/r/fatpeoplehate saved my life.

198  2015-06-11 by [deleted]


I've seen this sentiment posted a ton today all over reddit by individuals who were in a similar situation to yourself. This is my "throw away" account and I frequented FatPeopleHate almost daily, but was mostly a lurker. I've never had an issue with my weight but I used it as motivation to get out the door to exercise.

Fat People Hate was never about truly hating fat people just because they were fat, it was about not coddling the "special snowflake" culture that has been slowly developing int he west - but as it concerned obesity. Fat People hate saw obesity that was within everyone's power to rid themselves of, so the "hate" was at the laziness, excuses, subcultures of "Acceptance" and the often found hypocrisy of delusions and double standards.

When I read a story like your's I think to myself "Fuck yeah! he/she gets it, keep going!" but "we" can't cheer you on, you can get that anywhere and everywhere else, fat logic, fit, fitness, fatpeoplestories, dozens, probably hundreds more on the likes of tubler etc.

Fat people hate was tough love and HONEST - It was circle jerky, sure, but if you got over your own "fee fees" and looked objectively at it, it was hating fat people just because they were fat, it was hating everything that resulted in that.

Our societies are getting fatter by the year, and it's every single person's fault for their own weight, -It's damn frightening. Where will we be in 5-15-30 years?

The banning had nothing to do with what they said it did, there was never any brigading or doxxing, and the banning had everything to do with "your rights end where my feelings begin". Coupled with a side order of business planning.

Good on you man. I don't take it as far as /r/fph but I will always respect the strive to better yourself and be healthy. Some don't take kindly to the mass embarrassment on that sub, but its optional! I am glad it worked for you and when you reach your goal you see it as a new way of living, not just numbers on a scale.

what does this have to do with conspiracy's?

Good for you man. Being physically and mentally fit go hand in hand.

Keep pushing. Keep fighting. Keep learning.

Good job fatty but don't take it personally 😁. keep up the hard work, never give up.

just continue to eat less and move more and you will get there


if the butterhuffer admins would put as much effort into losing weight as they have banning all these subs they wouldn't be butterhuffers

OMG, they turned their keyboard activism into keyboard gymnastics. FPH won!

This is SO DUMB.


Do you think artificial intelligence could have been achieved? I find it curious that it's a topic this year.

A normal way to handle this would be to accept these subreddits - FREE SPEECH anyone??? I am also overweight a bit currently and on a diet by the way (lost about 10 kg so far, another 10-15 kg to go, or maybe a bit more). And YES, it really gives some weird motivation when I visit a sub like FPH that talks freely about the health and social drawbacks of being overweight. It gives motivation to keep going on with my diet; I strongly recommend http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ by the way, it is an excellent calorie tracker with a huge food database that can help to plan & control the daily food intake and physical activity in order to lose / keep / gain weight, according the healthy BMI values or personal preferences.

Censorship is wrong, because it kills free speech, and thus it kills the healthy, balanced online society. The conspiracy part is that when topics and subs like /r/fatpeoplehate get deleted / banned, then after some time people will NOT know about them; actually in some months many new Redditors won't even know that it ever existed. So we lose opinions, facts, comments, ideas. If you don't like something, do not read it. Just because you don't like a food, drink or book shall we ban it? What about the preferences of other people?

Also, what is next? Will they ban everything that can be offensive for someone? We won't be able to talk negatively about politics? Religion? Conspiracies? Computer games? Music? What if I say one day on Reddit that "I fuckin' hate the music of Eminem / Britney Spears / Tiesto"? (they are all pretty talented musicians by the way I think). Will I get also shadowbanned because of some fans won't accept my "offensive" opinion?

*edit: clarification, formatting

Same here. Needed some damn good motivation for years. That did it. Well, that and the doctor also saying that I was on my way to obesity if I didn't stop. Both things made me realize I had to stop and get my life in order and my body in shape.

Hoping your progress keeps going great. :)

A fucking subreddit saved your life.




I don't understand why these comments keep popping up, you could at least explain why you think OP is a shill.