, because it has to be close enough to DC for the candidates to sneak there without anyone knowing about it.

The only large outlet that covers it is the Guardian, where Charlie Skelton does so with comedic effect. And the only reason he started covering it was to make fun of Alex Jones, but he realized quickly based on his treatment that this was no joke.

Watch out for general hitpieces this week.

What does it matter what happens in Bildeberg? The jews already have sunk their teeth so far into western civilization that honestly, there is no way it can be stopped. The only man who stood up to the jews in the last century was villified and went down as the most evil man to ever live. And anyone in the future willing to stand up to the jews will meet the same fate.

Im pretty sure these users exist to discredit the rest of the sub and discredit the people who are doing actual work into finding out abuses by our government.

If only the Jews were behind all the worries of the world... But shit is not so easy and its not so cut and dry.

This is also ignoring history... Read up on WWII sometime and stop watching youtube videos on it.

Ignoring history makes sense when you realize that you're only getting a tiny part of the whole story. Written history is virtually false.

This seems to be the new talking point... that posters like me are simply plants to discredit the sub.

Or, maybe, we simply have our eyes open enough to understand the jews and their schemes to advance their zionist agenda.

that posters like me are simply plants to discredit the sub.

To discredit anyone that is a conspiracy theorist. Your post history is fucked beyond belief. How do you expect anyone to take you seriously?

No fucking way. HAHAHA. So because we come with FACTS, we're DISINFO agents sent to discredit a message board on Reddit? NO WAY. HAHAHA. And WE'RE the "crazy ones" for naming the Jew? You're hilarious. Go outside bro.

Also, tell me about WW2. Enlighten me.

Dude your post history is a fucking joke. Besides you havent said shit besides "The Jews!". And not just to discredit this board but conspiracy theorists in general, no one takes them seriously because people like you immediately detract from the conversation with bullshit like this.

Read a book sometime, preferably a history book, and not one written by a neo nazi

Nice points. My post history is a joke? It's full of facts.

Yea, all 3 of us are JIDF shills sent here to discredit /r/conspiracy. We're all on summer break from Yeshiva Univeristy. HOW DID YOU KNOW!!??

Read a book? I want YOU to explain it to me.

Yea, all 3 of us are JIDF shills sent here to discredit /r/conspiracy. We're all on summer break from Yeshiva Univeristy. HOW DID YOU KNOW!!??

Youre funny. How do you expect anyone to take you seriously? I dont think youre JIDF but I do think you are an excellent example of a brainwashed low information poster.

Theres a lot of bad shit in the world and it makes people like you comfortable at night thinking "Ahhh the Jews... if only we could get rid of the Jews the world will be perfect!" Wouldnt that be great? If one group was responsible for it all. You take comfort in that instead of doing any heavy mental lifting.

Thats childish logic and lazy thinking, like most of your posting history.

Youre funny. How do you expect anyone to take you seriously? I dont think youre JIDF but I do think you are an excellent example of a brainwashed low information poster.

Yawn. I'm posting facts, that's why people should take me seriously.

Theres a lot of bad shit in the world and it makes people like you comfortable at night thinking "Ahhh the Jews... if only we could get rid of the Jews the world will be perfect!" Wouldnt that be great? If one group was responsible for it all. You take comfort in that instead of doing any heavy mental lifting.

They're responsible for a great majority. What do you think of predictive programming?

Thats childish logic and lazy thinking, like most of your posting history.

Show me 3 things.

Yawn. I'm posting facts, that's why people should take me seriously.

Read your top post and tell me what facts are posted. The one about the Jews sinking their teeth into western culture or the one about Hitler being the last guy to stand against the Jewish menace?

What do you think of predictive programming?

This is an excellent point you bring up! But I would like to hear what you think the next big thing will be... Tell me what do the Jews have in store for us?

Show me 3 things.

3 what?

Read your top post and tell me what facts are posted. The one about the Jews sinking their teeth into western culture or the one about Hitler being the last guy to stand against the Jewish menace?

That wasn't me but I'll respond.

They did sink their teeth into Western Culture. 1913 ring a bell? The usury on American citizens? The Founders didn't want a Central Bank in America, Andrew Jackson had an assassination attempt on him for that.

This is an excellent point you bring up! But I would like to hear what you think the next big thing will be... Tell me what do the Jews have in store for us?

No idea. What do you think about predictive programming?

3 what?

Thats childish logic and lazy thinking, like most of your posting history.

They did sink their teeth into Western Culture. 1913 ring a bell? The usury on American citizens? The Founders didn't want a Central Bank in America, Andrew Jackson had an assassination attempt on him for that.

Moving goalposts are we... I agree that the federal banking system has caused a shit ton of problems including indebting countries to the point where it can never be paid back. But.... I didnt realize that if Hitler killed all the Jews banks would just go away, fools logic.

Because Banks = Jews all the time... and there are surely no other people involved in that system besides Jews... Idiots logic.

What do you think about predictive programming?

I think most of it is bullshit. Humans are good at making connections even ones that arent there. I do buy certain ones like priming people about Iran and nukes, or Israel testing responses to a dirty bomb and then 2 days later saying that there is evidence that a dirty bomb could be used on them shortly.

Okay on your post history Ill grab you 3 things I think are retarded to the point where your existence is a detriment to the conspiracy community.

Brings a tear to my eye. I fucking hate niggers, spics, chins, kikes, faggots, transfags and all other degenerates destroying this country.

Racism is the sign of a dim wit. Literally. People who are more racist tend to have lower IQ's because again racism and blaming a group of people for all woes in the world is much easier than figuring out the nuance in todays society.

Everywhere would be awesome without minorities.

Do I even have to explain how retarded this is?

Ill just defer to your posts in this thread as proof of further ignorance.

Im just going to assume you are trolling hard.

gb2 scumfront.

And yet it's deeply rooted in facts that are easily verifiable.

Good. Make sure and link me to the sticky, yeah? I'd love to see it. Would you be interested in me sharing more stuff like this if I find more?