Why does the banning of sub-reddits where people spitefully choose to hate other human beings, get more coverage than proven conspiracies that effect our political freedoms and actual existence?

82  2015-06-11 by [deleted]

Is anyone else finding the response to banning subreddits for fat people hate staggering? Surely the removal of our genuine freedoms, i.e. being monitored on the internet, is more important than a company choosing certain view points are unpalatable. Reddit is a business, it does not have to provide you with any rights... It is not a public entity.

The government on the other hand, does owe you certain rights. It is a public entity. The right to free speech, to freely expressing yourself, is guaranteed in the constitution. Yet this right is constantly being trampled. No one has the freedom to express themselves as of now.

I'm sure many others, do not express their opinion for fear of being "watched" or placed on a watch list by the NSA or some other 3 lettered government agency. Individuals have already begun self-censoring,worried that they will be arrested, placed on a watch list where their google search history will be brought up if they do anything that threatens the powers that be.

The Government lies to get us into wars -- nary a response from reddit. People find out about Operation Mockinbird -- yet are totally fine with believing we have a free media. NSA admitting to wiretapping US citizens? Who cares! Obama tells a secret court to ignore law he signed 4 hours earlier, in order to extend illegal NSA surveillance? That's all unimportant right now, lets focus on the real issue -- we can no longer berate our fellow species member for not-conforming to my standards of how one should live! My precious freedoms!! /s

I thought /r/conspiracy was to discuss genuine conspiracy. This isn't a conspiracy, it's an open business decision by a business. They stated what they were doing. It wasn't done by a cabal in secret. If you want to direct your energy towards hating Ellen Pao, go ahead, unless you enjoy being in a mob, it will be a waste of your time whilst the rest of the world continues to go to rot. There are far worse CEOs, military leaders, and even technology companies to hate in this world than Ellen Pao.


its 150k people that are now upset they have nowhere to go to spew their anti-fat gospel

of course they're brigading the shit out of subs trying to make it look like everyone supports them

they have big enough numbers to screw the smaller subs like this one

This sub has twice as many subs as fatpeoplehate did,

its not a secret that this is a casual "news" type sub with tons of alt accounts, throw aways, and visited by people just curious about what's going on

We're nothing compared to that extremely overzealous group of people who just can't get through the day without religiously upvoting their favorite hateful memes, and brigading threads where heaven forbid someone was overweight

Lets use the spotlight to draw their attention towards real events.


Right. 150k irrational people are now doing irrational things.

I think this issue is just a lot easier to understand for most. Apathy gets stronger with complexity


This is one of the few subs where bitching about reddit is somewhat safe; for those complaining and for reddit itself. People are pouring out of the banned subs and coming here to vent.

Consider /r/conspiracy controlled dissent. It rarely, if ever, makes it to the front page and the name alone causes many to immediately conclude that whatever is posted is quackery.

Think of this as a starting ground for people. Most people have never noticed most of these "conspiracies" before, or have understood they have little control over them. This might be what gets the ball rolling on many younger, or less concerned citizens. Hell most of the posts on here about CIA torture, NSA surveillance, and many other top posts; are no longer conspiracies. Thus don't belong in the sub either. This sub reddit has changed over time to accommodate the needs of the people. Yes, this might bring in a bunch of people who care about trivial FPH, but think about what they could learn just by visiting this sub reddit. I enjoy this first amendment fight, it gets people thinking about what they believe in. I makes reddit either double down on internet freedom, or finally reach the point of becoming the bad guy. Sometimes the its the stupid fights that actually bring up the bigger questions. I'm just proud to see this subreddit remaining a haven for people who ask uncomfortable questions to people in power. The same powerful people who would rather you not ask any questions.

yeah, mods on conspiracy should be removing many of these posts, but they can't help but like the extra traffic - so its here to stay it seems.

They should be removing a lot of posts here, this sub is full of low effort click-bait links.

What's happening is happening. Use this opportunity wisely. Segregation over trivial matters is foolish and counter profuctive. Help others and they're likely to help you.

Not going to lie my first thought was " fuck this fat shit, it's so trivial"

But after a moment of emotions i gladly embrace them. Make a super thread for it hopefully they find a space to let it out and decide to check out some other threads that may have a bigger impact on the picture.

Side note. I'm looking for protesters/activist in mn, there's no organization doing anything in the near future so let's do somethin

Yep. Good time for some stickied research posts.

Simple. They'd much rather create a synthetic revolution over this bullshit than let it happen naturally over censorship in r/politics etc.

"Reddit revolts over banning of fat hatred!"

To fight against reddit all we have to do is make it less palatable for their advertisers by being obnoxious, which is easy.

To fight for our actual rights means putting our lives and our family's lives into the line of fire to be hurt, imprisoned, tortured and killed, and then have to see our torturers be given medals for their bravery, which is hard.

Oh jeez, please stop worrying about other people's hate. If you think they hate you and they do then they win, if they don't and you just failed to understand what was happening then you miss out. Just don't let that edge in, look for the good and ignore the rest.

One of the few posts I wish I could upvote more than once.

Throwing in the towel. Voat really does work just like reddit just slow right now. Fuck thiis place.

Smoke and mirrors. One of those mirrors is reflecting real smoke and where there's smoke there's fire. While reddit is obessing over FPH, what is going unnoticed?

It's worth pointing out for illustrative purposes if nothing else: I just read an article in r/australia about Big Pharma being the driving force behind the TPP. That's a bunch of reddit's favourite topics not being talked about.


You're saying this subject doesn't belong in r/conspiracy. You're wrong. This is exactly what this sub is all about.

It because this is news in the reddit users minds as a majority. They think that admin just said fuck this and now we do something. It wasnt that at all. It was actually because fph started a shit fight with imgur a while ago.

Reddit staff has shown their hand as far as how they deal with it when you fuck with them or their affiliates.
