In case you haven't noticed if anything gets above 500 votes in /r/conspiracy, the shills and fetid sea of plebbit cess descend upon it like a plague to game the comment votes and disrupt any normal discussion

124  2015-07-13 by OWNtheNWO

The more you know.


When I first arrived here the vitriolic spew on the front page was a huge turn off. It took me a few days to figure out what shills were and how to identify them. With practice being able to see through the propaganda has become a hobby of mine. Saw a great post a few months back describing the different types of trolls, thought it was both funny and helpful.

This should be made sticky and put on the sidebar. Very informative and useful.

Yes, 72 thanks to you good sir.

i have noticed the tsunami of faithers, skeptards, reality deniers and useful idiots, now you mention it

How do you differentiate between shills and people who disagree with your or the sources stance on an issue?

They can't. They consider disagreement as an attack.

intention, how constructive/destructive is the person, and not just in that one comment, but over time, for exemple you are still neutral in that matter, but your open question is the kind of questions shills would ask to open up doors of attack for their shitty fallacies, i will need a few more of your comments to determine how constructive or destructive you are, we shall see :)

Why did you offer an update on your formation of an opinion of me? You're a stranger on the internet you can keep that to yourself.

it wasnt for your benefit.

Where did I claim it was?

Experience. Shills spew rhetoric and are quite abusive and condescending in their tone and manner of speech.

So literally every single person on the internet is a shill?

Again, what false logic.

How do you confuse hyperbole with "false logic"? Nothing I just said was a logical claim...

that would be equating the characteristics of a shill with everyone on the internet. you are sounding more like one with every post btw

Those aren't the characteristics of a shill. You are now saying I'm a shill that changes very little. This is my point exactly. You don't like me. You don't like me asking how you tell who is a shill and who just disagrees with you. So now I'm a shill.

Just stop.

Tell me who's paying you or I will no longer engage. The gall of you people. You won't win. This subreddit will stay strong.

Now this has turned into comedy. You crack me up with the last sentence.

What better way is there to through suspicion off yourself being a shill. What better way to discredit the subreddit than by making it appear as if the commentators are people like the one you're acting like. You're transparent. Just stop.

Do take your meds.

Do cash your check.

For exposing NASA's (and other space agencies) scam? Who may be paying me for that I wonder.

Shill. Just stop. It's sad.


but even this rings untrue. try making genuine original posts instead of rehashed shillisms if you want to taken seriously and or gain credibility.



He his haggling me too. If he so wants to defend the shills, he might as well just be one.


Try posting a video that debunks the round earth theory and never mentions the flat earth theory; even though the video is specifically about the round earth, and nothing more, they will flood your post with attacks against the flat earth theory, which you never explicitly accepted as fact. These people will often never watch the source video or even listen to the arguments before they just down vote and suppress the content to hell; how hard is it even to just ignore content you don't agree with at a glance and can't be bothered to watch the source for? All in all, if you post something that even slightly goes against the subreddit hive mind your content will never get viewed, even though you received 23 comments in the last 5 minutes telling you how much of a moron you, when they themselves never explicitly watched the source, and are arguing against ideas that are never brought up other than from their assumptions. If these people cannot simply ignore content and have to childishly smother everything they don't like with their own fecal matter so it just bathes in their shit; instead of being properly debunked/proved or being viewed by people who are open to entertaining ideas that go against the hive mind. I have came to the conclusion that these people are either shills, or are just a part of the hive mind whom enjoy enforcing their political correctness on all others.

Regards, JMinnie01.

edit: Shills will never even view your sources stance on the issue and create generalized arguments and snarky comments against it, while people who simply disagree will often just down vote it and move on.

That isn't a shill that's someone that didn't watch or read the content...


Welcome to the internet. Are you for real?


Brigading is when users are directed by one mechanism or another to influence some conversation. Hive-mind implies some sort of collective consciousness which doesn't exist. It's just a bunch of users with similar opinions. The condescension is not necessary. And that still has nothing to do with users entering conversations with the intent of influencing the discussion for reasons other than simply their personal beliefs and opinions.

Im all ears to reasonable "conspiracys theories" because i think its an interesting and controversial topic, however the flatearth theory seems completely redonkulous and i cant take it seriously. Change my opinion.

Nobody can. That is up to you. If you actually looked at the evidence, you will begin to wonder. An important step in the process of realising there are anamolies in the globe earth is knowing that the space race is built on deception. Once you take that step, you will understand where the so called "flat earthers" are coming from. And moreover, we don't claim to know the whole truth, we just realize that there are a lot of holes in this globe earth model.

i must admit the lack of photos of earth from space is curious, i have seen the curvature of the earth though and anything "in orbit" by definition must be circling a spheroid (assuming newton is right)

I spent last couple nights looking for videos on youtube taken from mainly high altitude planes. At that height, you still can't see much curvature. In some places yes you can see the horizon curved (could be due to the curved glass) but in other places it is curiously flat. I am not proposing that hence the earth is flat, but still, it is worth looking into. Check these videos out if you'd like to look into it as well:

And i found this animation: Uncannily similar to what they show us as ISS's live feed.

Also notice the huge difference in these two footages: but this is what we have to endure during the "live space walk":

Also these are the only videos of ISS as seen from earth that I found, very fuzzy and suspicious:

And you have people everywhere saying how they saw the ISS themselves, so it must be real! Sure you saw a spec, hence ISS is real. So little to satisfy their curiosity. This is our (tax payer's) money, we have to raise the bar and hold them to higher scrutiny.

Also see this from NASA's own website. Spot the anamoly:

They claim it was taken by Apollo 17, but it is so clearly faked. The person who made the video, claims that they have even modified the image from their website. I have to look into those claims further. But I'm so on it.

Their time is running up. I just know it.

You must be joking here?

Nope very serious. I only invite serious comments. If you have nothing original to say, you can go elsewhere. I have no time to joke around.

It was a serious comment, I really cannot believe you don't see the flaws in your thinking so I assumed you where joking.

Care to share any of the evidence

Boy you really love the word evidence don't you. The evidence will come upon a thorough investigation. So let's ask for one instead of asking some guy on the internet to produce evidence.

YOU said evidence first. Im not going to sift through tons of fucking lunatics to find the minor bits of worth-while reading. Its clear to me that you have no intention of making an honest effort at convincing me or others that the flat earth theory is worth thinking about so goodbye

Sure suit yourself. You're ingenuity was glaring from the very start.


Such a well written, insightful post and see the amount of downvotes. That alone shows the shills here are busy shilling.

SO you believe posts should be graded on the quality of their grammar and not their content or relevance to the context?

No, not at all. What false logic. His post was well written not simply because of its grammar but mainly because of its content.

No you're logic is false!

Shill be shilling!

What do you believe to be my motivation for being here then? Is someone paying me? Am I a government spy? What is your basis for concluding I am shilling for someone? Is it because you disagree with me? And who do you think I'm shilling for?

You're defending the shills while even a fool knows they exist and this sub must be their favourite hangout and oh /r/topmindsofreddit how could I forget that delightful sub.

So let me ask you, are you saying that pr agents and govt shills don't post here?

No I'm not. Answer my question: who am I shilling for? And what motivation is that entity offering me to shill for them?

You could be working for any one of them. Motive? Money, duh. How hard is that to figure out. People would do practically anything for money and if their life depended on it.

So you deny existence of shills? Let's see what about propaganda? You also deny propaganda exists?

The US government paid me to ask how to differentiate shills from dissenters?

No it looks like they paid you to defend shills. On that note, please tell us how do you differentiate shills from dissenters? Also since I managed to put you in a spot, tell us do you think WTC fell due to controlled demolitions?

Who's paying you to call me a shill? Why do they want to discredit me? I won't let you win.

What? Those are the same thing

I don't know why you guys think you're so important. There are 300k subscribers to r/conspiracy. The majority of these are not active and interactive members. No one in authority really cares what you say or do. You're just not important. Maybe they're not shills, but logical thinking people who can't stand by and listen to the mindless dribble that comes out of the mouths of so many conspiracy nuts.

I totally support logical, viable, conspiracies. Ones that make sense. 9/11, Pearl Harbor, Vietnam, isil, etc. Ones you can find credible information about, or precedent for it. But there are so many fucking stupid conspiracy theories that jump to the top of this subreddit that you're going to get a lot of people, like me, who can't help but comment.

At one point of time even 9/11 truthers were marketed as crazy fringe conspiracy nutters.

They still are. It helps that they're actually nutters.

Haha they're not. You are.

I suppose the difference with 9/11 that the compelling evidence was there from the start. Very little fringe theory when the evidence just keeps piling up from the get-go.

He must be really young.

I'm glad. The young especially need to fight because their future is at stake.

There are loads of irrational, and baseless anti-Israel posts that are shared here every day, which definitely discredits the sub more than it helps it.

Who do you think posts more than 90% it. It's a tactic used heavily. Look to who posts what in /New and you'll start to see throuh the bullshit.

I only look at /r/conspiracy/new and weigh each submission by its merits. This is the only right way to browse this sub.

I think thats the point - if the general audience browsing this subreddit believes "most" of the users are 'zionist hating, paranoid nut jobs" - effectively the shills have discredited the subreddit and tarnished its image. I personally wonder what its like for these people who get paid to do this - I'd imagine the cost of their integrity goes pretty cheap.

This is a bit rich coming from /u/OWNtheNWO who's continual stream of bullshit somehow gets upvotes such as yesterday's:

Man who had his home stolen by Sheriffs with fake eviction notice facing down a potential armed conflict with corrupt local officials and their enforces | THIS NEEDS TO GO VIRAL

That wasn't trolls or shills calling you a moron, it was anyone with basic common sense. Your persecution complex is off the chain and you clearly have some sort of paranoia issues.

That's if your lucky and can get it out of new. Some stuff can't see the light of day because of downvotes with no comments.

I mostly come here to get the news "from the other side" and to see a different perspective

For certain topics, it starts at a lot less than 500.

dissenting opinions are for sheep. open ur minds lol.

Here's my comment from your thread yesterday on it:

It's funny because the link you submitted was clearly MADE to be in that spot. I watched the upvotes... Two links of the exact same video were already on the front page. In the new tab when I checked last night the link you submitted had 436 upvotes, surrounded by two links that had between 0-12.. Again, while this exact video was on the front page.

That whole thing was manufactured to discredit the sub. The whole situation is easily disproved, and it's meant to polarize people into two camps. First, the emotional reaction of most people in this sub are sympathetic to the man. Then the more attention it gets, the more people there are to disprove it. The narrative changes from "poor him" and "I'm on his side" to "he had no title insurance" and "he's trying to scam everyone". The whole thing is obfuscated and fucked at this point, and then the link has such popularity it provides ammunition for those trying to discredit everything else here by association.

Yet your credibility as a submitter to this sub is "maintained", so to speak, by posts like these. It's all very perfect.

Now... Why did you make a new thread about it?

Edit: not that I'm calling bullshit on your link/posts/etc, just trying to see how all this fits together. Was the other one removed? Not trying to be an asshole here. :)

and what's your point?

it's called forum sliding. every large forum has it

Not a single word of that title made any fucking sense. Try not sounding like a pretentious fuck and lay it out like normal person.

It's fun to watch the same usual suspects come out to play.

Now this has turned into comedy. You crack me up with the last sentence.

Do take your meds.