Worldnews mods appear to have scrubbed/deleted a thread about the fake ISIS beheadings and allow an ISIS fearmongering thread to remain.

65  2015-07-13 by ZombieEconomie

Original thread. The conversation didn't appear to be going the way they wanted it to.

this post was submitted on 13 Jul 2015 627 points (80% upvoted)

Now we have a thread about how ISIS is going to be sending more terrorists to Europe up!

Additionally, why did they shadow-delete this comment in the original thread?

I re-posted the same comment after I discovered the original had been shadow-deleted here:

Go see /r/limitedhangouts for more information on how these things work.


I can't wait to watch Rambo kill isis for America.

There will be a twist ending where he joins ISIS.

They have also downvoted my "war crime Israel on its way" post twice. Check history

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Spoiler: No one from the government is moderating /r/worldnews.

It was probably taken off the front page because it was fake news. Literally non-content.

How nice of you to stalk me back to here. /r/topminds appreciates your zealotry.

edit: I am sure that our "unbiased" mods will come along and remove these posts from this obvious troll and don't just exist to protect their friends. ... any day now.

I knew your diatribe on /r/worldnews was far too long for you to NOT be posting your bullshit elsewhere.

/r/topminds sends its regards.

edit: You wish I was a troll, brah. You even think the mods are against you, /r/conspiracy is literally a gold mine.

And yet you have said absolutely nothing of substance whatsoever.

The implication from that being that your posts have "substance?" If you're under that assumption then there's already no hope for you.

And yet you have said absolutely nothing of substance whatsoever.

I'll do my best to make sure that my posts meet your substance-standard from now on!

Government did 9/11! John McCain directed the ISIS beheading videos! Contrails! False flags! Have you checked your water for fluoride lately?!


Oh, I'm sorry, did you not believe those things?

From an outside perspective, you're drowning.

from the perspective of another gullible conspiracy nut


Like I said, drowning.

Drowning in what? From a fantastic argument? I definitely don't see any of that coming from you or ZombieEconomie.

Unless you mean drowning in the sea of stupidity that has been created in this conspiracy-nut echo chamber. Then, yes, I am drowning.

Its hilarious that you think there was an argument made in any of your posts, let alone a fantastic one.

I didn't make a fantastic argument because there was no argument, you twat. Do you see the ridiculousness of the OP in this thread? Do you? Do you see what my first post was?

Do you think that the ISIS beheading videos were made in a studio under the supervision of US politicians? Do you think /r/worldnews is moderated by evil government apologists?

The only one here drowning is lonely ol' you. You took a splash in a pool that you thought you knew how to swim in, but you didn't realize that it wasn't a pool at all. It was an autistic school bus, and all the normal kids are laughing at you from outside the bus while you pretend to swim with your floaties.

Or maybe you meant drowning in the sense that I was supposedly caught in some straw-man, as pointed out by ZombieEconomie (hilarious that he throws around Wikipedia articles on logic when he's the one that needs to give them some browsing). It would be a straw-man if he had any argument against it, but he doesn't, because he really believes all of those things, and judging by your persistence, I'm willing to bet you believe a few of those too.

You're totally right.

thx brah, upboats

You remind me of the hostility I experienced 15 years ago when I tried to inform people of Echelon. They were telling me I was a conspiracy nut for believing that the government is spying on everyone.

You must be right, then!

What are you so scared of?


Are you really that fucking retarded? The cognitive dissonance... It burns!

I'd love to be enlightened by your detailed and informed analysis.

Not waisting my time with you.. Do some research before you come to this sub with ridicule.

Aw, man. Come on. Don't you want to prove me wrong? First, of course, we need a premise. I'll let you choose.

Honestly, i dont have the time and energy. There is plenty of information and proof out there. Google docs, . Gov sites, etc. Stop trolling, it does you no good...

Yeah, that's what I figured. You present nothing.

No desire to argue with a troll, sorry bud.

I'll take that as your round-about way of saying that you subconsciously understand that you don't have the wherewithal to stand up in an argument with adults. Continue playing in the ball-pit, son.

Calm down there Keyboard Warrior.

At least my title is capitalized.

Can't wait until the day you find out your life is in shambles because you're retarded, and that everyone close to you just pities you.

I appreciate the thought!

And yet you have said absolutely nothing of substance whatsoever.

Its hilarious that you think there was an argument made in any of your posts, let alone a fantastic one.

I didn't make a fantastic argument because there was no argument, you twat. Do you see the ridiculousness of the OP in this thread? Do you? Do you see what my first post was?

Do you think that the ISIS beheading videos were made in a studio under the supervision of US politicians? Do you think /r/worldnews is moderated by evil government apologists?

The only one here drowning is lonely ol' you. You took a splash in a pool that you thought you knew how to swim in, but you didn't realize that it wasn't a pool at all. It was an autistic school bus, and all the normal kids are laughing at you from outside the bus while you pretend to swim with your floaties.

Or maybe you meant drowning in the sense that I was supposedly caught in some straw-man, as pointed out by ZombieEconomie (hilarious that he throws around Wikipedia articles on logic when he's the one that needs to give them some browsing). It would be a straw-man if he had any argument against it, but he doesn't, because he really believes all of those things, and judging by your persistence, I'm willing to bet you believe a few of those too.