Dylann Roof

38  2015-06-18 by [deleted]

His Facebook was made 1 month ago. A lot of his Facebook "friends" were black and they are saying they didn't know him. This is starting to look a little strange. Thoughts?


Well, in those surveillance pics from last night, he was wearing two shirts in a region that has seen 90+ temps. Those same pics seem to indicate something odd about his nose, though I can't quite make it out. He's said to be a supporter of apartheid, which if his age is correct ended the year he was born. He's said to have reloaded FIVE times with nobody trying to tackle him and stop him. And don't get me started on the haircut.

Nope, nothing wrong here. I should probably go find a celebrity sex change story to pay attention to like a good little sheeple. Excuse me.

This is huge news. Don't pretend like anyone is trying to hide it.

Edit: lol, why the fluctuating up and downvotes? Is it not huge news?

Agree - something wrong with the nose. Also, his supposed speech about them raping white women when the majority of his targets were black women who rarely rape anyone. Just doesn't add up. Oh and the TPP fast track bill passed the house while all this was taking up media space today. How convenient?

If someone has a grudge against those who rape white women they might take revenge on the "rapists'" women. But this feels like a staged event. The drugs most of us don't know much about combined with mental programming might make a target do this kind of thing.

His nose isn't the same shade as the rest of his skin for one. It looks like he is wearing one of those fake nose/glasses sets.

Mind pointing out where I can find those pictures? I haven't seen much of this case since I don't have Internet on my computer

Here ya go: surveillance pics

Thank you!

According to Google it was still 87 degrees at 9 o'clock last night.

I've read he used a .45 pistol; I assume a semi auto. If he reloaded 5 times, did he bring 5 or 6 magazines? -those mags aren't cheap, or easy to buy unless you cherry pick them from gun sites; which would show a lot of premeditation. Or did he reload one mag 5 times? Because that takes quite a while. Most of the .45 autos I'm familiar with have a nasty recoil; strong men firing with an improper grip hurt their wrist, but this skinney kid had no problem shooting with deadly accuracy what, 40-45 times?Either the info I've seen is wrong, or this whole scenario stinks.

Here's a photo of when they picked him up. Nose looks funny here as well, so there's nothing suspicious of it being someone else.

What exactly is funny nose indicitave of?


I will agree about the tab part. I almost wonder if the white nose is a red herring. Like an imposter made it obvious to us to see it, then the real guy is arrested and has the same nose weirdness going on.

Obama's remarks were straight up gun control rhetoric almost equally as much as remorse and remembrance.


The people whom claim to have spotted the kid can't keep their story straight. They also maintained that they stayed on the phone together while the husband called 911, at that point she began to trip herself up and the interviewer for CNN took over.

"We do know that once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun," Obama said at the White House. "At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this kind of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency. It is in our power to do something about it."

Surely, objectively, this is true?

He's not suggesting guns be banned or taken away... But at some point there has to be some acknowledgement that it's become far to easy for someone who has ill intent to get hold of one. Should no effort be made to address that? Or even acknowledge it?

These things do not happen elsewhere.

I don't think anyone knows the answer - clearly, even if some might like it - there's no disarming America, but there has to be some scope to look at these events and see if there's any changes that can be made which might at least reduce the likelihood of similar things?

But it's not just guns of course, it's far more complicated. And it's hard.

More comprehensive background checks and psychological screenings would be my answer. The problem isn't the guns. It's that people with supposed mental health issues, whom are often on a cocktail of SSRIs and other psychoactive drugs, are often able to get guns with no problem. I know my old roommate was bipolar schizophrenic and said he couldn't buy a gun. But people like the Tech and Colombine shooters got them no problem even though their psychological issues were well documented beforehand.

These things do not happen elsewhere.

These things do happen elsewhere. Even Obama didn't go that far. They happen less frequently in the developed world. They happen a lot in the undeveloped world.

The difference in the rest of the developed world is they have universal healthcare, better mental healthcare, better education, less wealth inequality, better education and less race issues.

Gun access is part of the issue, but probably a much smaller part of the issue than all of the above reasons.

These things do happen elsewhere.

They happen so infrequently that it may as well be not at all.

The difference in the rest of the developed world is they have universal healthcare, better mental healthcare, better education, less wealth inequality, better education and less race issues.

Gun access is part of the issue, but probably a much smaller part of the issue than all of the above reasons.

This I agree with.

you should read about the things going on in Africa

You can maybe disagree that gun access is a much smaller part of the issue, but you cannot argue that all the other things are not very much a part of it.

Most of the gun violence in this country are poor, black, uneducated men killing each other. That is very much a wealth inequality, education and race issue.

Granted the devil is in the details here's this; https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_firearm-related_death_rate

Maybe something correlates? Ahem, http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/m/mental_illness/stats-country.htm

And at the root of it all? Simply, people aren't feeling in control of their lives. Ah mean, why control your own life when smarter, richer, better educated "elites" can do it better right?/s

I wonder if it's worth mentioning that Lindsay Graham (R-SC) was on The View this morning and mentioned that his niece went to school with the shooter. And that his niece described the shooter as shy, quiet, and weird. Graham avoided saying whether or not it was a hate crime and blamed it on mental issues.

I also noticed Obama mentioned that he and Michelle personally knew the pastor who was killed. However, given that the pastor was also a state senator and leader of one of the oldest black congregations in the south, maybe that's normal.

TPTB are unhinged. They're throwing everything into the kitchen and hoping We The People burn it down!

This is one of the alleged deceased:


Now ask yourself: Why would this punk ass white kid go into that church and randomly start shooting?


I wonder what they will find on his hard drive or if it will be in pieces like Lanza's. Some thng smells bad about this and I'm beginning to doubt ALL the news - every last bit of it.

Adam Lanza had no facebook page

Hates black people?

That picture they're using. In front of all the trees, with the scowl. Doesn't look real.


That was exactly my thought too. It looks like a photoshop of his prior mugshot. Who the hell keeps a picture like that and posts it on social media?


What does it mean?


Yes the patches are photoshopped in, and it's a poor job at that.

And these... I found a lot of images with him wearing the same jacket, they can't all be 'shopped


"Storm Roof?" Really? It's like Storm Front.

Anybody checking to see if his father is a white supremacist? If no, then why not?

Compare these images of Dylann Roof with this photo and this. Then look at these.

It seems like the person in the first two side by side images has a nose that's either straight or slightly hooked. Someone mentioned the nose looking like it might be fake, but it could be the white appearing at the tip of it in the right photo is actually part of the vertical L shaped pipe you can see behind him. If you look at his nose in all the other photos it's obvious it turns upward rather than being straight or hooked.

In the first two side by side photos his hair is either cut short enough to reveal his ears, and/or tucked behind them. The photo showing him with his hands cuffed behind his back indicates it may be the way his hair is cut that reveals his ears because it would be impossible for him to use his hand to push his hair behind his ear. Could it be two different people?

The FBI is in on this.


I read elsewhere that he was working with the FBI as an informant.

It seems you're all wiggling and jiggling and trying to do everything you possibly can not to call this shooter what he is: a generic white supremacist who wanted to kill black people.

These types of tools post right here, we should be quite familiar with them. This is what Nazis do, they kill people. Remember this the next time the Stormfront gang starts posting their recruitment propaganda here.

The only problem with your post is that much about this story is not "generic". The guy's age. The fact that apparently he walked into a church he did not attend and sat there unnoticed for an hour before slamming into action. That once he did so, the people around him were unwilling or unable to attempt to stop him.

Maybe he really was a generic white supremacist. If it turns out he was, I'd gladly sit right down here and say so, in front of God and everybody. In the meantime, we have nine lives tragically cut short, and something about the story stinks to high heaven.

In the meantime, we have nine lives tragically cut short, and something about the story stinks to high heaven.

Can you honestly ever imagine a story like this that you wouldn't immediately think was suspect?

I would be literally amazed if something like this took place and I came to /r/conspiracy and didn't find a handful of highly upvoted threads calling it out as "too convenient" and saying "something isn't right"

While I generally don't believe that the government or anyone else is engineering events of this nature, I'd at least have more respect for these theories if the initial suspicion wasn't raised simply because they happened.

In this case the guy seems like a troubled racist kid who had god knows what going on in his life. Mental illness? Maybe. Drug issues? Possibly.

Does it mean no-one should be allowed a gun? Not really. But the largely unfettered availability of firearms certainly does make it easier for people like this to act out violent fantasies and impulses. The same as it makes it easier for some people to take their own lives. That is a reality that should be considered - it's hard to know what the answer is, but pretending it only happens when the government makes it so is silly.

There are hundreds of millions of people in the US and it's pretty easy to get a gun. So it's not at all inherently unlike that something like this just happens. It's terrible that it does, but it's not improbable.

I wonder what they will find on his hard drive or if it will be in pieces like Lanza's. Some thng smells bad about this and I'm beginning to doubt ALL the news - every last bit of it.

What does it mean?

Adam Lanza had no facebook page

And these... I found a lot of images with him wearing the same jacket, they can't all be 'shopped
