I want a new conspiracy...

6  2015-07-19 by monsieurpink

So, I've kind of seen it all, done it all from Reptilians to Demon spawns to Iran Contra to Operation Gladio. What's a new conspiracy I haven't heard of?


FAKE moon landings?

9/11 was a GLADIO B operation? here

8 shooters in Dallas 11-22-63? here

Dino Brugioni (CIA photo analyst) on the Zapruder film manipulation? here

Sir Basil Zarahoff "The Merchant of Death"? here

Heard about all, but the last and the fact it was Gladio B. Checking it out.

This YouTube channel, give the stuff in here a try and see how it goes. I'd recommend you watch the Spirit Science playlist.

Going to give it a look. Thank you.

What do you believe so far?

Well, more than enough to scare the American public and possibly the British.

Secret group of good guys with secret plan to take out the secret NWO, it's happening now. Also $93,000 trillion super mega ultra ancient treasure stash!


Notice, this is the conspiracy with a zero score...lowtfl

It would be in negatives if they let scores go below 0...

Already there, they're called the Illuminati. Lol.

That technology is years ahead than your told. And they are making people pissed for a reason . Because people never change while content. sea-sawing the the world. Other wise people would keep the same even kill for to stay happy. So it all kept in the dark. Out of fear of the masses.

So true. Lol.

Wuppertal, you know that this city doesn't exist, do you?

Ehm, I did pass it today though!

That's what they all say. But you are just part of it.

Are you from europe or spent your time around germany? I think you mean another town. There's like a 20 year old conspiracy meme about the existence of a small town in north rhine westfalia. Its not wuppertal though.

And the LAMA camps, way worse then the FEMA camps.

DHS? Or worse? LOL.

Worse then DHS, you can't even imagine.

Lyme disease.

Ah yes, how it was released in Virginia via our own government via a corpse that came from an island near New York, right?

Lyme, NH


Any big new event, almost immediately there's someone claiming some conspiracy about it. No need for facts, evidence, investigation, they just invent a conspiracy theory. See for example https://pay.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/3dwfju/chattanooga_terror_attack_was_just_another/?ref=share&ref_source=link

Hey, who knows, the intelligence community pulls crazy shit out of their bag from time to time. Lol.

You ever fall down the strawman/freeman rabbit hole? Corporate governance, city states, admiralty law and whatnot?

And how it all falls under Roman/Vatican rule like Jordan Maxwell?

Sounds about right.

Hail Pope Caesar!

But even he and Tutankhamun are on the same level. Mind fuck

Child trafficking by CPS...

Do you think they were behind "The Finders" and not the C.I. (Where's the A, John Stockwell? WHERE'S THE MOTHERFUCKING A?!)

Don't know what you're referring to. My bad?

Holy f. Tyvm. 😶

You're welcome. Lol.

Interviewer: "This cube has six sides. A cube has six sides. You say there's four separate days. That doesn't make sense."

Gene Ray: "How can you call a top and bottom a side? You call the top of your bedroom and bottom of your floor a side? That's dumb."


Hehe, priceless. I had no idea there was an interview with him, thanks.

I straight up called this guy like two years ago and he was so hyped on TimeCube. LOL.

If you're a shill trying to distract from the USS liberty discussion, good luck.

Otherwise delete this and make sure you know everything about uss liberty so you can be useful.

Already knew. ;)

Once you go flat, its hard to go back.