All of the recent changes to the way reddit is being run seem to have one common goal: convince undesirable users to become frustrated and leave the site

98  2015-06-30 by ViciousCycle

Recent actions make it clear that the group that Reddit inc most wants eliminated from its userbase is political activists. Not people posting pictures of horrible things, not hate subreddits, but political activists. The sort of people who would use reddit to fight against the TPP.

Reddit inc (among others) wants the activism gone, and it's working. By selectively banning subreddits and submissions, and more or less stonewalling the userbase, they're causing people to get frustrated and leave.


Information wants to be free.

People are still communicating through back channels and comments and alternative sites. It's not so bad just yet. Remember that reddit is just one site of many that deal in information dissemination. A new one will pop up sooner or later and there will likely be, within the next couple years, an exodus. At which point we'll have a new haven for information and discussion.

I see obstacles. They're irritating, but they can be overcome.

Voat is thriving right now. A few weeks ago it was a ghost town, then the exodos, a few DDoS's and a new isp, and now it is smooth as butter. Good conversations, no censorship, open mod logs. In fact, check out the front page of the politics section.

You know it's good when the idiots here try to child porn it

The only problem with using back channels is that less of the everyday folk will venture to any of them. at least while it is all at Reddit there is a chance you can educate some of the sleeping masses, with everything getting pushed elsewhere the chances are less likely as they will only be full of people in the know.

This is my fear as well. /u/compliancekid78 is saying the hydra effect is real, which I absolutely agree with. However, by chopping apart the biggest sites, you are preventing the masses from conversing in a large corral... splitting up the heard into smaller cages.

Yeah that's pretty much how it will be i guess, they can never suppress us all and there will be places we can go and convene online. I think the good thing though is ever since the financial crisis around 2008 a hell of a lot more people got on board with what is happening in the world after finding how much of a fraud fiat is and how humanity has become enslaved.

There are now more people talking about it and investigating things than ever before. Also a lot of conspiracy theory has now become conspiracy fact with evidence leaked or released so the truth seekers have been getting given a lot more credibility lately.

It's bad for business....which is why i'm still here :)

me too, hah.

The shills are strong and try to confuse users by distractions in name calling. The biggest one is "you have no idea what you're talking about and that's why the sub is lame". It's the same thing over and over. It like they get new disinfo recruts in or something. It's fun to watch.

It's already turning into one big echo chamber. Have a slightly unpopular opinion but try to explain it rationally? DOWN VOTES.

That was already true 5 years ago. What's new is the combination of fickle/inconsistent moderation and a tacit policy of moderator unaccountability to the community.

Everyone here should march on over to VOAT I hear great things.

It'll die under its own weight just like reddit did. Reddit's design simply just doesn't scale well.

I'm sorry but what? It's been you guys screaming, not reddit.

Spooky Spooky conspiracy time:

Voat was made so that the government could separate out higher risk users easier and better profile them.


... Do I really need it?

That's what it is for after all.

You're saying that as if it's a counterpoint. It's not.

It's basically just saying that if that theory is true, it's successful.

It dunt matter were gonna be shipped into death camps soon enough anyway :(

Let us hope youre so very wrong.

You're trying too hard to troll, man.