[Serious] Does evolution and homosexuality contradict each other?

4  2015-06-26 by [deleted]

Disclaimer: I am not trying to start any type of political centered debate about right vs wrong but a have a genuine question and believed this was currently the best place for it.

I am not sure if evolution is the correct term for this but my question is: If humans(and all species in general) are born in order to reproduce, wouldn't homosexuality go against that belief since they are unable to reproduce?


Maybe it's nature built in way to keep a population balanced...

I'm pretty sure that's what our life span's are for.

We can have more children in a lifespan than deaths. Animals with no naturally limited reproduction will overcrowd their environment.

Hasn't happened yet to the human population, and no I do not think it ever will. Overpopulation is a lie.

Over-Capitalism and Overgreed are much higher up the list of problems.

I'd say it's globalism and consumerism.

Aren't we describing the same things? Well, I described the disease and you described the symptoms maybe?

You say potato, I say patoto.

Did I say it wasn't!? I used the phrase overcrowd. And it hasn't happened yet is a stupid argument to make. Oh and by the way, there has been homosexual behavior pretty much since recorded history.

Maybe that's why it hasn't happened yet!?

For what its worth, I do not like gay people. I have nothing in common with their culture, their values or community but I don't give a shit about what they do. This whole subject is distracting from shit that affects everyone not just a few fairies with hurt feels.

uncles and aunts, how non breeding people can assist breeding parents.

poetry and music, arts, services, all the things that parents are too busy to bother with.

as ButtRichard says in his/her mention of Dawkins book, its all about the DNA and the nurtering of it.

gay aunts and uncles have a good reason to help their breeding siblings raise their kids, they share DNA.

Yeah sort of how things are with most social animals, the alpha male and female breed, most of the rest don't. Bees take it to the extreme with one queen per thousand bees.

Read Richard Dawkin's "The Selfish Gene" he promotes a hypothesis in there.

I think so. I also think that homosexuality is a mental disorder. Not saying, I'm against it, I'm just saying there isn't a gay gene.

Didn't realize we've catalogued every gene yet. When did that happen?

Well, it's not like homosexuality is a choice.

Never said it was, I said mental disorder.

Ah I see. Any reason for that opinion?

Same reason people are schizophrenic, psychotic, pedophiles, etc etc. Those are all mental disorders. The mind is a very curious thing that we are not even close to understanding. I'm not saying gays should be stigmatized, just like I do not think schizophrenics should be stigmatized. However, I am against pop culture making it seem normal (it's not). Are we to normalize pedophilia or psychosis?

What do you mean "normalize"?

To encourage and promote. Do we encourage schizophrenics to accept their delusions as real and normal, and then tell them to embrace the hallucinations of "people" in "their" lives? Maybe we should, according to what you are saying. What harm could come from that? What about the mental disorder where a wife thinks her husband is an imposter? Should we encourage her?

Edit: a few words.

I guess I don't follow. Homosexuality is just a sexual attraction to the same sex. Nothing bad.

I'm not saying it's bad! I'm saying it's a mental disorder. If you're just going to continue to downvote, without reading what I've said, then gnite sir/madam. Have a nice night.

I don't get why it's a "disorder" when there's no order to begin with.

Do males mate with females? Can a man and a man procreate? No, they cannot. It goes against nature. I'm not hating on them, I'm merely saying it's not normal nature.

Sexual attraction and procreation are separate entities.

Please explain that, that's why it's mental and not a gene or anything else. I see a man next to me, no one can hear him, but I see and hear him. It's in my mind..

How do you know it isn't a gene?

A gay gene? Are you serious right now? Is there a schizophrenic gene? Nope, haven't found it. It's in the mind. Is there a pedo gene, what about a psycho gene, or maybe a alcoholic gene? Nope, it's the mind. We have no idea how the brain works. Come out with it, are you gay? Honest question.

You know things like schizophrenia can run in a family, right? That would make it...genetic!

And no, I'm not gay. Sorry.

No it doesn't, has never been proven. My schizophrenia is my drunken thoughts ;). Booze is a helluva drug, sprinkle some crack on him!

Calling it a mental disorder is saying you are against it, even if you include the words "I'm [not] against it".

And homosexuality is not as simple as a single gene. No trait is, of course; that's just pandering misinformation from journals. Homosexuality is predominantly determined by hormone baths in the womb. Men and women receive different hormone baths during gestation and someone who is homosexual has received one or two hormone baths usually given to the other sex.

Calling it a mental disorder is saying you are against it

No it's not. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder, but I'm not against schizophrenics.

Homosexuality is caused by hormone baths in the womb.

Oh really, got a source for that?

someone who is homosexual has received one or two hormone baths usually given to the other sex.

lol, ok. Like I said before, got a source for that?

Explain it in the animal kingdom. Evolution is the wrong term. You don't inherit gay from your parents.


So you don't think there has been a giant push to turn Americans gay and promote the lifestyle since the 70's?
Do you think "gay bombs" (compounds which cause less testosterone and more estrogen) exist?
Sure, some small percentage of every organism has genetic mutation, for instance I have bad eye site, but should I be proud of my bad vision?

Haha interesting enough the CIA was working on that in the 70's-80's

Yes, exactly. There are even DOD papers that refer to "gay bombs". Then there are the dangers of soy and how it was promoted heavily in the 90's.

It's you. I pass no judgement either way, and I suggest you do the same. Only God can judge [you] - Tupac.

Thanks for the reminder.

Haha, gay-bombs WTF LOOOOOOOL

It was in quotes because i didnt make that up silly.

This is absolutely ridiculous.

Ok, how so, can you enlighten me?

So you don't think there has been a giant push to turn Americans gay and promote the lifestyle since the 70's?
Do you think "gay bombs" (compounds which cause less testosterone and more estrogen) exist?
Sure, some small percentage of every organism has genetic mutation, for instance I have bad eye site, but should I be proud of my bad vision?

Calling it a mental disorder is saying you are against it

No it's not. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder, but I'm not against schizophrenics.

Homosexuality is caused by hormone baths in the womb.

Oh really, got a source for that?

someone who is homosexual has received one or two hormone baths usually given to the other sex.

lol, ok. Like I said before, got a source for that?