/r/conspiracy AMA With Dr. James Tracy Tonight at 7:30PM EST

35  2015-07-16 by [deleted]

I hope this sub will enjoy the upcoming AMA with Dr. James Tracy tonight at 7:30 PM EST.

Here's some background info on James Tracy;

James Tracy is the editor of MemoryHoleBlog.com, and an educator and political analyst living in South Florida, USA. In 2013 he received national attention by critiquing news reportage of the Sandy Hook massacre and Boston Marathon bombing. Tracy holds a PhD in mass communication from University of Iowa. His work on media history, politics and culture has appeared in a wide variety of academic journals, edited volumes, and alternative news and opinion outlets. Tracy also hosts a weekly program, Real Politik, on TruthFrequencyRadio.com, and is an affiliate of Project Censored.


This guy is a hero to me. His unapologetic and courageous stance on his beliefs is what I admire the most about him.

The courage this guy has is absolutely infectious. I hope all of you will join me tonight and welcome him to our community.

This is epic. Kudos to /u/WideAwakeNWO for arranging this AMA.

Too many people accept the "official explanation" for events, without questioning whether the officials offering those explanations might have an agenda.

James Tracy is doing what all academics should be doing - asking questions - and when the answers don't add up, asking more questions!


He will!

Thanks buddy. I really do appreciate it.

So you all know it's really him;


This is AWESOME!

My thoughts exactly!

Its good to know people of influence with these view points still exist out there.

I'm positive there are many other people of influence who have these exact same views, but are too afraid to voice them publicly like Dr. Tracy has.

This country would be a lot better off if more people felt free to speak their minds without fear.

History shows those who speak their mind end up in mysterious car accidents or the like.

Doesn't that just validate everything they're saying then? It does in my mind.

It does to those few who are awake to the corruption.


I don't know how exactly it's going to work, I imagine that he'll start a new post with just the AMA, but I really like the idea of brainstorming here beforehand. Great questions.

Ah, nice -- they've done terrific work on the Aurora Theater shooting:

This is awesome and one of the few reasons i still have my reddit account

Great work to the people that lined this up!

Dr. Tracy, why is it that you have never once on your blog discussed Leo Strauss's theory of esotericism and the interlinkable academic phenomena of "deconstruction" and epistemological relativism in general, all which seem to determine, inform, and illuminate the manner in which the mainstream media, both "leftish" and "rightish" distorts economic and political reality and tonally and substantively seeks to mold the consciousness of its readership?

Thank you.

In my opinion, this is by far the best analysis I've ever seen on the Boston Marathon Bombings.

I have a question. What do you make of this "shaming culture" in American/western media? To explain, and offer the example of you on CNN, the media has a tendency to shame anyone with an opinion or questions outside the mainstream narrative (MH17, Israel, 9/11, etc).

To what would you attribute that?

Please post your question in the AMA thread!

I really look forward to seeing his responses and matching them up to my own understanding. Good job r/conspiracy. Didn't expect this sub to have content like this.

I'm a little weary about this - talking to him the day another shooting occurred. Not sure I'm a fan of the PR stunt BUT still open to his take on the day.

Great point. Let us know several weeks in advance when there isn't going to be "another shooting", and the whole AMA can be rescheduled to avoid that "PR stunt" awkwardness.


Some nobody

Hahaha oh you...

Hey guyz it's Shizm00!