If you are visiting r/conspiracy for the 1st time today as a part of the Massive censorship discussion, YOU are the "Manipulated" Population that we are trying to HELP & INFORM

864  2015-06-11 by [deleted]

Familiarize yourself with DisInformation, Propaganda, Pavlovian Training & Classical Conditioning, Mind Control & other methods of coercive persuasion.

r/conspiracy has been aware of Reddit censorship for a long while. We do not appreciate your recent RACE to FLOOD this sub with your r/RANT .

If you know of another important topic that we should place here for maximum awareness, please post below!

RIP AARON SWARTZ | Aaron Swartz: The Internet's Own Boy

Thank you for reading & Welcome to r/conspiracy .



Top 15 /r/conspiracy posts are related to this Reddit censorship. This is a distraction to keep us from discussing REAL issues that /r/conspiracy should be all over. Kaitlyn Jenner anyone?

I see where you're coming from, but I'm not sure that's the whole picture. Sure, there's an influx of new members who are crushing us with their posts about it, but that's just them. We can still post about the real issues, nothing is going to stop us from doing that. It may be harder to get good conversations going since it's not the ONLY thing getting upvoted, but it can still happen. Our userbase is still the same as it always was, it'll just be a bit harder for the lurkers (like me, normally) to find the content.

I would say that it is a distraction for the masses who are both flooding in here as well as those who will never set foot in here.


Kaitlyn Jenner anyone?

Hahahaha. This meme still isn't getting any traction, huh?

Last time I saw this, the poster was trying to assert that this sub is ZOMG OBSESSED with Jenner. So I took a look at the sub's front page and the first hit for Jenner was #82.

I responded with that, and.... crickets.

Go sell it somewhere else.

I was actually referring to the MSM coverage of Jenner. Its not news... but they shove it down our throats like it is. I merely mentioned it as a comparison. Take a chill pill dude.

Didn't they use Jenner as a cover up for the Freedom Act (Patriot act on steroids) and the NSA mass cessna surveillance?

I kinda read that post how you did, we all make mistakes, OP was referring to MSM round the clock coverage.

There are some more fringe theories surrounding the timing of the transformation but I also could see it as it would just be a different controversial topic covered round the clock or they could have created another event to create great ever circling talking points with no ground on anything important or pressing. MSM is complete shit these days, they report more and more on viral videos as a clear effort to increase their own views by sharing whats popular not important.


Caitlyn. Whether you agree that she is a girl or not you should give her, and anyone else, the respect of calling them what they want to be called. For me, I can't stand when people call me by my first name, because it is my dad's name and I don't want to be associated with an abusive wife and child beater. So I go by my middle name. If you would give other people the respect of calling anyone else by their preferred name when asked, why wouldn't you give that same respect to transgender people? This GI beyond whether she is a woman or not. This is just basic human kindness and respect.

If you really cared about him at all instead of acting morally superior you'd think for yourself rather than spew the latest PC bullshit.

Helping further one's delusions is literally one of the most harmful things you can do to them. Think. It's not about him changing his name; that's as shallow as one can be to think as much.

you really think reddit is that important?

I don't get why people assume Reddit is not that important...they are ranked top 25 most popular sites worldwide. Just under eBay. Its the top ranked site listed as a 'news' site. The amount of people who rely on reddit for news/information is very high. That is a powerful tool. edit, source: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_popular_websites

It is an extremely popular marketing platform.


Sticky this post!


Bilderberg....TPP....Monsanto GMO poisons confirmed....lots of things going down right now that that the Evil Establishment needs to distract....don't be fooled, don't be played, don't be a dick.


Nope and Zionists. Get your facts straight, and work on your grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Plus maybe you missed the "Don't be a dick" part?


Nope and of course I can!


Nope and zzzzz.


Also don't come to our sub and downvote our material, it's fucking rude.


gonna try to hijack the top post for a PSA:

nothing will be done by anyone. you will earn, but you will not do. especially if you stay in this subreddit too long. they will talk and they will discuss and share, but they will not do anything about the problems society faces.

The people of this thread believe information is power. They empower themselves via learning, the same way the public is misinformed to be disempowered, but with the opposite goal in mind.

Do you think change will still only happen via an armed revolution? If so, you are the complacent one, as words have consequences.

information is power, but power not applied is power wasted. change could happen with words if the other team was playing by those rules.

show me where real and lasting change in society has ever come from talking. I don't doubt that it has happened, but i doubt it has happened as many times as armed revolt. you might also come to find that most armed revolt comes only after words have been found to be useless. when our forefathers realized they weren't being heard they took action. they didn't continue teaching the masses, they got together and did something about the issue.

People on this sub have been calling out instances of censorship for years, usually the mass reflexive-derision by 'outsiders' (or 'mainstream redditors' w/e).

A shitty sub goes down and this sub gets absolutely fucking hammered.


Yeah it's a free speech and open discussion issue: this sub has been TALKING ABOUT IT FOR YEARS.

This is like some organic diaspora/displacement brigading. It puts /r/conspiracy in the cross-hairs because now it seems like we're harbouring the displacees from FPH (note: I doubt many of the regs are really at all sympathetic to you noobs except on principal against authoritarian censorship) and it looks like /r/conspiracy is going FUCKING NUTZZZ in outrage over FPH.

Chill the fuck down, there's more going on.

At least post in the same damn threads instead of making a new one every ten minutes.

If the past 24 hours on /r/conspiracy have been any indication, this massive displacement of discontent useful idiots is going to be catastrophic for this place, which I suspect is already on thin ice.

edit: I cbf looking into it right now because I don't really care - but allegations have arose that the sub closure was in response to posters on FHP doxx'd Imgur staff in retaliation for throttling their images or something? Wtf? Was it a false flag? An inside job? Disinfo? Or are the FHP regulars just as obnoxious and emotionally stunted as their community suggests? More details will doubtlessly emerge over the next few days, of dubious veracity, and competing narratives will contest the history of the event...

edit2: came across this this morning: https://i.imgur.com/jRuUYB0.png EVIDENCE FPH WAS A CENSORIOUS SHITHOLE - THE TEARS OF HYPOCRISY FLOOD THE TUBES OF REDDIT

I doubt many of the regs are really at all sympathetic to you noobs except on principal

Yep. Anyone who would give this much fucks about the self-propelled stomachs running around, but does nothing to expose why they are all getting so fat (most of us know why here), are a waste of fucking space as far as I'm concerned. I sympathized with you until you came into our house and shit on our floor. I'll put you in the fucking trash with chairmanpao, the SJW's the stormcunts and the zionist neocon trash that run conspirtard and TMOR.

It would be nice if we could unload most of them on to topminds or conspiratard.

I sympathized with you until you came into our house and shit on our floor.

Ha, indeed. It's pretty interesting though: a strategy of tension is arising organically between the carnies and the locals. I wonder how inorganic this displacement and relocation is. What happens when tumours like r/coontown etc. gets shut down? Will the displaced "nest and regroup" here too? Bad omens... it would be a tactic to begin to concentrate all the miscreants, racists, neo-nazis, misanthropes in so on here and then hit it with a ban. Maybe that's a generic strategy? (not saying it is being played out just chewing the fat on this)

I said earlier.

Who needs to kill /r/conspiracy, they can just kill all the worst shitholes on reddit and they will dump them on /r/conspiracy effectively making /r/conspiracy not about conspiracy related topics anymore whatsoever.

Yep, you put it very concisely.

Was it ever?

Yes, but a lot of new people will come to this sub, see a single news story and say 'what's the conspiracy?', the problem is they don't realize that one article is a breadcrumb in a larger conspiracy. Police abuse is one of those. It's not the abuse that's the story it's the corruption, frequency and impunity in the courts that is the conspiracy.


I doubt many of the regs are really at all sympathetic to you noobs except on principal

Nailed it.

You have to learn how to ride these waves or else they'll use them as a weapon against us. Next they'll start banning other groups who are even louder and more obnoxious, hoping that group will run us out of town.

some similar fuckery went down on Godlikeproductions (BIGGG conspiracy forum for those who might not know) the popular threads are mostly race-baiting bullshit instead of intelligent discussions. It's a good way for shills to derail a whole forum by flooding it with undesirables (neo nazis and R/coontown types). Im telling you the next generation of shills are here and instead of derailing a thread they will hijack an entire fucking forum.

I am sorry but English not my language first

can you please summarize this more simply

He's saying people in this subreddit have been calling out censorship by reddit for years, so this whole thing with Pao and her minions banning subs is not new or even that outrageous. He's telling new visitors to this sub to stop posting about it so much. Also, there's a lot more important things to be posting about in this sub, like all the things listed in the top comment.

Explain to me how banning a subreddit is a conspiracy?

No. Why should I?

I didn't assert that it was a conspiracy.

Nobody paid attention to the black people getting shot by cops until people rioted. Sometimes you have to break things to make the world a better place.

Your bravado for your cause is noted

White people didn't pay attention to the black people getting shot by cops until people rioted.


I've paid attention the entire time. The militarization was more than enough.

Me too, who is this nobody? Me?

I haven't checked at all but are these even real? It looks more like they just want to slide /r/con's front page during Bilderbooger

Probably trying to get the sub banned for Pao victimization.

Why not both? \0/

It does look a lot like forum sliding, doesn't it?

I saw this mentioned the other day here too. What is sliding?

Forum sliding is a method of discussion manip wherein a flood of new posts are created to push another thread off the first page of the forum, significantly reducing its visibility. Since reddit defaults to hot on all subs, this method of manip is less effective, as VOTE totals determine what posts make it to the sub's front page. However, in the FPH drama, what as t we're seeing is a huge flood of posts coupled with a massive number of upvotes, which turned the front page into a smear of FPH stories and not much else.

Bilderberg should be the main discussion here. Fatpeoplehate is just a distraction to the real issues.


See that v2 at the end of my username? Who the hell cares if they shadowban us

Some people don't know how to work around an ip ban

Also, the best way to browse this subreddit is to sort by new.


And today they have thinned out, but continue to clutter hot & top, which is my point. There may be a lot of low quality posts, but there are also many, many thought-provoking submissions to 'new' that never see the light of day.

"If you know of another important topic that we should place here for maximum awareness, please inform."

911? A New Pearl Harbour:

Part 1 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O1GCeuSr3Mk

Part 2 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K7mDXHn_byA

Part 3 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DegLpgJmFL8

Full Version (5hours) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8DOnAn_PX6M

Correct! Just educate yourself and stop complaining. Move forward and open your mind by "freeing the mind" of media manipulation. You are a free soul to enjoy your life as you please!

Sorting the entire sub by "top" is a great way to begin one's research. Pick a topic/submission that intrigues or caters to your interests. It is a great way to feed your curiosity while also giving you the chance to add valuable contributions to the sub going forward.

/u/axolotl_peyotl 's excellent research reports on vaccines would be good to add to the list.

Also, a good 9/11 link as a) it's being used to shape current laws and b) the official story is a blatant violation of Newtonian physics, and once you realize this, it's really eye opening. Perhaps this one: http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/911-explosive-evidence-experts-speak-out/

nothing will be done by anyone. especially in this subreddit.

gold edit: giving me gold is probably the exact opposite of what needs to actually be done, but i appreciate the thought.


say what you want, you aren't going to do anything about it. people will learn, but the knowledge will never be applied.


think of the time your wasting replying to a "parrot." if i have wasted time then we all have. it's okay though, it isn't like reddit hasn't given us back things they have removed in the past. oh wait. so keep up the good work, reddit seems to be getting better on its behalf.


yes, I use typos on purpose to see if people will argue the point or attack the way I write. I am glad your only retort is against my grammar, and not the statement itself. I appreciate your way of telling me you have no response to what I have said, and probably do not intend on having a rational conversation about what was being discussed. You have done more to prove my point then my single statement could.

Great post... i still think tho that this whole reddit mess is just one simple distraction.

Agreed. What's going on that needs to be covered up by this distraction.

What about a plot to destroy one of the biggest informative online communities or tank it for financial reasons. Who owns Voat, they stand to gain alot from this...not sure who else, maybe the CEO was bribed into this decision, or blackmailed...

Could also be a way to discredit alot of past posts/information. Switch sites and all the information is lost in ways...people can't search for stuff, topics die,or in the future when people google past information reddit won't show up on searches, or maybe it all eventually disappears. Or when people do find it on search they have no idea what reddit was/credibility and don't bother to even click on the link...i do that now sort of. Like if I see a search result for MySpace for example I don't even bother...


What a great post, I hope it reaches those that need it and there is plenty of them.

Good post. Maybe throw out a link to that massive self post a while back on the huge elite pedophile cover up? I can't find it atm (on my phone) but it was a fantastic self post with a ton of great research and links.


Yea that's the one!

Worth reading in light of recent events:


By Foucault.

I dont understand why I cant post here. Had a legitimate post that was immediately removed. No warning or reason.

You're a new user! Try again in a day or two.

Hi, what is the /u/Moose Doc? The link is to the comment history. Is it a specific link in the comment history, or something else? Thanks!

i just saw that the hailcorporate post was deleted.


What's the fix? a different website?

Agreed and upvoted, however those filthy casuals could subconsciously read your post and mistake the tone for being negative.. Telling them "we" don't appreciate x, and the first question you pose to them is asking if they're a useful idiot. Could turn a couple people off with all those hard edges. Just saying. :)

People who are turned off by mentioning this are not ready to be browsing this subreddit.

That's silly.

That's Darwinian.

If the people that dish out the abuse those kids dish out on a daily can't deal with the connotation of a word without getting their feels hurt, I don't think they belong here anyway.

It just seems counterproductive to our cause to lord information over people and treat them like assholes for not knowing something they weren't exposed to, and you can turn a lot of people away by doing that. It's not that the message isn't good, but a little phrasing can work wonders for getting people to identify with a movement or belief and feel welcomed by it.

I don't think self-policing word choice to make sure that it doesn't hurt precious snowflakes' feelings is lording information over people.

If these precious snowflakes are spending all day harassing other human beings but can't handle being called useful idiots, I just don't know.

Especially if you call them

those filthy casuals

Thanks for the perception management, stranger!


Wow I cannot believe the daily reddit goal has reached 100% despite this shitstorm happening

It happened because of it, buddy :)

They might have lied or bought gold themselves to keep up appearances/make people believe there is still faith?

My first gold. Thank you kind person. lol on a -1, too. Not even sure why...

i found this article floating around on a different /r i think it shows how the media is whitewashing reactions



oooh snap, thats scary shit

Conspiracies can be and sometimes are, very real. Bravo.

I'm so confused. Do you not like people coming here or do you like people coming here? Can they talk about stuff they want or can't they talk about stuff they want?

welcome to the last bastion of defense!

I don't pay attention to the crap on the first page of reddit (fuck the color of dress, not-a-woman bruce jenner and etc), I mainly use the site for political info.

Thanks to a pron site and hatred towards most hollywood media I started seriously caring about politics in 2010-2011. I've known about tpp since 2013 and have posted on forums trying to warn people about it (many users replies being: bitching about off-topic posting or why do you hate obama/god/our so "trustworthy" government instead)

I've known about r/conspiracy for a while but don't visit it often, I don't like hating this world and worrying about shit we can do little about unless we resort to violence all the time.


Love, beauty, and truth conquers all.

"Do not worry about what you cannot change. "

my father said that a couple months ago..but he keeps on watching msnbc...at high volume..and complaining about those out of our control things.

Thoughts on this?


I want you to just know you are a stellar poster, you are on par with James and AATA.

Just so we're clear, free speech as defined in the American Constitution applies to censorship by the government. Private entities have the right to censor whatever they want to. No, really. They do. So, for instance, when you're making a ruckus in a movie theatre during Avengers 2: Age of Ultron, and the ushers kick you out, THEY ARE CENSORING YOU, but they're allowed to, because some person who is not you owns those seats you are sitting in.

So, whereas you may not agree with the decision made to remove FPH, it's not a censorship issue. At least, not from a legal standpoint.

All the other stuff listed in the sticky is legit... just not sure how a private website removing a forum rises to the level of TPP and the NSA and Michael Hastings. Choose your battles.

Actually the movie theatre cannot censor you, like you described. If noone is in the theatre you can say whatever you want, they can't kick you out over what you say but how and when you say it. The 'owning the seats' has nothing to do with what's at issue in r/conspiracy. They can ask you to leave or be quiet based on the rules they tell you or have posted. The police have to remove you for trespassing or causing a nuisance or disturbing the public. Maybe it was just a bad example to use, idk. What this sub is saying is that reddit is being infiltrated by fake users or admin possibly even the CEO by higher powers or government or companies. That is different than a website straight up changing policies.

The people that write these unconstitutional laws, own the media, own the banks, sit as key judges (government inside our government)and try to take our guns have names and faces without the need to call it some vague organization.


Oh no, they're going to find my tentacle hentai!

Can some ELI5 what repercussions this kind of "censorship" will have for users beyond that of the FPH sub? In other words, how does it signal that Reddit has gone to shit?

Browsing r/all, it looks like they got control of all the FPH clones. It looks like the normal, not exciting, controlled r/all is back.

Any websites like reddit (new or old) that still stand strong against censorship?

Reddit has gone to complete shit lately.This site used to be so promising and felt so free, but has now became what I hate most. A censored up, circle jerk, reposting, social media machine that bows to the demands of fat, tublr, SJWs. Several of sub reddits have gone private due to the moderators not agreeing with the admins that censored other subs. While I agree with the mods of those subs that censorship is not what this site needs, they too have ruined the experience. Either you allow all content (within legal means) or don't have any content at all. I no longer want to be a part of this site now that the CEO and Admins feel the need to water down reddit to make it seem more PC. FUCK YOU ADMINS! You ruined this site and now i am looking for an alternative that shares the same values that reddit used to.

This subreddit is a great manifestation of Poe's law


I'm looking through such top posts and I'm actively wondering what in there looks like satire. Many tongue-in-cheek jokes and a few pictures of animals.

Do you even know what Poe's Law is?

Do you even know what cognitive infiltration is?

Those are the majority of the 'people' who make it that way.

Do you even know what we're talking about, considering the previous commenter deleted his comment many hours ago?

I know what Poe's law is, I know the context with which you are saying it about this sub and I'm saying to you that most of those posts are 'cognitive infiltration' (look it up).

Do you need everything ELI5?

"these posts" we were talking about were my own top posts, as the other commenter said something like "you're quite familiar with the subject, I see", and linked my post history sorted by top.

He either thought my own top posts looked satirical (unlikely, as he deleted his comment once corrected) or thought Poe's Law was something else.
You are a testament to this sub, going around making assumptions without information on the subject.

should I put on my foil hat? im actually serious, and in case of impending doom, where should I hide/fight

should I put on my tinfoil hat?


where should I hide



Continental US

Myron May came to mind as soon as I read that link


This information in your link is from a 1998 document, just imagine how sophisticated it is now.



  • Alex Jones

Aww man ... Loved Tiki.

A broken clock is right twice a day. Calling out censorship works exactly the same way.

We should have posts about this latest issue deleted!

All 500 of them!

This would be a great use for a new Reddit feature - thread grouping.

FPH banning happening at the same time as Bilderberg.

Coincidence? I think NOT

Probably trying to get the sub banned for Pao victimization.

It does look a lot like forum sliding, doesn't it?

think of the time your wasting replying to a "parrot." if i have wasted time then we all have. it's okay though, it isn't like reddit hasn't given us back things they have removed in the past. oh wait. so keep up the good work, reddit seems to be getting better on its behalf.

"Do not worry about what you cannot change. "

my father said that a couple months ago..but he keeps on watching msnbc...at high volume..and complaining about those out of our control things.

Love, beauty, and truth conquers all.

Do you even know what cognitive infiltration is?

Those are the majority of the 'people' who make it that way.