OCD thread on the front page reads like a massive advertisement for anti-depressants. They imply that 95 percent of people have symptoms of OCD. They also consider praying to be a "mental ritual." It's sooooo creepy

89  2015-07-20 by [deleted]

You may have noticed that Reddit has been waking up recently....

Link to the thread

Let's not forget recent history. Donald Ewen Cameron (24 December 1901 – 8 September 1967)[1] — known as D. Ewen Cameron or Ewen Cameron — was a Scottish-born psychiatrist who served as President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, American (1952–1953) and World Psychiatric Associations, the American Psychopathological Association and the Society of Biological Psychiatry during the 1950s. Notwithstanding his high professional reputation, he has been criticized for his administration, without informed consent, of disproportionately-intense electroshock therapy and experimental drugs, including LSD, which rendered some patients permanently comatose....During the 1950s and 1960s, Cameron became involved in what has later become known as the MKUltra mind control program, which was covertly sponsored by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

The highest levels of psychiatry were heavily intertwined with MKULTRA. There is no reason to believe that psychiatry is free from corruption today. I'd like to really see what actually happens to people when they enroll in the "studies" where, as they explain in the thread, if you can't afford treatment, you could opt for free "novel research."

Deep brain stimulation (which is a more invasive treatment because an electrode is placed in the brain to change the firing in a particular brain circuit.

Finally, some sites are doing neuro-surgery where lesions are made in specific brain circuits to interrupt them.

Here's some highlights from the thread: All of these are near the top of the thread currently:

The hallmarks of OCD are obsessions and compulsions. The vast majority (over 95% of people) have both. Many people who are classified by pure O (obsessions) actually have mental rituals.

95 percent? ok....These are "mental rituals:"

  • Special words, images, numbers, repeated mentally to neutralize anxiety
  • Special prayers (short or long) repeated in a set manner
  • Mental counting
  • Mental listmaking
  • Mental reviewing (e.g. reviewing conversations or actions)
  • Mental erasing of unwanted mental images
  • Mental un-doing

So, if I say a prayer or take a deep breath and count to 10 to calm down, I'm performing "mental rituals?"

"Can't afford treatment? Become a guinea pig!"

Another way to get expert treatment at no cost is through research studies. www.clinicaltrials.gov is a great resource.

In a "couple of years," we will find out whether or not people who are currently on medication for OCD can wean themselves off eventually.

1) Medications (SSRI - selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) 2) CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), consisting of exposure and response prevention.

What people ask us most, when they're on medication and had CBT, they ask us if they can then go off their medication. This is the study that we're doing currently, in collaboration with Dr. Edna Foa at the University of Pennsylvania. Patients are being enrolled both in Philadelphia and in New York City (in Columbia). We're extremely excited to discover what the answer is. We're halfway through the study right now.

Look out for our "results" in the next few years!

(That would fuck up their bottom line, though. Less people on meds? Yea, right. But, we will "find out" in a couple of years!)

Hundreds of thousands of redditors today will wonder whether or not they have a mental disease because they sometimes worry or pick their nails. The percentage of people on this website who take anti-depressants is going to obviously skyrocket.

Here's some side effects of the medication they are pushing all over that thread. Do a word search for "side effects" and see how many times that is mentioned on this "AMA."

From NIH.gov:

You should know that your mental health may change in unexpected ways when you take sertraline or other antidepressants even if you are an adult over 24 years of age. You may become suicidal, especially at the beginning of your treatment and any time that your dose is increased or decreased. You, your family, or your caregiver should call your doctor right away if you experience any of the following symptoms: new or worsening depression; thinking about harming or killing yourself, or planning or trying to do so; extreme worry; agitation; panic attacks; difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep; aggressive behavior; irritability; acting without thinking; severe restlessness; and frenzied abnormal excitement.

dry mouth
decreased sexual ability
decreased memory or concentration
stuffy nose
change in appetite or weight
uncontrollable shaking of a part of the body
fast, irregular, or pounding heartbeat
difficulty urinating or loss of bladder control
believing things that are not true
hallucinations (seeing things or hearing voices that do not exist)
difficulty breathing or fast breathing
severe muscle stiffness
unusual tiredness or weakness
sore throat, fever, and other signs of infection

This is MKULTRA-level shit. If you can't afford medication, find a researcher near you who will interrupt your brain circuits.

Edit: Check this out:

OCD Symptoms More Widespread Than You Think: 94% Of People Have Intrusive Thoughts. I originally thought the researchers made a mistake and simply implied that 95 percent of people have "symptoms of OCD," but this is not true. Apparently, 95 percent of all people have "symptoms of OCD."


The entire movie "Limitless" was a blatant advertisement for pharmeceuticalizing youth and I actually saw kids who were adversely motivated by that movie to medicate themselves.

The entire Unitd States has been devolving into a system of corporate exploitation and slavery. Seriously nothing is owned by regular people anymore. They have lockstep taken over every facet of existence to the point that EVERYTHING is bad.

They are milking peoples' housing and insurance costs upping the costs and deteriorating peoples' lifestyles. The buildings and infrastructure in the US are turning to crap. Cheap decrepit buildings and obsolete and short-circuiting cabling. Weeds growing on crumbling roadways and unsafe bridges. That's because they're not living in their own wasteland.

I've had 2 major corporations literally steal money from me. There is no Uncle Sam anymore. There is no US Government. What we used to know of as a government is not ours anymore. We are not voting for people who work for us. What has Bernie Sanders done? What has Donald Trump done? What has Hillary Clinton done? NAME SOMETHING TANGIBLE, YOU CAN'T.

This is not the government of the US People. This is the government of corporations. Nobody gives a shit about us. We will literally die and they'll just keep wasting our money purposelessly. They seriously don't give a shit.

How many years have people on here complained about Comcast, and not a penny was returned to anybody, and the FCC is such a fraudulent organization it literally did nothing to Comcast and they all laughed and spent the money they stole from us FOR THAT FUCKING INSTITUTION WHOSE FOUNDING MISSION WAS TO PROTECT US. We are eternally shafted. I hate this fucking country for what they have done to themselves. That is the clearest sign of evil, when the leaders start doing it to their own people. For that they should not be easily forgiven.

BEHOLD THE EVIL OF THE UNITED STATES. I suggest it will be completely apparent by the piece of crap who gets appointed President of the people. CHOOSE FROM THE ENTRENCHED ELITES WHO HAVE DONE ABSOLUTELY FUCK ALL NOTHING FOR ANY OF THE HUMAN PEOPLE.

Yea, I love it. You're not normal, but being on drugs for the rest of your life is! Take a drug to be normal. Take a drug to keep up. Take a drug to feel good. Take a drug to get healthy. Just do drugs! Do all the drugs!

I see what you see and it is so surreal to me still. Like everything that is going on is completely opposite of what normal is.

Right, I think... THIS Corporate society labels people abnormal, rather than actually cherishing differences, and rather also than acknowledging society's toxic causation of some childrens' problems... Then, THIS Corporate society promotes the medication of youth as the new "normal".

Our money gets stolen, that's THE NEW NORMAL. THIS Government's agencies specifically founded to protect us take our money and then DO NOTHING in specific cases where they were founded to protect.


THOMAS JEFFERSON : Would never be able to believe what THIS GOVERNMENT has done to people at his memorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrYgjPGgNnc

THIS is how the US Government treats its own people: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bVa6jn4rpE




I agree with everything you say. Love that last bit about the government eavesdropping.

I still have hope though. Things will turn around. And I wish the best for you too!

Hey thanks buddy. Same in return.

Thanks mate!

"Corporate society?"

No my friend, this "normalization" is exclusively to keep the government schools churning without any disturbance by artistic kids, questioning kids, male kids, intellectual kids, or exemplary kids.

Like everything that is going on is completely opposite of what normal is.

the textbook definition of evil.

Sure does look it!

I love how praying the way people have for thousands of years is now OCD. What is the Jesus Prayer or Rosary but "set repetitive praying ", I mean in both (and they go back to the Middle Ages) you even count repetitions. I can't even think of what they'd make of a church service.

The D in OCD stands for Disorder. The mental rituals described in OPs post are only OCD if you cannot stop yourself from performing them, if the rituals adversely affect your day to day life and if they take up a considerable amount of time i.e. 1hr plus.

This does not include prayer, don't be silly. >I love how praying the way people have for thousands of years is now OCD. What is the Jesus Prayer or Rosary but "set repetitive praying ", I mean in both (and they go back to the Middle Ages) you even count repetitions. I can't even think of what they'd make of a church service.

It's not. It calls praying a mental ritual, which it is. Meditation is also a mental ritual. Hell, singing the words to your favorite song every day is a mental ritual. You're really stretching to be offended here.

I actually saw kids who were adversely motivated by that movie to medicate themselves.

A psychiatrist with a fairly well-known blog wrote on there words to the effect that half of all the workers in Silicon Valley are taking modafinil which was described to me for the first time around ten years ago by a person with 10-15 different psych drug scrips at any one time. (The shrinks call this regimen a cocktail.) She told me that the drug is great but one of the potential side effects is a fatal rash and her doctor told her to go directly to the emergency room if she found she had a rash.

The psychiatrist with the silicon valley modafinil quip informed us all that the fatal rash side-effect actually has no proven connection to modafinil whatsoever; it was a scare tactic from anti-drug puritans and a pharmaceutical urban legend for the credulous.

Ok, well... Half of the workers is 1 assumptive stretch, the credibility of a nondoctor is another, the rash advice purportedly came from her doctor, so, that's questionably sourced on his part as you've suggested the info isn't factual, or perhaps he had a reason for saying it other than as a strict side effect, perhaps he included the information because it was public already and if his patient heard the information she might need to be precautioned.

Anyway... Your pro-drug last paragraph is lopsided on your part. Phrasing the problem as an open/shut case is a gross reduction of reality, and it's a despicable shame if you've used it in your own mind to rule out the due diligence of conducting investigation into those matters of death.

Moreover you are portraying a shift on the burden of proof away from the entity whose capacity is to cause massive widespread harm, and you're putting it onto the people who are harmed, requiring them to prove that their own death was from the drug they took.

You should learn to take no harm from a properly directed investigation.

TIL that I and pretty much everyone I know have OCD and should be medicated with something that, if we stop suddenly, may cause us to kill ourselves or others.

No, thank you, you soulless, murdering shills.

Fuckin' bravo.

It reminds me of a project I've been kicking around regarding all of the shootings since Columbine and tracking medications via FOIA requests and official court documents.

Want to try and put a paper together? I used to get paid to do this stuff...


I would be glad to help research. Message me for help.

Silent weapons for quiet wars.

Yes, sounds like shilling.

95% of people do have some symptoms of OCD, which doesn't necessarily mean they have OCD. Most people don't.

Praying is a mental ritual. I'm not even sure what makes that a big deal. (I am not religious, but still, who cares?)

Praying is a mental ritual. I'm not even sure what makes that a big deal. (I am not religious, but still, who cares?)

Because OCD is about rituals that you feel compelled to do out of irrational thoughts and that tend to have a negative effect on your ability to conduct your life.

If you've been told since you're an infant that there was a man in the sky and you should have a conversation with him every day or so ,there's nothing mental about doing it.

It's when your rituals become a negative force in your life or you feel scared/uncomfortable if you don't do them that it rises to the level of OCD.

Someone choosing to speak in their head to a fictional entity is not the same thing as having OCD. It's a gross oversimplification.

Mental means inside your mind. It can also mean insane, that is not the context here but I think you think it is.

Having a conversation with God is a mental exercise. It happens in the mind, regardless of if you believe they're talking to god or themselves.

I dont think we disagree. My point was just that one can do mental exercises without having ocd or being irrational.

Nothing wrong with doing any of those things. It's wrong when others get it into their heads that there is something wrong with one of those things.

Yup, nothing to see there. Just some drug dealers legally advertising their products. Very normal.

Wonder if using the homeless as guinea pigs is soon to be restricted somehow and Redditors are a new, gullible cache of fresh meat: https://medium.com/matter/did-big-pharma-test-your-meds-on-homeless-people-a6d8d3fc7dfe

A likely casualty: http://www.ibtimes.com/rudy-eugene-autopsy-finds-pills-no-human-flesh-stomach-after-miami-cannibal-attack-702243

Reading comprehension: check minus

They said 95% of people with OCD suffer FROM BOTH compulsions AND obsessions, not that 95% of all people have OCD.

Is this a joke, are you people really this stupid?


Having a symptom does not mean you have the illness. I sneezed while chopping up some pepper, I must have the flu!

Intrusive thoughts are 100% normal. Every friend I've talked to has them. It's part of having an imagination. I'd be more concerned with those that claim they do not have intrusive thoughts - either they heed these bad ideas, or their brain isn't functioning normally to produce them.


edit: And you modified (removed one comment and completely changed another) your response to me because it didn't fit your narrative. Jesus. Get a life, loser.


What they are doing is pathologizing normal human traits. If 95% of people have this trait, it's normal. It may or may not be a trait or behavior that is positive and functional, but it doesn't need medication.

Don't let them both you, just use or download res and give them a nice color to remind you why they are here, I give them a green color for obvious reasons.


Your instinct on it is probably true and those of us here that are here for real discussion would agree with you. Just mark them so you can Identify them and do not engage them at all, this allows others not familiar with whats going on to see it too and they will stop.

...they also do not resort to ad hominem attacks for no reason..

You deleted your other post, so I'll post my response here anyway because I happened to see it before you pulled it.

Frankly, I don't really care about their post. You're coming in here screaming FIRE and then getting defensive when there's clearly holes in your argument. You're being just as manipulative as you suggest the others to be.

Want to talk about powerful words? Being disingenuous is powerful.

edit, your post:

Here's the line again, which near the very top of the thread for many hours: The hallmarks of OCD are obsessions and compulsions. The vast majority (over 95% of people) have both. They clearly meant 95 percent of people with OCD, but forgot to add that part in. Coincidence or not, it's misleading. I don't see the point in attacking one very small aspect of my post. I already know some people will think the researchers made an honest mistake here, just like they accidentally forgot to mention anything about side effects.

Thank you. I really thought I was the only one who saw it. I rarely venture into this sub and this shit is the reason why. On top of what you pointed out, those "rituals" they're talking about aren't someone counting to 10 in order to calm down; they're talking about things like counting all the steps you take. Saying a phrase 3 times in your head every time you cross through a door. Making lists of things constantly in your mind. Counting the amount of letters in the words before you say them. THAT is OCD. And living with that, without treatment, is a god damned nightmare.

If treatment constitutes of taking drugs which cause brain damage and manic behavior then you are going from a "nightmare" to living hell. Learning self soothing is the key, popping pills is putting a band-aid on a compound fracture.

Not even as helpful as a bandaid, they're actively destructive.

more caps, more upvotes

I would have thought it would be 100% since it's Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, not Obsessive and or Compulsive disorder.

Couldn't tell you. I'd assume that people lean more into one part of the spectrum than others, eg: your primary is obsession but your secondary is compulsion.