My ten-year journey through the world of conspiracies is over

94  2015-07-18 by [deleted]

I have come to the decision that my ten-year journey through the world of conspiracies is over. In the end, what do I leave with? That this was an unsatisfying intellectual exercise that left me only feeling more powerless.

I've decided to commit myself to an inner revolution. I understand that the only way the world can ever change is if every individual has a inner revolution that dissolves greed and the urge to have power over others (the source of all these conspiracies). Since I have no control over the other 8 billion people on earth, it comes down to me and my own consciousness. It's me that has to change.

I will now end this journey. Good luck and thanks, everyone. Love and be kind to others, especially those whom you perceive to be weaker than you.

EDIT: Thanks for all these amazing replies. I'm going to spend a little time replying before heading off to the dream world for some R+R.

EDIT 2: Off to the land of dreams. Thanks for this nice send off. It's all quite anonymous and we have no attachments to each other, but I have enjoyed it here in this sub in all my different incarnations. For those of you who think I'm some kind of weird-ass shill (perhaps working for Scientology, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's org, or ultimately attempting to make you members of my cult), all I have to say is "stop bogarting that joint, and please pass the Little Debbie's." Over and out! Journey done.


It took you ten years to discover /r/conspiracy, and you quit the next day?

Edit: Your post would have more impact if you used your regular account rather than a throwaway. I mean, you're quitting right, so what have you got to lose?

Right? Complete with an over abundance of "sympathetic" comments. This post smells like a bait bucket.

nice psychological trick, don't fall for it.


The advantage about an old account is that others can see (if they choose) a posting legacy which backs up some of the assertions you make in your post.

Even if someone disagrees with a comment of mine, they can at least establish with some confidence, that I am consistent in what I write.

nice try dude.

now we should ignore everything because we can't apparently change it.

more and more people are wakeing up. fucking people in the ass is getting harder and harder.

take greece for example, they may had been hit to the ground by the criminals in power but they don't forget, it will be a crazy summer, fall and winter and this is because people start to see through the shit out there.

And they fucking react.

So fuck this "Ive done all, learned everything, now I'm going to relax and ignore" this is not an option anymore.

I can see through your lies and fake claims


you clearly don't understand what knowledge is if you think that you can be considered asleep when you have it, I'd wager that you have none to have such a pathetic reaction.


you have absolutely no proof of that, just like you have absolutely no proof of your new age "inner revolution" EVER HAPPENING. point to me ONE SINGLE TIME in history where such a thing happened. I can point to millions of small but hard fought for victories that have brought us to a world today where you can have the leisure of typing bullshit on your computer while being completely oblivious that the way you live today (not a slave in a cotton field, being able to have some semblance of an education, some healthcare, etc) is a direct result of people who had the courage to not live only to love themselves but to actually take that love and go out and act into the world by political action.

the only way the world will change is through mass political organization, that inner revolution stuff is just yet another new age BS method to get people more preoccupied with themselves than to want to organize collectively.

To me it sounds like defeatedly retreating back into the matrix. And here's an obscure reference: "I still have a secret, I never liked tapioca pudding."

you've got it all wrong, you return to the matrix when you believe that you can change the world from inside your head instead of needing other humans beings for it.

Massive political activism has the potential to change the restrictions that govern us. But the collective organization you're imagining as the result of that activism will always be subject to the whims of the individual self: to the greed, or apathy, or violence, or fear that shapes who we are in the world. That inner revolution the OP speaks of only stinks of bs because it will lead you to question the urgency of materialism, a form of self-centeredness that we as a culture celebrate for the same reason we buy islands for shiny beads and pebbles of glass.

yeah and that is called "reality" or "the world we live in", and it sure as hell is not perfect, but it's still the only one we have and, unless your personal solution is retreating to the security of your own head and staying there, then the only possibility we have is to work with the world we have.

indeed.....tho i'd suggest that your personal choices influence your only possibility, and revolution (inner, outer, or right through the heart) is just one outcome of making different choices.

just fyi too you guys answering this saying that no change can happen without an 'inner revolution"-bs type ideology, the abolition of slavery didn't happen with an inner revolution, the great society wasnt built and forced upon the ruling class with an inner revolution, the space program wasnt created by some bullshit inner revolution of some guy on his own sitting under a blossom tree...

these were all political acts, forced upon a section of the population that was extremely recalcitrant to progress and social programs benefiting the masses.

whether you like it or not, the great achievements of history remain mass political or mass protest acts (gandhi).

that is NOT to say that the material world is the be all and end all, far from it. But if you guys had any notions of philosophy or political philosophy, you would KNOW that NO SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT or CULTURAL ENLIGHTENMENT CAN HAPPEN WITHOUT A PHYSICAL BASIS. What does that mean? It means that someone dying of hunger on the street will NOT spontaneously develop an inner revolution, he needs food, a home, a job, people to love before he can think about that sort of stuff.

This is the only reason I and many call this sort of new age bullshit ideology "bullshit", because either you get your priorities mixed up, or you simply isolate yourself. either way it is a dead end as you, on your own, will never change the world, you need other human beings to do that with you. and these sort of ideas give false hope of an automatic phenomena of inner revolution that would save the world's population without you having to leave the safety of your room. But simply think for one damn second, if that shit was true, why hasn't someone in power had a magical "inner revolution"? that would fix everything right? you get my point?


you're justifying your lack of action, nothing else. Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, De Gaulle, Ataturk are all examples of people changing the world and not following in the tracks of their predecessors. But I see you are well decided on retreating to the safety of your own mind so I won't bother any further. Have fun with that.

Sounds like you found philosophy. This is a natural transition. I did and feel the same. Jiddu Krishnamurti's book 'Freedom from the Unknown' changed my life back in 2008.

I like the old Zen teachings most though, and enjoy listening to Alan Watts lectures on Zen coupled with epic music.

There is another step after one attains philosophical understanding, and in my opinion it involves Pythagoras's Quadrivium. Some may not choose or need to go this far, but I do and really enjoy it. Good luck on your journey!

When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? It is because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind. ~ J. Krishnamurti


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Love this quote, thank you

education and the significance of Life - jiddu Krishnamurti is what did it for me. he was amongst the wisest humans to ever walk and think on this earth. We would have world peace if everyone was able it understand his concepts and become more aware of their thoughts and actions. read J. Krishnamurti!

Alan Watts is amazing, just needed to chime in with that. I personally also enjoy Tolle very much.

I may have to look him up. I'm sort of an odd mix of things. Taoist, Confucian, Stoic, and essentially Orthodox Christian. I like the philokalia if you can find it in print. It's an old orthodox spiritual book.

what do I leave with? That this was an unsatisfying intellectual exercise that left me only feeling more powerless.

Then you've learned nothing...after "10 years." I have seen some very satisfying changes lately. It's not going to be all rainbows and glitter in my lifetime but I believe Myself and everyone on this sub is making a difference simply by talking about it and refusing to hide from the truth.

Then isn't your statement contradictory. Take notice that I ended my sentence with a period and not a question mark!

what a cop out. the world is a dangerous place beccause of those that do nothing about it. self preservation > group survival.

I'm sorry my friend, but setting out to change the world is futile, and in the end, will create the vary thing you are seeking to escape.

To change the world in a good way, or the feeling to impact change is a great expectation of the self. But you see a lot of enlightened people believe this is what they should be doing, and dictators feel the same. ~José Davēd

The true path is to see through life's tragedies, indifferences, and imbalances. One must see through the human emotional drama acted out on the grand stage as a mirage, and walk right through it.

True change begins and ends with the individual self, choosing your own path will influence those who are in your sphere of influence, which should consist of open minds and hearts seeking ultimate truth and understanding.

The 'Ultimate Truth' is always undecided and can change at any moment, and does not take on any shape, form, or law, but is always open to the expression.

Maybe you should go live on a mountain or in a forest away from the rest of humanity. You'll certainly be happier. Humanity worse off.

Way to stroke your ego.

This statement doesn't even make sense. The mountain top you speak of holds more answers to life than you have yet to comprehend.

Bodhisattva walks to the mountain top, realizes the path of nature, and walks back down into the world, only to help those with open minds willing to visualize change, but he also realizes that he may never see or enforce the change he seeks.

The mountain top you speak of holds more answers to life than you have yet to comprehend.

HAHAHAHAHA. Remove yourself from humanity and from this dimension if that is your wish. Enlightenment and escape from this plain is service to self, the epitome of egotism, the height of individualism, and contrary to all that IS.

Wow, you are so far removed from your true self, and from humanity that you don't even know how to carry on an intellectual conversation without insults and criticism. Your words show the true state of your understanding, and anyone here with a sound intellect will see right through you, just as I do.

What insults?

Please, show me ONE insult.

I hope you wake up one day friend.


In all my years of researching philosophy and the true nature of the Self and reality, I have never seen such an extreme convolution or misinterpretation of the ancient teachings.

Sounds like a much healthier way to live your life.

Best of luck to you and godspeed!

take your ball and go home. best of luck on your inner journey hopefully a cop doesn't shoot you for trespassing while you meditate in a park.

Your 10 second journey as a disenfranchisement shill is over.



words words words words words words

people will always call you a shill as long as you promote an ideology that helps the elites in power, and there is literally no better ideology for the masses from an elite view point than an ideology that forces you to retreat to the safety of your own mind, thus making the whole world population completely pathetic compared to the forces on the other side.

10 years of "research" and you still haven't understood that inaction on the part of the population is the point of the news and entertainment media and terrorism? and you are doing a better job than the elite at promoting this inaction. congratz.


ok, you seem to be incapable of differentiating between the life of a serf in medieval times and the quality of life you enjoy today so you're forcing me to believe that you don't have all your wits about you.

have fun in your life of personal love while other people fight for your rights.

I understand.

It sounds like your journey is finally beginning!

I recently came into my own awakening. When you look up into the skies and see the spraying and think to yourself "How is this even possible? At this scale?" It's insane to think about; even in light of the facts of 9/11 being such a blatant lie.

Nationalism is powerful, consumerism is corrupting and belief systems keep people in a world of safety oblivious (often intentionally so) to a world that has always been and will always be on the brink of collapse.

The US, Australia, EU et. al. are at no less of losing their empires than the Sumerians and the Babylonians. But people don't realize this is so. We live in an age where we think this will go on forever.

I have to agree with you OP. Look at what happened to Michael Rupert. He fought so hard to die with so little.

Do what you can. But live. It is not worth your soul to give in to this world.

There really is so little we can do, and I fear the idea of brining children into this world that is on the continual brink of extinction. But if you live, and those around you and treasure the time you have on this Earth; all the other things become of little consequence.

Be here now.


You could be your own Henry David Thoreau ... or Ralph Waldo Emerson.

I'd honestly go the other route. Sometimes I just want a TV again; torrent all my shows without ads, have cookouts, parties, and give politics and other things the fuck all. I know that seems like giving into the Brave New World, but the thing about Huxley's novel is that his world wasn't that bad. There was no war, no loneliness. It's the ultimate polyamory paradise. But there are trade-offs always. A world without war, but without art or conflict. If only our reality was that benign.

I've been backpacking for the past four months. I recently met up with a friend I haven't seen in years who moved to the heart of Europe and is teaching English. I myself have gotten into spoken word poetry and do shows all over the place now. I've fallen in love with a girl.

I look up in the skies and still see the chem trails. They are so blatant here. But all I can do is keep going. Love can make life worthwhile. In the words of Daniel Johnston, "Love will find you in the end."

I'm certainly sympathetic to your point of view. Best of luck.

Traitorous turncloak!

I have no control over the other 8 billion people on earth

Unfortunately an unknown but definitely non-zero number of those "8" Billion people have control over you, and they aren't retiring any time soon.

At minimum you must elude, counter, compensate for or tolerate those controls and develop a way to live with yourself as you do so.


it's called being oblivious to the obvious, and you'd know why this sort of ideology is retarded if you really had been doing "research" for the past 10 years.


so your solution is to roll over into a little ball of your own love and keep your head buried nice and deep? I see you've been getting your philosophical classes from south park, that's cute.

I completely agree with your philosophy, but from personal experience I expect that you'll still pay some attention to conspiracy theories. It's hard to deny that they affect our lives and that we cannot ignore them and expect the collective situation to improve sufficiently.

You're right that this desire for power over others is the root of the conspiracies. It is the darkness of man behind so much of the self-serving behavior at the expense of others in the world. Essentially, it is seeking to force others to serve you, slavery. It is a choice to embrace fear and competition over love and cooperation.

We can all fall for it if we believe certain things about reality. We believe what we believe because of the experiences we've had. Many "evil" people have suffered awful experiences that make them believe in life as competition and fear. In seeking to survive they embrace unscrupulousness and start to see love and cooperation as weakness on the path of getting others to serve themselves.

I share your point of view. The problem is that the other 7.999.999.999 people may not agree and you'll have to deal with that...


being born is a violent act by your standards, how the hell can you seriously believe this shit?


no, this is an example of someone who does not want to waste more of my time on your new age bullshit ideology that allows you to believe that giving up on political action is anything else than an incredibly selfish move from someone who is supposed to "know" better.

I really don't care how you justify it to yourself and you will literally never make a convert of me so please spare your time.

but please, continue trying to justify your selfishness in another 5 or 6 2 paragraph posts, I'm sure you're gaining karma in your wonderful new religion.

I thought there were 7 billion people, when did we hit 8?

There are over 7 billion right now, we aren't expected to hit 8 billion until 2026 (according to wikipedia) so it likely is just an error on OP's part.

then watch the new iceage work its magic on humanities numbers.


Wtf did you do to the other 7 billion?!

Good read. I can see it possibly happening.

Also this:

112 popes in power until antichrist shows up. The pope in power now, is.........can you guess which number?


One hundred and ..........

And Petrus Romanus...Peter the Roman is Peter the apostle in Heaven....according to some scholars?? Very interesting!!

Sorry one more, I know everyone here is against Alex Jones, but he has some interesting points here:

I actually like, and sometimes listen to jones. I believe he's legit to a certain degree and always fact check what he says and so far he's really on point. Hes even predicted the explosions in drones, police state, elitists meetings, destruction of u.s. middle class, and many more that he's been hollering since 2000

r/Buddhism :D

oh man, i hate religions and Buddhism is one motherfucker crazy shit.

"uhh oh, everything had been already decided, I will stay here with my eyes closed and discover the secrets of the universe."fucking crazy people

Ha! Perhaps those perspectives need a second look. In all of my time practicing and learning, I've always felt that I have a choice in every tiny matter, and my intentions are reflected throughout the entire Universe.

This comes naturally my friend. Good luck on your journey. This is the part when you reclaim your joy, happiness and love.


Please, implying that the most learned individuals here don't understand this.

This is a half baked drive-by with vote brigading and sockpuppet accounts that have never posted here.

Let's get to solutions. #lovewins

I understand your position. I, however, have not given up hope that we can bring the world to change.

You can't upend the Cryptocracy that's been operating since at least the 1500s, but you can save your soul.

Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. Romans 12:19

"Amazing Evidence For God"

I learned that in half a week, talk about slow learner. You can't do anything and nothing will change. You may have minor victories, but it's only a mosquito bite to those in power.

you can check out any time you like but you can never leave bro.........;

This would be a good spot for the "hate won't win" jingle.

You call it a journey through the world of conspiracies rather than a quest for truth? Sorry but it's easy to tell that you still live within the artificial construct or are constrained by it, and still seeing the world as isolated abstract parts rather than a single interconnected entity. Also the quest for truth and the quest for enlightenment and inner peace go hand in hand.

the only thing worst than ignoring problems is to have been educated to these problems and then consciously decide to ignore them.

You're doing the right thing, people like you don't change the world, they simply try to put back to sleep the ones who might do.

It's okay to leave, because standing here staring into the abyss doesn't really help that much in the end except to power your resolve for change. If it's not doing that, it's just an addiction to rage (which I can attest to being something of a catharsis when the circumstances of one's life are more painful to think about).

However, if your intention is just to go back to Morpheus's land of loveliness, to simply capitulate to tptb, or "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!" (I was of the latter mindset in my teens), then that's the wrong thing to do.

My fight against the establishment is to learn about and promote decentralizing technologies and ideas, to fight against the social divisions that politicians and the media foment, and use my power of my literary persuasiveness to disempower and invalidate the establishment in people's minds while championing the individual, the local community, and the power of real interpersonal connection.

So, I hope you can find a great way to personally avoid the details of why the world is so fucked (you know it is, already) and use your peace of mind to empower you in your new, charitable existence.

Gain gnosis my friend. Some like to think they are the "fringe" of society but are fully enveloped in the world. There are some that truly not meant for thw world that men have created. The Word does not lie. Don't let others get to you.

It took you that long ? You needed to try the red pill a lot earlier. (LSD)

What insults?

Please, show me ONE insult.

it's called being oblivious to the obvious, and you'd know why this sort of ideology is retarded if you really had been doing "research" for the past 10 years.