Shower thought: The world is insane...

90  2015-07-15 by Fuckyousantorum

We bomb for peace, kill to save lives, destroy to create. Millions die as the rich guard the cure.

We're addicted to a destructive and depleting toxin that's slowly killing us.

We deify the individual yet suffer the loss of community.

We buy ourselves trinkets made by children, to fill a hole we ourselves created then we work until death to pay off the debt.

Our ambition drives us to abandon our family, shackle ourselves with loans and then create a family of our own, isolated from the ones we love.

We spend a lifetime fighting to get to the top of the bottom pile, while masters of the universe buy and sell our children's future.

We reward the craven and the selfish and punish the moral and the ethical.

We are easily fooled by a flag and a song into sacrificing our children for a sacred illusion, they are fooled into killing the children of others so rich people can be richer.

We lock each other in small cages for possessing a plant, yet millions die consuming other plants and nothing is done.

We turn away the poor at the hospital door yet spend millions harassing and imprisoning them.

We busily recycle plastic and paper as pollution torrents into our rivers and gushes into the air.

We invest our genius in balding cures and diet pills while funding cancer research through charity runs and bake sales.

We land robots on other planets, make goats produce spider webs, graft human ears onto mice, merge animals with vegetables but we can't feed food to dying children.

Billions blindly suffer a cruel world shaped by the few and the only thing preventing change is our own false prejudices.

Those who steal the savings and hope of millions go unpunished while those who willingly have sex for money are hunted down, vilified and prosecuted.

We complain about congestion yet we careen along motorways, squeeze on trains- taking ourselves to work instead of bringing the work to us.

Born into a simple life, we thrust ourselves into a hectic one, in the hope of returning to a simple life in the end.


Welcome to reality.

OP human nature itself is self-contradictory !!

You live to die. Eat to poop. Wake to sleep.

Of course this has been a subject for philosophers and religions.

As for geopolitics, we must apply Hanlon's razor. Basically short term gains trump long term missions. Conflict of interests.

If you are Christian: Without Judas' betrayal the predestined Prophecy (and our Salvation) would never be fulfilled. All the while Jesus sits aside His Father, Judas burns in eternal damnation.

Wake to sleep.

Being asleep is more enjoyable than being awake. Being awake is a necessary evil so you can do the things you need to to sustain yourself - it's not what one lives for.

The world isn't insane. It's being run by psychopaths.

No this world is definitely going insane. The psychopaths that run this world have made the rest of the world insane along with them. They created this chaos, normalized it, and now we have all become it.

Remember, our consent/inaction makes us inherently responsible (partly) for our leaders' actions.

A sane man in an insane world will always be the one considered crazy.

Boy do I just love being called crazy

It all comes down to programming, not unlike a computer. The only difference being our heart and soul having the ability to override the original code and update the software.

Please xpost to /r/C_S_T man.

That's well said!

Welcome to all that's left.

Something to consider:

We just had a millennium. Read up on what happened in the previous millennium.

Human race collectively does NOT like round numbers, or any other portents. I think our entire lives, the entire last century, have basically been "millennial fever" but you can see where it really peaked around 1900 and 2000.

Hopeful thought of the day: As the millennium gets further away, maybe things will get better.

while the millennium gets further away, it gets closer..... 2015 goes to 2050 and you're that much closer to 3000, then it repeats. the millennium isn't the reason. also, it's inescapable

Nice edgy meme :)

I agree with you, except on this part:

We complain about congestion yet we careen along motorways, squeeze on trains- taking ourselves to work instead of the work to ourselves.

Some jobs require you to be there, in person. The garbage man can't telecommute, and it's a job that needs doing. Even those that don't require a physical presence, however, tend to have lords bosses who want serfs employees to show up to work in livery uniform, instead of sit at home in their boxers all day.

edit: changed hit to sit.

You're right, and Garbage is going to be one of the first ̶r̶o̶b̶o̶t̶i̶c̶i̶z̶e̶d automated industries along with road freight.

How exactly? Are robots going to be picking the trashbags up?

Well. I live in a rural coastal town in WA state and we have these garbage trucks way out here. Dude is operating it, but it's not that difficult to set up robot to control the arm, then have a self driving truck, which already exist and are on roads, and well....

Then for cities that still use huge dumpsters, same automation for the front fork loader style, which has been around since the late 70s. I would imagine they would have a 1-2 man team to monitor sectors and help aid the switch for a couple years, maybe less....

We have something different where I live. The garbagemen come into the building and collect the trashbags. I suppose robotics could work for curbside pickup

And they bring them to a truck. Simple. Make you put your trash outside in bins again. Solved. Seattle has something similar and its a fucking mess tied up with mob money and a batshit city council. Dudes pick up trash bags that just get piled in alleys.

But yeah, they are not going to not automate an entire industry to accommodate the style of trash collecting you're describing

We can only hope. The ones we have tend to let it pile up and overflow before they decide to come get it.

agreed. but the problem here is the mode of transport-the personally-owned car is the ultimate deification of the self and indulgent form of consumption. if our transportation system and city/road networks were not designed around individual vehicle ownership, then the congestion wouldn't be an issue.

The problem with that, in America, is twofold: bureaucracy and scale.

The federal government doesn't want to foot the bill for, say a new high speed railroad spanning the middle of the country, while the states individually don't want to invest in public rails or other means of public transit.

The US is not a small country, by any means. There are counties that are larger than some nations, and our states are all large enough to be nations unto themselves. Regardless of how you choose to do it, it's a tremendous amount of ground to cover, with no immediate profit or return on investment. Most cities have public transit, bus lines at the very least, but you have to keep in mind that outside those cities there is a lot of open ground between towns, sometimes tens of miles or more between individual houses. So, you would need an city transit system separate from a county transit system, separate from an inter-state transit system... The expense would be astronomical, and no one wants to take the hit.

And even if someone did, you're right in that personal transportation is deeply engrained in the American psyche. A man is nothing without a job, a home, a family, and a means of going places. And honestly? Why would anyone want to give up the ability to go where they want without depending on the government to get them there?

Improvements on our current means would be easier to implement than implementing something new. For instance, more fuel efficiency, better performing fuel, and so on. If I had the money to throw away on it, I would buy a motorcycle and ride that during the summer just for savings on gas and insurance.

well said. also, conspiracy...i've always thought that free/efficient enegy has continually been suppressed..especially with cars/engines. where's tesla when you need him?

where's tesla when you need him?

Generating enough RPMs in his grave to supply the world with free power...

lol! nice.

Well written!

the flag and the song part is not so much as easily fooled but more of a raised conditioning ..

from day one in school you're listening to the song and seeing the image and told this is how things are. then repeat for the rest of you're school days.

that's a good 12 years of conditioning.

and its not like school is teaching you the hard facts of how the world around you is. if you're lucky you have parents who are aware but is that something you really want to show you're kids. most parents want their kids to enjoy their childhood rather then fear the days to come..

As a whole, I like it. Very nice, and a bit disturbing (as I'm sure intended).

This is also how my showers tend to go.

Remember: "Collective madness is called sanity."

tis fucked up for sure and so far from the paradise it could be

There is a lot of we here, OP who or what does we stand for ?

In a society where people see themselves as only individuals we can deflect blame onto others and let the suffering continue.

Who is "we"?

You said we landed robots on other planets, but we've only been told about rovers on Mars. Tell me what you know.

NO, it's not insane. we are animals that behave like animals. there is nothing shocking or interesting about that at all.