Alex Jones- Thoughts? Disinfo agent or man of the people?

7  2015-06-24 by [deleted]

I don't take or Alex Jones' words as gospel, but I do find many credible ideas in his work.

Also, if Alex Jones is a disinfo agent...then the whole Bohemian Grove ceremony he exposed would be disinfo. I'm fairly new to the reddit/online conspiracy forums community, but I heard about Jones a few years ago.

So what do you guys think about Alex Jones and infowars?


This gets brought up pretty regularly. He's a gatekeeper, just like Glenn Beck.

sorry to rehash an old topic. what do you mean gatekeeper like glenn beck?

They are there in the alt media to attract certain audiences. Say a person is sick of MSM, they are either more conservative and go to Glenn Beck or more libertarian and go to Alex Jones. These are the power houses in alt media. Once they get their audience in with good information, they poison the well with misinformation. This is the idea of a gatekeeper. Keep your audience in with 9 truths but the 10th is a lie and it's the most important.

Alex Jones and Glenn Beck will talk about certain things, but never go beyond that into the realms of truth. Alex rants and Glenn cries, both of their audiences enjoy it. Neither of them will talk about Zionism and the real cabals behind the curtain. They cover it a little, but never give you enough to propel yourself into higher knowledge, hence gatekeeper of information.

So, what you have is more radical/fundamentals in the Jones clique and more docile conservatives in the Beck clique and you have us in the middle who knows they are both gatekeepers. Divide and conquer my friend.

Excellent summary!! Thank you for the info!

You're welcome. You should really get your info from as many places as possible. There are truths in every source, it's just our jobs now to piece em together. Journalism and news is complete shit these days. Cheers!

edit: if you haven't heard of him, this guy is always spot on with great info and commentary. He has a channel on youtube called the Corbett Report, you should check him out

Like many here I recommend The Corbett Report

You can also look at some of these scores of other alternative sources.

Many of these are nearly as bad as Jones, some worse, but some are great alternatives. At the least you get a huge choice.

Alex Jones discredits himself and everyone who listens to him.

well said. i've always thought the same as well, re: the Alex Jones & Glen Becks snatching up ppl who feel disillusioned with the system.

A shock jock, the political version of Howard Stern.

He does serve a purpose - he discredits any issue he touches.

Zionist gate keeper 1st and foremost. He mixes truth with lies to muddy the waters and mislead his listeners. His "9/11 was an inside job" mantra does not include Israel, the real perp. He's a loud mouth buffoon "tough guy" faux Patriot fear gear salesman.

I listened ti him for about a year before I got sick of his BullShit. Never bought anything he was selling....he's just driving people down a road of false truth that has no end or conclusions.

Don't feed the conTrolled opposition.

His screeching annoying factor is just off the charts. Even if there is decent information buried in his program somewhere, his persona is so obnoxious I can't tolerate listening to him.

And I know for a fact that he prints absolute unfactual garbage. I backtracked an article he published once and the ultimate original source turned out to be a foreign language vedic website that had no evidence for their original piece. I sent Infowars an email detailing my findings. They never acknowledged my email and they didn't retract their garbage article.

Neither. I think he's a troll. He's just fucking with the mentally unstable, and making a living off it.

Don't forget to drink your Alex Jones-branded anti-Fukushima iodine!

That is one thing that always sketched me out about his he pushes products..

Guess he's like a preacher leeching off of his congregation.

He's a hard assed business man pretending to do a humanitarians job.

He isn't even capable of having a conscience.

He's a hard assed business man pretending to do a humanitarians job.

....while simultaneously pointing out every possible government involved in his "Globalist conspiracy" EXCEPT one.... Israel.

That slimey fuck goes out of his way to omit Israel, and Zionism from every show he produces.

That became so obvious for me as well after a while. Israel is hands down the biggest influencer of world fuckery on the planet. Just about all the evidence for 9/11 involvement points to Israel...but AJ dances around that fact like a drunk chick at Mardi Gras.

Eh, I appreciate the website's presence even though it's considered a joke by most sensible people, because they report on the NSA spying scandal. Any website doing that has value.

I just wish they wouldn't wrap their grounded articles in loony-tunes stuff, because it detracts from the credibility of the serious articles. (Then again, most of their serious articles are reprints from serious media outlets.)

I just wish they wouldn't wrap their grounded articles in loony-tunes stuff

Their presentation is supposed to detract from the credibility of whatever story they're doing.

And the comment section full of demonstrable schizophrenics helps :p

He says enough to not get killed. That's good enough to get people looking in the right direction. I trust him over the Brian Williams of the media.

I think he's a man of the people that goes too far sometimes. I've seen him be eloquent, persuasive, and informed. Other times he completely loses me with really whacky theories. At the end of the day, he's a celebrity who makes money talking about outlandish things.

Here's what ZetaTalk said about Alex Jones in the context of responding to absolute video proof of chemtrails. (The video was taken down, but see link for screencaps):

  This revealing video was taken at night, when the [chemtrail] operation assumed cover of darkness, and in a fog which was likewise assumed to be more cover. Thus the pilot abandoned normal precautions. It was also taken in LA, a large city targeted by the chemtrail operation. Such vidoes, which show absolutely that chemtrailing is being done, and where and how, are a huge threat to the operation. Thus any video revealing the operation is hunted down and killed, as one Nancy referred to in a 2009 newsletter. Since this 2014 video had gone viral on the Internet, they allowed a bit of the footage on Alex Jones website, InfoWars, included in a debunking video. What all this shows is that 1. Chemtrailing is very real, and 2. Alex Jones is a puppet of the establishment.

ZetaTalk Chat May 3, 2014

My sense is that Alex Jones is losing importance, as a media figure. He's a dynamic little fuck, but that only goes so far. He has an excellent memory, but you should watch him try to do simple arithmatic in his head! It's pathetic. He doesn't really want to be a leader, he wants to build a media empire. The fact that he won't criticize Jewish power in America says it all. He's dishonest.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

hes a cia-shill. everytime someone calls in about israel or mentions jews and banking his face turns red and he changes the subject or hangs upo