[DO NOT UPVOTE] I just need a quick TPP summary.

86  2015-06-26 by [deleted]

Could someone please give me a summary of the TPP. A list of pros (if any) and cons. And maybe some unbiased links so I can read up on it. I feel like I should be mad about this but I am too ignorant on the topic. Thanks Guys!

EDIT: Upvote if you want, I was just trying to get an answer for myself without trying to be a karmawhore, but I figure more people need to see this now so if you want go ahead and upvote (Fuck now I sound like a karmawhore).

EDIT 2: Thanks a lot for all the helpful links, is there a way a mod can get rid of the [DO NOT UPVOTE] part?


Bravo on this one. Forgot about it. READ THIS OP.


Go to economixcomix.com they have a comic that explains TPP and other trade agreements, and its impact on the U.S.

The reason why people are unable to give an accurate explanation about the TPP is because it is actually being discussed in secret between a select few politicians and corporate lobbyist and others involved in seeing it get passed. No one involved is allowed to publicly speak on it. This, amongst other pages that have been leaked on the agreement, is why so many people are concerned with the new trade agreement suspiciously trying to be passed.

If you also look up Alan Grayson, he is the only person that has seen the draft of the TPP and has spoken out about how it will do more harm than good to the U.S.

TPP Grants Banks Terrifying Secret Powers


About as generic as you can get, but decent info for what it is.


There's no karma for self-posts, so upvotes are completely meaningless and don't make you a better person, but make the post more visible, as it should be.


could be sarcasm?

Why not just go to https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Pacific_Partnership ? Is wikipeida looked down on in this sub?