My Comment Detailing How the US Government is Funding and Arming ISIS in Syria is Being Shadow Banned Site Wide. Please Upvote if This Even Shows Up.

3639  2015-06-14 by [deleted]


Commenting so you know someone read your post and so I can come back in a bit and hopefully see some discussion on the matter.

Make it 2


And my axe!

Sick meme

...and you have my bow…

Edit: Yep, keep down voting for acknowledging we see the post vs being shadow banned. Good work!

The downvotes aren't for that. Your sick meme is lame that's why.

ISIS hate us for our freedoms and hilarious memes!

I heard they beheaded a man for misusing confession bear. Which it's kinda hard to condemn.

A quote from one of the best trilogies with people banding together for a cause? That has no place here. Rabble! Rabble! Rabble!


Dude this is reddit. Any reference is cringey.

And my sword!

Top kek?

Up voting and commenting for atdi reasons.

Relationship of Command is such a great album.

Don't feel bad man. I've been trying to say the exact same thing to my old buddies from the military and they're way too 'Murica about it, just putting shit on Facebook about how we need to eliminate ISIS before another 9/11. It's really hard for people to accept that their own country is the bad one, especially when it is the most powerful at propaganda.

Tell them this: "The only way to truly eliminate ISIS, my friend, is to completely annihilate whoever is arming, training, and funding them."

I've heard the argument that by arming ISIS it's helping these terrorist groups kill each other

The Rothschild's always armed both sides. Let 'em kill each other off and make friends with the winner.

ISIL are using American weapons.

"keep your friends rich and your enemies rich, and wait to find out which is which."

Raoul Silva: Hello, James. Welcome. Do you like the island? My grandmother had an island. Nothing to boast of. You could walk around it in an hour, but still it was, it was a paradise for us. One summer, we went for a visit and discovered the place had been infested with rats. They'd come on a fishing boat and gorged themselves on coconut. So how do you get rats off an island? Hmm? My grandmother showed me. We buried an oil drum and hinged the lid. Then we wired coconut to the lid as bait and the rats would come for the coconut and... they would fall into the drum. And after a month, you have trapped all the rats, but what do you do then? Throw the drum into the ocean? Burn it? No. You just leave it and they begin to get hungry. And one by one... they start eating each other until there are only two left. The two survivors. And then what? Do you kill them? No. You take them and release them into the trees, but now they don't eat coconut anymore. Now, they only eat rat. You have changed their nature. The two survivors. This is what she made us.

That's almost comical to suggest to suggest. The only reason to arm both sides is for economic gain and to play them against each other.

Man you hit the nail on the head. I work at a air force base and the amount of brain washed people is staggering. Everyone believes ISIS is the enemy blah blah blah 'Murica is blowing them up don't worry. I just stand there and nod.. I subtly try to hint at people of what is going on but it flies over everyone's head. It's sad. I'm just a contractor yet I can see through the governments lies and what it does to its own service members.

Boogeymen are essential to this bullshit society. It keeps the machine running. Like Carlin said, if the government ever became honest, the whole thing would collapse, because it's founded on bullshit. White slave owners telling people 'all men are created equal'.

I try and tell ppl this and they don't understand it. I say, "how can someone give you freedom without first assuming you are not free." Complete blank stares. Can't fix ignorance.

Or arrogance

I often wonder just how long these control systems have been around. Part of me wants to believe it's a new thing, but the further back I look, the more I find it's all bullshit & boogiemen all the way back.

We are supposed to believe we just sprouted up in the last 2 thousand years or so. I'm actually believe it's more like the Matrix (movie) where they just keep wiping us out and restarting. When people get a little too civilized, time to start with a fresh batch. Hope I'm wrong.

Anyone who believes that we only just sprouted up in the last 2000 years, is a complete retard. The fact of the matter is, that we have been under the yoke of one government or another since the fall of Carthage in 146 BCE. Before that it was priests who had all the power through religion(Idiot fairy stories), for as far back as we can see.

You work at a military base and you are this nutso?

Last time I checked, being able to see through bullshit is called critical thinking. Clearly something you lack as you go straight towards insulting me. Grow up dragon_nipples.


Rule 1. Removed.

Well, it's the old identity stuff of ''we are good, they are bad''. Whoever 'we' are and whoever 'them' are.

One thing i don't do anymore. I don't nod to any bullshit. I just say 'bullshit'(or smthng equivalent in my language) and leave. They are left in negative emotion and i don't care anymore after the second i leave.

dont let your friends paint a bland picture of the members in the armed forces. your friends sound like the typical Army service members. They take anyone in that branch. I know plenty of marines that have had boots on ground and it was an eye opener for them. seeing what is really going on and becoming sick to their stomach.

WAR IS A RACKET by Two-Time Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient Major General Smedley D. Butler - USMC Retired

"I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents."


Great addition to the thread! Wish you would pipe in more, your a logical debating machine!!!


How about right now? Here's a piping hot tip: Look up 'logical debate.' It will help you interact with human beings on and off the will help you engage in intellectual conversation and expand your brain function. God willing with a little work you may even be able to increase your IQ into the triple digits!

Is nobody going to mention that copy and pasted comments get stuck in the spam filters all the time?

That might explain the 2nd and 3rd times, but what about the first time? Also I did change the first few paragraphs of the comment each time, so they aren't word for word copied and pasted.

Don't take my word for it though, just copy the links yourself and try commenting on something with them. You'll see that your comment won't appear either.

There's definitely a link in there that Reddit doesn't like. I want to know which one it is.

If the spam filter deletes spam posts then it deletes all of them. Have you tried contacting the mods of those subs? Or the admins?

Especially ones with lots of links...but nah, it's probably surgical censorship in place of just banning OPs whole account

This has happened to me with several posts on this sub. If you are talking about something that might get people riled up, or should get people riled up, and you happen to be speaking the truth, somebody somewhere decides this can't be allowed, and your post never gets read.

I've definitely have had this happen and it wasn't even that bad of a post.

I saw a link on /r/bestof regarding Aaron Swartz. Post had negative votes even though I saw no reason for that. I commented "Down the memory hole it goes".

Guess what?

Comment was gone.

My friend had a post suggesting that the recent UK "whistleblower" was a fake meant to discredit whistleblowers and create a push for harsher treatment of them. I won't say the name if the navy submariner. Apparently it causes auto-deletion...

yes, this is a strange sub, a conspiracy within a conspiracy within an enigma.

Just stay on message, you're doing good. I'm surprised but I'm not surprised, it has become an infowar for sure. It's very good you posted the situation in this format, its most useful to let the community to know the commies (corporate fascists?) regulate popular idea spaces.

I wouldn't meditate on who or what filter action is being taken. It should just be a sign to you that your message is on-point. It will be good if we all understand the internet has its' own deceptions going on. I would guess that anonymity would be targeted next by the controllers, to eliminate the feeling of freedom people have to speak truth on this medium.

Your history for this user name is "not found," fyi. Means you have been shadow banned.

Ya especially if you post them a bunch

Getting stuck in the spam filter != shadowbanned.......

Well the obviously aren't shadowbanned or you wouldn't have seen their post.

I try to explain to people all the time that terrorism is an American funded thing. The CIA, NSA, all of them, want terrorism because Americans vote their rights away for temporary safety from a threat that is basically impossible to prevent. Look at the Patriot Act for example, it didn't help them uncover any single act of terrorism. I won't go on a full rant about the happenings of the past decade, but people just need to understand that.

Every society has their devil, customized to fit mainstream ideologies and cultural peculiarities.

People no longer believe that evil has horns, a pitchfork and a tail - they believe it has a turban and a grenade launcher. It's all the same mind-trick.

It's so sad. They really believe "they hate us for our freedoms!" "Hatred for the west" I cringe. Like no, they don't give a flying fuck. Some do but their so fucking primitive it's pointless to care. If you really think that poses a threat to "our" military, Google 'drone'. Not to mention the military technology the public is aware of is usually 10-15 years old.

I can't help but laugh when I watch the news and all they do is play clip after clip of some ladies in hijabs learning to shoot AK-47's or a guy standing mounting a machine gun on the back of a pick up. It's just brainwashing and everyone's thinking "they're coming for us!" Like, that's what you're scared of?

In my experience there are generally two types of people - those who are good skeptics and those who are bad skeptics.

The bad skeptics are those who find things easy to believe, without having researched for themselves (and recursively, researched the sources of what they are researching, i.e. is a specific news source honest or not). The bad skeptic takes what he is told at face value, whether it's from TV, the New York Times, or from the local water cooler gossip. The bad skeptic has a very cartoonish view of the world - that is to say their understanding of what goes on around the world is caricatured to exaggerate certain features, and is heavy on the contrast. There is right and wrong, black and white, with little in between.

The good skeptic is one that assumes nothing, accepts no viewpoint of reality except that which they themselves can prove and verify, and keeps a log of "hypothetical maps of reality" in the back of their mind, as possible explanations for the phenomenon they experience. They gather information, judging how accurate that information can be, and store it in their ever increasing pool of data, and slowly start to develop a rich map which is a representation of reality - and not reality itself, but they understand this.

Rarely is it ever true that anything of great consequence on the global stage is the result of one man or of one group - it's a cumulative result of many different actors with different agendas unfaithfully steering a current event into an unknown (but purposeful) direction - to create events that are then perceived as "problems" by the general public, who then more readily accept something that is akin to a solution, from which mutual parties benefit as providers.

In all walks of life, in every group, you find the good and bad skeptics. I don't think the ratio ever changes much, whether you are on /r/conspiracy or elsewhere. The idea that somehow those here are more aware of their reality than those who hang out in /r/funny or something is just another myth that the bad skeptic would believe without testing it for themselves.

shit man you just nailed this too, fack two wicked comments back to back. holy feels. and some people think this sub is almost entirely bullshit... bad skeptics. but i do admit some fringe shit on here makes me feel sad that conspiracy thinking got the best of some of us. paranoia is not healthy but knowledge and understanding is. empathy too. even for the worst offenders, no one is raised alone and we have a collective responsibility to help everyone in any situation no matter how ugly.

"Paranoia isn't healthy but understand is." You my friend are the one who nailed it. I get my views based on the facts that I can verify to be true. I can't even consider myself a consiracy theorist because, I don't really have any theories. I just can stitch together these things based on what my research has lead me to believe.

It's like saying you know who did 9/11 and why. I can't say any of that for sure. I always tell people I don't have a theory, but I KNOW that a plane didn't hit the field in shanksville, a plane did not hit the pentagon, and "big grey, military planes" hit the twin towers, which then dropped at free fall speeds which is impossible. So I don't know what happened, all I know is the story we're given isn't the truth because it doesn't nearly match the events we're told happened.

haha you fucking nailed it bro, I just hate how i come to this sub to have to relate to people. mostly younger generations are the ones that have a shot at even understanding this shit.

I want to fucking nail something

Every country does this now and has done this. Putin is doing this and Korea and China and the UK and so forth; the ruling class uses the 4th estate to send the message to the working class that the working class needs those Rulers because there is imminent danger. The danger is foreign so long as that propaganda works and the threat is domestic when the fear of the foreign threat is outweighed by the inhumanity of the ruling class. There have been temporary solutions in one place and time and rulers everywhere study how they came about and how to prevent them in their areas and time periods. This evolution brings about such crafty techniques as an agent provocateur, which most OWS couldn't define let alone counter-counter measure.

Credible new sources I've read such as The Economist and the New York Times report that ISIS is funded by oil sales and donations from wealthy Islamists. Is there any evidence that America directly funds ISIS, or are you just saying that because it fits with your fantasy?

Lol @ your credible sources

What is your source?

That's really curious, maybe because one of your links? The US supported Muslim rebels across the globe, and they're supporting them in Syria and Libya. Syria used to be a counterpart to Israel, now it's been destroyed.

Syria used to be a counterpart to Israel, now it's been destroyed.

That's been done by design. The USG isn't the only one funding and arming ISIS. Israel is just as guilty, perhaps more guilty. ISIS is even doing Israel's dirty work now in Gaza.

The Saudi Kingdom has been implicated as well. Vice HBO's most recent episode covered it


Perhaps it is better to start thinking of ISIS as just another PMC operating in that area instead of the "radical mooslem boogeyman" the MSM attempts to portray them as.

Israeli media outlets are even talking about how ISIS is firing missiles into Israel during cease fire agreements to provoke Israel into taking Hamas out of its leadership position in Gaza.

You're in good hands here, considering a previously stickied post: Proof CIA created ISIS.


To get an "accurate understanding" of anything, you require proof/facts. edit: a word.

I think you're unclear on what shadowbanned means.

The end result is the same. The item he's posting is being swept by the automod into the spam bin. Its the same thing that happens to users who are Shadowed. The only difference is that its probably a keyword he's using or the site instead of the user itself being the tag.

I'm certainly not taking anything away from what he's saying. It's messed up that he can be censored like that. But it's easier for everyone to take him seriously if he at least gets the terminology correct.

seeing the votes rise is a way for him to keep track of weather or not hes been deleted. so i don't blame him but also to determine if hes been prematurely throttled which the mods can do.

Asking for votes normally cam normally get as thread banned. So don't be surprised if this is


This comment has been overwritten by an open source script to protect this user's privacy.

If you would like to do the same, add the browser extension TamperMonkey for Chrome (or GreaseMonkey for Firefox) and add this open source script.

Then simply click on your username on Reddit, go to the comments tab, and hit the new OVERWRITE button at the top.

Apparently not

I recently posted this comment on /r/canada when someone asked me what evidence there is for America arming ISIS ->

Americans are training FSA rebels in Jordan.

FSA rebels defect to ISIS.

And thattttts how the game is played. Arm, train, "accidentally" airdrop them weapons oh and then oops they got a billion dollars worth of US humvees whoopsee oh and now they are attacking Syria which we wanted to attack but couldn't get enough support behind it. So it's done via proxy warfare, worked with the Mujahadeen (later to become Al Qaeda factions) why wouldn't it work now?

I expected to get a deluge of downvotes, but I actually got 31 upvotes. It was pretty damn refreshing, for once. People are waking up.

You did forget to add that time we sent Rambo to help the Mujahadeen.

Dude. Print out everything. Compile all the sources in hard copy form. You've obviously been tagged. If you don't have backups of your backups of your backups on this one, eventually it is going to be lost. Save every cite in pdf form.

Document dump this thing all over the city you live in. Fuck reddit and the internet. Make sure normal people are stumbling onto this info.

You guys, seriously. It's like you gave up on making it in society and refuse to face the fact that it's on you, and complain that it's some "mysterious higher power" that's guilty of your failures.

Be kind to the environment and don't "document dump" stupid shit like this. Try doing something productive with your time instead. Normal, well integrated people aren't going to listen to a crazed tinfoil wrapped conspiracy theorist.

"Crazed tinfoil conspiracy theorists"

Just find that term funny when a lot of theories are actually turning into fact nowadays. Can't really just deny these claims anymore due to all the fucked up shit constantly being done by our govt

They will in time. When the shit hits the fan, they'll be more open to the idea -- even if it is too late.

It wouldn't surprise me if in 30 years we learn they were supported by the CIA.

Why do you have to wait 30 years and allow them to create an even more military state that will be even harder to reverse. SPEAK TO PEOPLE NOW. Face any ridicule they want to throw at you. Dont you think anti slavery whites faced overwhelming odds in the beginning.

Not just in the beginning. Progressives always face resistance.

Agreed, but getting the ball rolling in the first place is the single toughest part.

Not really considering only 6% of southerners owned slaves.

You dont think slavery was tough to stop? The south is still racist to this very fucking day. Your 6% is an irrelevant number. That 6% represents those rich enough to afford slaves, it is not a measure of racism. You do realize the civil rights movement was only 50 years ago, but the civil war was 150 years ago. It wasnt jsut that rich 6% allowing it to continue. Your comment just pissed me off more than it should have i think.

And today America is controlled by less than 1%.

Well, the comment probably pissed you off just the right amount. For one thing, the figure is skewed enough to fit the famous quip about "lies, damned lies, and statistics."

Narrowing it down to a set of numbers for one year, 1860, shows that 35% of families in Alabama owned at least one slave. In Mississippi, an optimist could say that less than half of the families owned slaves. Or you could say that 49% did. The only slave state that ranged in the single digits was Delaware. Delaware.

I wish i could up vote you 10 times.

Or now.

Permalink to this removed /r/conspiracy content?

i dunno man, none of it really seems like a good solid piece of evidence, and you're trying to bring in unrelated events to help support your view point, or maybe it's just filler material?

You lost me at infowars.


You wont get shadowbanned on

You won't be able to get it to load either though.

It is working now with new servers ,and I'm on the front page.

I've always said if its true... its fucking sad. One day I'll go live in South america with my cash and never comeback fuck this world.

Sad days ahead:(

What is the motive to fund ISIS? Is it to cause further Middle East destabilisation? And if so, why?

Syria and Iraq have traditionally been bitter enemies of Israel. If these countries descend into economic, social, and political chaos, then the threat they pose is minimal--particularly if the US and Israel are the principle backers of the insurgencies causing the turmoil.

Netanyahu knows that the longer his enemies are at peace, the stronger they become, so fuelling chaos within his enemies' borders is a no-brainer type strategy.

There's multiple reasons, Assad refused Qatar's pipeline to run through Syria, Cheney, Rothschild & Murdoch were granted oil exploration rights by Israel in the occupied Golan Heights and there is also the greater Israel plan which requires the break up of Iraq and other territories which seems to be playing out at the moment. Oh and of course it's preferable to take out Syria before the main target, Iran.

Same reason they took out Saddam and Gaddafi. Assad is not using petrodollars. That's it. They've tried to get rid of him with talks and the august 2013 false flag. He wouldn't step down and Russia stepped in to back him.

They also need in Libya and other countries for various reasons. Much to do with the upcoming war.

Chaos on the borders of the rivals of the US benefits the US. Chaos in Iraq/Afghanistan messes with Iran. Chaos in Ukraine/Syria messes with Russia.

That's why.... As it was with "al-CIA-duh", so it is with "ISIS".

Who benefits from rumors about ISIS being funded by the US government? The answer is... the US government. For there would be few things better guaranteed to drain the most fervent support away from a radical Islamic organization than if it is believed to be being funded by the Great Satan.

I think this is a very credible contender for a case (and certainly not the first) where conspiracy theories are being promoted by authorities, with the aim of discrediting their subject. That's why you also see it being spread by opponents of ISIS, with the same aim.

I note, with interest, that when you Google "ISIS conspiracy theories," on the first page of results you will find the likes of Time, the BBC, the NY Times and the International Business Times. You don't see that often with regard to other topics, shall we say. And it seems to be having the desired effect:

Isis magazine Dabiq attacks 'conspiracy theories' causing jihadists to flee

The publication also features an article suggesting that the terror group is losing militants to conspiracy theories. Titled Conspiracy Theory Shirk (Sin) the piece implies that some fighters have grown delusional because of conjectures saying that IS is a puppet in the hands of western intelligence agencies. "If the mujahedeen liberated territory occupied by the kuffar [infidels], they would say that the kuffar allowed them to do so because kafir [disbelievers] interests' necessitated a prolonged war," the article reads. "According to these theorists, almost all the events of the world were somehow linked back to the kuffar, their intelligence agencies, research, technology, and co-conspirators! Conspiracy theories have thereby become an excuse to abandon jihad."

So, good job: WideAwakeNWO. Please continue doing this fine work. Do you want PayPal or a check? /s

What are you talking about? I guess you haven't researched. There aren't rumours, there are facts. Volunteer fighters have witnessed US dropping supplies in IS controlled areas. They've shot down British and American an aircraft carrying weapons for them. The Pentagon document just came out. They're funding IS to destabilize the region. Are you suggesting something else or do you really not understand this?

So please no ridiculous, baseless theories that make us all look bad.

There's no point in arguing with burning empires...look no further than his opinions on 9/11 to see what he's doing here...

Thanks after another paragraph of opinion I realized it's a waste of life.

Volunteer fighters have witnessed US dropping supplies in IS controlled areas.

This never happened.

They've shot down British and American an aircraft carrying weapons for them.

Never happened.

he Pentagon document just came out. They're funding IS to destabilize the region. Are you suggesting something else or do you really not understand this?

This never happened either.

They're funding IS to destabilize the region

Because, of course, it was so stable previously. Oh, hang on: it has actually been the least stable region on Earth over the past hundred years. Whoops.

Here, let me clue you in on a little secret: neither the CIA nor anyone else need to do anything "to destabilize the reason." It has been unstable for a hundred years, since well before the CIA was even dreamed of. Do yourself a favor and look into the 1916 Sykes-Picot agreement, after which Western cartographers totally ignored tribal and religious boundaries and carved up the region with straight lines. [See also: Central Africa]

Nor is there any need at all for the CIA to fund ISIS, because copious, proven historical record - not dubious allegations - show there are more than enough oil-rich Muslims perfectly willing to open their wallets to fund extremist movements. You want to "destabilize the region"? Just wait for a few years. It'll destabilize itself perfectly well, without any action by the CIA. That's the reality here: the conspiracy theory is much more likely to be the conspiracy theory.

So, you don't have any specific response to any of the allegations...

Sorry, the author gave no specific, sourced allegations meriting any response. I hope it's more than the "JOHN MCCAIN MET ISIZ!!!" nonsense.

Yeah, but the OP did. It just seems like you're really reaching if you're saying these conspiracy rumors are being circulated BY the US in order to hurt ISIS recruitment. The US certainly doesn't want those rumors to spread over here.

And the Syrian regime was certainly stable before we began funding the rebellion. So stable that it's still alive all these years later.

Buddy the facts are out there. Do yourself a favour, go look them up before preaching. They're not waiting a few fucking years its been nearly 10 since Assad dropped the petrodollar. You have no idea what you're talking about.

I'll help you out.

So, two stories from Fars News, the de facto propaganda arm of the Iranian regime - who, of course, have no agenda of their own to push! - and a naive analysis of the DIA report from an equally virulently anti-US site, whose other headlines include "World on Verge of Corporate Takeover While Congress Sleeps at the Wheel" and "America’s Corrupt Justice System Drives Innocent 22-Year-Old to Suicide" No, absolutely no possibility of bias there!

I love how some people gobble up blatant propaganda when it fits their agenda. If that's what you consider "facts," then there's absolutely no point discussing this further with you.

Have a more credible analysis, since you seem desperately in need of one. The ISIS Conspiracy That Ate the Web: "The intelligence report about Syria is just that — a report, It’s not a policy directive and there’s no proof that any action was taken based on its analysis. Nevertheless, people across the political spectrum are taking it as if it were a presidential order. Anti-Muslim bigot Pamela Geller thinks it’s a scandal because it proves President Obama knew about ISIS and chose to do nothing. Geller’s outrage is the inverse of the indignation expressed by far-leftists like the Guardian’s Seumas Milne who takes the report as proof that the U.S. abetted ISIS to sow discord in the Middle East, part of a grand divide and conquer strategy. Neither one seems to understand what they’re actually looking at."

Now, there's certainly grounds to suggest that in the past, SOME objectives of SOME members were in line with American policies. But the use of the present tense "is funding and arming ISIS" by OP, is in no way supported, even by your own sources. It's as dumb and baseless a claim as the one that the CIA funded 9/11. In reality, the CIA funded a wide range of anti-Soviet groups in Afghanistan, one of whom then unexpectedly morphed into Al Qaeda and bit the hand which had fed it. This is called "blowback" and is a well-known hazard of intelligence work.

Britain was conducting war in Iraq in 1915

There were Western interests fighting over oil in Iraq 100 years ago.

Can someone explain to me why using the term ISIL is a dead give away to someone's views?

While I don't agree with everything that Glenn Beck says here about the acronym ISIL and what it means, he's right about most of it.

While I don't have anything concrete to prove this, and its only speculation on my part, I think the Obama administration is using it to subtly try and infer that ISIS is an Israeli creation and the land they have conquered so far is strategically more valuable to Israel then anyone else.

Glen Beck is the oil spill on humanity. He is literally the biggest fear monger there is.

I'm sorry if I'm missing something, but that doesn't really answer my question. Why would someone say that using the term ISIL is a dead give away to someone's views?

You have to be somewhat familiar with Sunni radicalism in the form of Wahhabism (which is the ideology of Sunni radicals like ISIL (ISIS), Jabhat al Nusra, Al Qaeda, the Khorosan Group, etc.), and the Sunni vrs Shia divide in the Middle East.

Wahhabis hate the secular nature of certain Middle Eastern governments such as Syria and Libya, as well as despising the Shia led government of Iran.

The governments that ISIL wants to overthrow are by and large secular or are those who are governed by Shia, which are also coincidentally friendly to Russia. This has made them natural allies of the US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey.

So you can see why the US has supported these radical Sunnis now for decades.

I'm sorry if I'm missing something, but that doesn't really answer my question. Why would someone say that using the term ISIL is a dead give away to someone's views?

While your post contains partial truths, I feel that you would gain to follow events on /r/syriancivilwar to get a better grasp of current events.

Or we could discuss what you think I'm wrong on here as well.

It's not just ISIS the US has been funding, arming, training and providing intel to. Any Sunni Jihadists have been the largest beneficiaries of US and US ally support for the Syrian opposition, and this has been the case for decades.

In the period following the Second World War, the US has engaged in covert operations and coup attempts in Syria and other Middle Eastern countries due to their support for Socialism and Russia (just as has happened in South and Central America, Africa, and South East Asia):

This means that in the ME the primary choice of opposition was radical Sunni Islamists due to their rejection and violent opposition to the inherent secularism of socialist leaning governments:

This has lead to decades of violence and conflict between the Syrian government and the Sunni radicals, and terrorist attacks against Syrian Christian and Alawites. The Sunnis due to their lack of political dominance in the country have instead resorted to terrorist attacks against civilians and government officials in order to oppose the secularism of the Syrian government. Bashar al Assad had attempted to address this problem by allowing the Sunnis to have control over a semi-autonomous region of Syria if they relented in their terror campaign. The Sunnis being irrationally opposed to secularism of any kind continued their terrorist attacks against Syrian civilians and the government. This forced the government into a position to protect Syrian civilians and has lead to the increasing violence between the two factions we have this day.

Syria's current uprising is not secular or based on the desire for democratic reform. The majority of the Syrian protesters and rebels have always been dominated by radical Sunnis who have wanted a government based on Sharia.

“Syria’s uprising is not a secular one. Most participants are devout Muslims inspired by Islam. By virtue of Syria’s demography most of the opposition is Sunni Muslim and often come from conservative areas.”

And that source dates back to March 8, 2012. But it doesn't matter because all anyone has to do is look at the history of which group has been the largest opposition to the Syrian government.

Any Infowars links send any comment you make with them automatically to the spam filter of any subs moderation queue.

Love or hate Infowars/Alex Jones, it says something that you have youtube trying to shut down their channel with frivolous strikes, Google de-listing them from the News section and gaming their rankings in the normal search engine and plebbit banning their links site wide with no just cause whatsoever.

This makes the most sense as why this was censored. It says quite a bit about infowars that they are trying that hard to quiet him.

I usually can't find anything from infowars on a Google search unless I include infowars in the search terms.

They are far from perfect but the system is scared shitless of them.

ZBZ 5.

How did you subvert the world government's censors when making this post?

How the hell you gonna be on Reddit for 2 years and not know that you can't beg for upvotes?

Self-posts don't grant karma. And the other comments he referenced have been "disappeared," so it's not possible for anyone here to upvote those...

I didn't know this actually. Interesting, and explains why my Karma didn't go up.

Umm did OP write anything here? Don't see shit.

don't tell people to upvote your shit because that just gives the admins/ any shit mod cause to say you're calling for upvotes/manipulating votes.

Any idea why it's being shadow banned /u/Ambiguously_Ironic, or /u/AssuredlyAThrowAway?

I'm late to the party but I'm not sure what you mean here. Are you referring to this post? It's been reported 12 times, literally, but it's approved and visible.

I'm late to the party but I'm not sure what you mean here. Are you referring to this post?

So I have to reply to this question from this account, because my other has been banned.... again, lol.

I had made this comment in a few subs, and it wasn't appearing on the site in any of those subs. My question was simply what in that comment was causing it to not show up.

What /u/OWNtheNWO said actually made the most sense to me. He said all infowars links are automatically sent to the spam queue. Can you confirm this?

It's been reported 12 times, literally

Fantastic! If your not making people angry in your activism, your not doing a good enough job. I'll take 12 SJW mod reports on my posts over 3300 Karma any day of the week. Just confirms the information in mind.

I imagine that these 12 reports were what caused the admins to ban my account site wide.

Yep, your wideawakenwo account is definitely shadowbanned.

He said all infowars links are automatically sent to the spam queue.

This is correct and it's sitewide, infowars is one of the domains that automatically gets censored and needs to be manually approved. I think naturalnews is one too and there are a few others.

I imagine that these 12 reports were what caused the admins to ban my account site wide.

Most likely, a lot of the reports claimed you were asking for upvotes. I don't see that in your OP but perhaps you edited it out, that's probably why you were shadowbanned though.

But it makes very little sense since self posts don't give the OP any karma.

Natural News, We Are Change.

Probably people over at that sub that spends all day linking stuff from here over there. They linked to your last post, are gloating over this one, and they're always goading each other into reporting stuff over here.

It would be interesting to know how many reports over here come from there, but I doubt it's possible. I know I'd probably set them to ignore, 'cause it's like they hang on every word over here, looking for something to mock or report. It's really weird and sad.

Anyone who tries to use as a source should be banned from the Internet.

Seriously.... sourcing infowars? GTFO

If it makes you feel any better, you are right Op. People only believe what CNN and the New York Times tells them.

Can you provide a screenshot of the message saying you have been banned with the reason?

Fantastic job on your analysis, it's a shame they've shadowbanned you. I'm interested in obtaining more information directly from you.

Fuck man just move to VOAT but yeah keep posting it here as well

: D

"Move to Voat but don't actually just keep supporting Reddit"

Why do so many people suck so bad at protests?

Im not sure I know who is is who only uses ISIL?

I for one, use Daesh.

You can't shadowban a comment

I thought ISIS were the Rebels John McCain and Hillary were routing to float cash to back in the early days?

What is your supposed "view " if you use the word "isil" im lost. Help?

I thought ShadowBan means they remove your user account.

At least you know OP that you are not shadowbanned but may be from some of the above mentioned subs !!

Everyone should read this free pdf book. Yes, it looks like a shitty ebook by two unknown authors, but it is impeccably cited, including hyperlinks to sources.

Upvoted but can you write these a little less like you're on r/nosleep? jesus dude

lol OK buddy. Whatever you think you know about me, it's fine. I truly don't care what you think.

Bacon. Yummmm

Secondly though, your use of the term ISIL. This is a dead giveaway on what your views are on the situation in Syria. There's only one group of people who use this acronym. I'll just leave it at that.


Put this on Voat for prosperity. No shadow banning there

Alex jones haha

doesnt look deleted to me. just hidden from FP

oops nevermind

There are lots of secret CIA and military operations that are currently taking place in Syria that require lots of money. ISIS definitely does benefit from misallocated resources but no one is "directly" giving ISIS trillions of dollars fucking lol.

so basically what you're saying is that there are incompetent people running the US military?

No, they're being trained and armed as FSA rebels in Jordan and then "converting" to ISIS, which is the perfect Plausible deniability for them to say they aren't directly funding them.

yea this is a know fact were fighting two proxy wars with russia.

I'm not going to read/watch this all right now because I need to sleep.. but what is the supposed reason behind why the USA would be funding the likes of ISIS??

Read 1984

InfoWars is not a reputable source. I'm sure its quite complicated, but why would the US blow up an ISIS command center recently if they were also funding them?

Because they want neither side to win the war, they want the war to go on endlessly.

I'm interested in seeing your post in /r/Syrianwar

Wait - you got banned for posting this? That was it? If so - Reddit has lost all my respect.

Reddit lost all respect when they sold out to Conde Nast.

This whole Da'esh thing is hilariously propaganda-y, at least here in the UK.

Every single day in the papers, they pick someone who has allegedly become radicalised and joined them, and show pictures of how wonderful they were before this shadowy monster got its hands on them. As I type this, there is an article in London's Metro showing a man stroking a cat at the age of 18 and then sporting a big beard after he changed his name to Akim and became a terrorist. And that's above a bit about how they are apparently all paedophiles and groom young girls.

The UK media reaction is making me really question how much of this stuff is just made up, because it always contains so much unevidenced speculation that I think it's all just fear mongering designed to support war spending or whatever their endgame is.

I've had a feeling this would end up being the case. The US Government seems pretty messed (this is coming from a native-born American). I know they've tried to create wars in the past through things like planned attacks on our own ships/troops to rally people into support for a war, but these kinds of things are insane! How could a governing body whose job is to protect the well being and health of its citizens do things that are so blatantly unjust and against the greater good? How do these people always end up in office?

It is bit funny that you're getting banned because you are definitely soft serving the truth.

I have a question for anyone who thinks that 100% of ISIS funding doesn't come from the U.S. or US allies, which countries in the region or the world use and supply orange prisoner jumpsuits?

Here's a quick hint, no country in the Middle East, Europe, Africa, or Asia uses Orange prisoner uniforms.

We are intentionally destabilizing Syria and Iraq.

keep up the good work!!!


Copying this whole thread atm.



They're really not.

Posting something with the words -upvote if- is a violation of intergalactic law.


I do not know whats goin on but i cannot submit new posts?

There are multple issues with the politics that you are talking about, they are vague at best and completly wrong if I am being frank. Not to say that there isn't a lot of bullshit concerning all this, and that the Way that the Us occupation in Iraw ended didn't partly creat Isis, but it is not direct or on purpose. Claiming this just takes credibility away from some of the valuable, good and right arguments that the US is partly responsible for the creation of ISIS, that 2 of the West's/ the US closest allies in the region or at least high ranking people in these countries (Turkey and SA) as well as Qatar/Qatar buisness manüp are supporting ISIS and other rebel groups in some way.

But your comment is not a good ressource. It is not clear what you are talking about. It is not well structured. The sources suck. There is not a lot of effort put into it. You don't have to do this but if you actually want to convince people you should.

But your comment is not a good ressource. It is not clear what you are talking about. It is not well structured. The sources suck. There is not a lot of effort put into it. You don't have to do this but if you actually want to convince people you should.

lol the irony here is striking.

A post doesn't equal a comment. I commented, he posted. If you really want me to formulate my response I can do that, with sources and stuff but I just think that a comment in a subreddit that isn't really focused on quality doesn't warrant that time. Should I explain why I think that it is not well structured etc? what exactly do you want to say? because I would apreciate a reply that is longer than five words.

When Isis first began they said that what happens is Isis rolls into a town and they take everything. Including the banks. So they have loads of money and they have full control over the oil. I don't think they really need funding.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

If the spam filter deletes spam posts then it deletes all of them. Have you tried contacting the mods of those subs? Or the admins?

That's why.... As it was with "al-CIA-duh", so it is with "ISIS".

Same reason they took out Saddam and Gaddafi. Assad is not using petrodollars. That's it. They've tried to get rid of him with talks and the august 2013 false flag. He wouldn't step down and Russia stepped in to back him.

They also need in Libya and other countries for various reasons. Much to do with the upcoming war.

Chaos on the borders of the rivals of the US benefits the US. Chaos in Iraq/Afghanistan messes with Iran. Chaos in Ukraine/Syria messes with Russia.

Sorry, the author gave no specific, sourced allegations meriting any response. I hope it's more than the "JOHN MCCAIN MET ISIZ!!!" nonsense.

Just stay on message, you're doing good. I'm surprised but I'm not surprised, it has become an infowar for sure. It's very good you posted the situation in this format, its most useful to let the community to know the commies (corporate fascists?) regulate popular idea spaces.

I wouldn't meditate on who or what filter action is being taken. It should just be a sign to you that your message is on-point. It will be good if we all understand the internet has its' own deceptions going on. I would guess that anonymity would be targeted next by the controllers, to eliminate the feeling of freedom people have to speak truth on this medium.

I've heard the argument that by arming ISIS it's helping these terrorist groups kill each other

I've definitely have had this happen and it wasn't even that bad of a post.

I saw a link on /r/bestof regarding Aaron Swartz. Post had negative votes even though I saw no reason for that. I commented "Down the memory hole it goes".

Guess what?

Comment was gone.

Syria and Iraq have traditionally been bitter enemies of Israel. If these countries descend into economic, social, and political chaos, then the threat they pose is minimal--particularly if the US and Israel are the principle backers of the insurgencies causing the turmoil.

Netanyahu knows that the longer his enemies are at peace, the stronger they become, so fuelling chaos within his enemies' borders is a no-brainer type strategy.

This makes the most sense as why this was censored. It says quite a bit about infowars that they are trying that hard to quiet him.

I usually can't find anything from infowars on a Google search unless I include infowars in the search terms.

There's multiple reasons, Assad refused Qatar's pipeline to run through Syria, Cheney, Rothschild & Murdoch were granted oil exploration rights by Israel in the occupied Golan Heights and there is also the greater Israel plan which requires the break up of Iraq and other territories which seems to be playing out at the moment. Oh and of course it's preferable to take out Syria before the main target, Iran.

In my experience there are generally two types of people - those who are good skeptics and those who are bad skeptics.

The bad skeptics are those who find things easy to believe, without having researched for themselves (and recursively, researched the sources of what they are researching, i.e. is a specific news source honest or not). The bad skeptic takes what he is told at face value, whether it's from TV, the New York Times, or from the local water cooler gossip. The bad skeptic has a very cartoonish view of the world - that is to say their understanding of what goes on around the world is caricatured to exaggerate certain features, and is heavy on the contrast. There is right and wrong, black and white, with little in between.

The good skeptic is one that assumes nothing, accepts no viewpoint of reality except that which they themselves can prove and verify, and keeps a log of "hypothetical maps of reality" in the back of their mind, as possible explanations for the phenomenon they experience. They gather information, judging how accurate that information can be, and store it in their ever increasing pool of data, and slowly start to develop a rich map which is a representation of reality - and not reality itself, but they understand this.

Rarely is it ever true that anything of great consequence on the global stage is the result of one man or of one group - it's a cumulative result of many different actors with different agendas unfaithfully steering a current event into an unknown (but purposeful) direction - to create events that are then perceived as "problems" by the general public, who then more readily accept something that is akin to a solution, from which mutual parties benefit as providers.

In all walks of life, in every group, you find the good and bad skeptics. I don't think the ratio ever changes much, whether you are on /r/conspiracy or elsewhere. The idea that somehow those here are more aware of their reality than those who hang out in /r/funny or something is just another myth that the bad skeptic would believe without testing it for themselves.

haha you fucking nailed it bro, I just hate how i come to this sub to have to relate to people. mostly younger generations are the ones that have a shot at even understanding this shit.

Your history for this user name is "not found," fyi. Means you have been shadow banned.

I want to fucking nail something

Anyone who believes that we only just sprouted up in the last 2000 years, is a complete retard. The fact of the matter is, that we have been under the yoke of one government or another since the fall of Carthage in 146 BCE. Before that it was priests who had all the power through religion(Idiot fairy stories), for as far back as we can see.

My friend had a post suggesting that the recent UK "whistleblower" was a fake meant to discredit whistleblowers and create a push for harsher treatment of them. I won't say the name if the navy submariner. Apparently it causes auto-deletion...