Do people here on Reddit honestly believe that voting for sanders will actually make any difference at all? It's cringing me the fuck out

9  2015-07-16 by [deleted]


It's worth a shot, right now it seems as if Sanders has the people's needs in mind, which is better than every other candidate running. The fact that he's basically a meme in reddit is sort of cringey.

What presidential candidate doesn't say they have the "people's needs" in mind?

Call me optimistic but I sort of believe in Bernie.

Call me a cynic, but this all reminds me of the buzz surrounding Obama back in 2008. Besides, even if Sanders is genuine (and that's a big "if"), how much of a difference can one man make?

Big Business and their friends in Congress have their own agenda. If Sanders vision conflicts with that agenda what happens? Gridlock. That's when all those campaign promises show their true value.

It's kind of like karma points. Might make you feel good when you get/give them, but not worth much in the real world.

But Obama was a political newbie, and there's evidence to suggest that he worked at a known CIA front. Of course, voters didn't know about that back in '04. Sanders has a solid political background and a clear history of voting right along the lines of what a lot of people here might agree with. Obama came from left field and sold us the new American Dream, which we lapped up willingly. I don't think anyone is absolutely incorruptible, but I can only hope. I'll be voting for Sanders because if he can be trusted there's still a fighting chance, and if not we are pretty fucked

Good points re: Obama vs Sanders track record.

But we are in /r/conspiracy and a lot of people believe that the deep state is calling the shots no matter who gets elected. Then throw in the TPP which will (in some circumstances) give multinational corps a power that supersedes US law/Constitution.

Now I'm honestly asking "How much difference could Sanders make even if he wanted to?"

And Bernie sort of believes in you but if he gets too popular, he'll be compromised.

hope 4 change amirite!?

Not at all. It is a dog and pony show. They control all the actors. It is all pre planned, hence leaving no room for anything to go wrong.

The ugly actors end up in Washington DC, the pretty ones go to Hollywood.


Good point. I embarrassingly hadn't even thought of that.

no. it seems like shills and useful idiots promoting him here to me.

Only the same people who think the Republicans and Dems are still two different parties. It doesn't matter anyways, because they announced it will be Clinton v Bush last year.

Good. Fuck Sanders and his EXTREMELY obvious bullshit. Like honestly... come on.

vote for Jeb, doesn't matter, I'm tossing mine at Bernie and seeing if we'll take the high road. This shit-stain society is going to change hell or high water. How long can you hold your breath? I've played this game. It's fun watching the wheel turn.

Not sure wtf youre talking about but I think you agree with me

Either way we get to the same place. A season of Repubs or even more moderate Hillary will drive America along at a slug's pace. The rich get richer and the rest go mad. Bernie could begin to address societal issues, but the body count will still be high. America is rusting next to China, as the world seeks a recourse to the dollar, but like addicts, they keep coming back. Like I said, shit-show, modernize or fall apart. Same old song and dance.

If I've learned anything these past few years, I've learned this.

Some politicians (some, a very small bunch, let's say), are genuinely campaigning with the world's best intentions as their model. They WANT to change the world. They see that the world is fucked up, and want to be that helping hand. I firmly believe Obama was this way before he got elected. But here's the thing, that will last until the old Pres sits down with the new, and the new guy is told exactly how it is. I imagine he's told there's no deviation from the plan (whatever that may be), I imagine he's told, "no, you can't save the world, don't try", and so on and so fourth. My guess is the only Presidents that have tried to buck the system are Lincoln and JFK (could be wrong about Lincoln though). My point of this rant is this: It doesn't matter how good Sanders' intentions are, he'll get sat down and told what's what. and then biz will continue as usual.

the laugh track in the back is amazingly haunting, or the actual people laughing at the truth, either way, is quite telling of the society in which we live.

I still think we should vote for a candidate anyway. It's worth a shot.

As for Sanders, he and Trump have shown me that people really aren't buying into another Bush or Clinton.

Sanders won't win, personally I think is economic policy isn't viable either but if you do support him I'd say vote for him in the primaries, register democrat, as if he comes in second in the primaries it will push some of his views, expose more of his views to the mainstream, push them into the Overton window.

Political contributions have entirely circumvented US democracy, as planned. There is no meaningful change that can result from voting.

Bernie Sanders is the best shot we have, by far.

best shot for what?

As one who saw through Obama's bullshit, I see Sanders as a non sociopathic candidate where all others are clearly sold out sociopaths. I see him as having more of a conscience than any of the others.

I'm seeing a humanitarian.

He's the best shot at getting someone who'll be harder on the bankers and the .001%.

Sanders has one problem where all others have as many problems as they have corporate sponsors.

His big negative is that he's pro Israel.

Find me a candidate who isn't and I'll take a hard look at them.

As one who saw through Obama's bullshit, I see Sanders as a non sociopathic candidate where all others are clearly sold out sociopaths.

Or, more likely, he's just a very good sociopath.

My family had personal need for Sanders to expedite help for a family member with cancer 3 years ago.

He came in like a champ.

I visited Vermont and several people went out of their way to praise his work when they were all very non political.

I believe what I'm seeing.

edit. In looking freshly into Sanders I'm seeing more military co-operation than I like and less that can counterbalance that. but still there is going to be a next president and I'm looking for the one with the most ability to demonstrate the presence of a conscience. In that particular regard, there are no equals other than Elizabeth Warren and Alan Grayson who aren't running.

iopathic candidate where all others are clearly sold out sociopaths. I see him as having more of a conscience than a

don't bother. these people are addicted to their paranoia.

It's not paranoia at all. It's seeing through bullshit.

What messes with me is that people are falling for the same shit.

It's pathetic. And these are the same people who make fun of Fox news viewers.

Because fox news viewers are fed a narrative, which has little to do with reality.

That's the irony.

Whoever this Sanders is [sorry ignorant UK resident] but even if he is the nicest guy who is full of beans to bring about change for the better, keep an eye on him. After a year, he'll be grey haired, miserable looking and lifeless, just like every other US president in modern times.

Why? Because he will find out that he is not in charge at all, that all of his ideas are futile and that he is only a puppet on a string. It has happened far too often to be ignored.


Bernie is the best shot we have. You can complain all you want about the parties being the same, but he is not a Democrat. Why don't you educate yourself and see how he's been helping Vermont as a senator for decades. It's obvious that you haven't done your research if you think Bernie is the same as a Republican. HE VOTED NO FOR IRAQ AND THE PATRIOT ACT.


Sanders is Blue Paul. Nothing more.

Yes, we all have lots of HOPE he'll be the CHANGE we want.

Fool me once, shame on you...

I like what he says, but i feel like its offering the illusion of freedom

If you feel like what he says is "Freedom" (having the government monitor every transaction you make, regardless of whether it harms another person or not) then you are simply going to fall for this kind of thing over and over again. The very mindset of having a "good king" to watch over his "children" will seep into your other decision making processes very destructively.

It surprises me that people still buy the whole "White Knight" politician after the ultra-obvious in-your-face case of Obama. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

not what i meant.

So what do you suggest we do? Not vote for anyone and just complain about our government? That's the trend here

Of course it is... He's a fucking politician FFS.

I like the appeal Sanders has, he may even have a chance, but still a politician who has mostly folded when it mattered, such as voting for ACA and dropping his condition that at least the Public Option was part of it, or pretending a filibuster that was not even a real filibuster, just for show, and it was a good one. At least we can grant that he brings up good and forgotten topics.

Politics is the art of compromise. Going for the best deal you can get is sometimes the only option, as the "best deal" is usually unattainable.

Our country is so f'ed up now because nobody wants to compromise, on anything.

Please, all you cynics. Dont vote. Stay home on election day.

Seriously. My favorite is, "Wahhh our government sucks." Spoken by people who refuse to vote

Right now all I know about Sanders is his name and that reddit has a hard on for him.

Everything makes a difference. The leaves flapping in the breeze which we observe stick in our minds, an image repeatable time after time for its consistency in how such things appear in the many breezes we see.

What change are you trying to make?

What change are you trying to make?

It's a good question and I don't really have an answer. It just bothers me that people believe thier vote counts. Obama said a million times that if he was elected the first thing he'd do is bring the troops home. And here we are almost 2 full terms later and most of them are still there. Now apply this to all the problems we have in this country and all the promises politicians have been making for the last few decades. It just pisses me off.

You might like this political candidate who ran in 2012 (4min 38sec).

So remember, your power as a human being is not limited to the five seconds you spend punching a ballot, and thinking that it is, is an intentional construct designed to stifle dissent and public autonomy. Your power is with you constantly. Organize, create, and take back your world. You need not ask permission. You have no masters. Thank you.

Call me a cynic, but this all reminds me of the buzz surrounding Obama back in 2008. Besides, even if Sanders is genuine (and that's a big "if"), how much of a difference can one man make?

Big Business and their friends in Congress have their own agenda. If Sanders vision conflicts with that agenda what happens? Gridlock. That's when all those campaign promises show their true value.

It's kind of like karma points. Might make you feel good when you get/give them, but not worth much in the real world.

iopathic candidate where all others are clearly sold out sociopaths. I see him as having more of a conscience than a

don't bother. these people are addicted to their paranoia.

And Bernie sort of believes in you but if he gets too popular, he'll be compromised.