Reddit's front page now has a "banner" for the shooting in Charleston. Peddling the fear brand?

135  2015-06-18 by [deleted]

No reason this needs to be stapled to the front page.


Reddit has been increasingly against real time updates of unfolding events. They don't like it when they can't control the narrative, and social media such as Reddit takes it out of their hands. I'm assuming having a sticky on the front page is going to better allow them to filter, sort, and censor comments quicker, as they unfold.

I run the live thread, and the admins have made no attempt to control what I say in any way. The only communication I have had with them was them informing me that the thread was stickied.

There was a comment in your thread claiming that Roof's Facebook account was about 1 month old and most of his Facebook friends didn't personally know him.

Of course the photos on his Facebook make him look like a batshit crazy murderer. He has the same drugged out stare that Holmes and Lanza had.

Yeah that was me and I fucked up.

He has the same drugged out stare that Holmes and Lanza had.

Pharmaceutical science is amazing.

I want to thank you for starting that live thread. I'm a news junkie and it helped a lot.

This reddit live feature is the best thing thats happened to us news junkies ever.

Well you are definitely telling the truth.

Check me out. I've been a Redditor for a coupla years, you can probably doxx me if you wanted to.

The admins only got involved hours after I started the thread, you can check anywhere for when the thread was made and when it was stickied.

Let me ask you this, what WOULD you believe? It seems like the people in this sub can be skeptical to the point where they will never ever believe anything contrary to their already held opinions.

it's completely logical to not 100% trust someone when they have no evidence for their claim and their claim would benefit them. If you don't think so then you'll find yourself at home on literally every other part of this website.

Your response would make sense if I had said "It is completely logical to trust someone on the internet for no reason", but I didn't, so that's pretty weird. I actually asked something totally different.

Let me ask you this, what WOULD you believe? It seems like the people in this sub can be skeptical to the point where they will never ever believe anything contrary to their already held opinions.

You asked this in response to him failing to trust someone who's operating a site endorsed thread regarding an unfolding news situation. I was saying, since someone in that position could obviously lie, it is logical to not trust them. You said:

Let me ask you this, what WOULD you believe?

As though you were incredulous to the fact that he was exhibiting skepticism to this person, or as though you were saying: well, wouldn't you be skeptical of everything?

I'm saying that's not the case, it's extremely logical to be skeptical of that person. The individual person we are referring to obviously could have some incentive to lie here.

What I'm pointing out is that a fair amount of people on this sub have shoehorned themselves in to certain beliefs to the point that I don't think they have left themselves a way out. OP of the thread comes in? Must be a shill. Something happens in the news? Must be a false flag. Explanation that doesn't jive with my conspiratorial worldview? Must be a disinformation operative. My question still stands. What WOULD it take for him to be convinced that it's just a live reddit thread, not some government operation to <insert conspiratorial motivation>.

It seems like the people in this sub can be skeptical to the point where they will never ever believe anything contrary to their already held opinions.

Noooo, the greatest minds of reddit would never do that!

Welcome to /r/conspiracy, where the evidence is all made up and the truth doesn't matter.

You should make a post here about this. This is what I have always found so incredibly awesome about Reddit, is the ability for a large group of people to develop their own narrative on events as they see them, with no propaganda spin.

This is precisely why Reddit faced so much criticism during the Boston Marathon Bombings from the establishment.

Looks like Reddit has appeased the establishment in their wishes to be the only ones that control the narrative. Disgraceful.

Yeah- the coverage of real-time events was Reddit's strong point until the admins put a stop to it- using the response to the Boston Bombing (where people were posting up-to-the-second updates, and providing the general public evidence as it unfolded to allow people to form their own opinions) as justification.

I'm assuming having a sticky on the front page is going to better allow them to filter, sort, and censor comments quicker, as they unfold.

That was my thought, as well.

In addition to funneling the masses to one thread instead of letting them find threads in different subs that may have a different narrative (such as this).

good grief, on front, there is no top post where people can comment upon.

yes, there is one in r/news but it doesn't show up on main

more narrative control than this.

"We need more laws!"

It is abhorrent that Obama brought up banning guns less than a minute into his talk.

He did? That has to be a record!

Here's the relevant quotes:

"innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun"

"at some point it’s going to be important for the American people to come to grips with [mass-violence] and for us to be able to shift how we think about the issue of gun violence collectively"

"It is in our power to do something about it"

Also: "I've had to make statements like this too many times... at some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."

"this type of mass MEDIA COVERAGE of violence does not happen in other advanced countries." FTFY, Mr. President.

Eh, so what. its not the government's job to censor/regulate the media. And frankly i'm glad it doesn't

Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say that the government doesn't censor the media, because they totally do. I'm not even going to go into that topic.

My point was him claiming this much mass violence doesn't happen in other advanced countries. There is just as much mass violence in other advanced countries, there's just not as much media coverage on it, giving the illusion that we have more violence because it's all over the news.

shit I forgot I was in r/conspiracy. Welp, I'm out. Peace

and idiots who should apply them but instead are busting legal pot stores and eat pot biscuits

Something isn't adding up here. I did a South Carolina records search for Dylann Roof, and found an entry for one Dylann Storm Roof (seriously, Storm Roof?) who was born in 1994 for a Class 1 Drug Charge on 3/5/2015 that is ongoing. They list his address as being in Columbia SC which is 120 miles away from Charleston. I have also read reports of him living in Lexington South Carolina, which is even farther away.

Seems an awful long way to drive to murder someone. How many other black churches do you think he passed along the way? It seems to me that if his motive was really just to kill black people, that he could have done so much closer to his residence.

Well that spacific church is one of the oldest AME churchs in the United States and its leaders/members often played key roles in wanting equality /civil rights. The incident seems like it was a planned. targeted thing. That is the scary/frustrating part for a lot of people. It may be better understood if it was in a fit of rage as blind anger can do.

but clearly if the person was there for over an hour, showed zero signs of rage or any threat whatsoever and then did what he did.

It was a deliberate planned attack. Even so my guess is the kid really did not understand nor comprehend what he was doing, nor the fallout of it. Likely he is some stupid idiot who fell into the wrong crowd and started believing the lies that he told himself.

That is what makes it i think so chilling and the sad thing is with the racial tensions escalating over the last half year or so.....the danger here is while the loss of life was terrible. the fact that this can escalate into something far worse i think is the danger. We could be on a very real brink of a real ratial war here

and my fear is. LOOK at the reaction at furgison. how the entire town went ape shit over a white cop killing a black kid. Now you have a planned. medited attack of all places a CHURCH a place of prayer by a diranged white KID (more or less) and the backlash this could bring.......honestly i really cant imagine.

That is the danger here and we do not need a war. War never changes.

No side will win. The event was in pure blind hate. The problem is. are we going to fight hate with more hate? Thats what i worry about. its one thing to hear it on the news its another thing if you actually are where the event takes place

and i am fearful for what is to come. Honestly. What that kid did....he has no real idea. He think he knows he thinks hes justified in some twisted way.....but when a white guy who planned this walks into a black church and does that......I just dont see the black community sitting down on this one.

I gotta be totally honest. I am so fucking tired of this bullshit. The racial game here. We are ALL human beings. I would take my time to get to know anyone of any race if they were kind, nice and open minded. This is 2015. i am not even black im white.......but i am so sick of this bullshit We cant EVER advance at all if we are going to go back be surprised if looking back this is the event that we end up destroying ourselves over because it seems to me more and more and more human beings are terrible. We are incapible of seeing past our own noses and instead we blame everyone else..everyone else around us. we hate, we judge.....

how is there ever going to be any hope for anyone? This is MY backyard and i have my own problems......what hope is there for me when i wake up and see hateful BULLSHIT like this?

there is no words to describe what happend. This kid could never possibly understand what he did or why he did it....and now because of it we may all be plunged into the Abyss because i wonder if its too late for any of us. I wonder if things are only going to get worse and worse and worse, while we STILL only give a crap about ourselves.

Even I admit i am that way. I find it hard to give a crap about anyone least im not so far gone that i am not angered by this in some way this is just a very very bad omen to me ..a terrible one at what things have become.

funny how video games lead to inspiration sometimes the game Fallout talks about a future where humanity ends up nearly destroying each other through a 2 hour nuclear war...and in the game series those left behind have to deal with the harsh world they created.

and i wonder just how close are we to the brink?

Its 2015 not 1960 and yet now all that is going to be seen from this is white vs blacks and thats NOT what its about.

We need to come together not break apart. but i can imagine and see the rage that the black community will have over this

and perhaps as right they should......but........can we solve hate with more hate? I dont think so.

Lets just hope charleston doesnt burn over this........sighs. Really I am so sick of living here.......this is just aweful and to live in the place where such a horrible event happened.......sighs.

They sure have the narrative well rehearsed don't they? This is another false flag pysop.


From now on, the onus of proof is no longer on proving it was fake, but proving it's real when CNN goes full propaganda mode with wall to wall coverage on anything.

Show me a single bit of evidence that anyone was killed, or this Adam Lanza wannabe did anything please.

I mean, that's pretty much they've been doing with the coverage. What CAN they show you that they haven't already?

Proof of the suspect doing anything more then a still picture opening a door would be a start. There literally has been no proof of any crime even taking place, none. Until then, this is a hoax.

Again I ask... What can they show that would be proof?

I'm fairly optimistic about there not being riots or city wide chaos after this tragedy. While the magnitude of this atrocity definitely goes far beyond what happened in Ferguson, there are no sides to take on this issue. There's no moral grey area, or arguing about the lines between what is necessary and what is excessive. No one could rationally look at what happened here and defend the actions of this boy. I truly believe that everyone will be able to see this shooting as the horrific, needless massacre that it was and if anything, it will bring the city closer as a whole to rally against extremist bigots like this. The black community will absolutely rise up to condemn this atrocity but, unlike in Ferguson, I believe they won't feel the need to speak out violently to make a statement because this time, they'll have the support of the whole country.

Unlike those other churches he passed, the Emanuel AME is historic & symbolic because it is the oldest, Black church in the South.

Close to 30% of his facebook friends are black as well. If you look at a zoomed in picture of his coat the patches on the left side don't really look like they were on it when he bought it, if you catch my meaning. this is rather fishy.

"Gun violence like this doesn't happen in other advanced countries" - Obama

Sounds like something is coming down the pipe

"/u/MrsHeisenberg tipped me off to something interesting. Roof's Facebook profile was made about a month ago, and people who were friends with him on Facebook claim not to know him." Hmmmm...

Its crossed out now, which is weird. I normally don't buy into this stuff but that is very strange.

Yes, I saw this comment in another thread. Glad you posted it here, hope it gets more visibility.

So that thing in France recently is what then?

those fromage guys are third world country

So that thing in France recently is what then?

Ignore that. The President is pushing an agenda here.

That was my point. They willfully ignore these situations when they happen in other countries.

Exactly. I guess those kids getting mowed down in Norway didn't meet Obamas standards for a massacre.

Ding ding ding.

That was my point.

I got it, and I agree. Apparently my sarcasm wasn't obvious. :/

Sorry about that! Hahaha

for fuck sake, the dude that shot a whole fucking island!

well is he wrong? America does have a problem with mass shootings, comparatively.

you need to look at the wording, these are carefully written speeches


Checked out pic. I thought bowl cuts went out in the mid 90's.



You'd be surprised.

And remember, if in doubt stay fluoridated ;-)

/s <- yes, this is the sarcasm tag, for those of you who really are fluoridated - I know their are loads of you - like an army

How long have you been flouride-free?


How'd you manage that?



Never forget that you are as free or as bound as you choose to be.


hold on! i think i might have a cookie cutter like that in my cabinet!

It does if you want to distract people and keep them on fear mode!

Edit: CNN is gonna eat this story for months! Im looking forward to their 3D graphics!

Well CNN was completely into a story about two dudes who escaped from jail before this.

And let's not forget that missing airplane.

I think that's the key. the way I see it, it's a distraction from other important things going on.

Oh look congress passed the fast track bill. Think we will see this on Reddit's front page?

It was likely an FSE because FSEs are the only thing that the media will shill now..... Ever since the 2012 NDAA passed its been blatantly obvious that we are being fed non stop hasbarah.


Full Scale Exercise

Man hunts everywhere. Guessing more will come.

It's a pretty big story?


ten of thousands can die in other countries and no one fucking cares but if a few us citizens die the world needs to stop

There are tens of thousands of people in concentration camps whose quality is worse than the WW2 holocaust, and that is simply ignored.

there are more than that but I have a solution. Maybe a few jewish volunteers can give a hand and enter those camps. Then we can start the circlejerk and hopefully we could save the others

ten of thousands can die in other countries and no one fucking cares but if a few black us citizens die the world needs to stop


from where you've got the word "black"?

Yea its' getting huge. You know there was a shooting when I lived in Cincinnati; at the city's oldest pub. Killed a few people. Nothing on national news.

A senator died. He's black. Assailant is a white 20 something. Shitstorm a brewing.


Yet the hundreds of blacks who murder, rape, rob, and pillage white folk every day are just typical crime.

But why this one? Why do some shootings go almost unreported while some like this become 24/7 coverage?

Because Al Sharpton needs to get the ball rolling again after Baltimore and the subsequent murderfest.

Sharpton isn't the enemy, Sharpton is a useful idiot.

Who makes sure Sharpton stays in the conversation? Those are your enemies. And they WANT you to blame Sharpton so they can keep operating unabated.

Sharpton perpetuates a mind set which is mirrored and reflected back to him. It's his fault as much as the people who believe in his shit but he is 1 man and easily singled out.

He is ready to roll. lol. This may be his best quote ever.

Ask yourself who decided that and you'll begin to understand.

Hillary Clinton spent and entire day with the dead senator. This is a false flag to get America's short attention span off of the TPP or any other three letter acronyms.

Adam? Adam Lanza is that you?


I wonder if they got the right guy?

Ask yourself if it really matters if they got the right guy?

They got someone, and that someone will be blamed. This is all the mob requires.

The mob? what information do you have about the mob involvement on this case. I'm pretty sure this guy acted alone and hated black people.

The people claiming this is a government op have no reason as to why he is alive though. He should have killed himself.


The mob as in the court of public opinion. Not organized crime.

Thanks for clearing that up.

30% of fb friends were black, are you sure about that hate? They may not know him, but if he did only create it a month ago, when did the hate envelope him that drove him to murder him some? This shit makes zero sense, so don't start think you got shit figured out yet. The odds are pretty even this being a FF. Just in time for this JH exercise. Good god man, can't you smell that?

Well, I mean, lets examine what we actually know. That church he shot up is a historically well known church to many African Americans that was safe place during civil rights. Dylann had priors. Also, you're going by friends of facebook? Lots of people friend people on facebook because they know of that person, not necessarily friends, that's common in high school.

sheep mob


According to MSM they caught him at a traffic stop? I guess he didn't have a plan? What do you think?

Pics or it didn't happen.




We should call the FBI and ask them if the Charleston massacre is real this time, or if it was another fake media hoax like the Boston Bombings was. Seriously. 1-800-CALL-FBI


Slurs aren't allowed here. Future post like this could result in a ban.

hold on! i think i might have a cookie cutter like that in my cabinet!

He did? That has to be a record!

Here's the relevant quotes:

"innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun"

"at some point it’s going to be important for the American people to come to grips with [mass-violence] and for us to be able to shift how we think about the issue of gun violence collectively"

"It is in our power to do something about it"