How Freaked Out Do You Think the Elites Are That the Fake Charleston Church Shooting Hoax Didn't Start a Race War as was Intended, but Instead United the Charleston Community Closer?

10  2015-06-22 by [deleted]

While there are still some under tones here for new "common-sense" gun control laws brewing, which we all need to be remain vigilant for, clearly a secondary objective of the hyper-reality hoax was to start the race war in this country, which the elite have been pushing hard for since at least Ferguson.

The people of Charleston united in the face of this ridiculous hoax, and even kicked out some of the out of town professional agitators who have begun arriving looking to stoke the racial flames. There has been 0 violence like we saw in Baltimore or Ferguson.

Maybe I'm being a little too optimistic here, but it seems to me this has badly backfired on them. What do you think?


I have to disagree that it was to start a race war. The point of the angelic demeanor of all these victims was to precisely thwart a race war (a RW would make things too chaotic for the pupputeers). The whole point, imo, was to garner black house/senate members support for gun control.

They probably saw a 'concerning' level of resistance/apathy from the black contingent of voting officials after SH to go all-in on gun control. Therefore, they needed a bigtime event that would guarantee full support of that voting block when it came time to pull the lever.

It's very possible they (elected officials) were pressured too much behind closed doors after SH. So, back to the drawing board, they double-down and sent a message - the death of a black senator in another red-curtained FF with lanza 2.0.

I think you're definitely onto something there. I was listening to Chris Plante this morning, and he played several black politicians, including Donna Edwards who are vocally and openly calling for new gun control to be taken up.

I think this picture of Ted Cruz is also a message to politicians as well.

When people like Carl Rove are now openly calling for guns to be removed from society, I think gun control is going to be their main secondary objective.

I do think they are still pushing for a race war, but the police killings seem to work pretty well, so the more I think about it, the more they will likely stick with this script if they really wanted to start it.

Yeah, I equate these events to something like adding flour slowly when making pastries, or some shit. You can't just dump the flour full-stop. You need to ease into it with small spikes of events, adding one small legislation after the next until you reach your goal. A bit similar to how predictive programming works. Psychology of humans is such that the more pre-programmed fear you instill in people PRIOR to the actual "scary" event is critical to achieve the full affect.

For example, all the pre-programming of muslim jihad-type "terrorists" in movies and cartoons leading up to 911 is ridiculously-evident in retrospect. But, if this pre-programming was never released into the public's subconcious - when the actual FF event takes place, everyone would be confused/shocked like it was all out of the blue saying things ike, "What? What the heck just happened there? Hold on, this is just isolated, we need to hold-off military resolutions, etc".

But if families are cozy at home, pre-911, watching Back to the Future (or the Simpsons) and these nasty muslim jihads are spraying bullets everywhere in a quiet mall parking lot, this enters the subconsious so when the "real" event happens, people piss their pants in fear, versus just scratch their heads in confusion. Pre-programming is critical. Cheers.

For example, all the pre-programming of muslim jihad-type "terrorists" in movies and cartoons leading up to 911 is ridiculously-evident in retrospect. But, if this pre-programming was never released into the public's subconcious - when the actual FF event takes place, everyone would be confused/shocked like it was all out of the blue saying things ike, "What? What the heck just happened there? Hold on, this is just isolated, we need to hold-off military resolutions, etc".

Well said indeed sir. Do you see any predictive programming which your noticing now?

I doubt they're freaked out by this. Maybe feeling a bit stymied, but it's going to take a lot more than this to freak them out.

When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Ive read this entire thread. Not one shred of evidence that this was a faked event... sometimes shit happens. im all for exposing sensationalized events that are designed to distract or pull people to one side of a topic, but with so many people in this country, something like this is and was bound to happen. Until there's good evidence like with sandy hook and the like, ill consider this a shit post. Dont try and take action against my account. This is a circle jerk and you know it.

not even a little. if we rise up they may not win.. we sit on our hands they win.

Hey, give them some credit. They know damn well the American public is too pacified to ever actually do anything about anything.

Where is the proof it was a hoax?

Where's the proof it was real?

Everywhere. Except Stormfront.

The crime, witnesses testimony etc. Aside from the fact that this is essentially you asking for someone to prove a negative. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim (you).

So is that a no then? No you can't give me any substantive proof of it happening?

After the media has been caught propagating complete fiction as truth before, the burden of proof for them to prove it even happened is on them.

So wait you don't think it even happened? Like I said witnesses, testimony, etc. Do some checking. What is your standard of proof? Also the media is not one entity so any attempt to judge all of the medias credibility by a few branches reputations is a little unbalanced. As I said if you are positing a conspiracy then you need proof. Proof that it happened is easily ascertained.

I'm still waiting for the proof your talking about, lol. How about a picture of medical examiners on the scene? How about pictures of the "victims" being wheeled out on stretchers (obviously covered by a sheet) into the medical examiner vans, how about a death certificate for anyone of these people (I've checked, no record exists anywhere)?

How about any record of these people loosing their life? You can't, but yet you still blindly believe everything you see on the news? LOL

Well for one, people got killed and families are grieving.

I'd hardly call this grieving. These people did not just loose their mother, you aren't going to smile and giggle the day after your Mom was brutally murdered.

Pathetic shit. This is NOT normal human behavior. Identical to the Sandy Hook and Isla Vista lies.

Yep. They were just paid $3.2 million dollars for their acting here as well. Such a fraud.

BS! Did you even read the article you posted? If you did you would have seen that the funds are allocated under the US national Crime Victim Assistance Formula Grant program, which goes to the state of South Carolina to provide services to the families of the victims. Its not a 3.2 million check to each individual family. As someone who knew most of the families and had to attend very sad funerals, I'm sick of seeing this misinformation going around.


No where. this is a cicle jerk thread from a shitpost. Remember the woman who made a video saying thwre were chemicals in the water because she saw a rainbiw in her sprinkler... yeah its kinda like that. When you see upvotes in the 100s to 1ks theb you know theres something to a post around here, but this pretty much only has the support of peiple who think that everything that happens in this country is a ploy by our govt to control us.

Aren't you the guy who tried passing off the photoshopped version of the shooter's jacket as the original image, and insisting that the original was altered?

Yep, that's you. I guess that attempt blew up in your face, so you're trying another angle. Most folks don't appreciate being lied to, and that's what you're doing here. Piss off back to Stormfront.

That's nice. You've convinced some idiots to believe your lies.

And they even made a webpage! That means it must be true!

They are both faked photos. They've already been exposed as such. The later was to cover for the former incredibly botch slop job.

Sure sure, Stormfront.

Play your little zio victim card, friend. We see through you like you're made of glass.

The difference here is that we stand up to racism and hate. All you're capable of is painting yourself as the victim, then sending your alts and buddies over from TopMinds and Isrconspiracyracist. Pathetic.

Play your little zio victim card, friend. We see through you like you're made of glass.

The difference here is that we stand up to racism and hate. All you're capable of is painting yourself as the victim, then sending your alts and buddies over from TopMinds and Isrconspiracyracist. Pathetic.


I'm Polish, you fucking retard. Want me to prove it by wiping my foreskin on your lip?

Thanks for showing your colors though. (Quoted your post in case you delete it.)

Anger and insult. The true sign of a intellectual with the superior argument. Keep it going.

You're a Stormfront Nazi, you deserve insults.

You expose yourself every time within minutes. So predictable with your zio trash. Exposed, discredited.

Likewise, pumpkin, likewise.

(p.s. "discredited" is what I did to your retarded Stormfront photoshopped jacket theory.)

Try again. You did nothing of the sort.

Maybe it wasn't a shooting hoax which is why the community united.

Doubt it. It is fake. The objectives I've seen is 1. TPA, 2. Race War, 3. Gun Control.

They have been successful in getting the TPA passed, but failed miserably on starting a race riot.

Jesus Christ.

OP lives in a bubble where nothing is real. I think there are meds for it, but I admit, I wouldn't take em either.

OP is one of the Stormfront gang who tried creating the false "photoshopped jacket" allegations.

... which worked out great, until more pictures of the jacket emerged.