Round Earth Flat Earth
0 2015-07-11 by Ihopeitsround
I actually joined reddit a few weeks ago to soak up as much knowledge about the "flat earth conspiracy", because few things would effect our psyche more than this. I've always kept up with this site but never contributed. I have, over the course of several months of analyzing objectively, discovered that it is completely impossible for the world to be flat; due to the number of independent and amateur experiments performed and recorded (not to mention all the official stuff). I would suggest to you a strange new idea; maybe it's both, or rather, is neither. We live in a material, physical universe. Quantum mechanics has led us to discover that reality as we know it does not exist, without an observer; particles are simply waveforms until they are observed. This universe is holographic. All the colors and tastes you experience are just electrical signals in your brain (if you wanna reduce it to such a mundane way of saying it). My mind wonders, what is the relationship between the intelligent observer and the illusory universe? Simple. A game of hide and seek. The point I'm coming to is that we may be the ones who DECIDE if the world is flat or round. Space is like a canvas. It might have no shape or form at all; like a computer program. In fact, whenever we reach out into the great beyond, we'll need to figure out ways to travel to other places instantaneously. The speed of light, while very fast, is nowhere near fast enough to get us where we need to go. Personally I think that's very interesting, almost like a joke. you have to cheat to pass; gotta find us a wormhole. Something like that; other dimensions of time maybe. If you believe in relativity, isn't time travel travel. Just some thoughts.
3 metabolix 2015-07-11
Your mixing two topics up. One can still believe in objective reality irrespective of whether they believe the earth is round or flat.
4 Ihopeitsround 2015-07-11
Which is my main point.
2 metabolix 2015-07-11
I see and respect your belief. But for sake of completeness, what are the amateur experiments you were referring to?
0 Ihopeitsround 2015-07-11
I'm not good with names; I've seen plenty to lend credence to the round earth model. You guys are missing my point. It doesn't fucking matter if it's round or flat if we're still in the same situation we're in, where we don't fucking know. If you wanna find out if the world's flat get a group together and check out Antarctica for yourself, try to circle the world (or the Northern Hemisphere, in your mind), or something. Or just let it be. Regardless of whether it's round or flat were still ants living on an anthill, in a controlled environment.
2 metabolix 2015-07-11
So, no. Gotcha
3 BowlsSmokington 2015-07-11
If you want to look into something interesting. Check out Hindu cosmology and apply it to the flat earth theory. Very interesting parallels and their talk of lokas refer to dimensions.
I'm with you on the quantum mechanics and the observer. If this is the case...we are the creators. We are god essentially. All of us. The planet, universe, matter, everything exists because we are observing it. The theory goes if all life is wiped away on earth then theoretically the universe won't exist because there is morning less to observe it. Unless of course you count aliens; but that's a different conversation. If we are the observers and it exists because of us...we are the creators, we are god. The universe and the stars and everything celestial is for us. Lots of ancient cultures preached about spirituality and connecting the spirit to the universe. Hell the dogon culture had hieroglyphs for string theory. The ancient knowledge of connecting the spirit and body to nature, the universe, and the collective conscious is something that we've lost over thousands of years.
However if we are the creators of the universe, and it all revolves around us, and we have this untapped spiritual potential that hasn't been used in thousands of years....all of a sudden we are a lot more significant and important.
We are no longer just monkeys on a rock tucked away in a corner of the universe but the center of it all b
2 Ihopeitsround 2015-07-11
I agree but have some further thoughts; who built the "dome"? Who are the fallen angels, the nephilim (aliens)? I have considered your notion of us being the creators but I believe this has been a gift, given to us (perhaps a blessing and a curse). I do not believe we are all there is, as far as intelligence is concerned. We are trapped here with our most brutal and psychopathic people in charge. This is some kind of experiment. If your a spiritual person, perhaps your mission is to make a distinction between the light and the darkness; to suffer with the suffer-ing. We are all here together and the only way we'll ever know the nature of the universe for sure is if we do away with the Secret Societies, NASAs lies, nation states, and our fear and hatred for each other.
2 BowlsSmokington 2015-07-11
Well it was a misinterpretation; Elohim is plural. It's "made in our image" so the aliens could be a more advanced us. I'm a big supporter of ancient astronomer theory but where these ancient astronauts came from is a different story. Different dimensions or different planets? Or both? But either way, there was a highly advanced civilization around thousands of years ago that is no longer here. The origins of said civilizations is like i said; the debate. Angels, giants, the sons of god and man, annunaki, hopi's sky people, quetzcotal....all coming from the sky, influencing us, and is no longer around.
As for this being an experiment....I believe it's more "we are spiritual beings having a physical experience." Is the relationship between the brain and the consciousness like a generator? The brain generates consciousness? If this is the case when the brain (generator) dies, so does the consciousness. But what if The relation is more like a tv signal (consciousness) to a tv (brain)? When the brain(tv) dies, the signal is still there.
As for who built the dome? Let's address this actual dome. There are increasingly more and more findings over underground lakes and bodies of water at the bottom of bodies of water that are so salty we can't even enter them. Water separates by water. "So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so."
Now the dome above....the filament...Hindu cosmology puts the doke essentially where the Oort Cloud is. Encompassing our system. Or you can apply it to the van Allen belts and the fact we can't get out of LEO.
And as great as a revolution sounds. I don't think that's preventing a mass awakening/understand the universe. That change is gonna come from inside you.
2 Ihopeitsround 2015-07-11
I wholeheartedly agree with most of what you said. Especially the part about change coming from within us. Maybe the people who built this are both good and bad; a mixed bag like us. Things happen. I don't hold any grudges; I forgive the people who have hurt us, deceived us, looted us, treated us like cattle, etc. They are serving a purpose; everything in life is a teacher. I just hope/believe that we're in the time when the veil will be lifted for the average joes; the masses. You can see it happening more and more every day. As for all the speculation about "others", I think that it is an indisputable fact, their existence. I mean they could BE us from the past or future, but "they" are living "outside" of what we are "in". And that is the point that I am concerned with.
2 BillionaireBob 2015-07-11
When the flat earth argument is:
You just aren't in the right mindset to understand!
If you don't agree with me you haven't done enough research.
it doesn't interest me at all. Every question they have posed has been answered. Every point they have made is refuted. They are basing their argument/theory simply on disbelief.
3 Ihopeitsround 2015-07-11
This isn't intended to convince you; I could care less. But your just so passionate about it I must know: Ever thought about NASA or SpaceX, their origins Or your go-pro cameras? Ever seen the sun not set for 12 days at the top of the world? Ever considered the 100km high severe temperature malfunction known as the ionosphere? Why do rockets tilt and fade from from view. Why do the stars rotate in full view? I know you'll mention the boat disappearing thing; ITS LIGHT. Einstein proved it; light that is curved can make straight objects appear curved, and vice cerse. What do you think a flashlight is? You have been drilled and dieted with regirgitation, you probably have degress or "worked at NASA" or "I'm a computer engineer" yada yada. I DONT EVEN THINK ITS FLAT! If you had actually READ the OP, rather than glanced over it with glazed eyes, you would know that. I hope that your right and the universe is expansive and we can go there. Is NASA gonna let either of us go? Fuck no.
1 BillionaireBob 2015-07-11
I read it. I explained what flat earthers say. I've looked into it much longer than you, and have had discussions with people here before you posted this. I'm not sure what you're getting at.
You've already got two of the main pushers of it in this thread. Missing two more. I'm sure they'll show up.
2 Ihopeitsround 2015-07-11
I only joined reddit because other people were talking about it like crazy a few weeks ago; I noticed. Because I had already been into it; something else you would have known if you had the OP. Don't you think the sudden outburst was...strange? Manufactured even. They are playing with us. If you know the secret you know the secret, anythings possible. I'm telling you maybe in can be flat or round, maybe it was one once and is the other now, maybe it's neither. Maybe the nature of this prison is different entirely. I'm just saying, acting like we ourselves have all the information is really wasteful. At least your pursuing truth, good luck.
-1 BillionaireBob 2015-07-11
I read the damn OP dude.
Its manufactured because people from /r/TopMindsOfReddit have admitted to coming here and pushing the flat earth theory to make this sub look stupid.
My main point was that flat earthers simply resort to saying everything is faked, our sources are untrustworthy, and our math is wrong and inconclusive. When pushed for their evidence they resort to insults. They are trolling.
3 Ihopeitsround 2015-07-11
Any insight into the nature or distinction of people who are pushing this? I mean this is huge. It's not just about flat earth. It's the fact that so many people could believe the Earths flat, despite NASAs bullshit. I mean, 80% of me still believes the worlds a globe, their is something called space, and we've been there. I DONT believe that NASA Has given us a fraction of what it knows about the nature of space and our relation to it. Tha is all.
2 digdog303 2015-07-11
Can you guesstimate a number here? Cuz lots of people believe in Scientology too, but...
1 David_Porter 2015-07-11
We live our lives at the molecular level, so the whole quantum physics stuff does not apply in this way. It's like saying that from studying the brick from one house, I can tell everything about the town the house is in.
0 Rockran 2015-07-11
I'm out.
Since when?
Do you know why that is?
Got proof of that?
Ok yeah you're right about that.
0 coreyapayne 2015-07-11
Like 80 years ago. And the evidence has been mounting since then. Mainstream science just refuses to apply the findings to any scale larger than the quantum scale because it would force us to reconsider our entire perspective on reality. It stems from the same type of denialism that the believers in flat earth practice. Globe earth contradicts the bible so they refuse to believe it. Quantum physics contradicts newtonian physics, so scientists that spent their entire lives operating from that view point refuse to believe that it could have been an incorrect one. People have a really hard time letting go of preconceived notions. Check out the double slit experiment.
0 Rocket_Admin_Patrick 2015-07-11
I'm not OP, but /r/holofractal discusses all of the questions you purposed. I'd personally recommend you look at the work of Nassim Haramein, as he's one of the leading researchers on the topic.
0 Ihopeitsround 2015-07-11
Haha. I love it when you guys analyze everything so precisely. I'm not a scientist; just aware of alternative theories and lacking of trust for the beaten path. Please give me some of your knowledge on the transference of waveforms into particles.
0 Zero_point_field 2015-07-11
You are mis-interpreting the idea of an observation. A particle does not need an intelligence to 'see' it to exist as a particle, any interaction with any other particle or energy will do the job.
0 Ihopeitsround 2015-07-11
You right any observation will do, I just went wit the word intelligence cause humanity is "intelligent".
1 Zero_point_field 2015-07-11
I love the quotation marks :)
0 high-priest-of-slack 2015-07-11
I'm very glad that the Streisand effect is starting to take off with this topic. The only thing holding back Flat Earth truth is that people are too afraid to look into it; the more it shows up, the more people will start wondering what it's all about and end up looking into it, especially when they keep telling you "there's nothing to see here".
I'm a real person and I really believe there is a massive 'global' conspiracy that encompasses the governments and militaries of the world. My spouse and good friends are all Flat Earthers; in fact, everyone I can get to take the topic seriously long enough to learn something new ends up becoming a Flat Earther as well. It wasn't until I took Flat Earth seriously enough to try to debunk it that I ended up a Flat Earther.
If you have any debunkings that actually refute the central point as to the lack of any detectable curvature and lack of any detectable motion, please share them. I'm not interested in debating though; you can go start a new thread and talk about something as obvious as controlled demolition on 9/11 in /r/conspiracy and always have someone to argue with.
6 rlbond86 2015-07-11
How do you explain satellites then? How do you explain that our understanding of gravity perfectly fits with spherical planets? How about GPS - the math is VERY simple and relies only on time differences of arrival and you can get your location in 3D space.
0 Ihopeitsround 2015-07-11
All good arguments though all I can say is, have you ever seen satellite yourself? They look really weird, kinda stupid. I haven't actually ever seen one in space. Maybe pictures but I don't trust pictures. Who's taking the pictures OF the satellites? Picture satellites? The whole gps thing is easily refutable if you consider Nikola Tesla's work. I'm no expert and I don't believe it's flat necessarily; perhaps it takes whatever shape we want.
5 rlbond86 2015-07-11
I worked at NASA and worked on a project for a satellite. I even saw it myself in the clean room. I also have worked with GPS, and the thing is that for it to work anywhere on Earth, the GPS satellites broadcast their position and the time. Using 4 or more satellites you can compute where you are. That data is readable by anyone with a GPS receiver, and it just would not work if the earth were flat. The math is fairly simple, you could takw the data and run it yourself if you knew how. And there is no way to "fake" the GPS positions and still have it work for everyone. That is the ultimate proof that the Earth is round IMO. You can use the data yourself and if you understand the math you know there aren't enough degrees of freedom for it to be fake. Not sure what you are talking about with Tesla.
2 Ihopeitsround 2015-07-11
That's cool that you worked on them, do you mean the actual satellites that go into space? Did you watch them go into orbit? Are they visible from the surface? Tell me more about the process of how they are deployed. ELI5. Also, Nikola Tesla was a brilliant inventor; it's a sad story. This man was working on "radiant energy", a force he theorised resided in the Earth and could power every home for free. He was a humanitarian. He built wondrous machines. He's responsible for you smartphone; he is the father of wireless technology. He built two towers in the United States that did everything your satellites do, in the 1930's. The American Government eventually had a falling out with him and stole all of his patents and he died alone in a small apartment in Canada, forgotten. I forgot to mention, Gravity is just a word. Issac Newton basically invented it. We could call it bro-ha. We could call it "that thing that makes you fall". Most of what he said is theory.
1 rlbond86 2015-07-11
I know who Tesla is, just not what it has to do with GPS.
I worked on image processing algorithms, I didn't see the launch. Doubtful you could see most satellites from the surface - you can't really see people from an airplane, and satellites are farther away than that.
Regardless, GPS is the ultimate proof the Earth is round.
Also everything is just a word. But words represent concepts.
1 Ihopeitsround 2015-07-11
My apologies; his towers transmitted wireless signals before the Great Depression. GPS is based off research he did. Many other technological advancements as well. Based on what you said about your job I give you a one in one hundred chance of knowing for sure if the Earths round. Tell me about the Southern Hemisphere's flight patterns?
1 rlbond86 2015-07-11
I don't know if GPS is based off his research or not but it still proves the Earth is round.
2 Rockran 2015-07-11
Looks pretty round to me
2 CriticalCat 2015-07-11
Looks round to me as well.
2 Ziroshi 2015-07-11
The real conspiracy here is earth is not a perfect sphere, its an oblate spheroid., which is more like a skittle. But then why are all the pictures were getting from NASA showing a perfect sphere?
2 Rockran 2015-07-11
It is indeed an oblate spheroid, but you exaggerate its shape.
A skittle is on the extreme end of it. If you saw the Earth from afar it would appear to be almost perfectly round because it's imperfection is subtle.
It's closer to a perfect sphere than to a skittle.
0 Ihopeitsround 2015-07-11
2 Rockran 2015-07-11
Is that laughter in agreement or disagreement?
1 Ihopeitsround 2015-07-11
In agreement. The picture is convincing if you believe your eyes. I am really just laughing at the situation. It's quite comical. For thousands of years our civilization believed the Earth was flat. Then Copernicus decided it was round (not the first, don't forget Pythagorus; both members of secret societies) and people started believing that it was for over 400 years, before we could ever prove it. Now, in addition to being able to make movies and TV; wireless technology and all this other crap, we can't understand the possibility of a fake picture? I mean, I believe in science. I want it to be true. I grew up wanting to travel to other worlds. I wish NASA was the real deal but it..just..ain't. Ain't got any proof for you buddy, ain't trying to convince you. I just think it's funny that were down here on the pale blue dot fighting about it, rather then asking "who wants us to be fightin about it."
2 low_la 2015-07-11
Actually the belief that the general consensus thought the earth was flat is untrue.
1 Ihopeitsround 2015-07-11
I can understand the Greeks and maybe some Medieval scholars, though no way is it "all" of them. I'm rusty on my classical history, but I know Pythagorus did conceptualize the idea at least in that era. Some people will even tell you that the Sumerians and Egyptians knew the Earth was round; when you look into it, it's not true. They believed the Earth was a plane of existence. Same for the East and the Americas.
-1 metabolix 2015-07-11
I'd also like to thank all the debunkers. The more they say, "there is nothing to see here", the more people will start taking a look for themselves. All people I brought this topic up IRL also tend to agree with the inconsistencies in the globe earth model. Anyway, thanks for your writeup.
3 Rockran 2015-07-11
I don't believe in Santa Claus.
Would my opposition to claims of his existence be proof of his existence?
0 metabolix 2015-07-11
Not any less than if you remained quiet, but since you brought it up, you got us thinking. Thanks.
-1 Wok_Slayer 2015-07-11
I had to stop for a second on the first sentence. There's too many trolls/shills on reddit for any serious flat earth debate.
2 Ihopeitsround 2015-07-11
Not a shill. Don't believe the worlds flat. Peace out.
-1 ChangeThroughTruth 2015-07-11
Yes, I have had this thought before. Difficult to find evidence to really prove it though. You get into the idea of objective reality, does it exist? Or is reality the sum of human consciousness?
This episode of "World Beyond Belief" analyzes the flat earth issue with this kind of approach: . He suggests that the world may very well be flat, but that the idea is introduced at this time intentionally. By controlling the leaders who introduce the idea they are able to gain credibility when the idea becomes accepted. So it can be both a psyop and true at the same time.
For anyone who has been following this issue and isn't quite sure what to make of it, I think this video is worth watching.