Should we go private (for a short time) in solidarity with other subreddits protesting reddit inc firing Victoria (/u/chooter)?

4352  2015-07-03 by AssuredlyAThrowAway

We cant quite decide what to do as a mod team, but we should note that Victoria did offer to help users in this subreddit when they reached out to her regarding AMA's.


These subreddits have gone private so far;

/r/AskReddit 8,916,977 subscribers (Largest subreddit)

/r/pics 8,822,877 subscribers (4th largest subreddit)

/r/todayilearned 8,781,605 (5th largest subreddit)

/r/science - 8,595,726 subscribers (7th largest subreddit)

/r/Iama - 8,521,238 subscribers (8th largest subreddit)

/r/movies - 7,662,117 subscribers (11th largest subreddit)

/r/Music 7,390,666 subscribers (12th largest subreddit)

/r/book 5,102,719 subscribers (20th largest subreddit)

/r/wtf 4,596,802 subscribers (24th largest subreddit)

/r/LifeProTips 4,111,685 subscribers (25th largest subreddit)

/r/DIY 3,728,372 subscribers (28th largest subreddit)

/r/jokes 3,551,698 subscribers (33rd largest subreddit)

/r/history 3,430,892 subscribers (38th largest subreddit)

/r/Gadgets 3,426,620 subscribers (39th largest subreddit)

/r/dataisbeautiful 3,407,415 subscribers (41st largest subreddit)

/r/documentaries 3,220,322 subscribers (43rd largest subreddit)

/r/art 3,255,614 subscribers (48th largest subreddit)

/r/circlejerk - 254,505 subscribers

/r/askreddit - 8,917,673 subscribers

/r/videos - 8,081,529 subscribers

/r/gaming - 8,022,320 subscribers

/r/history - 3,431,562 subscribers

r/listentothis 1 - 3,354,651 subscribers

/r/art - 3,256,241 subscribers

/r/ImGoingToHellForThis 459,434 subscribers

/r/sexwithbears - 233,144 subscribers

/r/crappydesign - 189,355 subscribers

/r/ienjoybathing - 124,835 subscribers

/r/splitdepthgifs - 41,023 subscribers

/r/law - 40,776 subscribers

/r/PaoMustResign/ - 7,535 subscribers

/r/spain - 5,829 subscribers

/r/PiratesoftheCaribbean - 323 subscribers

/r/htgawm - 3,311 subscribers

/r/de_IAmA - 66,302 subscribers

r/starcitizen - 51,965 subscribers

/r/shubreddit 14,245 subscribers

/r/amifreetogo 6,432 subscribers


this is the first place i came to when i saw /r/videos was private. if it wasnt for /r/conspiracy i would have no clue what was going on. i say sticky this post and keep the sub public so people can come here and get answers.

this sub is the beacon of important info nobody else wants to talk about

the entire site shits on us, but when every other sub is down, people will finally see us "batshit crazy tinfoilers" were right the entire time and we can shove it in their faces

Edit: Taking this moment to plug . It will be the next Reddit.

The reason its always down is because people on REDDIT have been sabotaging them and even got their paypal accounts shutdown so they lost all their money. If you want to donate they can only accept bitcoin now. Go to the Voat Twitter for more info

Spot on, we're not so crazy when things start happening. Funny how that works...

Part of this might be that when things start happening the discussion here often shifts to focus on them - the things that are discussed at other times are not the same and some of them are a bit crazy.
I think the discussions on this sub have become increasingly valuable and relevant over time, but a shift in discussion may be a more relevant factor than people realizing you were right about everything all along.

There's a significant external force(s) trying to discredit the bunch here. Id say a good portion of the nonsense posts are in the vein of that effort.

I would go far and say ppl are actually payed money to trash people here.

mods included?


It's a conspiracy in /r/conspiracy

It wouldn't be right if we didn't question everything!

In fact, who are you trying to discredit!? I'M ONTO YOUR PLAN!!!

I'll probably be regarded as a shill for saying that you probably just underestimate how ridiculous some of the shit here is.

I definitely agree on that one. I also agree on some posts being pretty farfetched and beyond my threshold of believing, but i just really like how open to the craziness people are here in this sub and willing to call others out when they've strayed a little too far from the path of reason. Overall i think this sub is a great community and between this and the Xbox One sub, i really don't go anywhere else on reddit.

totally. people are always bitching about the one sided shill arguments and stuff, but honestly this sub has a nice balance and atmosphere for intelligent conversation.

I don't save up these I told you so's for nothing.

The funny part is how we'll be crazy for every thing afterwards again though : (

Who is saying that?

So, we're not so crazy in comparison when things are crazier than normal?

Well, when you're talking about site gossip the threads become much more visible, and most people forget or don't know that the other time you're talking about stuff like the holocaust not happening.

Shut up people have /r/OutOfTheLoop or just the fucking front page, you guys aren't some beacon of light and hope in this dark time everyone here needs to ditch the hero complex. (I do like this subreddit but forreal) The reason we need to stay up is because this is a big ass conspiracy forum, a lot of people get on this and there's nothing in comparison to /r/conspiracy on reddit.

Wow...little hostile there 17yr old warrior? Don't like the comments then go to /r/outoftheloop with your dickass attitude.

It's just stupid to think we actually matter a lot in this situation...dickass attitude

Don't worry, I still think you guys are crazy.

Someone will come in here soon enough, frothing at the mouth how Ellen Pao is tool of the Zionists to get power back the to Reptilians from the Illuminati. And /r/conspiracy will be crazy once again.

Nah. Y'all still crazy. Show me a post where /r/conspiracy called this.

This sub has been talking about the decline of reddit for awhile now...since pao has been running her iron throne...get with it man. Why do you think so many have been going to voat and other alternatives? There isn't a whole lot of freedom of information on reddit anymore. It's heavily guided in what posts can stay and which will be hidden, not to mention all the shadow bans...

Sorry, but /r/OutOfTheLoop kind of already had all that info, and more.

Oi! Stop pointing out that /r/conspiracy wasn't right with their super edgy theories all along!

Feel free to leave this sub any time

Never even heard of that subreddit before.

Guess you were out of the loop?

Me neither. Fuck reddit.

Lolwut? There's like 5 posts near the top of /all explaining in great detail exactly what's going on. -_-


Grey for life!

All is well in the shade.

I joined Voat during the last censorship debacle, would've joined during Gamergate if I had known about it.

I love the layout, the voting mechanics, overall much prettier than Reddit, and feels more organized.

As Reddit continues to fuck up, Voat will continue to grow. Site is currently hugged to death again, looks like Atko is gonna need new servers AGAIN, haha. I still check Reddit, mostly to watch it burn, but my content is going to Voat from now on.

Atko should hire Victoria. :P That'd just be... perfect.

how's the funny pictures and content? I only come to Reddit for funny things to pass the time and Starcraft news

Right now the specific fandom subs are still pretty light, but that will change if Reddit drops enough users. The popular subs are already kicking and doing pretty well. The users that ARE here are passionate about it and contribute a lot of content.

This place, KiA, and undelete are definitely some of the best for more the "meta" stuff going on on reddit.

Voat is down I believe due to traffic

No surprise there considering the state of reddit this morning :P

Even with all the shills and paid dis-informers, this sub was the last bastion of hope on this site. Preach on, brother.

I agree man, fuck the rest of them. they crave solidarity when it suits them. to join forces with them now would probably only result in a couple of users "defecting" over to here, but on the whole, we'd still be at square one when this shit inevitably blows over.

what /r/conspiracy can do:

stay open, and enjoy the increase in user traffic, make the sub more popular than it already is, use this as a hub to organise industrial action.

go private, sit around and bitch about how shit reddit admins are, not really accomplish anything.

Ive seen this sort of thing happen a lot in my work, and i can tell you how this will pan out:

this lame going private thing will probably go on for maybe a couple of days (ill be surprised if it goes that long) reddit admins take control of those subs, make them open again. mods might grow some balls and overturn it, make it private again.

those mods will be deleted/banned.

other 'staunch' moderators shit the gear and start to make 'deals' with Admins (then the real ass licking starts) they get dictated to the new terms that Admins put forward, 'staunch' mods agree in private, but out in Reddit world, they make out like they have a real battle on their hands, they start threads about negotiating this and that, acting like this is a real thing, but its not, its a dog & pony show to make them save face in front of other users.

This is when those "power mods" really step in.

they, of course, side with the Admins, and start voluntarily banning dissenting moderators from their own ranks, citing a "youre either with us or against us" policy. Coward Moderators fall in line and shut the fuck up and start sucking cock again. Admins new policy of channeled information is successfully pushed through and WE didnt do shit about it, buthe majority have been convinced we did.

TL;DR after a lot of talk, nothing will change, but the "power mods" will try to convince you that a huge battle happened and that they came out victorious because of the power of the people. but it wasnt like that.

edit: and it begins

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DIE you proletariat serving scum!

Totes okay with being a batshit crazy tinfoiler

No... People go to /r/outoftheloop not here.

Just wanted to chime in to second your voat plug. Though not part of FPH, I got my goat on during the Fattening, and Voat is actually really nice (nightmode! smaller community! plenty of awesome, not-yet-taken usernames!).

Looks like it's currently on the receiving end of the hug of death (yet again), but bookmark the page and try in a day or two.

Bringing a tear to my eye, Jim.

For anyone wanting to donate to their btc


and we can shove it in their faces

Instead, why don't we take the time to educate people now that eyes are being opened? can't handle the traffic... Today, anyway. Reminds me of leaving digg v4 or whatever it was... Not sure why they weren't more prepared for this by now.

I think we Reddit hugged it again.

It will be the next Reddit.

Sounds ominous at this point.

Voat has SO much potential mostly because the mods aren't social justice fags

If you're not taking part you just confirm that the conspiracy theories are just that and that you aren't there when something real happens :p

this sub is the beacon of important info nobody else wants to talk about

Oh please. This sub is no more or less important than any other sub. What IS important is that this sub has pull with a segment of reddit that is vocal, and absolutely should go private if for no other reason than the publicity generated across multiple other sites.

Shit isn't going to hit the fan this weekend without everyone taking part and JULY 4th WEEKEND and FREEDOM makes a powerful statement.

this sub is the beacon of important info nobody else wants to talk about

Like the flat earth conspiracy

I like the idea of voat but the moderator of /r/Askvoat was plugging the site and gave the caveat that:

All the threads on /v/Askvoat are [serious] by default and in general the only downside I can think of right now is there honestly are some conspiratards...

So it seems to me that the same treatment is in store at voat that we find here.

he's a self appointed mod of a sub dude, he's got his own opinion

you could have been moderator of /v/Askvoat if you created it months ago when this guy did

Fair enough. I'm just saying that conspiracy minded people are always going to be the target of derision. No matter where you go, the attacks will keep coming.

Though it is probably a sign that we're onto something.

voat was primarily people who knew and/or supported this sub up until "The fattening" recently

its whole base was more open-minded folks who wanted a discussion platform and not some "meme message board"

the drama started happening once the mass exodus happened a few weeks ago

If the mass exodus continues, and Voat becomes the success that you want it to, then more and more people who use the term "conspiratard" are going to start populating that site. The more mainstream a platform becomes the more it's going to be filled with people who will want to marginalize the free thinkers who discuss touchy subjects.

I will probably check out Voat, but I think my quoted comment is a sign of things to come and a reminder that it will always be an uphill battle.

i definitely agree it will always be an uphill battle, but the founder of vote has definitely made an effort to make stop the corruption that makes reddit bad

I certainly hope that's true. But there's little he can do to stop the groups who will actively attack and attempt to marginalize the conspiracy ideas and articles.

But the fact that the mod in question felt the need to qualify his statements by admitting that there are "some conspiritards" means that their presence is being felt, which is good.

Voat WILL NOT be the next Reddit. Not because I like Reddit, but because the codebase will never handle what Reddit users want to throw at it.

Please stop spewing that disgusting Voat link everywhere. They did the exact same thing that Reddit did with FPH

people will finally see us "batshit crazy tinfoilers" were right the entire time and we can shove it in their faces

I'm not here so I can feel superior to other people.

the entire site shits on us, but when every other sub is down, people will finally see us "batshit crazy tinfoilers" were right the entire time and we can shove it in their faces

What were you right about? Chem-trials? 9/11? ISIS being made up?

Voat has fucked itself, by posting kiddie porn. Burn this place to the ground but i don't think that site can ever come back from that.

People will think it's a lot more serious if they can't find out what's going on ANYWHERE because we're all showing solidarity. Let's stand up.

If they can't find out what's going on anywhere then they just get pissed and don't do anything. There need to be answers somewhere.

The subreddits that go private should start linking to a central thread in their custom "we're private" message.

That I would be totally on board with.

Okay, so shall we do this?

"/r/conspiracy has temporarily gone private in protest of the firing of reddit admin /u/chooter for unknown reasons.

Information about the situation as it devleops can be found in this thread-

We hope other subs will chose to do the same."

(My only issue here is that the outoftheloop thread is locked, so I'd like to find another option that more properly reflects the values of free discussion that we try to uphold in this sub.)

I like it. We'd be one of the bigger non-default subreddits going dark, and we're still providing a place for the uninformed to get answers and participate. I don't think it's really hindering conversation, but actually helping to collect the info in one place instead of the 4 different subreddits I have open right now. I vote for doing this.

I mean, don't start by shutting down this one, but the ones that are private should link to a central discussion hub.

Yea we need a thread to link to.


Why not just all go to r/trueconspiracy for now - and shut this fucker down. I am not a shill and I have been here forever. FUCK THIS

we could just create a new sub called "redditblackout". Redirect all users their and limit the conversation to this matter only (and possibly some Pao and admin bashing)


thank you

What do you mean by /r/OutOfTheLoop is locked? I'm trying to think of a link where people can read what is going on. There's an /r/bestof post that links to karmanauts explanation of whats going on. But that is the same post from /r/OutOfTheLoop so idk. Ideally it'd be a large sub that is not going to go dark so that people can see what is going on. Karmanauts description is a little to kind for my taste but it explains well, and people can still see in the other comments what the theories of why it happened are.

Though I fully support going dark in protest I do see the struggle because this is one of the only subs I feel like I can trust anymore.

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NOT Going dark might be an opportunity for growth for this sub! If people, as a result of this incident, DO decide to "join us" (gooblegobbleoneofus) then it'll be important they have access to this sub at the moment their interest is piqued.

Second - the contribution towards 'the cause' of any particular sub going dark depends a lot on their popularity. No one likes us anyway, haha.

Plus by nature of this sub we know we probably all already stand in solidarity...

/r/conspiracy might be the only place to discuss alternative theories on this reddit drama. I think more overall value to reddit would be lost than gained if we went dark.

Solidarity is the curse of the light isn't it

Bad idea IMHO.

Honestly I have no idea why she was really sacked (typing up responses for celebs smells like bullcrap) nor do I care about inner catfighting. Methinks Chairman Pao getting jealous of a far more attractive employee and "resolving" the problem this way is what really happened.

What do you think going private will accomplish? Regular redditors don't give a shit about this sub, but going private will surely fuck us in the ass, as we'll lose an important source of info.

One last question: do you think anyone would care if a male admin was fired? I don't think so.

I don't see why anyone cares at all. I don't see why an employer firing an employee is a big deal, nor do I see why this woman was supposedly "indispensable". Clearly she wasn't, seeing as she is no longer employed. It's all just pointless drama. Though what else can you expect from Reddit these days?

Nice try Pao.

No, fuck the rest of Reddit. They can all suck /r/conspiracy's dick.

This is exactly the type of message I want.

No! This is one of the few subs that needs to stay up to represent who actually matters in this whole thing- the people, or whatever the good guys are called.

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Edit: well maybe. I don't know. It would be important to the message as a whole since this is such a huge sub. At the same time, there needs to be place open for discussion. But then if the blackouts don't have a big enough impact nothing will change... i honestly don't know. Thank you for your work on one of my most beloved subs.

I think this is a good choice, and there's a host of voat links floating around--perhaps now would be a good time for the mods here to snatch up /v/conspiracy, if they haven't already. Also, I'm worried this post might be a bit far down for people to see.

Agreed, for subs that choose to go private.


Well, one of the top posts on /r/all is the one from /r/outoftheloop explaining the situation

But before this I'd never even heard of /r/outoftheloop. I'm sure I'm not alone. I came to /r/conspiracy and /r/undelete to find out what was going on.

None of the subs—as far as I know—would have been hospitable to discussion about what's happening. This one is.

apparently you gotta be in the loop to know about out of the loop

I don't know what the hell is going on. Can you tell me what just happened, and why I should care or not care? Thanks

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Still working for me

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I disagree. This one should remain open so that it can continue to spread information. Create a sticky explaining the situation and ask users to not use Reddit gold and to install an aggressive avoiding adblock so that reddit can not profit off of you.

Use this to invite more usersusers to frequent this sub and see the truth about Reddit's recent practices.

EFIT: damn autocorrect.

this sub is the beacon of important info nobody else wants to talk about

the entire site shits on us, but when every other sub is down, people will finally see us "batshit crazy tinfoilers" were right the entire time and we can shove it in their faces

The fine people at KiA are open for business purely for this reason...

ive been here for years and still dont understand wtf kotaku in action is supposed to be about - if its a conspiracy sub its got a shit name

Long story short: r/KotakuInAction

We are similar to this subreddit, but we mainly focus on the gaming industry. Recently, events like this are becoming the norm and the discussion of such events are definitely encouraged.

AKA, you won't get silenced for having a dissent opinion.

this is so true

/r/OutOfTheLoop is the one I always goto when I need some clarity!

3 years on reddit and I've never heard of /r/out of the loop.

If the mods make conspiracy private. I'm out.

The conspiracy people are looking pretty good right now!

I truly feel like important people in politics want this site shut down and they set this whole thing up. Reddit has become so popular and powerful and has the ability to lets tons of younger people congregate and stay informed, I would not be surprised if they are just trying to destroy this site from the inside. Its truly disappointing. is a wealth of knowledge right now.

It shall be their refuge from the storm.

Srd, ootl or voat are good alternatives.

Well there goes my morning. What the hell. How do I get in?

Think about joining /r/OutOfTheLoop then, it keeps you informed and (this will be disputed by /r/conspiracy circlejerkers) consistently gives you an unbiased report on what's happening on reddit or the actual world. I like /r/conspiracy and think it is necessary, but it shouldn't be your primary source of information.

/r/subredditdrama was made for days like this


/r/OutoftheLoop is public still specifically so people can get a heads up with an explanation of what's going on.

I say bring it down.

if it wasnt for /r/conspiracy[2] i would have no clue what was going on.

That's not true, there are literally a dozen explanations on the front page right now. You might have had to search for five whole minutes but you'd have found out what was going on eventually.

if it wasnt for /r/conspiracy[2] i would have no clue what was going on.

That's not true, there are literally a dozen explanations on the front page right now. You might have had to search for five whole minutes but you'd have found out what was going on without this place.

Exactly. /r/conspiracy is one of those subs ( Blackout2015, undelete, Paoyongyang ) that should always be up to report stuff.

heard of /r/subredditdrama ?

I say go down. Go elsewhere to keep up

Go hard or go home

/r/justsaynope /r/blackout2015

July 10 has been suggested as a no reddit day. Don't post, comment, or even load the site. Go through the weekend if you can.

Edit: If every person that thought "this will never happen" actually went along with it, it would happen. There seems to be a lot of people upset and few willing to even find something to do other than reddit for a few days.

I'm open to other ideas, but this is the only hope normal users have to make any kind of meaningful impact here.

Completely my veiw

this sub is the beacon of important info nobody else wants to talk about

the entire site shits on us, but when every other sub is down, people will finally see us "batshit crazy tinfoilers" were right the entire time and we can shove it in their faces

What are some reddit alternatives? Since they are clearly purposely sabotaging this site?

you havnt heard of yet?

Yeah, don't censor this place, that's exactly what TPTB want

No. Every one of those subreddits has been a mainstream mouthpiece selling propaganda. What solidarity does /r/conspiracy have with them?

Why respond to censorship with more censorship? Taking this subreddit down has been the goal of many of the enemies of truth and free speech; why would you suggest doing that for them?


Why are they trying so hard to destroy, reddit? Is our voice that strong?

Apparently so. They don't like it one bit.

Reddit is dead. Go to Voat to see what reddit was like 2 or more years ago (assuming you blocked the memes and f7u12 comics on RES)

It may be that shit is hitting the fan this July 4 weekend and they want to control the narrative.

That would be nuts.

It's about sending a message. Choosing to remain silent as you slide a knife into the torso of a tyrant is not censorship, it's sweet justice.

Thats a nicely worded comment, but this sub should be anti silence

Thats a nicely worded comment, but this sub should be anti silence

I agree. This is a better news site than most news sites.

I'm laughing but I should be crying.

I'm laughing but I should be crying.

Then take your medication.

I don't think a medication that make you cry would have a very big market. Maybe a niche. "Doctor, I'm just too happy and content!" "Here take this." "Waaaaa!"

I don't think a medication that make you cry would have a very big market. Maybe a niche. "Doctor, I'm just too happy and content!" "Here take this." "Waaaaa!"

I don't know about that. Chemotherapy makes you feel like you want to die, and that's still pretty big.

PR and good marketing can go a long way.

You have to be the most silent of silence ever!

I've been here... 4 years. Two by my stats. I'm out!

Dream! People! Dream well!

You can send a better message by continuing to put out useful information, not silencing it. Otherwise you're just another one of the accounts attacking this subreddit right now.

you are delusional, reddit doesnt give a shit.

I don't get it. What is the end game here?

Do people want /r/IAMA to officially turn into reddit corporate operated PR platform? Because it was close enough already and that's outcome I see out of this. Apparently Victoria had some rules and boundaries which would not be broken. But at the end of this they'll probably instate some yes man replacement liaison to satisfy the angry mob.

And something about moderator tools? I doubt it's anything that can't be accomplished by paying some programmers. That's peanuts.

After reading Karmanaut's comment I began to realize what an operation IAMA's are. They have a whole schedule of people lined up to do them, a team of people to administer them, it's a whole viral marketing business. This shut down isn't about Karen; it's about the IAMA's team not getting the attention they want from Reddit.

And, as for not being able to contact the scheduled people from each subreddit so that they may cancel the AMA sessions, who doesn't take contact information from these people?

Example, //books say they have four scheduled and cant contact them?

Who makes arrangements without getting contact information? That's nuts!

Every one of those subreddits has been a mainstream mouthpiece selling propaganda.

You must live in a scary world.

I am down

Actually my friend made a good point...

/r/conspiracy should stay open to let people talk about this matter, so I am not down for private.

/r/conspiracy[1] should stay open to let people talk about this matter, so I am not down for private.


I'll leave this sticky up as a place for discussion, but folks should feel welcome to submit anything they want on the topic to the subreddit itself as well.

The discussion seems to be at /r/OutOfTheLoop

It's better to shut down so all the discussion can be in one place, not split among dozens or hundreds of subreddits.

How about we just get on with telling people to quit buying gold?

Tell everyone.

Good point. Here, have some reddit silver! It's free!

Have an upvote. It's about twice the price of silver, because they're limited and un-spammable.

But thank you. Silver makes me laugh. Smiles are priceless.

Can I have some too?

Last time people tried to do that, they were insta-gilded several times

Doesn't mean you have to lose your serious and start thanking everyone, or start damning everyone for being trolly.

Just acknowledge it, and mention how it isn't changing your message/point. Elaborate further.

There was a suggestion on /r/pcmasterrace the other day to instead PM people $5 Steam voucher codes. While this both unfortunately and unsurprisingly is aimed only at PC gamers, I believe that enough people already use Valve's service that it may work for many albeit maybe not everyone. You would still of course have to ask if they actually want the code first, but it is still better than gold.

In the real world, aka not internet, i can't say i've ever felt like giving someone 5 bucks because of something cool they said. Much less go out of my way to buy them a 5 dollar coupon or giftcard.

This whole thing is just fucking weird. Reddit gold isn't even that good.

I see it more like when you give money to a busker. It's a service, like when someone puts up a link to a mini movie they made or a song they created, not so much a "Yeah dude cool wow." Now that is what I don't understand.

It's kinda like that, good analogy, except somebody picks up the busker's money and uses it to maintain the sidewalk. But it never gets him any food.

Interesting perspective still.

Shut up nerd. Stop trying to sht down my circus.


Fire Ellen Pao?


New sticky post for discussion

You guys are so gay, just got dark like everyone else. Not like this is the only place to talk about it.

To be honest just about every sub on my front page has a sticky talking about this. Everyone says this is where people need to get information on the topic but EVERY SUB IS TALKING ABOUT IT. I'm sure this will be down voted but that's my opinion. I saw a handful of posts about this situation long before I got here.

They are talking about it now. Almost a day after it happened. r/conspiracy was the first sub I saw that cross-posted that Victoria had been fired and subs had gone dark.

That is a good thing, I upvoted you

You need to get active or resign...

I know there are matters that go on behind my screen but in all fairness this subredit cannot consider you an relevant moderator in here.

Damn, I was in agreement to go private but now I'm not.

I've been so torn over this issue.

/r/conspiracy is the perfect place to discuss things like this. This sub has always been the best platform to discuss reddit politics. I really get upset when all of the posts are about reddit, but I deal with it because I'm so anti censorship.

Damn, I wanted to agree with someone, but they changed their mind, so now I have to change mine too. I'm so torn because of this.

If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him!

(And I have no idea why I'm offering you good advice.)


When it was first proposed to me in mod mail I said fuck no. Then as the day wore on and I saw subs other than IAMA doing it, I thought it might be worth the impact. Then as I notice the traffic stats here I reverted back to my original feels.

Also, it would be great to be the one subreddit that doesn't look like a bandwagon jumper when it comes out that maybe Victoria was abusing her position/deserved to be fired. Not saying she was - but most of the time when people get abruptly fired there's reasoning for it and the company might not be able to say anything about it publicly because 1. lawsuits and 2. maybe they're not being dicks and ruining her future employment potential.

I agree with you. There are many reasons that are possible for someone becoming fired. Perhaps she broke a confidentiality issue and was rallying the troops to support her personal opinion etc. Maybe something came up in her private life were the Admins were actually protecting her by removing her from her duties?

No one knows anything. I wonder how all this fustration for losing communication between the Mods and Adminstration if Victoria had a medical emergency and could not be avaible to her job? Would any of this happen even though enormous glitches showed up on line because she was the go between girl?

I have no idea. Does anyone?

Best case scenario is every other sub goes private. :)

All the fucked up "normal" fuckers

will come here

and ruin it -

there's no way

they could digest anything before,

there'll be no way they can digest it now.

Anyways if it does get locked, I wont be able to access it either.

And what should my depression do then? /s

edit: Either way you look at it, this whole Victoria thing is still divide & conquer and le free speech has become the official domestic enemy, no place left to go.

edit2: On the other hand, if this is the last sub still visible when the ship sinks, it would be infinitely more fitting than if it wasn't

No gold either

Come with me if u want to live!

You can be down for solidarity without closing down. Especially given the sub's nature, it'd probably be in poor taste (to the sub's context) to close it down. Maybe a sidebar picture or something?

I agree

Especially given if someone misses any of this and comes to Reddit and finds this sub "closed" to them? Nothing good can come of that.

Showing support is important though. Having a sticky or mod post to that effect would show support for the subs that are dark.

Cowards. This is the real conspiracy.

We had a chance to have some balls and we threw it away.

Sarah, I knew you would have something great to say about this.

No: When there are no more subs left, /r/Conspiracy shall inherit Reddit

Like the cut of your cloth! Carry on!

That would be amazing.

Hah, that's a pretty amusing idea :-)

No, don't go private. Many people here know what's been going on, and going private takes away a major discussion hub for that.

Edit: What should really be stickied is a megathread about this, that way we don't get three posts saying "/r/videos just went dark" which it did.

I changed my mind /u/AssyredlyAThrowaway, do go private

I think something like 20 subreddits have now gone private, so should we :)

So, because 80 have gone private, now we should too?

No, this is a good place to discuss it, and shutting down /r/conspiracy seems both ridiculous and counter-productive.

Well, many default subs will probably not join in, and initially I thought it was a silly idea, but voat is seeing a spike in traffic, so anything that helps them should be considered. Reddit's days are numbered, and Pao's actions seem to be strenghtening this trend. We should also help.

Btw, I changed the number from 80 to 20, I miscalculated in that /r/KotakuInAction thread :)

Did you go around and just message the mods of major subs?

Yep, /r/writingprompts is reconsidering.

The only thing that pisses me off is that censorship is rampant and mods don't give a shit or endorse it, but they fire one of them and suddenly every mod loses their mind.

Hey! 20 people just jumped off of that cliff over there! We should all run over there and jump off that cliff, too!!!

I mean yeah, you're right. 50'000 people were protesting at Occupy Wallstreet. There was no point in joining them too, right?

I can just imagine the Solidarity movement with your attitude...

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No, this sub keeps people informed. This will draw a lot more subscribers.

And trolls.

We don't have an exclusive license on trolls...

Seriously. We don't own all the bridges.

Yes. You do. And you have failed.

Nah, I think we're all full of trolls.

Fuck subscribers! This is about sending a fucking message!

Going private won't change anything. Wtf do you think it will do?

Render reddit useless.

TPTB either want to control Reddit or destroy Reddit. Rendering Reddit -- especially /r/conspiracy -- useless is doing their job for them.

This has to do with your Miami Beach Post.

Well hell I better get to work on the Dan Oates edition for our new guests.

They'll shut down the Internet before they let the truth catch fire.

Either way is good with me. I'd finally have time to learn how to surf.

Man I need to learn. I love skateboarding.

Perfect conditions here. Warm water year-round, no need for a wetsuit... ever. Beginner waves 10 minutes one direction; world class waves 10 minutes the other. I really don't understand why the beaches aren't crowded up with hotels and tourists, but I'm grateful they're mostly empty.

Man. Paradise.

PS Its going to climb so I'll be up all night again.

I got plenty of kick-ass Nicaraguan coffee. Drove to the plantation myself.

Right on. I've been getting some PMs of encouragement. I'll start cranking it up too.

No it doesn't. If every sub did it then yeah, but then what? We wait until they make them public again and everything is back the same as it was? So what changes?

Yes. Do it.

No. On the contrary, this is showtime. Everybody put on your gameface and post your very best stuff.

Plus all that bitch did was use her dank memes skills to shill celebrity products at us, fuck her

That escalated quickly.

No way. We dont need to follow the hivemind. This sub should be a place where anyone can find information that would normally be censored in other subs.



No. I think enough subs have/will do it. We need to keep discussion alive here.

We've discussed enough. It's time to take action.

I really want to say yes, but you guys are one of the only places people can go to discuss whats happening.

edit: how about adding a banner to show your support and declaring r/conspiracy a safe zone for discussion :P




This was the place I found when I couldn't wrap my old timer head around 9/11!

I'm out. Best to all!

Perfect idea.

Yup. This sub has always been the discussion hub when tshtf. I say we keep up tradition and allow some discussion over this event. But we need some vendors to sell hats and hot dogs.

This is the best idea I've heard. Yes.

Why should we care about her? Please explain

All I know is that she was the one in every iama saying "one user asked this but then deleted it, so I ask it again: stupid PR question"

I guess she was involved in deleting, banning, shadowbanning uncomfortable questions too

Excactly. Who gives a FUCK?!! Get these professional high schoolers off reddit.

They want to go dark? Fine, fuck'em! I've unsubscribed from most of their bullshit subs anyway. The subs I ever gave a shit about are still here.


She was basically the mouth of IAMA. She talked to, organised, and helped run nearly 100% of AMAs on reddit

Most of which were just advertisements and promoting the rich's products. "Oh, you have a new movie coming out?", "Here, do an AMA to tell everyone about it"

Which is why I'm confused as to why this subreddit would go private in protest of her being fired. Isn't this a good thing?

It's the fact that reddit left it up to one paid person to organise AMAs across a large number of subreddits. And then reddit fires her. This leaves almost 20 of the largest subreddits in the blind, because the admins won't tell the unpaid volunteering moderators anything. It's about the complete and total lack of communication from reddit admins.

In any case, this will be the straw that broke the camel's back in the downfall of reddit

Reddit is dying, I'm not sure what you can do in regaurds to the stupidness of whats happening to reddit as a whole. Thanks for caring enough to ask though

Reddit can't die yet.

There is no suitable alternative so the masses will stick around with this shit.

It's a no here. 4th is coming and we need to keep this hub open just in case any fishy bullshit goes down. Besides we're the red headed tinfoil rockin' stepchild of reddit. Fuck solidarity.

I agree. The feds have put government buildings on high alert, we're about to have a massive country wide military drill (every time there's a "terrorist attack" it's during a training excercise) and now Reddit is basically down? Who knows what could happen, this sub needs to stay up. I've never been one to jump on board and say something is going to be happening because of Yada Yada, but I really will be glad if we make it the next 2 months without something major happening.

Stay up and protest on your other subs.

No. Change this stickied post to a hub of links to info about this and other reddit malbehavior.

No. r/Conspiracy is toxic in other subreddits. If we go dark it might discourage other subs from joining in because they 'don't want to be associated with the loons from r/conspiracy'.

On the other hand, when people start to search for the reason why the other subs are going dark, r/conspiracy will be one of the main ones discussing it and will probably show up on the search results.

What will going private do? Nothing, so no.

No. /r/Subredditcancer just went private and that's just stupid. Now's the time for more people to see just how corrupt this place is.

You realize that the admins are seizing user accounts, right? They will take over any mod account at will to send out any message they want.


Source: They own the site.

I'll send you a virtual pat on the back if you find it in reddit's source code.

They just took over r/pics and locked the mods out. You really don't have to look hard or even at the coding.

They just took over r/pics and locked the mods out. You really don't have to look hard or even at the coding.

They just took over r/pics and locked the mods out. You really don't have to look hard or even at the coding.

I don't visit that sub so I wouldn't know.

I learned from a post on the front page.

What? It's as easy as changing one field in the database. Generate a hash for your own password, overwrite the old one, voilà, account is yours.

Indeed, I haven't thought of that.

I'll count that as a pat on the back.

Oh, sleeper?


It happened before way back in the day with the ama subreddit, the mod wasn't satisfied with it and closed it down, reddit admins kicked him and put in other mods instead.

No. That would be joining the flock and being reactionary. We don't know why she was fired, it could be for legitimate reasons and not an anti-women agenda like the rest of reddit seems to preaching.

I like to view /r/conspiracy as an entirely separate entity from the rest of reddit.

That being said, something seems off about this latest fiasco...

Yea my spidey sense in tingling but I don't know what to make of it.

Can you give us any ideas on why you feel that way? I agree, it seems that way to me to. Mainly because everything on Reddit seems perfectly controlled by the admins and the events of today seem to have formed too perfectly.

Ellen Pao simple as that.

Can you give us any ideas on why you feel that way? I agree, it seems that way to me to. Mainly because everything on Reddit seems perfectly controlled by the admins and the events of today seem to have formed too perfectly.

Couldn't admins override and disable subs private setting? If it was my job and livelyhood, you bet I would.


Nah, people will be confused and this sub can help spread the word about what is happening.

I dont know, maybe? I dont know much about Victoria, but she seemed nice and seems to have been a major support to mods unlike most of the bumfuck admins. So I would be down with it happening.

The problem is the temporariness of it. If the mods care about Victoria as much as everyone is claiming tthen the subbreddits that are going down should stay down until Victoria is reinstated or use the opportunity to create a mass exodus to an alternative site and let Reddit finally die because the admits are corporate pigs who care more about money then their userbase.

Edit: Downvote all you want but Reddit will get shittier and shittier until the community actually starts leaving

We should remain open as we are one of the places that will allow and promote open discussion of the issues at hand. It is best that entertainment-only subs are the ones that go dark. They draw the most traffic and therefore awareness. Nothing essential is being lost either. Threads explaining what is going on and providing a place for discussion are what should be stickied.

No, this sub reddit is the anti reddit

We don;t even know if we are being told an accurate portrayal of what is going on.

I don't feel so bad for always using adblock now lol

You don't really feel bad about using adBlock ever, do you? ;-)

Reddit died with Aaron swartz and has become another propaganda outlet, let's hope this kills it

No - fuck bandwagons

Going to have to vote no.

You've been missed... or I'm derelict!

I think the point of the default subs going private is fine. This isn't a default sub, and we need this sub to stay open anyways.

Before we start a crusade for someone why dont we find out why she was fired? And whats the end game here? Her hired back? What if she doesnt want to come back?


Don't buy reddit gold, use AdBlock in case you don't have it installed. Protest right where it hurts. Empty pockets isn't good for corporations.

no, don't black out the sub. A lot these blacked out subs are run by the cancer mods anyway. Let this one shine while their dominance is gone today.

Politics aside, Victoria seems to be the quintessential type of underappreciated employee who would take responsibilities upon herself when no one else would do (or was told to do) the job that needed to be done. She clearly had done this for so long that her work was crucial to the overall structure and functionality of reddit (especially IAmA).

The fact that she was fired with no warning and no transistion plan in place is proof number #546435 that the administration of reddit is out of touch, ineffectual, and destructive to reddit as a whole.

tl;dr: yes.

e: if you disagree with me you could do the courtesy of responding why, instead of downvoting me. <3 you guys

Maybe disable new submissions like /r/listentothis?


Most of the yes votes here are from accounts that I have never even seen in my years of being here. Uhh, right.

I am curious to know why was this Victoria fired? I have to wonder what good it would do to take action on a situation until it is fully understood. Another thought I have is how strangely convenient this is for those who have been having to work so hard at censorship for reddit.

I could very likely be missing information to explain this, but how would you know that going private is the response that would send the appropriate message?

Yeah, I still have no idea why, either. Plus, all these people are protesting someone being fired (without apparently even knowing why) and want her reinstated.... what a horrible idea if she's being fired for no good reason! The last thing any sane person would want is to be un-fired from a job where they fired you with shady motivations, and go back to working with those people knowing they do not want you there.

Edit: Oddly enough, /r/nostupidquestions saves the day with this thread

Here's the TL:DR

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Because she was required to relocate to the West Coast and didn't want to move from NY.

I agree with you. Everyone has reacted immediately. Victoria is beloved. She's apart of Reddit culture and it sucks that she's gone. But we don't know all the details of why she is gone.


What are the effects of going private vs taking no action?

Nobody can view or post anything

If that's the case than I say no. This is a forum of the freest speech and needs to be kept that way.


At first I was like NOPE. But then I was like YUP.


First of all, we don't have an official response from reddit yet (I know I know, why believe it anyway), so we have no idea what really happened or what their next step is going to be. Maybe somebody new comes in and replaces Victoria just fine. Maybe AMAs will start to be purchased or used by corporations or the likes for promotion officially lol. Who knows, until they respond it might be best to operate as normal.

On the other hand. Fuck reddit. This site has been infested/infected for quite some time now. Numerous factual reports over the years of upvotes being bought, corporate and government shills derailing and destroying discussion, and censorship across the board (no pun intended). And now we have Ellen Pao, with her almost Onion-like background and vision.

I really like the idea of standing together with other large subreddits. But I dislike the idea of not being able to use this subreddit. I guess if it happens, the mods would have to assure us that if any sort of news deemed necessary of being shared and discussed here would turn the sub back to public.


We are on a fucking railroad ride straight into the heart of disaster. What fucking news is even newsworthy at this point? We all know we're on the verge of WWIII. False flags around every corner, everything is poison, every narrative is manufactured, and nothing is to believed.

We can go for a day, or a week without this sub. There are many places on the internet left to congregate and find news and discuss it. Let's make a fucking stand against these corrupt cock monglers.


The admins obviously dont care about this sub. You protesting wont have any affect and it will only confuse people

So... the way I understand it, the protest is about the straw on the camel's back. And it COULD be a VERY effective way to hurt the current administration: Reddit wants to woo advertisers. If most subs go private, less eyeballs, less possible profit.

Imagine if r/awww and other such popular subs close, too...

On that track, closing r/conspiracy would only manage to help the efforts of many that want that, and I doubt this sub is high on the possible monetization plans. So, no, guess we should stay up.

Funny. It won't be r/jailbait, not GG, not the doxxing, the celebrity leaks, but the marketroids that will kill Reddit.

Less eyeballs on subs they want eyeballs on, more eyeballs on open subs. What will piss off reddit more, r/conspiracy being an open sub or a private sub.

Also, there is something strange about this move and FPH. I think they are tracking users who cause a fuss just to cause a fuss.

/r/gaming is down as well..

No. You're not exactly liked by the admins, and they would be happy to see you go

No, as it is likely a government conspiracy to distract Reddit

Probably best to take a voat.

NO. What are you thinking? Please never shut this sub down. I'm a daily reader.

We have looked at the replies and determined there are more effective ways to engage in a protest against reddit inc.

The sub shall stay open.

Great decision. You guys rock.

No you guys rock!

We just try to stop the trolls and piss off reddit inc.

shouldn't /r/conspiracy be asking why was she fired?

Exactly, this whole thing reeks. I'm not buying any of it.

This is important. Keep it open.

Don't forget hiphopheads! We're private too

No. Victoria was a known colluder / sympathiser with shills, corporate fronts for mind control, zionists, and spaghetti.

No. This is a distraction/

No please keep the sub public, everyone will come here when they find their default subs are offline, they need to know what's happening and this is probably the best place.

Yes, but not for a short time. They won't listen if you do this for a day.

Firing somebody isn't cencorship you people have such a weird veiw of reddit. It's a private company man.


I think this is very interesting that its happening right now with reports that a possible terrorist attack might happen durring the 4th.

Maybe this is not related just to Victoria being fired. Since when do most of those subs listed in the "going private" camp care about what happens in the sub except for maybe /r/IAMA?

Am I wrong? time will tell.

At this point im gonna vote NO. I cant be sure this isn't a plot to silence speech. I think for this reason alone, since /r/conspiracy is about conspiracies, it should stay open to disseminate information.

You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole.

Thanks Lebowskibot.... :\

Lock submissions or go private and link the initial post in outoftheloop.

Why be a sheep? It's been about a day since Victoria was fired and people expect reasoning to be given immediately? I hate Pao as much as the next guy but this is one big over reaction.

The default subs are showing rebellion, the trivial followers are showing support for said rebellion. But someone needs to stay focused on the topic via public discussion and disclosure. Who better than the members of this sub?

And, why do I have this mental image of mreowscreeeeemreowhisssscreeeeemreow a cat fight between Ellen and Victoria resulting in Victoria's dismissal?

EDIT: if, for whatever reason, /r/conspiracy chooses to go private (as if Victoria has ever done anything for this sub), then it should do so with a redirect to v/conspiracy <-- THAT would speak volumes in comparison to this puny picket line on reddit. (i.e., I see your private sub, and raise you a redirect to a reddit alternative).

Is this gonna kill reddit though?

/r/C_S_T will always be open!!

I dont know the details of her firing, but ... why bother with a protest? I have read enough softball-, obvious plant- and shill-filled AMAs of hers to know that she is/was part of the problem.

Let's stand up for a cause and go private

Add /r/blackpeopletwitter to that list. Their custom message is hilarious.

Always valued this mods team and how they walk the fine line. A bet my bottom dollar she was let go cause reddit wants to make it a money maker on iama.

She won't stand for it. Its been brought up before and she said no. Its time for them to say fuck it and do it.

Whatever happens they will make the sub's public again. So private now. Till they do it.

Keep this one open, for lots of folks its the only place to turn right now.



The fans of this subreddit are missing the point. They say stay public to inform the masses. I say go private, only to show reddit the gravity of their mistake. If they say the world can only be the way they want it, I say burn it all.

Why would this sub support her? Wasn't it her job to stop AMAs from being AMAs and turn then into positive spin machines for corporate and client interests? She is not a victim here, she got fired for not doing the job they hired her to do. People should see this as justice and an example of why it's bad to do immoral things for the sake of an employer; because where you might view people as cattle to be herded for the dollar, to your company you're nothing more than a tool to be discarded when you're no longer useful. Be good to people

You're 100% correct. IAMA is a joke anyway, Celebrities don't need 'help answering questions', this is reddit code for 'let's make this a safe space for celebrities to not make a fool out of themselves like woody did'.

She was part of the problem.


I'm unsubscribing to every sub that is set to private as soon as they come back up. Seriously.

No. honestly I feel like she was involved in making false accounts to ask AMA'ees questions to kick the whole thing off.

Thank you. The whole AMA process is fake to begin with. Top/answered questions are always from accounts that are hours old.


/r/documentaries seems to be just gone

wow,,, you mean /r/sexwithbears has GONE PRIVATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZOMG!!!!

God help us all!

Nope. Please stay open! Do we know why this person was fired? What if it was for a legitimate reason?

Am I shadowbanned?


Thx bby ;)



Yes. I love Chooter.

do it

/r/publicfreakout is set to private in protest also.


Can you make me an approved submittor please?

You know how I love that sub.

We are standing in solidarity with all of the 400+ subreddits that have gone black. When the 'problem' is 'resolved' it will be back up.

How exactly will the problem be resolved? Like, what are you actually hoping for?

Do you remember when everyone migrated from digg to reddit?

No, I wasn't an internet addict at the time. I do know the legends though.

So that's what people are hoping for? The end game is the end of reddit? Cause continuing to post here seems kind of counter productive if that's the case.

Hehe. I don't know. I don't speak for anyone but myself. I just feel like reddit isn't what it used to be, things are certainly changing, and I'm not too happy with it. When people unify to take a stand and I feel like I understand where they are coming from, I want to show support. Hopefully this makes things better, hopefully 'they' hear our message. But if it only makes things worse, and it becomes 'digg all over again' then so be it. All good things have to come to an end. I feel like we have been watching the end come for a while now.

Edit: And voat seems pretty cool. I created an account a few months ago, I've been spending some serious time on that site lately.

Isn't this just a smoke screen/false flag attack , even though it is being fast tracked to pass , for the TPP?


Absolutely not. The message has been sent. Why should we follow the popular trend?

Because sometimes it is important to have solidarity, more than continuing the cool-guy freethinking outsider thing uninterrupted. Things will return to normal in a day or so, so why not take a stand while we can against the shit that we complain about her a lot of the time.


Go full private, we have 315k subs.

It's all a ruse to shut this place down



This isn't a question of informing people...I literally just found out about this whole fiasco from a post on the front page that wasn't in r/conspiracy. This sub loves to champion the power of the people and I think it would be the correct decision to join the rest of the subreddits in solidarity, not as a form of censorship but as a form of protest. All subreddits need to do this to show that there will not be a reddit if this is how it will be run. The admins are completely destroying a community built hub and turning into a corporate cesspool and we need to be ass effective in fighting it as we can be...and that means limiting reasons for people to visit this website.

but, you know, that's just like, my opinion, man.

no this sub is vital right now

No. Because who gives a fuck about who gets fired at reddit? We have much more important things to discuss.


Am I the only one who doesn't care about subreddit drama? I just want to look at funny shit.

Yes. And this is not even about Victoria.


+1 for staying open, and beginning the wild speculation.

Blackpeopletwitter is private

darn I was just gonna subscribe to /r/sexwithbears

Yes. This is ridiculous

go dark

/R4chan went dark


Funny. I had to read about what was going on here at another site I peruse. I was give a 21 day ban for calling someone a Troll in /politics. I'm pretty sure reddit has jumped the shark.

Wth. Ofcourse no. The mainstream subs just want the admins to pat them on the back. It's not mods who make a community website it's the users. Mod are supposed to do the work for free and not expect anything in return. Not even a fuck you. Idiots on reddit take it too far by modding hundreds of subs at once and start expecting words of thanks or appreciation or what not. Remember always, fuck the mods. If any mod finds this attitude offensive, elect someone else.

I don't give a fuck who Victoria is or what she's done. Circlejerking over 1 employee like this is not healthy.

Most other subreddits are heavily manipulated. Let's show solidarity with the users of other subreddits by providing them a place where they have free discussions, without manipulation.

Welcome new folks! Sorry about what they did to your subs...

NO! Of all the communities we should be able to see the obvious agenda of all this. None of this is surprising to the powers that be at reddit. The "private" protest will pass. Reddit knew that removing Victoria would effectively shut down AMA.

So the question is why did reddit squelch the AMA ? That is the question. First because they know there is lots of profit to be skimmed from the AMA visitors who get free promotion. So a re-structuring was needed. It is likely that AMA will have a different MO.

The question is this, again. If Adam Sandler wants to do an AMA he needs to be approved. If some junkie punk band wants to do a AMA there is a different process in place. How can you reconcile the two? The outcome of this will answer the question how reddit can charge for AMA and still follow the spirit of anonymity in general on most subs. It will be a complex solution - but it has already been determined and this "transition" was well planned by top level meeting after meeting.

Wow this is deteriorating FAST. Subreddits going dark left in right.

Redditpocalypse 2015.

But to answer the question, no do NOT go private. This is a pretty good source for info on what's occurring.

No, collaborate with her, and host AMAs on this sub.

No you should not

People here already have a negative opinion of how reddit is run so going private is not necessary to get the point across.

I think this place should stay public.

We 100% SHOULD.

Its a conspiracy to blackout news outlets so they wont have anything to talk about tomorrow?

Yes...the fact that you even have to ask is an issue.

why should we all be punished for shit we did't do? I come here to look at shit, not get caught up in controversy

Stupid idea and quite questionable to even suggest a black out of r/conspiracy. Who gives a damn she was fired. Doesn't justify censoring the sub or distracting away from more important issues.

Some people like to watch the world burn. Shut it all down. Fuck it.

Yes, move to voat.

So what is an "approved submitter" and how do I find out if I am one? I post only here at /r/conspiracy so this would be the only place it would be possible.

To be clear, I have posted maybe 10 times in other subs, but I've posted and commented here hundreds if not a thousand times.

Show TPTB that the people are in charge. If /r/conspiracy doesn't do something, it's going to show who's really pulling the strings.

I honestly can't believe that this sub is still not private.

In before admins take all these subs over. It has begun already.

/r/theunexplained has gone private too within the last two weeks. I enjoyed that sub damnit.

Yes, do it

I vote yes.

Lets show solidarity. This live thread has pretty much got everything covered on the "whats going on" side of things. The more major subreddits that go down, the more serious this is going to be taken. This subreddit will be perfect for when we have all the facts in place. But at the moment, I feel its important to unite as a community.

i agree

Yes, only good can come from this.



Well, if it's a protest I'm all for it.

Most conspiracy theorists love a good protest.


I'm so tired.

Got fired today for being a voice of WE.

If she didn't offer to help with AMA's it may not have been her decision.

We have to go dark for a while.

I don't know how long, maybe on Monday or Tuesday we can go back up to see where the chips landed.

I almost never went to /r/Iama, but what happened to /u/chooter is messed up.

If I don't come out in support of this, I mean, why did I even bother cultivating this awesome Reddit rebel persona that I have over the years /s.

Hey Mods,

What were you guys thinking on this situation? Did you make use of the individual whom was fired? I know there were AMA's hosted in here before and it was mentioned that she did help other subs host. Is this a loss to the mod team?

Yes, and as /u/forgottenCode suggested, create a new sub with info about the situation:

The subreddits that go private should start linking to a central thread in their custom "we're private" message.

EDIT: /r/outoftheloop seems like the main source to find info currently; this sub should link to that.

Why?" Is there a reason she can't be fired?

If you do make me a person that can see the private!!!

This is a place for people to come

Yes, go private. This has become a movement for a good cause and it'll help the snowball get bigger.

Or stay open and spin some conspiracy-inducing story about how a man in a dark parking garage showered illuminatedwax with reddit gold.

Absolutely not! I havent read a good conspiracy theory of why she was fired.

My guess, got caught doing something illegal or embarrassing. That would explain the silence of her departure from both parties. Just need someone smarter than me to dig it up.

If you do decide to go dark, you could still keep up with discussions on this neato live thread i made that lets anyone participate in a sort of open chat: Reddit Live Open Chat!: A Reddit Live thread where anyone may join in and chat about anything!

Why was she fired?

You can add /r/Uncensorship to your list too.

We encourage you to consider going private. Also, if readers haven't done so yet, head over to - it feels like the reddit I remember.

My friend, long time no see.

Hope all is well.

Hello to you too! Things are great, my days are busy with work and a young family. Hope you're keeping well too.

I have to say no, but make a sticky thread to prevent a repeat of the whole FPH fiasco.

edit: Just my opinion, but I find that this sub is about some bigger stuff than reddit drama. Sure we can discus it here, but I think the PTB would like nothing more than to see this place go dark.

Please don't. We shouldn't have to take up the same action to show that we are in support with the rest.

Request Victoria AMA!

Leave this post up and subreddit up, so others can know why & have a list of private subs. I will be back with more closed subreddits...

This is the first place I came when I clicked on /r/videos and it was set to Private. Please don't go private. Victoria is awesome, and I'm sure she knows Reddit loves her. This is a great place to keep up with the current Reddit events.

Are we champions of curated content now? How about we remove the up-and-down arrows?

It's too good that /r/conspiracy can keep the window open. Please, don't let this pull you in.

Not sure this will even show up, but this is my final post/view of this website. Good luck, and may all of you have a bountiful life. I genuinely mean that. It's been a pleasure arguing, discussing, sharing, and reading the things my fellow redditors had to say. I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart.

Ninja: honestly, burn this site to the ground. Delete all your old posts and comments. We are the product they're selling. They haven't listened to us, the product, so burn this bitch to the ground. Reddit, gps, music, gaming, and Google are the only reason I use the internet. If you don't like how this site is being managed, hit them where it hurts; their wallet. RIP free interwebs. Adblock, if you stay.

Stand up and go dark!

great that 17 of the starting 50 have done this. Now we can starrt to see where priorities lie in the default 50

I think we should follow /r/sexwithbears lead.

I didn't know of this was serious then I saw:

/r/PiratesoftheCaribbean - 323 subscribers

Woah man, it's fucking nuts. Victoria has been secretly working with Voat against reddit, reddit is against reddit

just do it.


Support the right for the Bolsheviks to control the subeditor.

don't the subreddits be run by employees are turning it into a business looking to profit off the subreddits

Can someone explain to me what does going private mean?

You can't see anything except a door when you go to the subs. No posting, no browsing.

Ah, wasn't sure if it differed from using an app on a phone.

That's a very good way to protest.

/r/conspiracy is a place where we talk about what others aren't talking about.

I think the pursuit of information is what brought us all together here. There might be valid reasons for her termination- but I think we all agree that something fucky is going on with this site structure higher up. How are we supposed to discus and expand the conversation we all want answers to if we go private and block out people with potential information?

People want answers, and a forum to talk about it- I say stay public.

no. wasn't victoria installed in ama when the sub changed over to infomercial product promotion discussion?

/r/fallout has gone dark as well.

Do it!!


Reddit noob here... what exactly does going private mean/entail?

only those who subscribe can read the content

I think you need to be approved not just subscribed. Could be wrong though. I'm not subbed to any defaults so I can't test my theory

So these big subreddits going private mean that they'll be removed from the default front page?

No, the AMAs are so fake and scripted. Who cares if some celeb herder was fired.

Woody's Rampart rage was the end of unscripted AMAs.

Fake? I'd say it was more companies/celebrities choosing to answer the questions that made them look best. There were a lot of AMA's where people didn't hold back.

yeah go private f it!

How about just as long as the rest do?


Absolutely not.


I thank the mods for suggesting they want to show a sign of solidarity with the other now private sub's, but so redditors will be flocking to this sub to find answers and I feel this sub can do more to educate on the situation by staying public

Keep the sub open but restrict posts?


What the hell?!


Out of the loop is staying open because of information. I say go dark.

Unless we can get deeper and more truthful information

Was Victoria not a person who set up paid AMAs? Why do we care?

If you want all the info about this and other things like this I suggest looking at r/undelete

I support any sub that goes dark in support of /u/chooter

It would be best if this sub stayed up, but made a Mod post about your dislike of the current way the Admins of Reddit run this ship.

Same here

I'm going to say we should join them. It's important to stand with everyone else in these types of scenarios. It's not like people have no way of finding out what happened. Ad revenue is a huge deal. Hit them where it counts.

Do it.


Hey now, why isn't /r/ImGoingToHellForThis on the list?


On there now.

How many subs?

I don't know. Actually, I first learned about this whole kerfuffle because I couldn't get into the comments where the real gold is. So, you'll have to ask one of the mods there or be on the list of approved submitters to find out.

Whatever, it's all pretty fruity.

No, don't go private.

Ya, let the sub be open, that way more people come to it to read more shit, pollute them to our way of thinking.


ublock time.


I dunno, that might lead to some crazy theories.

Absolutely. Ranting and raving serves no purpose if there are no actions behind the thoughts.

Yes go dark for huhaskldasdpo the spark that lit the flame

That would just start another conspiracy theory ...

No. This is all a conspiracy to get /r/conspiracy to close.


As far as I see it, the reddit puppeteers have fired someone who helped them pull strings. The reason the major subs went private was to protest for the other string puller's safety, not ours.

Reddit is set free, and we now know who is bought.

no.. why would you let the reddit admins sensor ANOTHER subreddit for the day by default?

leave it alone...

I think /r/conspiracy 's role for providing information is too important to be taken down. Isn't there another way to protest? For example changing the reddit skin to something?

Considering all the shill AMAs she organized I'm only sorry I didn't get to fire her myself!

We are such sheep to be upset about this spam magnet!

I support the censorship but don't go private let the main subs do it maybe reddit will actually die

Please stay public or let me get in somehow so I can get some damn answers as to WTF is going on with Thank you for being open about this. Very cool being that we are the conspiracy sub don't ya think.

Please stay public or let me get in somehow so I can get some damn answers as to WTF is going on with Thank you for being open about this. Very cool being that we are the conspiracy sub don't ya think.

Oh no not pirates of the Caribbean

Please, don't go private.

Prevent all new posts, sticky this. Don't close it then. This is probably the best solution

That's exactly what the government wants you to do.

why just "for a short time'? stay down!

who is gonna miss you?

(jet fuel can't melt steel beams)


Limit new posts.

No. This subreddit and any of the other controversial/questionable subreddits need to be the only ones left standing. Make the site completely unappealing for advertisers, with a front page of /r/all filled with nothing but fatlogic, conspiracy, SRS, and others. Let all the good, upstanding subs go silent, while the festering masses drive away revenue.

Yes go private


Mod of /r/imgoingtohellforthis here - We have 459,434 subscribers as of about 10 seconds ago.

Lol I'm glad to see /r/starcitizen finally mentioned. This is funny

By the looks of things they're still private

There are two AskReddit's on that list, both with different sub numbers. I didn't know there were two (are there really though or is this a mistake?) ... what's the difference?

I understand the sentiment for keeping it open, but it still stings to know the sub I call home for reddit won't be participating in something we fight for everyday

yes go private

No. Invite her to do an AMA

Apparently the firing of Reddit Administrator Victoria aka /u/chooter has stirred quite the rebellion. looks as if our beloved leader Ellen Pao's aka Sith Lord new direction of a kinder more gentler Reddit is falling on its face.

Teach her a lesson Mods. Go Rebel for a few days. I can live without Reddit for awhile. In fact get all together and get rid of the Sith Lord Ellen Pao

My opinion: /r/conspiracy is considered fringe crazy by alot of folks, if you refuse to join the solidarity you do nothing but reinforce the idea that this sub is populated by crazy paranoids, who care only about their crazy pet theories.

I'd say yes, the more voice that join in uinson, the louder they are heard.

Yeah the topic of this sub suggests we'd be against this movement as a default. There is no need to go private in protest. /r/kotakuinaction has the same stance.

no...dont black out this sub. its exactly what people should see now that there are fewer cats on the front page. this is the part of reddit that casual users need to see in order to get a sense of what really goes on on reddit.

also, while the big power subs are blacked out, there needs to be a place for people to talk about it, some "HQ"s, basically.

perhaps make one of the posts that says you support what the other mods are doing, but are keeping this sub open for the functionality of the users to discuss the topic. the reason blacking out those other subs is good is they generated more ad revenue...i dont think the ad revenue from this sub is a lot in comparison, especially since im sure most of us adblock anyways. exposing and discussing conspiracy probably does a lot more to solve the problem than blocking a few ads.



r/fallout also went private.

If you want money you should close the sub

Join in solidarity. Please.

I got fired yesterday as a Whistle Blower.

What will Victoria do?

No this is stupid! I understand the reddits thatdid amas and her being fired effected but over half that list and this sub have nothing to do with someone being let go.

No, KIA should be open as and anti censorship aggregate.

Just don't give any excuse to ban KIA - no images of Chairman Pao ect, just a discussion. Double check everything. Corporate Admins have fingers on triggers.

You could go dark in support of her but as far as i can tell her sacking is not a conspiracy just bad management.

The bigger issue is the takeover and manipulation of various subs to manage consensus.

I was talking to a colleague and reddit user and he had never even heard of TPP or noticed any talk about mods.

Yes, definitely!

/r/funny, /r/magicTCG and /r/technology have gone dark too.

Give em Hell!

Why do I give a shit about fake PR AMA BS? Or Secret Santa horseshit?

Fuck Normal-Reddit is excitable.

Reddit is no longer a open and free commons. It is and will be used to manipulate public perception, flee. Burn your karma.

Today I Learned was dark, now it's not. Shows over folks, no need to go dark now.

This is the subreddit for wild speculation and background analysis. Lets talk about the current situation. If anything should be on frontpage than /r/blackout2015 and this.

Sexwithbears? NNNNNNOOOOOO!!!!!

/r/pics is protesting in fashion with submissions

Can someone ELI5 how one person (Victoria) was so important to so many subreddits?

I've used reddit for hours and hours everyday, for years and I've never heard of Victoria.

According to what I've seen posted, she was the only admin who gave a shit.

Yeah, I've been reading more on /r/OutOfTheLoop and it's starting to make sense.

Reddit is in real trouble, it seems. Very interesting times 'round these parts.

No. That is just absolute Reddit drama.

EDIT: As much as it was a dick move by Reddit, we already have most major subreddits down.

/r/magictcg is down as well.

Fuck that. "Shut her down boys"

Don't go dark. That may be exactly what they want.

Go dark indefinitely. This shit show is coming to an end. Do it with style...Go dark, stay dark. alt.conspiracy still exist and always will...everything else is pastiche.

Every mod, poster and user works for reddit for free and are treated like shit. You enjoy being a slave for the Newhouse family...more power to them. Use your time to make them more money...I'm sure they'll share their billions with you guys. (protip: they won't give you any money)



Suddenly Reddit is outraged because their celebrities were taken away. No outrage over thief and fraudster Dear Leader Pao.

Nice priorities.

Don't block out the sub, use this as an opportunity to call out the hypocrisy of the other subs which have all been lead by mods with agendas. Suddenly we are supposed to feel bad about Evil Corp and the drama with their employees? Yeah no thanks, I'm not a susceptible clown.

I say we let this place burn and move to

Most of those subs are shit so, NO.


IMO, going private is not helping. The admins can still read everything, so its not hurting them. If anything you're just going to lose subscribers.



These subs are poorly moderated, and are full of nihilistic people, it's about time someone woke them up to reality... Shut down all of them and leave the mods there while they pervert whatever topic it is with meme-like android minded behavior.

Yes this is absurd.

Of course you should, and the (for a short time) is a cop out. Are you dedicated or not? Grow a set of balls and go private.


If conspiracy is not protesting, then it means that they have already given in. Which probably means the subreddit is already not as reliable as it used to be. I've seen subreddits with less controversial post go down, how can we believe conspiracy it still holding true?

Don't do it. They are obviously conspiring to shut down a major free speech outlet.

I think all subreddits should go back online. I am glad that this subreddit has decided to stay up and running.

Since no one knows why this key individual was let go (since I cant find any verification she was fired, just comments saying so ), has anyone considered that the Admins, by not giving a public detailed report for their decission, might be because they are protecting her privacy? Could public awareness hurt her and her future? We just don't know and everyone is jumping to conclusions.

If Reddit has built a system were one person was so vital at the top and had become the only link to others causing a flow of information and miscommunication to abide, then Reddit has made a mistake by putting all their eggs in one basket.

For the people who monitor subreddits to decide to go private to support this lady, means that we have people making personal decissions and closing off entire threads of communication from the users. When this kind of interference is done by companies or government we all yell censorship. I also see alot of these monitors using this incident to fuel their own dissatisfaction and fustration as a means to hold hostage Reddit so that their voices are heard and their complants are addressed.

I must remind people that No One Knows The Details of Victoria being fired.

On a personal level, I was becoming fustrated with the AMA subreddit because so many of them would start and then the answers or descussions would begin hours later. Every time I began reading most AMA, all I saw was lots of questions and no particaption. Perhaps Reddit wanted to correct that?

We don't know! Untill we know something more definite we need to hold back our usual gossip comments before we all become responsible for doing major damage. A little knowledge is dangerous.

Join the distraction and stop the posting on here about important things like the TPP? Sounds like a great idea.

Go private. We need a clean break from Reddit. I loved this place but it has been taken over by corporate shills and has turned into another corporate shithole itself. We need to support Voat and try to break the story of Reddit's shenanigans with sabotaging that site. Surely they are breaking some law if they're really doing things like DDosing them.


I'm down.

All for it.

Yea lets go ahead and just silent we aren't ignored enough already? If any sub needs to stay public then it should be this one. Someone has to keep the people informed and if I'm not mistaken isn't that what thus sub is about?

AMAs are just advertisements and propaganda. The mods of reddit are just bullying the site like they do their user base to get their way.

"volunteers that help run the site"

More like kickback takers who run the site into the ground.


Yes every sub Reddit should

no. others should go private, we need to stay open to narrate what is happening.

No that is pointless

I must be the only one who thinks yes. There are plenty of places where people can get the news this sub provides, where the hell is your sense of loyalty people?! I thought this community would be more up for sticking together and doing what was right.

Sticking together with other subs that do nothing but talk shit about this place? NO thanks.

Fuck yes. Make the admins open a dialogue about their transparency and shitty stewardship of reddit.

I don't really care about Victoria.

Go private with a link on the private screen to

R/outoftheloop is staying open. Send people that way

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Yes we absolutely should

Absolutely let's go private.


It's not if, but when

Yes, we are a subreddit that pulls the curtains off of lies and unveils the truth. We have every right to stand together and protest to make a change to reddit for the better.



If you want to discredit the rest of the subreddits, I guess.

Because we all know that's going to be the end result.

Please stay public or let me get in somehow so I can get some damn answers as to WTF is going on with Thank you for being open about this. Very cool being that we are the conspiracy sub don't ya think.

Um, wasn't she basically a PR shill?

I vote no

How do we know that she didn't just quit?

It's there something important going on or is there going to be something important happening that people really aught to be informed about? Seems awful coincidental that people are voluntarily silencing their voices at the same time

Yes, go private and in the private page an explanation along with link to /r/OutOfTheLoop:

Recently even /r/woahdude was complaining about votebrigading

UPDATE #2: WTF? This post suddenly just lost about 400 points in less than a minute. What's up with that? Proof: before [6] | after [7]

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do it

Uh no? Why the fuck would we care about this? What has she done for this sub?

Don't go private.

Yes because it will encourage more subs to do it

No no no no.

This is a holiday weekend. With the rest of Reddit acting crazy because a shill was fired, more people will be coming here and can be given significant information.

Yeah we are not big enough to cause damage by shutting down. Just stay open and honest.

I want to believe.

censoring subs to protest is a dumb way to protest.

Boycott this bullshit: unsubscribe from all subs that go dark to show how much you don't give a fuck about all of this!

I say we do it. The more subreddits that go down the more Reddit is gonna see that they need to fix their fuck-up.

YES fucking do it, nuke it all from orbit

If they can't find out what's going on anywhere then they just get pissed and don't do anything. There need to be answers somewhere.

I disagree. This one should remain open so that it can continue to spread information. Create a sticky explaining the situation and ask users to not use Reddit gold and to install an aggressive avoiding adblock so that reddit can not profit off of you.

Use this to invite more usersusers to frequent this sub and see the truth about Reddit's recent practices.

EFIT: damn autocorrect.

Long story short: r/KotakuInAction

We are similar to this subreddit, but we mainly focus on the gaming industry. Recently, events like this are becoming the norm and the discussion of such events are definitely encouraged.

AKA, you won't get silenced for having a dissent opinion.

Man. Paradise.

What are some reddit alternatives? Since they are clearly purposely sabotaging this site?

Spot on, we're not so crazy when things start happening. Funny how that works...

That is a good thing, I upvoted you

Bringing a tear to my eye, Jim.

people will finally see us "batshit crazy tinfoilers" were right the entire time and we can shove it in their faces

I'm not here so I can feel superior to other people.

Lolwut? There's like 5 posts near the top of /all explaining in great detail exactly what's going on. -_-

Totes okay with being a batshit crazy tinfoiler

I think we Reddit hugged it again.

It will be the next Reddit.

Sounds ominous at this point.

Voat has fucked itself, by posting kiddie porn. Burn this place to the ground but i don't think that site can ever come back from that.

Voat is down I believe due to traffic

No surprise there considering the state of reddit this morning :P

the entire site shits on us, but when every other sub is down, people will finally see us "batshit crazy tinfoilers" were right the entire time and we can shove it in their faces

What were you right about? Chem-trials? 9/11? ISIS being made up?

For anyone wanting to donate to their btc


Voat WILL NOT be the next Reddit. Not because I like Reddit, but because the codebase will never handle what Reddit users want to throw at it.

Voat has SO much potential mostly because the mods aren't social justice fags

Sorry, but /r/OutOfTheLoop kind of already had all that info, and more.

This place, KiA, and undelete are definitely some of the best for more the "meta" stuff going on on reddit.

Most of which were just advertisements and promoting the rich's products. "Oh, you have a new movie coming out?", "Here, do an AMA to tell everyone about it"

I joined Voat during the last censorship debacle, would've joined during Gamergate if I had known about it.

I love the layout, the voting mechanics, overall much prettier than Reddit, and feels more organized.

As Reddit continues to fuck up, Voat will continue to grow. Site is currently hugged to death again, looks like Atko is gonna need new servers AGAIN, haha. I still check Reddit, mostly to watch it burn, but my content is going to Voat from now on.

Atko should hire Victoria. :P That'd just be... perfect.

No... People go to /r/outoftheloop not here.

and we can shove it in their faces

Instead, why don't we take the time to educate people now that eyes are being opened?

Even with all the shills and paid dis-informers, this sub was the last bastion of hope on this site. Preach on, brother.

They are talking about it now. Almost a day after it happened. r/conspiracy was the first sub I saw that cross-posted that Victoria had been fired and subs had gone dark. can't handle the traffic... Today, anyway. Reminds me of leaving digg v4 or whatever it was... Not sure why they weren't more prepared for this by now.

Which is why I'm confused as to why this subreddit would go private in protest of her being fired. Isn't this a good thing?

If you're not taking part you just confirm that the conspiracy theories are just that and that you aren't there when something real happens :p

Please stop spewing that disgusting Voat link everywhere. They did the exact same thing that Reddit did with FPH

how's the funny pictures and content? I only come to Reddit for funny things to pass the time and Starcraft news

Feel free to leave this sub any time

Just wanted to chime in to second your voat plug. Though not part of FPH, I got my goat on during the Fattening, and Voat is actually really nice (nightmode! smaller community! plenty of awesome, not-yet-taken usernames!).

Looks like it's currently on the receiving end of the hug of death (yet again), but bookmark the page and try in a day or two.

this sub is the beacon of important info nobody else wants to talk about

Oh please. This sub is no more or less important than any other sub. What IS important is that this sub has pull with a segment of reddit that is vocal, and absolutely should go private if for no other reason than the publicity generated across multiple other sites.

Shit isn't going to hit the fan this weekend without everyone taking part and JULY 4th WEEKEND and FREEDOM makes a powerful statement.

this sub is the beacon of important info nobody else wants to talk about

Like the flat earth conspiracy

I like the idea of voat but the moderator of /r/Askvoat was plugging the site and gave the caveat that:

All the threads on /v/Askvoat are [serious] by default and in general the only downside I can think of right now is there honestly are some conspiratards...

So it seems to me that the same treatment is in store at voat that we find here.

I see it more like when you give money to a busker. It's a service, like when someone puts up a link to a mini movie they made or a song they created, not so much a "Yeah dude cool wow." Now that is what I don't understand.

I agree man, fuck the rest of them. they crave solidarity when it suits them. to join forces with them now would probably only result in a couple of users "defecting" over to here, but on the whole, we'd still be at square one when this shit inevitably blows over.

what /r/conspiracy can do:

stay open, and enjoy the increase in user traffic, make the sub more popular than it already is, use this as a hub to organise industrial action.

go private, sit around and bitch about how shit reddit admins are, not really accomplish anything.

Ive seen this sort of thing happen a lot in my work, and i can tell you how this will pan out:

this lame going private thing will probably go on for maybe a couple of days (ill be surprised if it goes that long) reddit admins take control of those subs, make them open again. mods might grow some balls and overturn it, make it private again.

those mods will be deleted/banned.

other 'staunch' moderators shit the gear and start to make 'deals' with Admins (then the real ass licking starts) they get dictated to the new terms that Admins put forward, 'staunch' mods agree in private, but out in Reddit world, they make out like they have a real battle on their hands, they start threads about negotiating this and that, acting like this is a real thing, but its not, its a dog & pony show to make them save face in front of other users.

This is when those "power mods" really step in.

they, of course, side with the Admins, and start voluntarily banning dissenting moderators from their own ranks, citing a "youre either with us or against us" policy. Coward Moderators fall in line and shut the fuck up and start sucking cock again. Admins new policy of channeled information is successfully pushed through and WE didnt do shit about it, buthe majority have been convinced we did.

TL;DR after a lot of talk, nothing will change, but the "power mods" will try to convince you that a huge battle happened and that they came out victorious because of the power of the people. but it wasnt like that.

edit: and it begins