/r/fatpeoplehate2 has been banned

3505  2015-06-11 by wiggum4hire

/r/fatpeoplehate2 has just been banned as well.


"We're banning behavior, not ideas."

Bullshit. Every single sub dedicated to the idea of hating fat people has been banned, and all of the (former) moderators of FPH have been banned. This is banning ideas.

Edit: NP link.

You're allowed to have any ideas you'd like--as long as they are OK with us. But if you don't agree with us, you're probably a terrible shitlord who should just shut up.

serious, look at /r/all. It's entirely FPH and anti-Pao stuff

look at /r/all

How many people actually do this? The entire point of reddit is curating the experience by picking the subs you like and unsubscribing from defaults you don't.

People who don't have accounts see /r/all I believe. And I think most people don't have accounts? I could be totally wrong. Someone did an EXCELLENT job of scrubbing all mention of this off of the front page though.

Who is Pao? I can't seem to find an answer.

Ellen Pao. CEO of reddit. She's an SRS-level feminist. Recently made the news for losing a sexual discrimination lawsuit against her former employer, when it came to light that she was just a shitty employee and a shitty person. She's the one pushing this censorship on us.

Obviously not. FPH was the sub reddit needed, but not the sub it deserved.

Actually they are doing exactly what is necessary. Let these guys have the spot light. So more people realize they are nothing but assholes.

This looks like bad news for fat people.

All news is bad news for fat people. MAH TRIGGURZ

LOL Stop it!

reaches for muh Twinkies

I just see it as motivation ;)

Sub'd every one that's not banned.

Edit: Add /r/unhealthylifestyles




Well, it's been real reddit. I'm out.

Now they're banning subs for "ban evasion."

It's funny because /r/fatpeoplehate2 was a year old and banned for "ban evasion."

Edit: forgot a number.

They'll never stop it.

Weird, they ALL must've made their sidebar the same thing at the same time. After all, they're banning for behavior, not ideas.

Man, it's gotta take some balls to just be so fucking blatantly full of total shit.

Awesome. Thank you. Signed. I also copy/pasted your list in another thread somewhere, I will include this petition also.

Hahahaha fuck. Yeah, change.org, you just keep reposting that link like it's going to do a fucking thing.

I don't think you understand what petitions are for.

I do. But it's not like change.org has any authority over reddit. Do you really fucking think that the change.org army is going to swoop in and take the woman in charge away in shackles because a bunch of fat fucking neckbeard shits wrote their name on a list on the internet? I think it's you who doesn't understand what a petition is.

No, a petition is a redress of grievances. It doesn't compel anyone to do anything. That's the point of a petition. Please keep hitting strawmen and telling me what I think, though, fuckwit. A petition is a formal, mass complaint.

It's a big middle finger to Chairman Pao, and I added my name to it. And I'm happy to have the opportunity to do so.

And yeah, as I suspected, you have no fucking idea what petitions are for.

Well that's fucking fantastic. Edgy AND you can call names. Jesus Christ. Did you waddle here from voat or 4chan? Enjoy your worthless petition. It means absolutely nothing.

With allies whose principals are as weak as yours, who needs enemies?

I also enjoyed how you accused me of namecalling literally minutes after you explicitly called me a "fat fucking neckbeard shit," in the same sentence I was replying to, and then somehow forgot or something. You couldn't possibly look any more fucking retarded than you do right now. Good one, by the way. See ya round.

Eat dick, fat fuck. :)

And I'm the 4chan guy.

Are you fucking real, dude? Hahaha. I've never met someone with such a complete and utter lack of anything resembling self-awareness.

Do you ever shut the fuck up, or you that easily trolled to the point you keep uttering these autism-laden responses. Just shut the fuck up, put the dick back in your mouth, and let it fucking go. Someone on the internet laughed at you. It's not the end all be all.

This is incredible. You should be studied for science. With the added benefit of being removed from the gene pool, and removed from society, where your lack of self-awareness and unprecedented feats of hypocrisy could be a danger to the general public.

Seriously? Dude, just fuck the fuck off. You got made fun of on the internet for thinking a petition is going to mean a bit of a fuck, and yet you have the audacity of trying to call me out for laughing at you for it. If I were you, I'd have my mouth full of shotgun and my toe on the trigger.

and yet you have the audacity of trying to call me out for laughing at you for it.

I don't even know anymore. This doesn't even make sense.

Just stop responding. You're sounding more and more stupid with every keystroke. Do your parents even know you're online right now?

I'm not sure that guy realizes what a petition is either. 10 to 1 he wrote his name on his computer screen in mayonnaise.

Wow, like half of these are banned

Cool, a quick list for deletion.

You use the word "Shill" pour the sweat out of your fedora and get to the gym

That's the most fedora wearing comment I've ever heard in reference to saying someone wears a fedora. Jesus fucking christ.

hahahahha all these subs are pathetic

And you're fat and no one will ever truly love you. Welcome to the party.

self hate is sad :(

Oh, I don't hate myself, I'm awesome

edit: also not fat

I don't believe you

You don't have to, your opinion literally doesn't matter in the slightest

it clearly does or you wouldn't be replying! :)

You're an idiot.

And you're a self hating person who I feel sorry for.

"you can have any opinion, so long as it matches mine" Chairman Pao 2015

You're allowed to have any ideas you'd like--as long as they are OK with us, making sure no one else knows about it....


big ups for speaking the truth so clearly there

Ironically, the anarchists of reddit are having a great time with this too. I went to that sub figuring it would be a break from the authoritarian leftists dominating /r/politics, but it's just the same old Bolshevist crap rebranded. They're all about standing against oppressive systems of control, unless the boot is stomping on the faces of the people they hate. If you can bellyfeel the crimethink it's crystal clear that banning ideas is exactly what's going on here. It won't be long before this whole place implodes, and I'm all out of fucks to give. Sic semper tyrannis.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with np.reddit.com.

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What about r/fatpeopleh8? Is that banned yet?

help me document the bad decisions of Reddit's management . /r/Fight_The_Paower/

Nah, there's no reason that this is actually a bad management decision

This might help.

so is reddit actually becoming a version of 1984?

you're free to think what you want as long as it's doubleplusgood?

This has everything to do with reddit's viability as a product, and that's okay. Freedom of speech is something that is something that can't be interfered with by the government, not some private entity. And to be fair to them, the subreddits in question were filled with hateful people. More than that the sub was very popular, so popular that it showed up frequently on /r/all.

Its hate speech you fool.

If they are banning hate speech in general then why is /r/coontown still up? Seems obvious that someone is angry specifically about mocking the obese.

check the reddit post from the mods, it says everything in there.


Replace "shitlord" with "shill" and You LITERALLY just described r/conspiracy

Except we're not banning people for shilling. P.S. Well, not hardcore, provable shilling anyway.

Replace "shill" with "fatty" and you LITERALLY just described fph

Both are terrible

They banned Lee.

She also ran a separate sub dedicated to helping people with real eating disorders.

There was no reason to ban Lee. Most of the other mods, sure. But not Lee.

Like they would care. They probably just went through the list of mods and banned them all.

Jesus Christ if they would put all this effort into talking a walk and eating some lettuce we wouldn't even be here.

But muh genetics...


Well this situation sucks, but this thread is gold. I'm just a regular old chucklefuck over here reading this shit.

Edit: words are hard.

I wouldn't say that if I were you. If you shame yourself, you are liable to get yourself banned.

A reason for a small percentage and an excuse for everyone else.

Goodbye friend


Joke because you might be banned for that comment.

Oooo boo hoo my karma....

Couldn't care less my friend.

No one cares about your karma dip shit, it was a joke

lol k


/r/largehumanloating, can we all just agree that's a good one?

WTF, /r/publichealthawareness is full of hate? This ban-fest is getting ridiculous. Can't wait for Voat to be ready to handle the influx of ex-redditors.

I hope voat is welcoming.

I don't know, but it's so overloaded with traffic right now it's like a DOS attack.

I doubt it's getting DoSed. Just hugged really, really tightly from the curious redditors

its like a trip back in time...a time of dial up modem speeds.

ಠ_ಠ We shall shoulder through it.

it took me 11 minutes with a 100mb speed, but this post motivated me to start an account. And I got a good name too. a well known Star Trek Alien race.

Is /r/bigbodybullying available?


/r/fatpeoplehate1024 still going strong!!!!

I lost my shit at /u/HamathaMcBeetusButt

Fucking hell, the mod team for fatpeoplehate were awesome, involved and kept the peace.

See you guys on voat, I guess.

Blasphemy against Chairwoman Pao will not be tolerated.

Lee can contest the ban if she wasn't part of the Mod led team to harass and dox the Imgur people that the other mods of the sub were leading.

If posting a bunch of people's faces and comparing them to their fat dog is "harassing and doxing" then I'll eat my own shoe.


Who told you that? If you went on FPH you'd know that this is the picture that was up. No names, just faces. There was no charge, they were just making fun of them for censoring content on what is supposed to be a free image hosting platform.


sounds like the mods weren't acting fast enough in their duty. I didn't see this happen but nothing like it happened before so I guess it's an unfortunate anomaly.

I'm sorry you have to go somewhere else to be an asshole online.

Takes one to know one. I'm not the one name-calling.

you're lying.

Is it a bannable offense to target another website via reddit? Doesn't that happen literally every day from here? I'm not saying what they did was right, but the rule just doesn't seem very consistent.

It's a bannable offense to target anyone via reddit. It's been the biggest rule here since that shitstorm of the Boston Bomber when reddit accused some dead college student as the bomber and started harassing their family.

If they had kept it at booo imgur level of outrage it would have been fine. But they went for the real life names and information of the people who work at imgur and led a hunt to harass them.

That's really interesting. I actually didn't know, since it happens so often on the top subreddits. Of course, I suppose it's seen as different when it's "Look at what this website said! Show them who's boss!" instead of "Here is the list of staff. Let's mock them"

FWIW I haven't seen any actual proof that anybody got doxxed on that sub. I keep asking, because this all seems very convenient for the SJW movement that only FPH and some smaller subs get banned for "harassing" while places like SRS, AgainstMensRights, and other attack-based subs exist.

What I saw was an image posted showing the faces of the Imgur admins. That's it. No names, no information.

Don't just gobble up the first thing somebody tells you on this site. Hell, even my information could very well be wrong. I didn't see it first hand.

But it's never wrong to ask for proof.

That's the difference. You can hate on the website. But the moment you start posting the real life information of people and start directly harassing them you have crossed into ban territory.

Considering the same issue is being discussed about the US judicial system, isn't this just another form of punishment before conviction? Why couldn't the admins investigate whether a unique account deserves punishment before inflicting said punishment? It seems like it puts the burden on the unjustly accused and contradicts "innocent until proven guilty."

Not that Reddit claims users have that protection, but still...American company, American majority, etc.

Reddit is not the US judicial system. Its neither held nor expected to hold the same standards.

Which is why the last sentence in my comment is there. However, is it really that much to ask for? Certainly, they are still free to choose what activities are not allowed; I'm not arguing against that. Would it really really be that farfetched to hope they ensure that the user actually committed the unallowed activity?

That's ironic, considering her attitude towards overweight people.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with np.reddit.com.

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Thanks bot, wasn't aware of that. Fixed.

And that's why I hate this subreddits tendency to downvote the bot. It's not wrong, some people actually don't know, and it reminds us to not be like SRS.

Whoever posts the link still gets the message it just keeps it from being the first comment everybody sees.

Upvoting can also fix that. If someone has contributed more to the discussion than the bot, then I don't see it being a problem.

But you miss the fact that it replied to someone commenting here, who thanked the bot saying they weren't aware, and my point that it's nice to remind ourselves to not behave like certain other groups.

Ninja edit: I'm not saying upvote it, just don't downvote it. When something hits...is it -5? It requires the plus sign to open it. Many people don't look.


I was surprised that it wasn't downvoted, usually I see it is.

It had low votes and a controversial symbol till this comment chain started getting votes.

Stop sending robots to tell me how to live my life!

Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.*

Not if they get banned real quick.

All subreddits should stay.


Why. Why did I click some of those. What the actual fuck.

That's because these subs don't harass people, believe it or not. They are taking down subreddits that revolve around harassment, not around content they dislike.

How can they prove that a sub is harassing anyone though is the problem?

So you're saying if I comment in JusticePorn then go to TIFU and start talking shit then JusticePorn is the reason behind my comment??

None of those subs goes out of their way to harass people.

You're 100% proving the admin's point that they're not banning ideas. They're banning behaviors.

FPH wasn't going out of their way to harass people. But keep thinking that it wasn't a bunch of fatties on imgur and lurking on reddit that didn't whine enough to enduce the ban.

Where you even a FPH user...? because they quite often pulled there content from other sub-reddits and (sometimes but not always) would link back to the post.

Linking to other parts of reddit would give you a deleted post and a possible ban. All usernames had to be removed and any personal info for anyone. The mods very actively cracked down on the very possibility of people brigading. We were perfectly happy in our sub, making sure that it was all contained as best as it possibly could be.

Lol. So oblivious.

Lol. So fat.

I guess I just imaged those hundreds of times I saw "found the fatty" popping up in subs not named FPH

That's not subreddit based. Nor will it stop just because FPH got banned. If you are going to assign blame to an entire subreddit based on the actions of a few individuals (who could very well have been fake account made by somebody who wanted the subreddit banned) then I think Reddit has a few hundred, if not thousand more subreddits to ban.


I agree, but the level of vitriol that FPH brought to the table was unprecedented in the history of fat hating. But that's beside my point; my point is that FPH was starting to leak all over reddit and it was annoying as fuck. To me at least.

Are you kidding? The entire purpose of the subreddit was to find fat people and hurl insults at them.

Did you actually never see any of their posts?

Yes, and did you see any of them harass people? They kept that shit in their subreddit; if you're a fatty, don't browse fat people hate. Pretty simple logic.

In fact, the post from reddit admin specifically said they weren't banned for harassing or brigading.

First, I've never browsed FPH. They just repeatedly made it to /r/all.

Second, they were harassing real life people. They were taking pictures of people going about their daily lives and harassing them.

Third, they did not keep it in their sub. They would bring that shit into other subs as well. Completely unrelated posts would get FPH.

Fourth, in the admin post, they specifically said they WERE banned for harassing people. Here's the exact wording:

Today we are removing five subreddits that break our reddit rules based on their harassment of individuals.

Third, they did not keep it in their sub. They would bring that shit into other subs as well. Completely unrelated posts would get FPH.

No, they kept it very much in their sub. Reddit posts were not allowed to be linked. In fact, even in comments, they were deleted. It was a really heavily modded community.

All the complaints were because people saw their pictures end up in FPH. While I can understand how that would be really disheartening, in NO WAY did they actively encourage people to attack them or harass them directly.

While I can understand how that would be really disheartening, in NO WAY did they actively encourage people to attack them or harass them directly.

This is against reddit's rules against harassment. FPH knew this, and yet it continued. This is a really cut-and-dry case.

Third, they did not keep it in their sub. They would bring that shit into other subs as well. Completely unrelated posts would get FPH.

Found the fatty. Massive upvotes, no matter how unrelated. It's the new banana for scale.

It's not harassment. It's tough love. If fat people get healthy it's better for everyone.

It's not harassment, it's a euphemism.

You know what shitbag, you are fucking full of it.

My grandmother spent 63 years between 95-105 pounds at 5' 6". Crippling arthritis and the medication she was placed on for it led to her gaining 45 lbs in one year. She could not exercise, she literally had trouble getting out of bed - the medication she was was on did crazy shit to her metabolism on top of the fact that her joints were literally failing her.

Assholes like you made her last few years on earth miserable. I hope to fuck you deal with something similar in your personal life.

By definition, hate is not tough love.

It's almost as if those terms have exact opposite meanings.

When did I ever use the word "hate"? Stop putting words in my mouth. I don't want to be fat.

It's in the name of the subreddit. Man, you're simple.

"Fat person hate is about tough love."

"No it isn't, hate is the opposite of love."

"WTF, I never said hate".


Fourth, in the admin post, they specifically said they WERE banned for harassing people. Here's the exact wording:

Quote a post where I used the word hate. You claimed harassment. I responded to that.

You're talking specifically about the sub fatpeoplehate. It's in the name of the subreddit you're referring to.

I'm not sure if you're being willfully obtuse, or if you have a learning disability. I assume it's the former.

I'm not talking about a sub. I'm talking about your claim of harassment.

Do you know what harassment is? Do you know how it's different from hate?

Harassment is posting pictures of people with their names and insulting them. You claim that's tough love. The name of the subreddit specifically said that it is indeed hate, which is the opposite of love.

What part of this are you not following? Please tell me you're not that stupid.

The part where you don't understand that harassment requires you actively seek out a person.

Harassment: the act or an instance of harassing, or disturbing, pestering, or troubling repeatedly

No one forced the hamplanets of the world to look at that sub. This, by definition, can't be harassment.

So they hate fat people? Big fucking deal. /r/politics hates conservatives. I don't see them getting banned.

I honestly don't know how you're able to brush your teeth in the morning without hurting yourself.

You're not making any coherent argument whatsoever.

Ok champ. Whatever you have to tell yourself.

So those other subs mentioned are better because what... The people being laughed at are dead? Does that somehow make it better?

Very specific cases of stalking, doxxing and offline harassment have been posted. The mods were told to get that shit in check and chose not to - so they lost their sub.

When summer vacation is over you can hang out on the quad and make fun of people, no private website is required to provide you with a platform for stupidity.

So those other subs mentioned are better because what...

Because they're not harassing anybody.

Please try to keep up. This isn't difficult.

Ah, glad to see /r/cringe /r/trashy SRS, etc. have been banned as well! Oh wait...

I'm pretty sure cringe and trashy are anonymized. I.e. names are blocked out, faces are blocked out, etc.

SRS doesn't criticize people as far as I've seen. It criticizes ideas. If SRS ever jumps over to start insulting people, you'd have a point.

It's clearly about the distinction between wanting to watch niggers die and wanting them to die, right? /s

it's the distinction between tracking down black people to call them n*ers and wishing that they die, and just watching videos.

Rule 1, only warning.

With the uppermost respect, surely that was part of the discussion rather than a genuine slur? The term in question had been used previously in the comment thread and my use of it was as an example rather than derisive. I apologise, but think a little context is necessary here.

I do agree, but with the new reddit wide rules we have to be careful now more than ever to protect the subreddit.

You see, no matter what the context is, even if you were quoting someone, or having a general discussion about the topic, like you were, you need the * instead of the i, like n*gger. Because that guy ^ up there did it and got no warning. That makes it ok because you didn't actually spell it. I think, I'm not too sure anymore. Maybe niger is ok because it's a country, maybe igger is ok too or nagger, maybe nigs? Idk, we gotta wait for the mods response.

None of those subs goes out of their way to harass people.

How would you possibly know that? I seriously ask because you wouldn't really know that unless you spent a considerable amount of time on those subs.

How would you possibly know that?

I don't know for sure, I'm judging by the name. All of those links are blue. The posts would have to be grossly off-topic from the name, though. For example, who could "sex with dogs" possibly be harassing?

Are you suggesting that they're actually posting pictures of people who don't have sex with dogs and mocking them for it?

I'm sure that if they were harassing people, reddit would've banned them.

Banning a sub, only to see it recreated in spirit, defeats the entire purpose of a ban. No idea why people are surprised by this. Keep trying though, I'm thoroughly enjoying the shit-show.

This is a sub that--as a gleefully enforced policy--banned anyone with a dissenting opinion or for simply admitting they were fat, and now that they're being banned for crossing the line they're suddenly outraged champions of free speech.

This is a sub that--as a gleefully enforced policy--banned anyone with a dissenting opinion or for simply admitting they were fat

This is my favorite part of it. The irony is delicious.

Not really ironic at all.

I don't know why you can't see the obvious difference here.

FPH banned people for breaking their rules.

Reddit banned FPH for breaking their rules, and FPH is upset about this.

I don't know why you can't see the irony here. Reddit did to FPH what FPH did to users. It's crystal-clear to me.

It's a different situation entirely, though. Subreddits are more of a 'club', whereas reddit itself is a platform. Different purposes, rules, etc.

Reddit as a whole was meant to be for free speech, the new rules that the Chairman is bringing up is an affront to what reddit was for.

Why this seems funny to you at all makes me think that you're fat.

Reddit as a whole was meant to be for free speech

Reddit is a private website, and you don't have to use it if you don't like it.

Buh bye.

I don't think you get the point. Do you think you win some award by being an armchair lawyer and acting as a pretentious douche?

And I know for a fact you don't get the point.

Reddit is a private website that can set their own rules. They have a very common-sense anti-harassment policy. They're very lenient with their moderation with a few rules.

FPH broke those rules, and got punished for it. Now, they're flipping out crying "censorship."

The parallel is that FPH had their own vigorously-enforced censorship rules. When I got banned from FPH, I did not throw a hissy-fit about it, or try to rules-lawyer them saying that they didn't have a right to do it. It was their sub, they could do what you want.

It's the same with Reddit. It's their site, they can do what they want.

Your argument of "if you didn't like FPH, don't go there" can be met just as easily with "if you don't like reddit, don't go there."

I really don't know what you're struggling with here.

Because we're fighting for our right to stay. Dumb fuckwits like you think that "rules-lawyering" is something done by the subreddit at large, which it isn't.

The fact is, it is censorship. I don't see why you see the word policy and act as a blind follower to shit, it's ridiculous. People want to actively fight policy, and for you to deem that somehow incorrect is an idiotic assessment and makes me wonder how you ended up here at all. When worthwhile people don't like things, they rise up. Your objection to that and your complacency with an arbitrary policy that goes against, once again, reddit's founding values, is utterly asinine.

I know definitely that you're a subservient bitch to whatever anyone "above" you has to say.

Because we're fighting for our right to stay

You don't have a "right" to stay. This isn't your property.

The fact is, it is censorship

FPH engaged in extremely strict censorship, and you're okay with that.

arbitrary policy

It's nowhere near arbitrary. An anti-harassment policy is extremely common.

Why you're fighting this hard for the "right" to harass people is beyond me, but it's really telling of your character.

Because we should be able to do it. I'm not ashamed to say that I believe fats are cancers of the world, in addition to many other groups.

You're too accepting of getting fucked in the ass.

And once again, subreddits are a different platform than reddit itself. That's not a hard concept.

Because we should be able to do it.

On somebody else's platform?

Do you have no concept of private property rights?

You're mistaking the issue and clouding it up, as the "reddit machine" has done since this incident started.

The subreddit at large is not calling for some Supreme Court intervention. That was a single fucking one-off thread in the legal advice sub. People are campaigning for the site to follow a principle that they feel it should hold, and one that it was created upon and followed for quite some time.

The issue, again, isn't some legal battle. Why you're trying to make it out as such brands you easily as, to use a hyperbolic & overused term, a blatant Pao shill.

Something I forgot to mention earlier, but that's pretty core to the entire debate (which makes it stupid why I failed to bring it up), is that there was no organize brigading (brigaiding?) done by the sub. This is how it happened:

Person sees obese person in an assistance scooter, takes photo.

Person posts photo on FPH. Mods strictly enforced privacy rules as such that compromising information (names, faces, locations, usernames, etc.) were removed to prevent public harassment.

Everyone has a jolly laugh. Except for the fat people that, for some reason, actively search out excuses for their feelings to be hurt.

If I make a post on a fat-hate sub saying "Chris Christie is a disgusting fat fuck", I'm not doxxing Christie, calling for a brigade against him, nor anything like that. He's a public figure that anyone can observe. He's not a private citizen in the sense that he's unknown to the masses.

I don't visit subreddits of opposing sports teams and whine when they criticize my favorite player. Their rights don't end where my feelings begin.

At first I thought the censorship bans would be the beginning of a slow death for Reddit. Now I'm thinking the death will come relatively swiftly.

You realize every single new sub is organizing brigades and raids on /r/all/new and /r/pics, etc etc etc.

Banned for fat sympathy

Maybe because all the fat hating subs got banned because they literally called out the entire site and started going sub to sub posting shit and harassing everyone, which is what got fph banned in the first place.

You're not gonna pretend these subs are being made by different people are you? Whatever the "behavior " justification they have, it applies to /r/fphers on different subreddits

They even banned /r/publichealthawareness before we could do anything with it. But I doubt anyone bought Chairman Pao's lie.

Those sub's express common hate on the front page daily. I could scroll down and see two posts per page from those subs. It's not inviting to new people and ultimately this is a business not a free speech platform. Go ahead and downvote me or call me fat because I'm using my brain.

They also would go on other subs, where people would post pictures of themselves that had nothing to do with being fat, and ridicule them and call then fatties. There was this story in the Grand Theft Auto subreddit where these seemingly normal people said they met online, and became good friends in real life through GTA. The comment section turned into the subreddit calling them fat, and insisting they eat cake and other things. Look, have whatever subreddit you like. But keep it contained. Don't go around and abuse people. Even coontown members don't go around other Subreddits and harass people. This wasn't an issue of freedom of speech, it was an issue of a group of people desperately harassing people who were minding their own business. That isn't legal in the streets. I'm not allowed to follow some fat guy around and yell at him for being fat. That's harassment. As we all know, freedom of speech has limits. They abused it. They got banned. I'm glad I'm not the only one to see these jerks get banned.

Also, you wanna talk freedom of speech? How come it's so okay for their moderating team to ban people for being "fat sympathizes?" Jesus Christ reddit is so stupid sometimes. It's okay for them to ban people from voicing their opinions on their subreddit, but when reddit admin team does it for HARASSMENT everybody cries "free speech?" Jesus Christ. It's like this entire website went idiotic today. I'm glad you share a sane voice.

Reddit is allergic to the concept of irony. Reddit is the fucking Alanis Morissette of irony.

Yeah, I wouldnt stand up for a random guy being called a fatass or something but they took that shit pretty far and over all were bad people. Sure being racist is shitty but Ive been to /r/killkikes or whatever haven't checked coontown but fatpeoplehate was on another level.

Even coontown members don't go around other Subreddits and harass people.

Racists on reddit are everywhere, and many do make comments. But by the time you get there they've been reported and deleted, or banned, or downvoted into oblivion.

You see these fat comments because they get upvoted, because a large enough people agree with that mindset.

That's where all of this drama is coming from.

Ban racists? That's fine, racism is largely viewed by society as a bad thing.

Ban assholes who think fat people have only themselves to blame? Well, society is rather torn on this whole HAES/SJW vs Get Fit thing, so you're creating a schism.

They could have just made it so fph posts didn't make /r/all. And banning the small sub's who didn't make front page at all is obviously censorship

I don't know about all the "Small subs" what I do know is at least four hours ago fatpeoplestories was still up and to my knowledge that made /r/all about once every four or five pages so it seemed timid. It's obvious that that's the reason it was removed and it's funny that I don't see anyone getting upset or recreating /r/whatblackpeoplesay. It's just a bunch of people hating on their former selves and highschool bullies in open platform and while it should have been a hidden sub it's just as good as not being there and further increases the message of less hate on the website.

All of the related aubs have been banned and all admins have been shadow banned. Any new sub that pops up regarding fph is being autobanned as well, so this is clearly a censorship issue. Lol yeah less hate! Meanwhile there's tons of active hate sub's about black people, Jews, raping women, cute female corpses...

Fatpeoplestories wasn't part of fph

All those new subs g9t front page attention aka fph2. You can pretend its something else but its not. Sprry you liked the sub.

They are only on the frontpage if you subscribe to the subs

I meant /r/all and I only see it in my phone so not subbed.

And are you hear because you think you're going to do something about that?

Banning vote brigaders and harassers is OK with me.

Oh sorry, enjoy your circlejerk.

including banning subs with no content on them yet...

Ban evasions = behavior

Fuck it, theres still imgoingtohellforthis.

I'd say hatred to, when applied, is an act. That makes a behaviour in my mind, unless we're discussing hatred from a philosophical and psychological standpoint.

upvote /u/changetip

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what is ChangeTip?

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With the /r/fatpeoplehate crowd throwing such a shitfit, did you really think the admins would leave their backup subreddits alone?

Say what you will about the sub in general (I enjoyed reading it), there's a community there that is absurdly toxic. Now they're just throwing their toys out of the pram.

Be quiet, you're missing the point.

i dunno bout this. i think the original point stands, they are banning ideas, total bull shit. but there was a very toxic part of that community, and those mods in no way shape or form knew how to handle that beast, let's be real. also the direction took a turn for very clownish and elementary fatjokes, not even the good subtle hams trying to pass off excuse after excuse.
blantant hatred and vitrol amonst fellow humans is wrong. The mods didn't have the intelligence to understand such a subtle nuance, some were quite power hungry, and got very defensive when you attacked their intellect, bans were swift when you pushed those buttons, didnt even have to fat sympathize. the intent of pointing out the idiocy of FAT ACCEPTANCE was the best part of FPH, but again, it became elementary fat jokes. so i can see why fph was banned, all the other shit happening after is a bit much.

If I ran Reddit I'd have banned all the spin-offs too, they were cluttering the "All" page. If another sub-reddit starts up in a week or so and avoids the problem behaviors but still gets banned, then you'll have an argument. Until then, it's just good housecleaning.

with how people have reacted being edgy teenybopper shitlords it's just helping the admins with their goal of seeming right in their actions

What a cunt.

If they're only banning behaviors they should only be banning individuals, not collective groups who haven't yet commuted any real offense.

Imagine the outrage when they ban /r/ihateniggers. People are gonna be so upset about their freedoms being violated.

They're ideas that don't belong. Ideas about wishing death on all fat people. These people are sick.

They 100% deserve it. Have you been on that site? those mods are abusive.

A bit like how if you said you were fat and trying to fix it on FPH you got banned.

You are free to have ideas, but the behavior of expressing them will be moderated. Ergo, banning behavior, not ideas.

BTW, that is a terrible idea for a subreddit. Your political position might benefit from a more tolerant point of censorship.

Man that sucks lolololololz


I'd say its more along that they are banning the subs that have a negative identity with it. FPH was a pretty mean spirited place. They posted pictures of fat people exercising and trying to get healthy and would just mock them further.

Places like /r/Loseit are places that are of the same idea of fat being bad, but instead of just mocking people and saying mean spirited and hateful things, they are there to help people lose weight.

I'd say that /r/FPH are the guys making fun of out of shape people at the gym and people like /r/Loseit are folks who see unhealthy people at a gym and try to help motivate them further.

It's really not surprising that they got banned. I'm just surprised they weren't banned sooner tbh.

Edit: words


None of the subreddits have gone on Tumblr-eque witch hunts though like /r/FPH did.


When was the last time SRS did that, again?

What time is it?

someone has been browsing circlejerk

You have to put the html:// in front of a link, otherwise reddit throws a shitfit. Like so.

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Those subs aren't posting the personal information of people on their banners and advocating users to attack them.

That's the difference.

I would have loved to see where the mods said "here are the Imgur people, attack them".

The sidebar was changed all the time to mock people. Like Francis, when he posted in FPH and SRD brigaded the fuck out of that thread. The sidebar never said "Kill this asshole", it was just a picture to silently mock the situation.

This is just banning a sub for shit a vocal minority did.

I would have loved to see where the mods said "here are the Imgur people, attack them".

On the sidebar. With their personal information. Saying to harass them.

This is just banning a sub for shit a vocal minority did.

Yeah, the people running it.

Trying to find a picture of this, but since the sub is banned I can't really find anything.

doxxing anywhere on reddit is not allowed.

It's so odd that this is continuously ignored...

There are some sick people in the world and they all gotta go.


To be fair, I have never even heard of /r/CoonTown till today. They stayed in their corner of reddit. On almost every thread or subreddit I have personally seen, there has been some mention of /r/FPH.

Thats probably a big indication of why they weren't banned.

But that's not being fair. By that logic you're led to the implication subs with ideals that don't fit the reddit "agenda" are fine until it starts to grow in numbers. So that tells me:

"We won't censor you for what you think, even if we don't like it. Until, of course, what we don't like starts going mainstream, then you get the ban hammer!"

Which is the worst kind of censorship, imo. It's a false sense of freedom of speech. As long as your voice isn't heard, we don't care. But if that soapbox gets big enough, we'll kick the motherfucker right out from under you.

Which is exactly what is going on.


Its not a freedom of speech issue. Reddit is also a business not a public talk forum for people (as much as people think).

Edit: So yes, when it goes mainstream and affects reddits bottom dollar, it will be shutdown.


Title: Free Speech

Title-text: I can't remember where I heard this, but someone once said that defending a position by citing free speech is sort of the ultimate concession; you're saying that the most compelling thing you can say for your position is that it's not literally illegal to express.

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The inevitable transition of websites going from public talk forums to monetized business models is an issue in itself, i.e. 4chan. Eventually, over time, money becomes a factor and censorship manifests.

That's what people are upset about, as they should be. Especially considering it is them, the redditors, that brought and continue to bring in the money and that a lot of them invested their time here because of the culture. To suddenly change that culture, not because of the demand of the community that got this site where it is today, but because it better fits your business models agenda, is bullshit and should be scrutinized to the highest degree.

As detestable as that subreddit is (just saw it for the first time today) they are not posting personal information and advocating for the users of their subreddit to personally attack others.

it was just the staff of imgur.

And users in /r/loseit...

Which only further proves the point that the outright harassment of users on other subs is why the ban hammer fell.

Ur in the wrong sub... Reddit was not created to be pc

It wasn't created to be a bastion to horrible behavior, either.

So don't participate in it. In comparison it's a very small percentage. Let people have their opinions and don't partake if you don't agree or care. Doesn't mean it should be censored. Literally the exact same policy in the real world.

So never argue with someone you disagree with? Ha. Pathetic.

There's a difference between arguing about something you don't agree with and censoring it on a public platform...

Never said it was supposed to be, cant expect to act like how they did and not get some sort of reaction to it though.

fuck this shit. I'm moving to voat. After almost 5 years, I'm done with this facist bullshit. More room for the fatties. They need it.

Yeah I'm going there too

The second they get back up from the hug of death we gave it I'm leaving reddit for voat. I don't want to participate on a site like this. One of Reddit's best qualities was the many subs and the freedom we had. Today let me know that reddit is no longer that place.


No one will miss you. Buh bye.

Edit: You guys still here? Go away

Exactly, everyone who claims "buh...my hate speech!" will be gone. Good riddance

Any good mobile apps for Voat yet?

Versa and Vulcan are the current two. Both for Andriod

The subverses are /v/versa and /v/vulcan

Just got to wait till Atko gets more bandwidth to handle the migration

The site I know is mobile, but it's still down

Youll have to give the site owner a break. He probably has no clue this is going on right now. In fact hes probably still asleep. (owner is a recent post-grad from new zealand i believe). Hes going to wake up and be like "oh shit.... I need a better server..."

the mobile site is good enough until someone takes it upon themselves to utilize the API (which is only available through request atm)

the owner of voat is a recent post-grad.

His whole life is about to change with this influx.

Same here


But seriously, made my voat account, fuck this place, I hope they're all nice and safe together and fucking stay here.

They need to upgrade their servers though, that site is REALLY slow currently.

Ha, it's unusable, I gave up midway through setting up my subs. But I'm there, I have a new nick (some goddamn racist stole mine and made one post a year ago and never again, thanks other FalseTautology), I dig how TINY everything is, ha, all the subs seem to have less than 2000 members.

So yeah, I figure it'll be a couple days before they're ready for the increased traffic but I'm already looking forward to something new. I worry, though, that I'm going to remake some of my favorite subs myself, cuz I am lazy as hell.

I'm sure Atko will

A huge amount of people just flooded there, its to be expected

See you tomorrow!

i can at least respect the guy below him who said he was leaving then deleted his account. /u/kevo777 is just fronting i bet hes back already

An entire Reddit consisting of extreme /r/fatpeoplehate subscribers. Yeah, but no. I dislike fat people, but not enough to leave Reddit behind.

oh yea wow i didnt even think of the poor old voat community who lived a quiet sequestered life away from reddit that woke up today to find out that theyre website that used to be a chill space with not a lot of people has suddenly been chosen as a refuge spot for the fph crowd

You should leave because of censorship not because you dislike fat people only a little bit.

It's better for existing users if you don't delete the account. Saving the account preserves more of the post history and at least makes you searchable so people can see what happened.

Like I said before, I tried going to voat, but it is currently down. There are way too many people going there right now. I'll try tomorrow.

hahaha oh man this is hilarious you commented within a minute of me posting that

whatever excuse works for you man. Every second you spend here now is just supporting something you denounced regardless if the other site is up or not.

Check out all of the gold they have bought...

Probably pumped +/- $2000 dollars into reddit over the last 24 hours.

231.26 minutes is a single gilding.

I'm starting to think this is all an elaborate conspiracy to get people to go to Voat

Whats voat?

it's apparently a reddit-like site but it doesn't seem to work.

It works. Just gets TONS of traffic right now

them fools better monetize!

It will.

The site is set up by some kid, so there is no way he expects the magnitude of requests hitting his server right now.

Keep checking in

I thought .NET was supposed to be fast! ;-)

At least it's open-source... https://github.com/voat/voat

Hugged to death due to recent events.

Yeah i'm trying to use it now, but it wont load properly.

The site Kevo started and now is his time to shine.

Banned for fat sympathy


Let's make sure people know the reason we don't like reddit is because of the censorship, not the fatties. (Or at least most the reason)

I've been trying for hours to get it to open!

Oh wow thanks!

You know this is actually odd. https://voat.co/ IS up, but there are numerous memes on the site about how long it take for ANYTHING to load on it. I guess there is just so much strain on the servers with everyone migrating that the site is having trouble keeping up. That web site is normally correct like 99% of the time whether something is up or not, but obviously there may be an exception or two.

Try to open the page on the web site itself.

Yea I've done that, but I'll keep trying. I've never been to voat before but if that's where people are going I want to keep my community afloat and get it going wherever I can.

Cool, see you next week.

Remember to disable adblock for voat so they can pay for the new servers they're going to need to support all of us.

They don't even show ads.

They never will either I don't think. The owner pitched the idea of no ads a couple weeks ago and he seems to like it

All 5 of us!

Thank goodness.

This would be the past day ever if all the assholes at fatpeoplehate leave and the you stupid crazies leave with them.

I made my voat account yesterday. Weird timing.


Yeah it would be great if I just could access it. Not one time it's loading.

What a good player base to start off voat with. Haha good luck half wits

And now you're a mod.

I was for about 20 minutes. Voat won't even LOAD for me dude.

I just thought it was funny how you were out the door and yet you're still here.

Once I can actually get on Voat, I'll go. The only types of posts I've made here are relating to voat and how it sucks that the mods removed a subreddit. Can't y'all at least wait till voat is functional before you crucify me.

lol why do you have to wait for Voat to load in order to delete your account here?

He is waiting for his freedom to be taken from him one more time and then he is really going to go. HE MEANS IT.

We both know you aren't going to leave. For every 100 people, 5 might actually stick to it.

Edit: I'm not worried about losing karma unlike OP.

Why make the edit when you're not worried about karma?

Because I didn't include it in the original comment and wanted to document my change.

I can smell your unwashed folds through my computer screen, fatty.

I'm 5' 7" 160, you sad sack of shit.

Bro, that's overweight. Not doing yourself any favors here.

Oh yea wow look at that! One square below normal. I should probably change my lifestyle if I wanna live to 40 right??? If only there were a community to shame me into becoming more healthy. I could really use that kind of motivation.

Whats it like being 5ft 7, do you have to look up to women lmao, embarrassing.

Don't shame people for things they can't control.

Fuck off nigger.

How the fuck is 5' 7" short? My girlfriend and every girl I've been with are 5' 3" or shorter. Go die in a fire, cunt.

Lol fat manlet.

Good riddens. Get the fuck out of here


Except that never once happened.

But keep trying to control that narrative.


When did I compare it to fascism?

That also never once happened.

You do understand saying it over and over won't make it true, right?


This isn't a secret...fph was posting personal information. The mods were. On the sidebar.


Gr8 m8 i r8 8/8


You really don't need to prove anything to anybody here. Don't waste your time on them.


It's giving me a headache. I'm far from overweight, if anything I'm underweight, but bullies are bullies, and no matter which way you try to color it, it's still pathetic. A few hours ago these same FPH supporters were crying about their message and how racist content is allowed to stay but FPH wasn't. Now r/all is littered with racial remarks towards the CEO of Reddit because some kids got their feelings hurt. It blows my mind.

who shit in your corn flakes


there's a reason you're in the minority here, hon.

Nothing of value was lost

That's some bold talk, u/smallus_dickus

Not really a frequent visitor to this sub, but do you guys have any kind of contingency plans at all if /r/conspiracy goes under?


that site is overloaded. I've been waiting for that site to load for at least 5 minutes.

Likely due to mass migration from this event. Reddit had similar problems once digg when off the deep end.

Hey, guys. When we get over there, can we still like... Hang out together?

I don't see a reason why not

Yeah dude!

yes.. yes we can

Fuck that was cringy af its a website not a fucking support group you should be ashamed at that comment.


It's uptime/downtime is like 99/1. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here.

And what's the deal with the search feature right?

Just let the people have their little moment.

it still serves up the "ouch!" page like 1/20th of the time during peak times which is pretty fuckin inconsistent for a website this big

A couple months ago is was a bit slow but worked just fine. It is definitely due to the drama going on right now.

Reduced uptime and longer page loads? No no no, you've got it all wrong. We call it increasing shareholder value now. Oh and before I forget, we're no longer matching 401k contributions.


Part of the process. They'll beef it up and people will flock. Just like digg.

Yes it is.

Im glad. We've needed an alternative to this shit hole for a while. This place has been monitored and has been distorted for a while.

This place has been monitored

It's a public forum so..

By that I mean that they monitor and remove threads that they do not wish to gain views. In other words, they censor certain news outlets and remove threads with links to them.

This has been going on for a while. There have been several controversies in /r/news because of this, among others.

/r/technology was/is a major offender too

Ah, I see now. Scummy..

You're not kidding, last time I was there it was fast... this time I gave up while waiting.

Its the new reddit. Just give the webmaster a chance to set up a new server to handle the traffic.

As a dev you gotta understand you never plan for this sort of shit, it takes time to work out, but it will work out. Servers cost money too which is coming out of his pocket, if he can afford it.

Has voat done anything to make sure that things don't repeat themselves? Have they promised to limit the number of subs a person can mod or protect free speech etc? Serious question.

I'm just thinking if we're going to migrate eventually, might as well be towards the right place.

Voat DOES limit the number of subverses (have to get used to that!) that an individual account can moderate. 10. Total. So you can't fucking mod half of the website.

I should also mention that Voat requires you to earn 100 upvotes before you can down vote anything. So lurking accounts cannot down vote spam.

It's very smartly done.

EDIT: Also meant to mention that the user page shows "voting trends" for the person. IE - a ratio of how much they upvote to how much they down vote.

And to further clarify, it isn't the equivalent of link karma that matters, it is comment karma. So trying to spam bull shit pictures that get upvotes will do nothing to help your status on the site. You need to contribute to the conversation and get upvotes there.

Also, your posts start at 0, so you don't get credit just for posting... Again, spamming bull shit won't help. It requires you post some quality comments hat people like.

And you can only down vote 50% of your comment karma, or something like that. So there is a limit.

Requiring 100 upvoates in order to downvoat is one of its prime features.

I feel it keeps the place more mature since people only post things to contribute to the discussion, and there is (currently) a lot less garbage.

  1. Based in Switzerland(better privacy laws)
  2. Public Modlog available for all subverses
  3. Transparency with spammers(list of all banned domains)
  4. Is still in active development with a very thoughtful owner
  5. No censorship policy
  6. Limit to 10 moderated subverses per user
  7. Other ideas are being thought of, it is in Alpha still and started as a student project and the owner is still in school(college? I don't know what it is called where Atko is or much about it at all really)

Lol. Platform hopping seems to be the best way to stay ahead of the inevitable bullshit

How is voat different? How can we guarantee this type of thing won't happen once/if it gains the mainstream popularity reddit did?

How is voat different?

The censorship bullshit from reddit hasn't set hold there yet.

How can we guarantee this type of thing won't happen once/if it gains the mainstream popularity reddit did?

By not using the platform if that happens.

Hopefully someone sees an opportunity here and creates something with a safeguard of some sort.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Smile and grin at the change all around

  1. Based in Switzerland(better privacy laws)
  2. Public Modlog available for all subverses
  3. Transparency with spammers(list of all banned domains)
  4. Is still in active development with a very thoughtful owner
  5. No censorship policy
  6. Limit to 10 moderated subverses per user
  7. Other ideas are being thought of, it is in Alpha still and started as a student project and the owner is still in school(college? I don't know what it is called where Atko is or much about it at all really)

This reads like a /r/HailCorporate post

Yes, because everyone who says something is good is a shill, right?


It took ~8 years for reddit to get to this place.

Lets not get ahead of ourselves. If in 8 years voat goes to shit, I am sure another spawn will pop up. Thats the beauty of the internet. In the mean time, I am going to enjoy my free speech on voat. (assuming the traffic stops owning its servers any time soon)

this could be the thing that drives the average internet news junkie to the dark net, where things like this can not thrive.

It is like the difference between a posh night club and a warehouse rave. You will always find more honesty in the latter, than the former. Some of us early pioneers who still insist on using desktops at home just need an easy way to understand what the hell goes on there that can't be found 'topside'. And how to get there.

Can't wait 'til Voat gets big, fuck this cesspool.

That's the thing, though. Things get big, corporate interests buy them out, things go downhill. It's a cycle.

Gotta enjoy it while it lasts.

It's time we turned to the DarkNet

If you have a feasible way to make that work, I'm all in. I know a few people were working on it around SOPA time, but I haven't heard anything since. I know there are many large and seemingly unfeasible technical hurdles we need to get over before it'll work, though.

I think this is more like how an underground movement builds. Only the most motivated will begin to turn away from all the trappings/fetters of civilization and look to find others of similar concern. In 2 years I predict an entirely new underground of news sources based on the common person's contribution. Everyone is a video tape operator. Dash Cams can upload in real time, and be set to publicly publish on a timer.

Overlords miscalculated the ego feed that video gave the masses. Now it is a cheap tool for unfiltered recording of misuse of the government and it's law enforcement arm.

I have spent 22 years on the net. Seen a lot of change. Not sure if this is even pertinent to anyone over 55 anymore, this internet thing.

Voat might get bigger, but it won't ever be as big as Reddit, sorry. But that's not to say it's still not a quality website. Sometimes smaller communities are far more engaging than larger ones.

Voat fills a niche for people who like the Reddit system but are concerned about censorship and privacy. I don't think the majority of reddit users are as concerned as we are in subs like these. There are many disillusioned people who stick to subs like IAMA and askreddit who champion reddit as a proponent of free speech. They become reddit apologists when they see ban waves happen because... hating fat people is evil, right?

Unfortunately what those people don't realize is that even if a subreddit is horrible to certain types of people; as long as they're not doxxing them or advocating attacks on them, it's free speech that should align with the original rules of reddit. Just because you don't agree with something, doesn't mean you should agree with its censorship.

People most likely said the same kind of thing about digg.

Looks like they're already down lmao. They're going to need some server upgrades before any major migration happens.

Is there an android app for voat? If so, I'm not seeing it :(



They have a decent mobile site, voat is not popular (yet)

Yes pls.

Is there an app for it?

Versa or Vulcan, both for Android

/v/versa and /v/vulcan are their subverses on Voat

I always hoped we'd rename it to something like r/independentmedia. More so, I have little to no clue where I could go to find even a fraction of what I find here. I love this sub.

Edit: well, I guess that sub name is already taken.

The sub name is taken, and it has been banned...

The irony.

What the hell?!

what the fuck?

annnnnnnd this site now gives me the creeps...

Yet this one is up somehow wow! I wonder why it went down.

At first I thought you were joking.

My goodness that's hilarious.

I'm glad this is happening. When the threshold of content aggregation is crossed I'll see you all at Voat.

At this point it's starting to feel like that's the goal.

All the "dissenter" subs like /r/conspiracy and /r/undelete are filled with FPH posts.

If they banned them for no reason people would be suspicious. But if they get rid of them on the grounds they are helping /r/fatpeoplehate evoid a ban... Then it's somewhat justified.

Mods should probably clean up the subs and start mega threads.


Evade, Evasion, Evoid!

That's where reddit admins send posts they don't like. The E-void.

Not justified at all.

How about r/realnews?

EDIT: Seems that this is already a private sub... odd. How about r/therealnews?

Good call. You should submit this in a self post.

I'm not all that interested in getting involved, just seizing the opportunity to promote my vacant subreddit. Feel free to post whatever. I'm not into heavy moderating.

There's always /r/C_S_T.

Leave reddit. Same with /r/undelete


There is no such thing as too much pot.


stop fear mongering

conspiracy isnt a hate sub and we dont brigade

if anything happens to it, its because THIS SUB is being brigaded by the FPH idiots and posting as their own supporters

bug out bag and grenades

Hopefully there's a bunch of alt accounts holding private subs ready to go.

As well as r/publichealthawareness

Also u/The_Wizard_Of_Wang (fph moderator) appears to have been banned.

All the mods of fph have been banned.

What the hell is going on?

Fuck reddit. That´s what´s going on.

I forgot how much I love this gif, haha.

Holy shit what is this from?

You'll be back

not once Voat.co gets better servers

I'm with you bro, made my new account couple of hours ago.

Man this whole shit is fucking hilarious to me because not one week ago I said that reddit was about to die like Digg did. And now look what is happening. Didn't think it would be so soon

I'm glad it's happening so fast, things have been going downhill steadily since I joined about 3 years ago but it was slow and subtle. Now those of us more concerned with freedom of expression (which, yeah, reddit is under no obligation to offer but ONCE UPON A TIME was what they CLAIMED to offer, ie the previous CEO) and censorship than some bullshit concept of 'internet safety' have a clear indicator of the future.

I'd delete my account right now but I have some things (threads, conversations, personal posts) that I want to save, and obviously voat isn't up for the strain today. But within a week the only thing I'll be coming here for are the posts on /r/gamedeals and I figure I'll just steal all those links and post them on voat.

You know what I'll miss most? Helping people find videogames to play in /r/gamingsuggestions. I've been playing vidya since the 80s and could often offer non-mainstream alternatives for people looking for 'games like x,' it made me feel good to help others in my hobby (and yeah, I liked trolling dudes posting 'TRYING TO FIND A GAME FOR MY GF THAT HATES GAMES' by posting either impossibly difficult games or insultingly sexist games, what of it?) and I am just too lazy to set up a sub on voat that does the same thing.

Anyway, my nick got stolen by some racist or something on voat 11 months ago so I have a new one, but I'll see you on the other side, friend.

yawn Oh no, a hateful, borderline illegal subreddit was banned. The horror. It's not like other subreddits have been banned before.
yawn No, this is the first time. Hating other people is a god given right. I'm a human being but others aren't. Blah blah blah.

yawn What a bunch of immature, uncivilized babies. You guys think you're ready to participate in a post-capitalist society? Ridiculous.

EDIT: Okay, I get it, this is a "we'll show this guy what Ntrepid can really do." Not to mention all the other approaches to the same software made by other companies and the special versions Ntrepid makes for different large clients.
Oh, and Antique Jetpack, Alexis Ohanian's PR firm that met with Stratfor Intelligence almost five years ago.

borderline illegal subreddit

The hell does that mean? You're ignorant. What fucking crime did we commit that a court will try? Go eat your butter bar.

your name checks out, fattie.

The salty tears of a million redditors having a whinge over a subreddit that tried to fucking dox imgur admins is delicious.

Find it so baffling how such a large group of people can chuck so much hate at people for being overweight, its pathetic. No shit its unhealthy, Im sure they are predominantly aware of that.

Good riddance to everyone cracking the shits and leaving.

so much hate at people for being overweight, its pathetic.

First, lets get personal bias out of it. we are both 6'1 210 lbs. Our opinion should not be biased by our self image.

There's 2 kinds of hate. The 'hate' in FPH was making fun of overweight people doing stupid things. Sometimes, those stupid things were just sitting and eating, something the obese seem to be drawn to. Its also a curse, as simply walking around a block once a day will drastically take a obese person to an overweithg person, and hopefully inspire better living.

  • We hate those who cannot do what I just said. Thye know deep inside, like all humans have with their inner dialouge, a conversation admitting to themselves their lifestyle is dangerous, and causeing major depression on not only themselves, but those close to them. we hate them for killing themselves.

And that's a funny word...kill. See, thats the other type of 'hate'. Thats angry, biased, and bigoted crap. Its inner hatred towards arbitrary traits like sexuality or race. Those crimes happen, those people HATE so much to lead to killing. And Hate is perpetuated in non racial terms. Black on black homicide is known, but not talked about. Hate is blind.

  • One could argue bullying on the internet could lead to suicide. In this defense I offer my own experiences, on reddit, and you all will too notice there's far more supportive comments reaching out to people using .self posts to admit their dreams, open their lives to reddit, and hope for help. They get it. I see posts like this daily. Overall, Reddits a great place. People just need to avoid things that may trigger them. I ignore many subreddits. Who cares? My experience is what I make it.

TL;DR 2 kinds of hate. 1 is disappointment coping by making fun of people, but mostly in humorous metaphor, and never true violence, mental or otherwise. The other is actual hatred, that leads to white on black killings, black on black kiling, and true threats of violence, mental, verbal or physical.


I still dont see what was illegal under Civil law?

Why cant I make fun of someone who is so offended, they think people need a law to protect them from fat jokes? Pathetic.

Lots of words, all I asked is what was illegal? nothing? End of conversation. Something illegal? Tell me, dont paint a text wall. You provided no input. Thats why you're downvoted.

No crimes happened. But it's weird how much hate you guys have , some of you took pictures from other subreddit and made fun of them for being fat causing an unintentional brigade of downvotes. Im not really mad it got rid of, im mad srs wasn't fuking taken out cause that whole shit show is a community around fuking with other communitys. The censorship is bullshit if others get a pass just cause their ideas and opinions align with the owners/admins.

Edit: I think censorship of any kind should be illegal. This is an entirely different issue but I felt like I should add that as well.

Banned for fat sympathy.


That is a very good point. I never considered the matter that way before.

K. Not fat sympathy , I don't like fat people either. They are gross and horrible to look at . But Im not gonna hate someone and make fun of them who is clearly uneducated and misinformed on how easy a healthy lifestyle is . I feel bad for them but I feel no hatred, hate is a powerful emotion that should be saved for those who deserve it.

How was /r/fatpeoplehate borderline illegal?

It wasn't

I believe you are missing the point entirely.

It's kinda funny. Now everyone knows your mouth-breather.

I know people usually say this but with your comment it must be true, oh look, found the fatty

Found the fatty.


You're a cunt.

How does it feel to be a virgin?

Good maybe this will drive all the douchecunts off this website now.

Inb4 "you're mad cause you're fat"

You're mad cause you're fat

The sub fatpeoplehate discovered that their imgur posts were actively being removed by imgur staff. Our subreddit then hosted an image of some of the fat imgur staff in the side bar, mocked them and was banned shortly there after.

When VA got Doxxed reddit made a hard fast rule - long before Pao, doxxing and harassment will get you banned - and if you are a moderator and allow that in your sub, you will get tossed along with the sub.

They simply enforced the rule today. None of this is shocking or surprising.

the admins are doing their job for once

Fuck off fatty



hope that was satire :P


No dude, don't go against the circlejerk. The Admins are literally fascists and because reddit is the 4th branch of the US Government, it's a violation of our 1st Amendment rights!!!

I'm fine if they censor shit, but don't claim that your site stands for free speech then go around censoring shit.

Banned for fat sympathy

my precious internet points! i should have known!

Jesus Christ. Stalinesque.

They nuked the whole FPH mod team, even some who haven't been on in weeks.

Serious question: let's say the initial ban was legit & everyone is too angry to hear why. Wouldn't these new subreddits (FPH2, 3, 4...) have to have committed the same wrongdoing? Especially /r/publichealthawareness. Or is the theme no longer allowed if the first got banned?

For example, let's say /r/movies gets banned. Does that mean reddit can no longer have a subreddit dedicated to movies?

There are 2 Legacy of Kain subreddits. If one gets banned, does the other get banned by association?

Give it up. Reddit is dead. Off to Voat.

I'm not hanging on to anything. I genuinely want to know about what I'm asking.

The answer is "whatever the admins decide". There doesn't have to be any consistency, it's their site.

For example, about 6 months ago /r/WoW's (230,000 subscribers) head mod had a meltdown and closed the subreddit down. The admins stepped in and removed his mod status and gave it to another /r/wow mod to bring the subreddit back online. Before this, the head mod of a subreddit was allowed to do whatever they wanted with the subreddit (regarding rules and accessibility). I can't remember exact examples but when it was all happening people named some other subreddits that went private and when people complained, the admins said, "it's up to the head mod. If they want to shut the subreddit down, that's their decision".

But then /r/WoW went down and they realized it would make reddit as a whole look bad so they stepped in, even though they didn't step in for similar situations in the past. They own the site so they can selectively enforce rules/bannings if they want to.

You answered your own question. They have banned subs dedicated to the discussion of fat people regardless of whether or not they are actually breaking any of the stated rules.

To give you a serious answer: It's being modded by the same people and some of the subs in question are being banned for ban evasion. It doesn't take long for those new subs to start talking about invading /r/pics or other parts of the website and manipulating votes and spreading harassment. They are engaging in the same behaviour.

Yes, you're right, they are not following the rules they pretend to follow (but they don't tell us those rules in detail anyway so no one can follow them). Fuck this site, I'm out and done, see you on voat.

FPH bans people for being fat sympathizers.


Reddit bans FPH for brigading and harassment

This is an outrage! Muh freh spech!

Please leave. No one is stopping you. Go away. Shoo.

Reddit will be so much better off with assholes like fatpeoplehate and you crazy loons.

Yes a nice little warm censorship bubble to keep the small minded safe.

They would argue it's just an attempt to get around the ban. Of course you raise an excellent point. If they're not banning ideas, and we want a subreddit dedicated to the idea of hating fat people, then any equivalent sub not run by the same mod team should be allowed.

Of course this is just a pointless intellectual exercise. They banned FPH because it got too big and it hurt their ability to make money. It's a private company so they can do what they want, but they have nobody to blame for themselves when reddit collapses after voat gets better servers.

They got deleted for "ban evasion". Yet they didn't do anything when PC Master Race got banned and moved on to a temporary sub.

They can't seriously be expecting to ban a sub with 150k subscribers, and just never let them remake it?

I think that is literally what they are expecting.

Some of the messages on the banned page said "ban avoidance" so essentially they are claiming the right to ban any sub of a topic that comes after the original ban?

E: Whether or not those secondary groups do any actual "Harrassment" or not

Why would public health awareness be banned?

It was another FPH clone

Pao must be a chubby chaser.

It's a joke name. Kind of like how /r/CandidFashionPolice is the new /r/creepshots.

Wait what? So they are banning any sub that people from r/fatpeoplehate post in large quantities to now?



What the fuck. They were some very friendly and active posters around the site.

Remember boys and girls, you can enjoy racism and dead babies on reddit, but don't you dare go hating fat people.

no shit... does r/picsofdeadkids still exist? ... sorry, if someone clicks that and it works, but I am not even going to try...

or even just spacedicks... sure, necrophilia and over the top gore is acceptable free speech, but fat jokes are literally worse than Hitler.

/r/sexyabortions is still a subreddit. I clicked that subreddit and yes it still exists

Dead babies < Fat people feels.

Wow, its bad. really bad.

I now wish I would've listened to you..m

wut.... I, uh... wut....

is it pics of the aftermath, or?

(yeah, not gonna click)

No no no, its a sub that moms who have had abortions can get together and chat about their experience. It's really great and uplifting.

LOLOLOL yeah its like abortion soul food

I hoped they named them before they died.

yeah, it is still there. there a pic of a pig eating the remains of a kid in the top ten.


well, just thought you should know.

I kind of asked, didn't I?

Someone else mentioned that there's still an active sub about raping women and there's a tutorial for how to get away with it in the sidebar.

So yeah, I don't know what the fuck is going on with this site anymore.

Pics of dead kids reminds me of /r/morbidreality , or /r/watchpeopledie

I think these subreddits are more informational, and /r/sexyabortions and subreddits like that are more inflamatory.

no shit... does r/picsofdeadkids still exist? ... sorry, if someone clicks that and it works, but I am not even going to try...

don't click that shit it still exist -.- smh. what the fuck reddit?


Yes, it still works unfortunately

/r/picsofdeadkids still up, hovered over with RES.

does work communist band and their "common good.". You canying watches decapitated child, but fat goad economy fucked up leave R.I.P

eventually left-idiots, I think of you is so socialist. Again


Room 101

Really shows you who is behind those keyboards.

Uh... doesn't that kind of prove that there's no conspiracy at work here? They're not doing it because it's wrong. People looking at dead babies and being racist doesn't directly hurt anyone, but the people of FPH were actively going out and harassing people, which is why they got banned. Not for their ideas.

people of FPH were actively going out and harassing people

Please site 1 example

Especially /u/leelem0n who ran several helpful subreddits including one for people with eating disorders that helped me personally. In protest make sure to


and make sure you go to: Adblock > "Filter lists" > uncheck "Allow some non-intrusive advertising"

in order to block reddit's sidebar ads and sponsored links.

Done and done!

Also to add, /u/leelem0n was fucking hot.

thanks broseph

I guess a lot of people are downloading adblock because I couldn't right now.

reddit has ads? Damn...I love my Ad Block. It's like Sunblock, only for filtering shit.

AdBlock = ShitScreen.

It makes sense that protesters should avoid reddit gold too.

Disrupting a revenue stream would get a bigger reaction than having them stomp out all the subreddit fires that keep popping up.

I believe she deleted her account a few months ago after a stupid prank.


who ever turns adblock off?

Is their an adblock for mobile users? I have an android and use "reddit is fun" to browse 90% of the time.

Also, any time you see reddit gold, be sure to remind people to stop buying it.

Haha wow

/u/DumbCollegeStudent was a douche so I'm actually happy he got banned.

So, they are in fact banning subs based on ideas and not behavior, considering those subs couldn't possibly have had much if any content on them prior to their ban. Great work Paozilla!

Just because people change the name doesn't mean their shit gets reset like a video game. lol.

Just because someone is censored on one website, doesn't mean they won't take their business to another website where they are allowed to speak freely.

Publichealthawareness banned?!?

/r/fatpeoplehate77 is also banned

I iterated through a lot of the numbers because I have nothing better to do with my fucking time and there is some inconsistency between the banning. For instance as of posting this /r/fatpeoplehate100 is banned but /r/fatpeoplehate102 is not, nor is /r/fatpeoplehate53



This is such bullshit man! Me and my American heart won't stand for this.

All this was caused by a dip shit with some stickers.


Time to move to voat.

/r/fatpeoplehate26 is alive and kicking!

Im completely lost on this situation, why are there a bunch of fat posts on reddit. i don't get this meme, please help

WTF is happening! ?

The Fattening

That's good. The fappening ruined 4chan, the fattening shall ruin reddit.

But fat people aren't solely responsible for the destruction of reddit, Ellen Pao carries that title.

How did the the fappening ruin 4chan. I only witnessed the fappening from a reddit point of view.

Admins started banning people for the littlest shit. Moot left.

4chan is where all the nudes first appeared. People started associating 4chan with celebrity nudes, which in turn got 4chan more traffic because people were looking for these nudes. Then 4chan became watered down with teenagers and regular people, as opposed to the standard fucked up/loner that you'd generally see there.

If you were on 4chan years ago, it was filled with murderers, psychopaths, women looking for attention, and just general fucked up things. If you go there now it's filled with trap threads (men dressed as women, it's a fetish), cartoon porn, and other stupid shit posts. I mean it's still entertaining as fuck, but nothing what it used to be.

My suggestion is check it out one of these days. 4chan is a great place and probably the last social network with complete anonymity and freedom. No Ellen Paos telling you no fat people, shit you'll still probably see murdered people there from time to time.

This is one of the best examples of rose colored glasses I've ever seen.

As someone who has been on 4chan longer than you, 4chan has always been full of shitposts

read: your post's general point is basically the summerfag meme which is how many years old

4chan was always terrible is a longstanding meme.


Sage for the summerfag huh? gtfo newfag, lurk moar.

the fact that you think 4chan is (or was, I guess you think) full of murderers and psychopaths makes this whole exchange even more hilarious

le edgy meme face

I like that you took the time to upload this out of your meme folder, lol

Ive been on 4chan for a long time. Not much has changed really. Just more porn and less criminal activity now.

Was there ever actually much criminal/overtly sketchy stuff? I used to check it out sometimes around 06/07, and it was mostly just porn, shock sites, weebs and spillover from totse/YTMND/whatever. But yeah, I feel like it's the "internet culture" (please kill me for saying that) as a whole that's changed, rather than any specific site. Communities online across the board were quite different until the past 5 or 6 years.

It has changed somewhat, but there's no denying it wasn't as good as it was. Not implying it was good, because 4chan was never good.


Dude there's always been an abundance of fetishism porn on 4chan. Maybe there's a few more trap threads, but I wouldn't say the porn has gotten worse.

It's the userbase. I left 4chan and souly browse /r/4chan, even though it's been slowly declining as-well.

Also, has anyone else noticed that nearly every hate x/anti SRS sister subreddits has been slowed to a fucking standstill? Go check out /r/tumblrinaction /r/cringanarchy /r/watchpeopledie etc, etc.

Fucking weird.

TiA isn't a SRS reddit. it's anti SRS.

I didn't mean there's a huge amount of new porn, but there's way more porn threads than before. Like every time I refresh it's always a new loli thread, or a new rule 34 thread when there's several others. Idk, maybe it's just me but that's just what I think.

You're just wearing rose tinted glasses. 4chan has always had as much shitposting. It was just different shitposting. Hell, we just had a murderer post a thread late last year. It's still the same as it was. I don't think it was due to the quality of the content, but the way the admins handled all of it.

It brought 4chan into the media limelight and led authorities to look closer and monitor the site. This led to 4chan admins and mods being forced to moderate more watchfully, ending a lot of the shit they were used to posting.

the community there isn't the same as was before the fappening.

/b/ was never good anyway.

What ruined 4chan was when they banned a gamergate thread from /b/. Only illegal content should be removed from /b/. (B is fucking awful.)

Even before that when they had the share to Facebook option on April Fools Day one year. It was flooded by 13 year old kids who saw the posts on their friends feed.

4chan was covered on fox news in 2007.

No, insecure assholes that dedicate subs to hating others instead of bettering themselves ruined reddit.

fupas everywhere

Was on FPH earlier today and they kept posting pictures of the imgur staff. And from at least what I read the imgur staff had removed a bunch of images from posters at FPH in a what seemed to be a bunch of random images of... well FPH.

I've been here for 5 years and this is the dumbest thing I've seen since the violentacrez shit went down. Of all the things in the world today to cause a reddit-wide uproar, it's the banning of hateful subs that unnecessarily chastise fat people. Jesus fucking Christ. I don't agree with the decision, but what has really been lost here? That place was a cesspool of hatred that condoned bullying. If people want to create a sub that actively opposes the fat acceptance movement, I'm all game. Hell, I'll fucking subscribe and contribute. But fatpeoplehate was just mean and does very little to help combat the obesity epidemic. I wonder how many emails have been sent to Ellen-what's-her-face today vs. emails sent to congress/parliament over the number or REAL FUCKING LIFE atrocities towards the freedom of redditors. I'm fucking ashamed to admit I enjoyed this site. Peace the fuck out, reddit.

Oh, and sorry OP for high jacking your comment. This had nothing to do with you. Unless you're one of the tools that turned this once-great website into a fucking embarrassment.

/r/fatpeople hate wasn't some movement to start making america skinnier. It didn't have to have some higher goal to justify its existence. It was a place where people could vent their frustrations and when you get a lot of that going of course its going to look bad.

It has nothing to do with a conspiracy or freedom of speech or anything like that. /r/fatpeoplehate was big, ugly, pissing people off, and when imgur started taking down all their images from the imgur front page, they put pictures of the imgur admins in the sidebar and mocked them, so the admins just shut it down.

Now a bunch of fucktarded kids are acting like this is somehow a big deal and are posturing like they can "ruin" Reddit. In a few days, no one will even give a shit, and the 99% of the people who come here who wanted nothing to do with /r/fatpeoplehate wont even notice it's gone.

To me, FPH ban, et al, is just a symptom, a metaphor for what could come. The rules now are extremely vague, arbitrary and subjective. This is manipulation, for good or bad. Like the war on Drugs, what started out as a law against cannabis has led to accepted restrictions like the Patriot Act.

This is like boiling a frog. Some of us have enough perspective on how 'they' creep, commercialize, monopolize the message and then manipulate. And based on my observations and research, this site is a tool for those who use tools against the very people who maintain and contribute to its content.

Hahahaha oh this is gonna be a major shit storm. When will they learn that silencing an individual yet alone a subreddit with over 151,000 subscribers do any good. People are just going to come back harder and stronger until they get what they want back. Their freedom of speech.

Free speech only guarantees you the right to speak, it does not guarantee you Reddit devoting their resources and server space to broadcasting your speech across the globe.

no one is saying you are guaranteed free speech, but once you limit free speech you just create an echo chamber, you need a dissenting opinion or else it just turns into a bullshit circle jerk of pointlessness.

Unfortunately, Reddit is not required to facilitate it. Luckily, we are not required to participate if they don't. See y'all on voat

Reddit is not required to facilitate it

I realize that, however it is one of the main reasons reddit got as large as it did, with this level of censorship though they will alienate a large portion of users. I'm not saying they CAN'T do this, i'm saying they shouldn't.

I know, I hate it too. But we need to do what the internet does best and show the censors that we're not going to accept it. Let's abandon this place like Digg and demonstrate that the power of the web can not be censored.

And that is why subs like /r/fatlogic weren't banned.

I realise I will be downvoted for this, but FPH was just an unproductive circle jerk about "how disgusting" fat people are. And that isn't even why they were banned. They were banned because they were vote brigading. I know their rules said it was forbidden, they still did it.

TLDR: Exactly what FPH was like. It even listed no dissenting opinions in the list of rules in the sidebar.

Besides, FPH wasn't banned because Reddit didn't like what it was saying, it was banned because its subscribers were actively harassing people and the mods were doing nothing to stop it.

im talking about free speech on reddit as whole, not in a specific subreddit, each subreddit IS an echo chamber, reddit ITSELF should NOT be.

I think Reddit should be the ones to decide what Reddit should be.

FPH got banned because it broke Reddit's rules, don't like it? Post somewhere else. Find somewhere where you can express your free speech without breaking any rules.

Lol, you dont see how that's toxic to reddit? This is literally killing reddit.

Sometimes when something has become rotten and festered, amputation is required. If the removal of these subs is something you're honestly upset about, then the whole point is you probably shouldn't be on reddit for that in the first place.

Who decides what is good and what is bad? If FPH is deleted for "Harassment" why is SRS still there? or where is the evidence of Harassment? if FPH is deleted for content why is /r/coontown /r/gasthekikes still there?

FPH was deleted solely for political purposes there is no other reason.

FPH wasn't the first sub to be banned and it certainly won't be the last. No matter how many subs they remove, new ones will keep popping up to take their place (just take a peek at your /r/all right now.)

I for one would welcome bans of other subs, such as those as well.

I for one would welcome bans of other subs, such as those as well.

where do we draw the line though? If we draw the line here (where we are with FPH), there are a ton of subreddits that need to be banned as well, if we are saying FPH was a special reason, we need to know what that reason is. I welcome bans on other subs as long as we are being consistent and we know what the rules are from the get go.

Yes, absolutely. Trying to stop people from harassing other users is "toxic" despite virtually every popular website in the world doing it.

If you find Reddit is no longer sating your desire to hate and abuse other people then leave, you will not be missed.

Go back to tumblr

Why bother? According to you people, Reddit is turning into tumblr.

If only... they have much better pornography.

You explained it right there.

You know, I like how the remnants of FPH are unironically parroting the phrase "Heil Hydra". Apparently oblivious to the fact that, in the Marvel universe, Hydra are a Nazi organisation. Isn't that fitting?

leave, you will not be missed.

See this is the issue, you have no idea what my opinons are on any of this, but because I think FPH should be allowed to exist im automatically lumped in with them and I "wont be missed" based on this and this alone.

Yishan never would have let this cluster fuck of an SJW whore ruin this site.

You mean sort of how anyone who opposed FPH "must be a fatty?" Sort of how FPH lumped anyone with a weight problem into a single category, which it then existed only to mock?

FPH was of course an extreme example against fat people, reddit as a WHOLE shouldnt be doing anything about it. If a specific user is brigading or harassing, ban them. If a specific subreddit has clear evidence (unlike the evidence the admins have released nothing of so far) then give a PUBLIC warning to the mods, if it continues, ban the subreddit WITH EVIDENCE as to WHY they are being banned.

This entire situation is being handled terribly by the reddit admins, its embarrassing how out of touch with a vast portion of their userbase they are. MANY of the older redditors came to reddit and stayed with reddit BECAUSE it was a bastion of open and free thinking on the internet.

It's only the last 6-12 months reddit has moved away from that, it wasn't entirely unexpected after Ellen Pao took charge, but it is still disheartening to see as a long time redditor.

because I think FPH should be allowed to exist

FPH was allowed to exist, with its subscribers allowed to express their opinions whatever they may be, up until they began going to other subreddits and other internet communities to harass other people. Again, this would have been no problem, if the moderators actually did their jobs, but they didn't.

Yishan never would have let this cluster fuck of an SJW whore ruin this site.

You know, the only context I've ever heard the term "SJW" used in is to describe a person who wants a fair, accepting, positive environment for everyone. To me, that sounds like a pretty good thing to be.

began going to other subreddits and other internet communities to harass other people. Again, this would have been no problem, if the moderators actually did their jobs, but they didn't.

see the problem with this version of events is it completely ignores the fact you will get banned for posting user names on FPH, you would have your post removed if you didn't remove someone's username because doxxing and brigading were against the rules, the mods actively enforced these rules and there was NO widespread organized brigading by the subreddit. Yes, some people who were subbed brigaded, yes some of them doxxed, they were not sanctioned by FPH mods, nor was it allowed when it was reported.

used in is to describe a person who wants a fair, accepting, positive environment for everyone

oh god i hope you're kidding, because im a CIS white male I automatically am portrayed as the bad guy to almost every SJW because of "muh privilege" not to mention I am clearly a rape supporter AND misogynist, after all I am a straight male AND white, i couldnt be anything else but a misogynist asshole.

some people who were subbed brigaded, yes some of them doxxed

And now they aren't. Ever. Problem solved.

because im a CIS white male I automatically am portrayed as the bad guy to almost every SJW because of "muh privilege" not to mention I am clearly a rape supporter AND misogynist, after all I am a straight male AND white, i couldnt be anything else but a misogynist asshole.

Uhuh, well, as another straight white male who -I guarantee you- spends more time on what you would describe as "SJW websites" I can tell you you're talking nonsense.

And now they aren't. Ever. Problem solved

bullshit, they are still doing it. These people are doing it regardless of what subbreddit they belong to, these people were probably doing it before FPH was even a subreddit, hell some of these people have probably been fat shaming and harassing fat people since before the internet. The internet has just made it much easier.

How would banning the subreddit ever do anything to the userbase?

also, SJW's are a laughing stock to many people on the internet, if you haven't seen that then you really dont get out of your echo chamber often.

The FPH subreddit provided them with a banner underneath to march. United they stand, divided they fall. One person spamming is far less daunting than 150k.

Again, I'd like to remind you that things were fine when it was just talking, just a bunch of people expressing their opinions. The problems only arouse when they physically and actively conspired to make other peoples' lives worse. It's as simple as that. At that point action needed to be taken.

and other subreddits who have history of doing this as well are being ignored because they are SJW havens, its just sickening how clearly biased the admins are.

If FPH was somehow secretly organizing REAL harassment that needed to be addressed, show some fucking proof. If its as bad as they claim it is, there should be no problems showing actual evidence the mods of the subreddit were in on the harassment and it was sanctioned. If that isn't the case, then there is no reason FPH should have been banned, period.

and other subreddits who have history of doing this as well are being ignored because they are SJW havens,

For example?

If FPH was somehow secretly organizing REAL harassment that needed to be addressed, show some fucking proof.

You're joking right? Of the few times I went there, there were always links to posts at the top with titles somewhere along the lines of "Insert derogatory term for overweight people here does xxx* which always inevitably ended with thousands of FPH subscribers spamming said page. And of course there was the cyber-vigilantism like the doxing.

there should be no problems showing actual evidence the mods of the subreddit were in on the harassment and it was sanctioned.

They didn't need to be in on it. All they had to do was leave is at is was. That's what the mods are for, they're supposed to be the safeguard that renders direct action from Reddit unnecessary.

You're joking right? Of the few times I went there, there were always links to posts at the top with titles somewhere along the lines of "Insert derogatory term for overweight people here does xxx* which always inevitably ended with thousands of FPH subscribers spamming said page. And of course there was the cyber-vigilantism like the doxing.

How exactly were there "always" links to posts when linking to other parts of reddit, that was explicitly against the rules and automod would delete those pretty much instantly.

Imgur links were literally 90% of FPH, you can check the web archive, they have snapshots of 6/8/15 where you can see the entire front page is nothing but imgur links

also the subreddit rules for FPH

No identifying information

No dissent / No being fat

Keep the peace

No links to other parts of Reddit


two of the five specifically forbid exactly what you're describing, so how exactly did the mods let this shit happen? From what I can tell this is being made up to make FPH look as worse as it possibly can, there is no evidence of regular organized brigading or specific harassment, if there IS evidence of that, i'd love to see it.

Of the 25 top links in FPH on 6/8/15 ALL 25 were to imgur.com, there was 1 stickied selfpost and that was it. http://web.archive.org/web/20150607141552/http://www.reddit.com/r/fatpeoplehate/

It baffles me that the backbone of your argument is "How could that be if it was against the rules?" when we've already established the root of the problem to be moderators not doing their job.

Also, I know the average intelligence of the typical FPH subscriber isn't exactly through the roof but they have proven themselves capable of finding websites displayed in imgur links.

Except users names can't be in the imgur pictures, they aren't just posting screen caps of threads on imgur and then brigading the thread, yes, the more extreme users are going to do whatever they can to find the fat person and shame them publicly to harass them, but so are extremists from SRS, SRD, and GamerGhazi when they brigaid and doxx. The extremists on BOTH sides are doing bad shit, to single out FPH just shows which side reddit admins fall on, especially when there is evidence both sides are doing the same shit.

You say just because it was against the rules, it didn't happen. Well just because SRS and SRD claim not to do the same shit doesnt mean certain members of those communities aren't, and they are.

im done with this shit show for today

Better get reporting then. FPH was significantly bigger than any of those other subs you mentioned so it's no wonder it got hit first.

FPH was significantly bigger

Huh? SRD has 25k more subs than FPH had. SRS is what SRD moved from and only has 60k subs at this point, but SRD has a lot more subs then FPH ever had.

Oh, SubRedditDrama? I thought you meant ShitRedditDoes.

Regardless, the admins have given you an easy method of contacting them with reports of offending subreddits. If you want SubRedditDrama to go the way of FPH, you know what to do.

FPH got banned because it broke Reddit's rules,


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That's not evidence of them breaking rules, just because a admin states that they broke rules and refuses to prove it doesn't mean anything...

You must be joking. FPH's brigading and doxing is well documented.

Then provide a link to said readily available documents? I've never been on FPH or any other such sub.

Unfortunately most if not all sources went down with the sub itself like this one.

Although I refuse to believe you've been on Reddit for 3 years without knowing about this.

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All of those screencaps were comments in FPH? The rest was down because the sub is banned. Someone getting banned because they are subbed to a sub you dislike is pretty shitty too...

Although I refuse to believe you've been on Reddit for 3 years without knowing about this.

I really don't follow any reddit drama I mostly read news, /r/all, and /r/soccer. Hence why I don't know and or care about FPH but only about needlessly banning a sub of over 150k people on flimsy evidence.

"Rules" LOL.. then gtfo reddit you little bitch, you're part of what's ruining. This site.

Hate to break it to you pal, but you'd be hard pressed to find any website on Earth that doesn't have any rules.


Exactly. Repeatedly shitting in the pool might be free expression in some people's mind, but it doesn't mean I have to invite you to my party.

Funny, being that is a catty what got them here to begin with.

No one is talking about the first-amendment right, they are talking about a general principle.

Of course reddit has the legal ability to censor people, and in return people have the legal ability to shitpost on reddit.

So people are shitting themselves over not being able to post literally whatever they like on someone else's website?

Shitting themselves? I don't see people shitting themselves.

But if you have a problem with it you're free to gtfo.

Shitting themselves? I don't see people shitting themselves.

Been a while since you checked /r/all?

But if you have a problem with it

With what? I thought you said no one is shitting themselves.

You seem to have a problem with what you think is people "shitting themselves." There is no one "shitting themselves," there is merely a lot of shitposting and spamming. By your logic, all of 4chan must be collectively shitting themselves 24/7.

You seem to have a problem with what you think is people "shitting themselves." There is no one "shitting themselves," there is merely a lot of shitposting and spamming.

Stop being pedantic, you know that's what I meant.

"Pendatic"? There's an obvious difference with people posting shit for fun and getting outraged as fuck and "shitting themselves." A huge amount of people are just jumping on the karmatrain.

No but by stopping people doing what they have always done on your website your pushing away your customer base. You can say all you like that the site is free, so there is no 'customer', but less people means less ad revenue, less gilding and less donations. So servers cant be funded and slowly the site becomes smaller. This potentially could have a huge knock on effect for reddit if something isn't corrected. It all depends on how serious people are about leaving reddit.

Happened to /r/pcmasterrace a while ago didn't go to well and now they have 400k subscribers. Fucking love that sub

You know freedom of speech doesn't exist on a privately owned website right? You can't go into a grocery store and start yelling whatever you want, you'll get kicked out. Learn what the hell you're talking about.

They won't even notice if 151k people stopped coming here. Millions of visitors a day, get the fuck out of here.

I mean just looking at the front page, you can clearly see, people are not pleased.

This comment has been overwritten by an open source script to protect this user&apos;s privacy.

If you would like to do the same, add the browser extension TamperMonkey for Chrome (or GreaseMonkey for Firefox) and add this open source script.

Then simply click on your username on Reddit, go to the comments tab, and hit the new OVERWRITE button at the top.

I don't get this. The internet is infinite. Couldn't all of the users just go start their fat hating website somewhere else? Or couldn't they go out on the street holding signs saying "down with hamplanets" or whatever? Couldn't they go publish their own newspaper? Why is reddit so important? If "free speech" is so important, and if talking shit on fat people is so integral to that, there is PLENTY to do.

Like, fatpeoplehate users might not be fat. But they're definitely lazy (and probably a little stupid).

That's pretty much what they're doing with voat.co

Besides allowing a place for users of r/fatpeoplehate to express their views, what orher benefits does voat.co have over reddit?

Benefits? Not that much. It's not really a replacement for reddit (not yet at least), but there's some good stuff there. Smaller community, which is both good and bad. It has most of the functionality of RES without needing an expansion. Karma actually matters, you need 100 points to downvote, and there's some other restrictions like that. Because of these, unpopular opinions aren't buried quite as harshly as on reddit. Unfortunately it's been down most of the day due to high traffic.

holy shit

I knew I recognized this, I upvoted it 2 months ago.

Hurrah! I feel like dancing at a funeral.

This really ought to be higher up the page so people visiting this sub for the first time can know what's up.

This is some down the rabbit hole shit right here.

No conspiracy, only hard truth.

Yes, but I'm not sure where to find posts like this. I'm lost without my updates on /r/fatpeoplehate

It's like all of the front page disappeared.

Cant say we witnessed the death of reddit yet, but it has slit one wrist and is about to slit the next

Now is when we pull out the popcorn and watch the glorious aftermath.

What happens in the next 12 - 24 hours will decide whether Reddit lives or dies. We're in for a show.

I never subbed to /r/fatpeoplehate, but I did sub to /r/fatpeoplestories for a while. Eventually the negativism got to me and i unsubbed, but I NEVER felt it was necessary to outright ban that kind of stuff.

What the hell, reddit? "An it harm no one, do what thou wilt." Guess butthurt now counts as actual harm.

Going all SJW against marginal shit is silly when we could focus on content that's, you know, actually illegal.

Yesterday it came to everyone's attention that the Admins of Imgur had started deleted any front page picture posted from /r/fatpeoplehate

So the mods of /r/fatpeoplehate posted the picture and name of the admins of Imgur and led the charge in harassing and doxxing them.

This is the main reason they banned.

You keep posting this, but do you have any proof at all? I'd love to see it. I saw the fph post about the imgur staff and it was just their publicly available staff picture. When and where did it turn into harassment/doxing

FPH was leaking all over the place, as much as their members would like you to believe otherwise. They got banned for brigading, not for being vile assholes.

That /r/fatpeoplestories still exists should be proof enough of this fact.

It was a BIG subreddit. The people there sometimes commented on other subreddits. That a thing.

I never saw any type of call to downvote or upvote anything outside the sub.

The people there vote brigaded other subreddits. You don't have to make a formal announcement to do so when it's clearly encouraged by votes and behaviors.

The mods should have been harder on this if they didn't want the ban to happen, instead of just paying lip-service.

As it stood, no matter if it was organised or unorganised, the existence of /r/fatpeoplehate was breaking other parts of reddit and that wasn't acceptable.

Maybe in a few days, when this has blown over, you can make a new subreddit where you can hate on people simply for how they are, not what they actually do to others.

It just seems a bit hypocritical, no?

SRS would be guilty of this, too, then. No, they don't encourage brigading either, but it happens often.

And, yeah, we hated fat people because of the load they are on society, because of personal experiences, or because of idiotic news or the like. I, personally, don't care how much someone wants to stuff their mouths with food or not, or hate people simply for being fat (I dislike the view, but that is my problem), but I goddam hate the fat acceptance movement and the HAES movement. I mean, fuck, be fat if you want, but don't go around spouting lies claiming you're healthy, or that being fat is normal, or that it's genetic.

/r/fatpeoplehate was an extreme reaction to the growing of those movements and often a funny outlet for like-minded people to know they weren't alone in this PC world.

Oh, I'm all for SRS being banned and then everybody there getting kicked in the shins a few times for good measure. FPH being banned is just a good start.

Ah the society argument again. That old diddy. Do you hate motor cycle driver, smokers, drinkers, people who are in the sun too long, etc? Are you for prohibition? If you want a free society (and since all of you cry about freedom of speech, I think you do) you have to live with the fact that everybody makes dumb mistakes and we help each other out when we do. That's what a society is. If you don't like it, go live in the woods. Nobody going to make you help others there. Ofcourse nobody is going to help you either.

Everybody hates HAES. Most fat people hate HAES. And there are subs for that like /r/tumblrinaction and /r/fatlogic. FPH had nothing to do with HAES or the fat acceptance movent. It was all about people hating on the only group that it's still acceptable to hate, to prop up their own tiny egos.

I swear, if they touch /r/fatpeoplehate6...

Cut off one head and another 7 takes its place

Haha,,, what the fuck is that?

I initially thought it was satirical. Pictures & recipe for tempting foods. But someone said it was made by fat people to cut off the FPH numbering & give them an FU. I don't know, really.

It's triggering me. How do I report it?

I really loved Reddit and hate this is happening. I have learned so much in the last 5+ years from so many folks here. I will always remember the way it was.

I do hope Voat is viable soon. My bags are packed.

If there could just be a mobile client

A new sub has been created that isn't about hate. Just about facts and science. /r/fathumansarefat


Why not move to something like /r/PaoHate? Surely that won't be banned.

I really disliked all the /r/fatpeoplehate subs, whether it was for joking or serious hate, I thought it deplorable, however, banning them is going over board. Simply avoid subscribing.

I was OK with the whole "keep them from reaching /r/all" thing. I was subscribed to fph, I commented the and I have to admit I liked it. But I understood the measure and begrudgingly accepted it.

It would have been more simple if they'd let us keep our views in our subreddit.

I agree. I railed on the sub and most of its userbase whenever I could but being banned? Too far

Why is this on conspiracy? It's not a conspiracy that the reddit CEO doesn't want a 100% free speech platform, she's literally directly said as much. This isn't a conspiracy.

This place is also used for alt news. Plus, this is an important story in reddit, makes sense that people would find it interesting ...on reddit.

This is just the first step, to establish harsh restrictions in general. Censorship of increasingly more important info will follow.

The "conspiracy" is just the lie that this is done only for business or moral reasons, when the reasons may be more political in nature.

Let us redirect this hate to another group.. r/SmokingPeopleHate


Bye reddit

This is a practice run.

I suppose that the idea might be to eliminate a source of political thought before the election season starts hot and heavy.

Anything anti-Feminist will be next on the ban list. Most likely /r/MensRights and /r/TheRedPill

If fph went down there is no way redpill will survive.

Whether you hate, love, or feel indifferent towards fatpeoplehate, the banning is wrong. Reddit is supposed to be a place supporting free speech and allowing its users to determine the popularity of content. Clearly numerous amounts of users support fatpeoplehate and the fact that it has been banned simply because the administrators do not approve or agree with the ideas expressed within the community is a form of dictatorship. The overwhelming majority of front page posts following this drama shows that there are more people who believe this action was wrong than people who support it. If this isn't undone, and if the way Reddit is ran isn't changed, I believe this will be the beginning of end as people will begin boycotting and migrating to other websites.

Reddit is supposed to be a place supporting free speech and allowing its users to determine the popularity of content.

Does that include doxxing - the very fact that so many vile subs that don't follow people around and dox them remain is proof that they are allowing ideas and punishing bad actors.

Does anyone have any idea about why/how this is happening/allowed to happen?

There are subreddits out there far more subversive and inflammatory than /r/fatpeoplehate and /r/fatpeoplehate2, ones filled with links to gore, torture etc...

Did something specific happen on these subs to warrant this reaction or is it conversely just an inside job from tumblr to shut down any and all anti-fat opinions...?

I fear I should just go ahead and prepare a shrine for our new obese overlords smeared in sugar and bacon grease.

People in gore pictures are already dead, that's the difference

Yesterday it came to everyone's attention that the Admins of Imgur had started deleted any front page picture posted from /r/fatpeoplehate[1] So the mods of /r/fatpeoplehate[2] posted the picture and name of the admins of Imgur and led the charge in harassing and doxxing them. This is the main reason they banned.

Wrong. Names were never posted nor was any explicit or hinted encouragement of doxxing.

Can someone explain to me why they ban these guys before any of the racist and sexist subs? It's not like fat is something you have no choice in, of all the hates it's one of the milder ones.

Because of poor behaviour towards other subs, and harassing the staff of imgur. Think of fph as being a single user with obnoxious opinions, and he also trolls and sends threats to other people. That's why the subreddit was banned, not because of content.

Because they attacked lifestyle choice. Nothing is more dangerous to the Marxist agenda. Lifestyle choices are the chosen weapon to degrade and destroy western civilization as it once stood. Just look at how much has changed in your lifetime toward control, all the while people are encouraged to make damaging and dangerous personal decisions designed to encourage selfishness and cynicism.

/r/FatNiggerHate still exists though 8)

Not anymore!!! BAN HAMMERED

Then I guess I'm headed off. I won't be pledging allegiance to any cheeto barges or the admins who enable them.

Not anymore :(

Nope, it's gone now too. As well as r/ShitNiggersSay :/

Why do people even care?

Save yourself.


First they came for the fatpeoplehaters, and I did not speak out, because I was not a fatpeoplehater...

Some people take reddit a little too seriously

candiddietpolice was banned too :D

So is FPH, FatpeoplehateHD, and ObeastAppreciation.

Admins are quick.

From reddit's recent blog post that discusses their new anti-harassment policies:

Systematic and/or continued actions to torment or demean someone in a way that would make a reasonable person (1) conclude that reddit is not a safe platform to express their ideas or participate in the conversation, or (2) fear for their safety or the safety of those around them.

My problem with this is that it isn't really measurable. At its heart it's subjective. More specifically:

in a way that would make a reasonable person...

Alright, well, what defines a reasonable person? Some perfectly intelligent, well-rounded people might find /r/fatpeoplehate offensive, and some people just as intelligent and well-rounded might take it with a light heart and sense of humor, and simply brush it off their shoulders.

Taking this further, these policies don't even operate on what's offensive in the first place. The core of these policies is whether or not someone thinks a subreddit "isn't a safe platform to express their ideas," or a subreddit that "makes someone fear for their safety or the safety of those around them." What exactly about /r/fatpeoplehate made people "conclude that reddit is not a safe platform". And what specifically on /r/fatpeoplehate2, in its short time online, made redditors "fear for their safety"? Were people on that subreddit making death threats to anyone over a certain weight? Were they saying they were going to cause harm to overweight redditors? I mean, I was never subscribed to FPH, so I'm literally asking these questions. They're not rhetorical.

EDIT: Added link to the anti-harassment policies

It's a new human right, the right to never be offended by other's thoughts.

It's just an excuse so they can plant fake harassment scenarios on subreddits that are against advance publications wishes then take them down under this new policy.

These people think we're stupid but they haven't done their research. See Digg.com 07F9 and watch reddit hit the end of its product life cycle.

/r/phatpeoplehate is still going strong.

Its a place where we can show how jealous we are of sexy phat people

It matters to a lot of us that Reddit be an indiscriminate hub of any interest and topics imagination may fancy.

Pao is a crook and a criminal, she doesn't give a fuck about what we care about. The admins are either loathed or backed by fascists and ignorants.

The more she has to fight us troublemakers, the less good she will look, the more likely she will resign. Voat is okay i guess, there's no knowing how it'll turn out. Perhaps the only places without corruption are the small communities no one give a shit about?

If you think reddit was ever truly a free speech zone then you are delusional.

Can't be delusional if i'm not proven wrong sweetie.

Wow your delusion runs deep. reddit is a private company, not the public streets of America. Did you think Reddit was some kind of hippie commune? LOL!! Knowledge is power, ignore this new knowledge at your own peril.

/r/skinnypeoplehate is still up and running.

Good. Fatpeoplehate was just a bunch of ass hats that got their jollies off on making fun of fat people in school and never grew out of it.

New conspiracy, they banned fatpeoplehate because theres an agenda to keep the masses overweight and unhealthy to create new slaves to the medical system along with depopulation. Removing a sub that revolves around pointing out this problem, because it gets in the way of the agenda for fat acceptance for profit.

down the commie bastard ceo

Hail Hydra!

This is a fucking disgrace. Mark my words this place is next

This is the downfall of reddit.

Lol there are so many though. I just saw a fatpeoplehate442 on r/all. It's just going to keep happening

It's most certain to me now that the creators of reddit are actually obeasts. My only explanation.

Popped up #1 as page loaded up, never thought I would see that happen.

r/fatpeoplehate3, here we come!

EDIT: It too has been banned! Triggered

Oh you got to be fucking kidding....

Actually hang on. More edits!

This is not surprising. This is not a freedom of speech website. It is a business. They have a right to ban subreddits but it is information control. Just like you have a right to not use the website. I will not use reddit for a week or two if they continue to dictate this. I don't think it is okay for them to ban a harmless subreddit even if it self destructive. Seriously, if you are banning this they should ban /r/theredpill. that is far worse than anything else. Conspiracies happen because the goals, objectives, and actions are against the common man.

Shhh all the attention is purposely on fat hate subs so that the real hate subs can still flourish. Don't tell anyone.

Its kind of poetic how they got banned after how ban happy their mods were.

Isn't it funny how those who ban most are the first to yell "UNFAIR BANNING ME!" lol.

Thank god! The fat hatters ate the true trolls of reddit. Just large scale in a sub. Trolling fat people. Spreading prejudice. I hope none of them have children. They should not be allowed to raise children who look at fat people that way.

If you have ever suffered a severe disfigurement of your body - you would understand how treating a person poorly because they are fat or have an unsightly physical stature - is unethical and cruel.

I hope all the people who hate fat people and have kids experience some event that will let them empathize with fat people and anyone who is not attractive in their eyes - so they will not teach their children to hate fat people. I am not fat. I have a fat dick that all the ladies love.

Reddit Hates freedom of speech. Reddit doesn't believe in America. Reddit loves communism and censorship. I now hate Reddit!


I find it offensive that they find it offensive

Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked.

What a waste of an evening.

Next up ... bring back /r/thebutton

I don't understand why people are so mad about all of this?

Are you for free speech or not? Stand there and tell me why fph gets banned and all the racist subs are going strong.

I have no idea why. I'm not trying to say that it's a good thing that subs like coontown and SRS weren't banned, but I'm not saying it's a bad thing FPH was banned.

I don't either... I guess some people really hate fat people.

They believe that it is against free speech. Many do not understand how horrible that sub was, the people in it and the tendency for those miserable trolls to harass random strangers.

But don't worry reddit. It's still cool to post pictures of dead kids dispite their families wishes. Go reddit!

that subreddit is still up? it should be gone as well. it is a horrible thing.

Let's burn this baby doooown

The frontpage or whatever it is was completely full of FPH2 posts. It was pretty hilarious.

Oh god it would be hilarious if /r/conspiracy got banned.

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Wtf is happening?????!!?!!!



Trolls are mad they can congregate with other trolls

There's a few /r/fatpeoplehate variants that are still alive and kicking! the mods mustn't know about them!

over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.Isreal. over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.over.

Come join the best new sub out there! r/OverWeightPeopleLove

You guys know what to do

Yeah, go hate speech!

Good. What were they expecting with upvoting their posts to the front page? Way to be smart~


might want to ban this as well


Explain why none of the racist subs need to "diminish (their) hateful ways."

I don't go on "hateful subs" I only commented because this BS about fatpeoplehate and ellen pao is literally all over this site recently. I chose conspiracy because I feel strongly about this sub and I think its main purpose is to uncover shitty, behind close door policies that attack the freedoms and rights of everyday people most of who oblivious to it.

Hey r/conspiracy, don't let the distraction of the day sway you.


Revolt! I'm really baked, but damn that's fucked up. This isn't r/Trees..

I'm gonna start to get worried when /r/fataliens and /r/fatufos gets banned as well.

No man is an island,

Entire of itself.

Each is a piece of the continent,

A part of the main.

If a clod be washed away by the sea,

Europe is the less.

As well as if a promontory were.

As well as if a manor of thine own Or of thine friend's were.

Each man's death diminishes me,

For I am involved in mankind.

Therefore, send not to know

For whom the bell tolls,

It tolls for thee.

Try making r/fatperson and leave it at that. The community will know what it is and they can't possibly construe that subreddit name as offensive.

Why are you guys so pissed about some shitty sub getting banned?

Pao Zedong


what's fascinating is that /r/fatpeoplehate6 is up and seems to only have food recipes...

That confuses me beyond belief

That didn't take long


So how long until fph3?

gone already /r/fatpeoplehate3

And FPH 3,4, & 5

What the hell? Seriously, if you don't like the subreddit, you can block it. If you CHOOSE to go there, you are not being harassed. Fuck this shit. I loved FPH.

/r/fatpeoplehatehd is still up

Its banned.

DAMN This is turning into a war


Looks like they also banned /r/whatjohnsnowknows as well.

CandidDietPolice is also banned.

What the fuck were redditors expecting creating a second sub??

Free speech, obeying the new rules. The issue is, so long as a sub hasn't violated these rules there's no reason to ban it. Well, guess what? They're banning subs that are not in violation of any clear rules. Harassment for example. You open up a new sub, let's say it's /r/fatpeoplehate2, and it has no content, no rules. Just a link and a moderator. That subreddit will be banned without any sort of violation what so ever. That's why people are upset.

Thanks for the thoughtful response to my annoying question.

However, in my opinion, that feels like somewhat of a childish approach, akin to a child holding his finger in front of your face saying "I'm not touching you."

The intent is clearly there whether or not the content is, is it not? And wouldn't you agree that fph2 would contain such content to get it banned under the new rules of reddit in time?

How long will this sub be here? I am really sad. I have loved reddit for a long time. So sad to see it go out like this.

Quick, someone register /r/fluffypeoplehate

Stop giving gold yall. That'll learn em.

,,!,, fuck reddit censoring.

Is /r/obesefolkloathing still kicking?

Edit: Ahh nope!

/r/fatpeoplehate6 is the current unbanned fat people hate promise land.

Y'all fucking quit drawing attention to this sub omg

/r/fatpeopleloathing /r/obesemotherfuckers /r/huskypeoplehate

I just keep making them as i think of them. i'm on a 10 minute timer now lol

Oh well, They will have to find another format to nurture their cancers.

I thought the point was that the FPH-ers didn't nurture the cancers, that they hated them?

hate is what nurtures diseases.

Fat people must really hate themselves.

Especially with bitter insufferable pricks spewing their venom in their direction. Whats funny is that most of the those suffering from fat people hate, will end up getting fat.

Haters forget their own human condition and seem to think of themselves very highly.

I completely agree. Why, just earlier, I was telling somebody about how so many black people were forced into ghettos and gangs by the horrible people over at /r/coontown. And what's funny about that, most of those people are black anyway, or will become black at some point.


"If you're constantly being activated by triggers, however, then this state of response can start to cause damage. Chronically angry people may not have the mechanism to turn off these effects. They may not produce acetylcholine, a hormone which tempers the more severe effects of adrenaline. Their nervous system is constantly working and can eventually become overexerted, leading to a weakened heart and stiffer arteries [source: Angier]. There's potential for liver and kidney damage, as well as high cholesterol. Anger may bring along some accompanying issues, such as depression or anxiety ."

Know what happens when your endocrine system starts to go awry? You gain weight, easily.

"Endocrine system" is one of my triggers, asshole. Check your privilege.


That's actually a pretty cool name for a horse, that is, if it's running in a race.

I'M A PSYCHIC. I haven't been on reddit all week and two days ago I had a feeling FPH would get banned. Holy moly

I like tacos!


Come, all ye shitlords.


Why is it fun to be an asshole to any group of people?

You only say that because you're fat. I saw you insulting Jews just the other day.

No, no you didn't.

weird how i get downvoted for saying i endorse hate speech but people are up in arms about this censorship. people only care when its about them.

I'll get concerned when they ban /r/fatpeoplehate2323213. That line they shall not pass unmolested!

Seriously, this 'ish is hilarious. I hope they keep waggling it in their faces.

They banned FPH because people were banding together to go out and harass people. Nothing to do with freedom of speech, you don't have a right to harass and bully. How you people can even think that they would ban /r/conspiracy or other random subreddits is a use of a slippery slope fallacy.


So depressed right now. This was one of my favorite subs. Fucking fatties.

Typical fat cunts. I hope they all die of heart attacks...... Which they will.

This is all a NeoCon conspiracy to bring down reddit because it fosters too much Libertarian and anti-establishment discussion.

Listen up guys. Mocking our Chairman or making fat post hit the front page is fun while the lulz last, but we need to think of something more long lasting. And effective. How about we go after the Reddit sponsors?

If the Reddit admins are willing to fuck over its userbase to get their hands on that sweet, sweet advertising revenue, well here's what we can do.

Let's go after the Reddit sponsors. Write to them, call them out on social media. Make them know of the unhappiness and anger here. Make sure it becomes common knowledge that to advertise on this site is to get your name tainted in a newer ending series of memes and abuse.

If the admins thought that their draconian censorship would make this site more packageable to the corporate sponsors, let's make them think again. If it worked for FIFA, it sure as fuck will have an impact on our Glorious Leader.

So shall we get this party started? Post the names and contacts of some of Reddit's existing advertisers, and let the games begin!


Seriously, you guys shouldn't goof on fat people because you are clearly fatheads yourselves. Oh, they are banning all 'hate' groups? Lemme just create another one? They banned that one too? Ermahgerd I don't understand it?

Oh, there is another hate group how come it is still running? All hate groups need to get banned. Funny how nobody is raising a fuss over the gay and trans hate groups getting banned but mess with your fat people hate and the gloves are off? This just proves the saying "Haters gonna hate".

They'll never learn.

so long reddit. Bunch of damn Nazi fat fucks.

Fatlogic is banned too what the hell. Some high up on reddit must be a fatass

Fatlogic isn't banned, the mods made it private to stop the influx of FPH refugees. The mod posted earlier saying that she doesn't want people who use the word "hamplanet" there.

A lot of people don't seem to understand the irony here. The admins say that they want reddit to be a safe place to express opinions but then they go around silencing opinions that they don't agree with. I also want to make it clear that I am not defending FPH they were terrible people but to me it seemed for the most part they were just yelling into an echo chamber of hatred.

Jesus Christ I came into Reddit at a hell of a time. Redditor for six months here, and goddamn.

Fuck Ellen Pao. Srsly.

How the fuck did fat people become a protected species??

When choosing to be obese is protected more than being born black , I dont want to be part of this place.

fuck fat people & fuck you whiny pussies too...

Good. Those people blatantly leaked outside of their sub and harassed others. Ban them into leaving.

Well obviously... why would they not ban something that came about just because people were trying to circumvent the previous ban?

Don't be dumb.

They are banning principles, ideas, behavior and thought among other things by banning any sub. It is censorship. I honestly thought fatpeoplehate had higher principles than most any sub. Nothing is more offensive than the truth and the powers that be can't handle the truth. I am on the verge of abandoning this website all together. I was banned from posting on a different subreddit for reasons I do not know or care to find out about. So now we have both power tripping people running this website as well as power tripping moderators running subreddits who have effectively banned my access to two of my THEIR subreddits. Well they can keep their subs. The only thing of value to me in coming here is people's comments. If they don't value my comments then it is safe to say they don't value most anyone's comments other than their own. I'll be less than happy yet willing to take my voice and mouse clicks elsewhere.

Jesus buttfucking Christ! You are being hunted. Find a new outlet or bide your time. Stop taking up the front page. It's fucking annoying. Even from a non hammie POV.

Another one bites the dust

I'm pretty sure the mods are fat fucks too and it would make sense that they would take it down and ban all the mods

/r/conspiracy = really shitty news now?

The first step of Reddit growing up,this is awesome

I can't wait until /r/feminism is the only available subreddit

I underatand that they are censoring us.. And that they are suppressing ideas.

But can we agree that fat shaming people is disgusting? Shaming of any kind is nasty.

We can agree that being fat is nasty.

Being hateful is nasty.

I cannot believe the trogs on Reddit are actually upset they aren't being given a forum to insult fat people. For shame.

Edit: I don't give a fuck if this is downvoted, especially by an idiot insulted by my post. If that's you, go fuck yourself.

It's not just to insult fat people! It's about countering the SJW point of view that being unhealthy is OK

You guys need to get a life. Imagine how you would feel if you were overweight and reading this. Not everyone was lucky enough to be born with perfect bodies. Ellen Pao made the right decision.



Like the Jews! And steel beams!

Wtf is happening.

Fatpeoplehate got banned and now people are throwing tantrums to protest for their right to harass.

I genuinely don't understand how this is a conspiracy.

I did not like the content they posted, it didn't add anything but bad to reddit. Reddit is a company with stocks had shareholders. They are and should be a respectable business. I like /wtf but I don't like just plainly making fun of people for being fat. There are thousands of reasons for being fat, the reasons why we are fat is more of a conspiracy than fph getting banned. I am happy they were banned.

the reasons why we are fat

There is no "we", there is only "you". Stop making excuses.

We as a population. There are obese 3 year olds, obese 6 month olds. Do we tell them to exercise? No, we have to look at the reasons why people in the world are fat. Why are there so many more obese people now than thirty years ago? There's actually a conspiracy here and a majority of people are missing it completely. Hating fat people and berating them isn't going to solve the issue. Poking fun isn't going to solve anything. And bitching about a false happening on reddit won't do anything either.


Lol your girlfriend is fat


"Hmmmm" is right.


I live in pickering ontario. You close by? I'd love to see how tough you are in real life.

Why do people care so much about such a terrible subreddit getting banned? Good riddance I'd say. And honestly Reddit isn't public property. If the owners of the website don't want to host certain content they have the right to do so. In fact, after Ellen Pao's comments about how she wants to limit hate speech on Reddit, it is kinda ridiculous how r/conspiracy is obsessed with how this one shitty sub got banned, especially considering that all of this is not a conspiracy at all since there is no "secret" plan to limit freedom of speech and the owners are pretty open about their vision for their website. Don't like it? gtfo.

They've banned 6 subs today.

Their website, their rules mate. Nothing will come of all this drama. r/all is disgraceful at the moment.

Because unpopular opinion is the core of conspiracy criticism.


Fat fuck.


enjoy being miserable :)

We will, probably a flat 50 years longer then you hamling.

Enjoy heart disease tubby

They nuked the whole FPH mod team, even some who haven't been on in weeks.

All the mods of fph have been banned.

Nothing of value was lost

Yeah I'm going there too

Why would public health awareness be banned?

that site is overloaded. I've been waiting for that site to load for at least 5 minutes.

See you tomorrow!

I've been trying for hours to get it to open!


And now you're a mod.

Cool, see you next week.

there's a reason you're in the minority here, hon.

someone has been browsing circlejerk

Once I can actually get on Voat, I'll go. The only types of posts I've made here are relating to voat and how it sucks that the mods removed a subreddit. Can't y'all at least wait till voat is functional before you crucify me.

Those subs aren't posting the personal information of people on their banners and advocating users to attack them.

That's the difference.

None of the subreddits have gone on Tumblr-eque witch hunts though like /r/FPH did.

It's giving me a headache. I'm far from overweight, if anything I'm underweight, but bullies are bullies, and no matter which way you try to color it, it's still pathetic. A few hours ago these same FPH supporters were crying about their message and how racist content is allowed to stay but FPH wasn't. Now r/all is littered with racial remarks towards the CEO of Reddit because some kids got their feelings hurt. It blows my mind.

The sub name is taken, and it has been banned...

Serious question: let's say the initial ban was legit & everyone is too angry to hear why. Wouldn't these new subreddits (FPH2, 3, 4...) have to have committed the same wrongdoing? Especially /r/publichealthawareness. Or is the theme no longer allowed if the first got banned?

For example, let's say /r/movies gets banned. Does that mean reddit can no longer have a subreddit dedicated to movies?

There are 2 Legacy of Kain subreddits. If one gets banned, does the other get banned by association?

There are some sick people in the world and they all gotta go.

Good riddens. Get the fuck out of here


At first I thought you were joking.

My goodness that's hilarious.

I'm glad this is happening. When the threshold of content aggregation is crossed I'll see you all at Voat.

Banned for fat sympathy

and other subreddits who have history of doing this as well are being ignored because they are SJW havens,

For example?

If FPH was somehow secretly organizing REAL harassment that needed to be addressed, show some fucking proof.

You're joking right? Of the few times I went there, there were always links to posts at the top with titles somewhere along the lines of "Insert derogatory term for overweight people here does xxx* which always inevitably ended with thousands of FPH subscribers spamming said page. And of course there was the cyber-vigilantism like the doxing.

there should be no problems showing actual evidence the mods of the subreddit were in on the harassment and it was sanctioned.

They didn't need to be in on it. All they had to do was leave is at is was. That's what the mods are for, they're supposed to be the safeguard that renders direct action from Reddit unnecessary.

What a good player base to start off voat with. Haha good luck half wits

Whats voat?

Remember to disable adblock for voat so they can pay for the new servers they're going to need to support all of us.

it was just the staff of imgur.

I'm starting to think this is all an elaborate conspiracy to get people to go to Voat

Has voat done anything to make sure that things don't repeat themselves? Have they promised to limit the number of subs a person can mod or protect free speech etc? Serious question.

I'm just thinking if we're going to migrate eventually, might as well be towards the right place.

How is voat different? How can we guarantee this type of thing won't happen once/if it gains the mainstream popularity reddit did?

Thank goodness.

This would be the past day ever if all the assholes at fatpeoplehate leave and the you stupid crazies leave with them.

They believe that it is against free speech. Many do not understand how horrible that sub was, the people in it and the tendency for those miserable trolls to harass random strangers.

Is there an app for it?

I made my voat account yesterday. Weird timing.

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i dunno bout this. i think the original point stands, they are banning ideas, total bull shit. but there was a very toxic part of that community, and those mods in no way shape or form knew how to handle that beast, let's be real. also the direction took a turn for very clownish and elementary fatjokes, not even the good subtle hams trying to pass off excuse after excuse.
blantant hatred and vitrol amonst fellow humans is wrong. The mods didn't have the intelligence to understand such a subtle nuance, some were quite power hungry, and got very defensive when you attacked their intellect, bans were swift when you pushed those buttons, didnt even have to fat sympathize. the intent of pointing out the idiocy of FAT ACCEPTANCE was the best part of FPH, but again, it became elementary fat jokes. so i can see why fph was banned, all the other shit happening after is a bit much.

Yes pls.

Their website, their rules mate. Nothing will come of all this drama. r/all is disgraceful at the moment.

That's not evidence of them breaking rules, just because a admin states that they broke rules and refuses to prove it doesn't mean anything...


Title: Free Speech

Title-text: I can't remember where I heard this, but someone once said that defending a position by citing free speech is sort of the ultimate concession; you're saying that the most compelling thing you can say for your position is that it's not literally illegal to express.

Comic Explanation

Stats: This comic has been referenced 1617 times, representing 2.4033% of referenced xkcds.

xkcd.com | xkcd sub | Problems/Bugs? | Statistics | Stop Replying | Delete


FPH wasn't the first sub to be banned and it certainly won't be the last. No matter how many subs they remove, new ones will keep popping up to take their place (just take a peek at your /r/all right now.)

I for one would welcome bans of other subs, such as those as well.

Looks like they're already down lmao. They're going to need some server upgrades before any major migration happens.

I don't either... I guess some people really hate fat people.

Is there an android app for voat? If so, I'm not seeing it :(

This place has been monitored

It's a public forum so..

Can't wait 'til Voat gets big, fuck this cesspool.

Yea I've done that, but I'll keep trying. I've never been to voat before but if that's where people are going I want to keep my community afloat and get it going wherever I can.

Wait what? So they are banning any sub that people from r/fatpeoplehate post in large quantities to now?

WTF, /r/publichealthawareness is full of hate? This ban-fest is getting ridiculous. Can't wait for Voat to be ready to handle the influx of ex-redditors.

What the fuck. They were some very friendly and active posters around the site.

So, they are in fact banning subs based on ideas and not behavior, considering those subs couldn't possibly have had much if any content on them prior to their ban. Great work Paozilla!

Publichealthawareness banned?!?

/r/fatpeoplehate26 is alive and kicking!

Are you for free speech or not? Stand there and tell me why fph gets banned and all the racist subs are going strong.



Im completely lost on this situation, why are there a bunch of fat posts on reddit. i don't get this meme, please help

I don't think you understand what petitions are for.

Is /r/bigbodybullying available?

Let's make sure people know the reason we don't like reddit is because of the censorship, not the fatties. (Or at least most the reason)

This is such bullshit man! Me and my American heart won't stand for this.

All this was caused by a dip shit with some stickers.

The inevitable transition of websites going from public talk forums to monetized business models is an issue in itself, i.e. 4chan. Eventually, over time, money becomes a factor and censorship manifests.

That's what people are upset about, as they should be. Especially considering it is them, the redditors, that brought and continue to bring in the money and that a lot of them invested their time here because of the culture. To suddenly change that culture, not because of the demand of the community that got this site where it is today, but because it better fits your business models agenda, is bullshit and should be scrutinized to the highest degree.

/r/fatpeoplehate77 is also banned

I iterated through a lot of the numbers because I have nothing better to do with my fucking time and there is some inconsistency between the banning. For instance as of posting this /r/fatpeoplehate100 is banned but /r/fatpeoplehate102 is not, nor is /r/fatpeoplehate53

Room 101


Time to move to voat.

Fat people must really hate themselves.

Yeah it would be great if I just could access it. Not one time it's loading.