Lets talk about South Carolina. this wreaks of another false flag shooting. Real victims but perpetrated by the government

0  2015-06-18 by modelo666


Reeks* I know it sounds petty, but spelling and grammar make up a big part of first impressions.

MK Ultra/Monarch slave is totally possible, or even the blackest of black ops guys. I could see it. BUT....

We're talking about a state that still flies the Confederate flag over its state house. And if you've ever spent any time in South Carolina, you know it's deeply racist.

But coming full circle, it's the church location that makes me think False Flag, because then you've got the whole Satanist angle as well.

But I'm not making any decisions yet. Let's see if they get this guy, and how much of a scapegoat he appears to be.

Thanks for tossing this out there, though. It's worth considering.

And if you've ever spent any time in South Carolina, you know it's deeply racist.

Yep, the black people there are really racist.

LOL. Completely untrue. And even if it were true, they'd have every right, considering they're treated like 2nd class citizens but for a few Uncle Toms, a racist flag flies over their State House, and S.C. was one of the most vociferously pro-slavery in the nation.

Completely untrue.

You must have literally never been there.

And even if it were true, they'd have every right

Really? So blacks have the right to hate white people? I got news for you, the American Flag has flown over more "racism" than the Confederate flag.

It's obvious you have a high schooler's understanding of history.

hurrr durr civil war was about state's rights! Sherman was da devil!

hurr durr muh raysism!

God you red pillers really arent a bright bunch are you.

----- You must have literally never been there.

LOL. I lived there, buddy. I lived there.

----- It's obvious you have a high schooler's understanding of history.

Mmmm-hmmmmm. You run with that.

You run with that.

I will, it's obvious. I've lived in both the North, and the South,and I can tell you - Southern Blacks - and Northern Whites - can give anyone a run on "racism."

Yeah. South Carolina. Super-racist. Sure. No racism in New York or California or Montana or Hawaii or, hell, France, right?

Wait a minute...mk ultra? Satanism? Yeah, never mind. You're crazy.

MK Ultra and Satanism are real things, you know.

Just checked out your history. You're disinfo, or not very well-read at all, and maybe both -- they make the best kind of True Believers.

Interesting too, you you choose to lower-case all MKUltra but capitalize Satanism.

Please dismiss me as crazy & leave me alone. I'm not talking to you or people like you. Go back and waste a couple days writing about "John Wick." That's far more important, especially now that they've green-lighted "John Wick 2."

Best of luck to the rest of the Suckit family.

Well as Professor Dumbledore said, "We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided." And this initially looks like the classic keep-us-fighting-amongst-ourselves tactic.

All I know is this is a heinous crime. Having said that, labeling it a "Hate Crime" serves no purpose other than political pandering. 9 deaths is a death penalty case on its face. Hate crime labeling is only to enhance penalties. Unless someone knows how to enhance the penalty of a crime beyond death, I'm all ears? Fanning flames of more civil unrest is all I see as a result of doing it. That Chief and Mayor are idiots!

Indicting for a hate crime insures the admissibility in evidence of all his racist bullshit, as evidence of specific motivation. And getting at the truth lets the pus out of the civic wound he created.

For 9 deaths, you don't need "racist bullshit" to get JUSTICE. That is a death penalty case period. The only reason to drag this into the media and federal courts as an example of "white racist evil America" will only serve one purpose and that is pushing the propaganda that white America is racist, evil and the cancer of the world and gun control. No Justice purposes can be served that would enhance the penalty of death. So, I stand buy my analysis.

Your analysis ignores the rules of evidence, which would otherwise exclude his racist history (assuming an asswipe who flies the Rhodesian and South African apartheid era flags on his shirt has one) as more prejudicial than probative on the homicide alone, at least prior to the penalty phase of a capital case. Getting that evidence before the jury in the guilt/innocence phase would be useful, so indicting on a hate crime serves a purpose. And a country that spawns shits like this has a lot to answer for in the "racist evil" department, so public purging is a decent add-on.

Probably with that climate, not acknowledging it as a hate crime given the facts might have caused a bunch of anger.

Well, labeling it a hate crime at this point is irresponsible. They don't even know the guy, his motive or ethnicity. It's pandering.

Yeah. I see what youre saying, but the alternative, while irrational, could have made things worse is all I am saying. Usually things happen for a reason.

I wanted to cite this. I do not wish to denegrate anyone's reputation over what are just allegations in this article and the ones it links, but I thought this might give a few pieces of the puzzle about why the shooting happened...? Possible Corruption

Some observations and questions on Charleston event: http://winteractionables.com/?p=21899

I agree. Especially after this

Did this meme cause the false flag

Whatever it is, it seems to be contributing the the whole "divide & conquer thing." As heinous as it is at face value, it could be even more sinister than we will ever know.

If I had to guess, and I don't, I would say that some group decided that things had been too quiet for too long on the racial front... I suspect this was somehow sanctioned, but I haven't found any evidence yet to actually point that way. Maybe someday they will enact whatever changes they want without seeing violence and murder as a necessary or efficable means of doing so. Oh them...

The pastor of the church who was murdered campaigned with Hillary Clinton yesterday and Jeb Bush was scheduled to have an even this morning one mile north of the church.

According to the NYTimes:

--“I have to do it,” the gunman was quoted as saying.


Brainwashed, Programmed, Psychologically compelled?

Well, labeling it a hate crime at this point is irresponsible. They don't even know the guy, his motive or ethnicity. It's pandering.