Reddit has banned the words "Fatpeoplehate" . There is no mention of Fatpeople hate at all on the front page anymore.

1836  2015-06-11 by smurge


Just because something is offensive doesn't mean it should be banned. I read offensive shit all the time on reddit. It's what makes reddit. A broad range of opinions, stupid Ideas, great ideas, everything in between.

But now the politically correct people are taking over. If I wanted to see politically correct shit, I'd be on Twitter. I want a broad spectrum. Stop fucking with Reddit. Fucking Imgur, is to blame. Where else can we host pictures etc?

Just like they would say in fatpeoplehate; "It's not the foods fault im fat, it's my fault because i keep shoving it into my mouth!"

I know some people don't like that but for me it hits home. It's real talk .

Sometimes the truth hurts.

Exactly. We've been a society of hiding behind lies instead of being honest. Sure honesty sucks sometimes but shit....i can't keep lying to myself.

Ignorance is bliss, but it's also deadly. Putting outspoken and proud obese people up on display as heroes is ignorant, idiotic, and downright wrong.

I understand the thought process of being proud of your body, but does that not mean you should take care of it? Obesity is a negative medical condition and is not healthy, or something to be respected. That is a fact, and nothing you tell yourself will change that fact.

Statism in a nut shell. It's not theft it's taxes.

If we give it a new name and aggrandize the people doing it, that changes the fundamental nature of what is being done!

But HAES right? Fuck the scientists and doctors for telling the truth

Hamburger At Every Size? LMAO.

Kidding...kidding. :D

Yeah. The issue is that people want to be accepted so much. But, yet..they don't accept that they have a problem. It's like if there was a cocaine users acceptance group and all that shit. It would fly because birds of a feather always flock together. Even if they are flying towards death or some shit..yatta yatta yatta. Seriously.

That's a heart attack.

It IS real talk. The thing about SJWs and our current culture is the victim culture. Everyone wants to claim they are being oppressed or that they are a victim to something. NO ONE WANTS TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEMSELVES AND THEIR ACTIONS/BEHAVIOR. It's much easier to blame someone else. And then you don't have to deal with accepting the fact that you're a shitty person doing shitty things.

And at the same time, actual oppression (such as silencing groups whose message is controversial) is applauded.


Don't mention the mods, that's harassment! i believe

Close though. Last thing I remember seeing posted before FPH was wiped. Think it was a user from FPH that created it too.

Think it was a user from FPH that created it too.

Hence the name, SLIMgur

I believe it was initially banned because the subreddit was attacking imgur staff since imgur was deleting their images posted on the subreddit. Since they were harassing individual people, they broke Reddit's site wide rules and got banned. What I don't understand is all the new subreddits like fatpeoplehate2, etc are getting banned too. that's fucked up

Funny how imgur shows pictures of people and animals being tortured and murdered, yet making fun of fat people is too far. Interesting.

/r/fatpeoplehate hits too close to home

Google a photo of the employees of imgur....

They were banning and deleting photos from fph before anyone there was targeted. I'm not condoning what fph did, I do however find it rather cynical if not out right devious that they allow terrible images to be hosted and drew the line at far people.

They also retroactively deleted all photos associated with the subreddit.

All FPH did was post the picture that the imgur admins uploaded of themselves and make it the sidebar image. No doxxing or harassment. Just laughing at the irony of fat admins and the way they clearly took offense.

And their poor fat dog, let's not forget.

I have sympathy for the dog because like children then have no choice on what they are fed.

Those subs were just a manifestation of the original. It just posted the same content and even adding the imgur staff photos back.

/fatpersonhate was recently banned, which already existed before this fiasco and they didn't break any rules. Seems the admins are banning any subreddit with the ideals similar to /fatpeoplehate. Little /conspiracy to me...

check out the side bar archive of /r/fatpeoplehate. The imgur staff photos were uploaded. It's also worth noting that many of does subreddits have common mods.

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Dude he's not even linking to reddit

Bots are only as good as their instructions.

It's not a conspiracy, they are trying to end the shit show of the last 24 hours with a small minority of vocal douchebags fucking up every sub with their FPH bullshit.

I didn't want the sub to be banned, but I sure as hell don't think we have lost anything as a community if these are the kind of people who congregated there and this is their response.

The other major point (to me) is that if you ARE offended by any content on reddit, and DON'T want to see's extremely easy to avoid it! To me, the appeal of this site is that I can select only topics I'm interested in to view. Yes, I know there are a million subreddits out there that would probably gross me out or offend me for any number of reasons, but their existence has absolutely zero impact on me because I don't go searching for them. I would MAYBE understand the bans more if the nature of reddit was such that users were unwillingly exposed to offensive contact. But it's so easy to avoid...just don't engage with people who offend you. End of story.

Seinfield was right man.

Thank your favorite SJW!!

Fuck imgur

yea, these people totally wouldn't organize a witch hunt.... they're actively showing why pao has a point.

interesting how the button goes away and then this happens.

I don't agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.

Reddit is a privately owned business. They have every right to restrict what other people publish on their platform.

I agree, but we can still fight it.

Their business model was an open and free platform for discussion, that's gone, so hopefully they'll tank now.

strange, I think you're full of shit.

Di you fight for the right to harass and share personl information?

fight for the right to harass and share personl information?

I dont think anyone would argue that you should be able to do that. But do you ban a whole sub or the person that is posting that info?

They banned the entire sub, since it was run by mods that directly shared personal information and actively encouraged harassment. Why is this so hard for people to understand?

The real conspiracy is all of the shills from FPH trying to drum up concern for free speech and make it seem like they're being unfairly oppressed and that all of Reddit is concerned. In reality, most of Reddit is glad they're gone.

I feel like a lot of people arent getting this. So FPH was obviously a fucked up place that was doing shit they shouldnt do.

What protections did they put in place to stop harassment? None. Zero. Zilch. Nada. They just closed the door on the place where it was happening, which will lead to more of those subs being created by the disenfranchised assholes.

Did this solve the problem? No not at all.

This is a byproduct of freely sharing information, some people will be cunts about it.

What protections did they put in place? You mean like half the rules on that sub that got you banned for violating? The mods were crazy fast at removing any post with identifying information. I don't think you ever saw the sub before it was banned.

What protections should they put in place? The primary protection now in place is a policy to continue banning similar communities. The fact that tons of the assholes are evacuating reddit to is proof that it is working. And it's a great thing for reddit if these hate groups realize this isn't a happy home for them. I'd be thrilled to see them all leave.

Does it solve the problem for the entire Internet? Of course not. But it is the right first step to drastically reducing this stuff on Reddit.

Then prepare for reddit to change dramatically in the next few months as they start removing "offensive" things to keep people from being offended.

let's choose our battles here a bit. This isn't worth fighting over.

America has a severe obesity problem.

Reddit has a sponsor that would like to keep people fat.

Bamn /r/conspiracy

No, no, no needs more Jews

Something something gafilga fish

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. -MARTIN NIEMÖLLER

Drama queen, much? Reddit ban for harassment and personsal info sharing =/= the holocaust.

I'm sure Picard was referring to idiots on a private website harassing fat people when he made the speech.

I get what you're saying but I don't think it applies here. This isn't some important issue, this is reddit


Pao is on a fucking rampage, holy shit...

If it's banned, why can I see this in my top:hour queue?

Yeah, right now (6:35am EST) there's a post with "fatpeoplehate" in the title at #3.

The entire first 8 pages for me is nothing but fallout from the FPH thing, including many of the new FPH subs that sprung up to replace the banned ones as fast as the admins can ban them.

Its not showing for me. Maybe something is wrong with my pc or Ellen Pao has gained control of it someway or another.

Yeah, I'm sure that's it. Check your front porch... Ellen might be standing there with a knife to kidnap you. I suggest escaping to Mexico. Do you hear any helicopters circling overhead? It may be too late.

Hey, dumbass: You were told specifically not to reply or participate in this thread when you clicked on it from /r/TopMinds. Quit being a fucking stupid cunt.

That goes for /u/redpanda999, too.

I've never heard of /r/TopMinds. I subscribe directly to this sub.

EDIT: Still waiting for the apology, but I expect a [deleted].

For posterity, the post by /u/AcousticProlapse said:

Hey, dumbass: You were told specifically not to reply or participate in this thread when you clicked on it from /r/TopMinds. Quit being a fucking stupid cunt. That goes for /u/redpanda999, too.

what does topminds have to do with anything?

Nothing, /u/AcousticProlapse is probably just shocked somebody has a view that differs from him. Clearly the only explanation is shill, free thinking and straying from the hivemind is a creation of the illuminati.

Ah, there you are, brigadier. You were also instructed to stay out of discussions. Nice reddiquette, dumbass.

OH NO! Does this mean I'm going to get sha- sh- sh- shadowbanned? I'm trembling.

Also, I didn't break reddiquette. I broke rules. Reddiquette is a set of suggestions, not rules. If you're going to accuse me of stuff, do it correctly at least, sheesh.

You're actually the one breaking reddiquette, calling me a dumbass and whatnot. The humanity!

You are downvoting out of disagreement; that breaks reddiquette. You are still, hilariously and unequivocably, breaking reddiquette AND site rules. Shut the fuck up.

Nope, didn't downvote. Guess your buddies just don't like you either.

Or you're jumping to conclusions and spreading lies

Absolutely not. I was not able to see any fatpeoplehate at all yesterday on the front page.

Now try logging out. The entire controversy disappears if you log out.

"Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear." -Harry S. Truman

Reddit isnt a government, genius. And the sub got banned for sharing personal information and harassment, which is not free speech. Drop the tinfoil.

no sharing of personal info or harassment occurred


The sub was banned because reddit has become a cess pool of self vindicating seditionists who claim to be liberal yet adhere to a linear philosophy which seeks to eliminate all opposing opinions. The freedom of speech is the reason reddit could exist in the first place and in lieu of the internet censorship controversy I would have hoped reddit would have taken a position for free speech not one of sedition. Political correctness is the bane of a democratic system facilitating a single view of what is "correct" and creating an area of censorship antithetical to the very natural right being exercised by the community of people advocating for this censorship. It's just un-american goddammit

Yawn. Harassment has never been part of free speech. Freedom of speech simply means the government cant prosecute you for what you say. Reddit is not a government, its a business that can ban what it wants.

Harassment is entirely different from free speech that's entirely correct and yes reddit can legally prohibit users for saying certain words phrases but the question is whether or not the community values a seditionist attitude or one of free speech I for one valued free speech on an open platform. Also it seems that its been a while since you've read your constitution the text states that the government cannot pass laws which limit speech not that the government has no right to punish you for what you say. This can be proven by the alleged constitutionality of the sedition acts

Once again, free speech does not mean immunity from consequences of running your mouth.

Which is exactly what I stated by mention of the sedition acts

Lol sedition.

That's r/all. look at the frontpage

Dude frontpage is different for everyone depending on what subs you are subscribed to.

I could have /r/clopclop posts on mine, and you might have /r/conspiracy.

/r/all is the one true page.

I meant the default, unsigned-in frontpage. A lot of people view that one.

Oh, then yeah.

I found some mentions on new. They might get taken down though...

/r/new has been banned

Yeah wtf

It means /new or /r/all/new.

In 5 years, the HAES SJW's will be as dead as Reddit.

I can't express how disgusted I am that a sub like this can be taken down and completely banned, but subs about raping women/how to rape women, and a sub about killing black people can thrive and actually be defended. This is disgusting.

You sure do know about a lot of subs you seem to have to go out of your way to find.

Other people have been talking about them, they are mentioned in several other subs/posts on this site.

Hey I'm not judging, just making observations.

What you like to read about in your spare time is no real concern of mine.

I don't read either of the subs. I just know of them and don't understand how they are still around.

I guarantee you, you post on subreddits like fatpeoplehate.. You seem like that kind of a person..

Really, it's no business of mine. I'll defend your right to read about how to rape people until the day I die. It really isn't my cup of tea, but I'm not here to judge people based in which sets of words they choose to pass their eyes over.

You can fuck off now. I'm a woman with absolutely no desire to rape anyone. Fucking troll.

That's very sexist of you. Women are capable of rape too. I never said you had any desire to rape anyone either, just that I'm not going to judge you based on what you may or may not like to read about.

Yeah, it fucking sucks. I want it back

Time to stop complaining and actually do something about it

I'm fat. (Work in progress.) But I support the right for anyone to say anything they want. This is America. If you aren't offending me, you're desecrating my civil liberies.

This is America? Since when did the internet become something you can point out on a map?

I thought they weren't banning ideas but were instead banning actions? What happened to that?

Anyone else see "escaped New York killers" a drill for implementing martial law?


Did OP seriously just say fatpersonhate twice in a title claiming those words are banned?

How is this level of delusion even possible?


Another nail in the coffin.

Ironically, I saw this on the front page so.............


Why is it okay to have subreddits that have , Gore, sex, abuse, etc, but a subreddit about fat people gets shut down?

I AM FAT! Listen to me when I say this... I AM A FAT GUY and I am bothered they were shut down.

Is it a spiteful thread? Yes

Did they ever hurt anyone directly? No

All this subreddit did was post pictures of fat people and talk about how disgusting they are. Guess what...they are right!

While I might not be gross/nasty in the sense of smell, appearance, etc... I am nasty in the amount of food I put into my body. I have made very bad decisions in life regarding my eating habits and this subreddit made me realize that.

Am I fat? Yes

Am i fat like the pictures they post? Hell No! ( I never want to get that way and /r/fatpeoplehate have helped me with this.)

So a subreddit that actually caused me to have a positive experience (dropped 25 pounds so far) and make better choices gets closed down because all they did was speak the truth. Yeah..they piss me off (like a brother) does but sometimes you need to get pissed off to make changes.

I thank /r/fatpeoplehate and all the Shitlords for not only making me a better person but a healthier and happier one too.

Congratulations on your weightloss! Keep up the good work!


Bro, 21hours ago. No one is posting anything new.

Shit bro...go lift.

ima grill, and i do lift bro. just tired of the fph clogging the good stories out today.

I bet you're super hot aren't you? know because you're a grill and all.

Btw, keep up the good lifts bro.

naw, i'm alright. and thanks.

Rule 6. No caps lock. Removed.

my bad. i'll be good.

This inner reddit bullshit is petty. This sub is so much more than your supposed right to hate fat people. Open your mind to the broad picture.

Thank you for your opinion but you are a little late to the party. This thread was posted weeks ago.


Good let it go it's over.

GOOD, I wish they'd ban anyone who even types it, I'm so fucking bored of hearing about it

Just here to laugh at the crybabies.

replace the word crybabies with fat and you might get banned or maybe just add the word fat to the word crybabies lol

The admins really need to get these stupid posts off here... this sub is being brigaded by all the FPH idiots trying to seek asylum in other subreddits while continuing to spam their bullshit

Face it, you guys couldn't keep your shit to your own sub and got what your deserved

no way we need legit subs to get banned because FPH raided them all

Despite 32 downvotes, you're right. The real conspiracy is FPH brigading all of Reddit to make it seem like actual users of Reddit are unhappy that such a hate-filled subreddit that harasses obese people with actual photos of their faces is finally gone. In reality, most of us think there's another 100 subs just like it that should also be banned (e.g. /r/CuteFemaleCorpses).

Those subs were just a manifestation of the original. It just posted the same content and even adding the imgur staff photos back.

Funny how imgur shows pictures of people and animals being tortured and murdered, yet making fun of fat people is too far. Interesting.

All FPH did was post the picture that the imgur admins uploaded of themselves and make it the sidebar image. No doxxing or harassment. Just laughing at the irony of fat admins and the way they clearly took offense.

Then prepare for reddit to change dramatically in the next few months as they start removing "offensive" things to keep people from being offended.