/r/obesepeopledislike banned after skyrocketing to #1 in all.

329  2015-06-11 by [deleted]

oh boy, this is getting fun.



This is where everyone involved gets their BS script each year... They basically are a Truman Show esque reality for us slaves to consume as if it were the truth.


In all honesty they are likely the youngest generation of the elitist shithead insider families. I'm also betting that they are all using pseudonyms to disguise who they truly are in order to deceive and subvert... this has always been done.

What if someone airstrikes the place? You get all your influential world leaders in one single spot.That would be interesting.


Ok not all, this was just a figure of speech. I meant that it is a great opportuinty for any lunatics out there to get things done. It won't be easy, that's why it is in Austria. Very well guarded.


If some international fringe group did it, I don't think they'd give a fuck. Who would they stomp? I am guessing why nobody has tried anything real is because it is massively difficult.

May I ask where you found this information? Or is that just speculation based on world events


Well that was rather anti climactic. Thanks though.

ah, wtf... I already posted this and it didn't show up.





I don't believe so.