Am I cracking up, becoming paranoid due to being overworked/ and stressed? Or am I being set up by someone, a group, or possibly the authorities/government? If I might be getting setup, where/who would I turn to for help? - Story inside.

6  2015-07-23 by [deleted]



As I had stated, I am open to that probability, and I do plan on sleeping well for the next two days starting here in a few hours, but can you give reasons why you think this may be the case. Why all of these little things are nothing to worry about. and that I've "put myself own self out of my own mind"?

All I'm seeking is some explanations. Did you read all of it?

Also, please don't downvote this, please let others see if as I'd like a few opinions.

Thank you.



Hahaha, good times. Can you see how I would fit the pieces together though?

Or... not all one thing, but sets of really weird shit, or seemingly weird, that maybe kinda fit together?

I guess it doesn't matter.


I'm important to some... but probably not important enough compared to all of the other important people! I don't think I'm having delusions of my place in society.

Well, I don't think I've permanently hurt myself, but, yes, I'll back off as noted in other comments. I actually do plan on leaving adderall for an ssri after this bottle, or the next, depending on what situation the move puts me in. Finding a good psych is hard. I take the adderall for major clinical depression. I have conviction, drive, but no energy to put that into action, unless I have an adderall XR in me.

I'm feeling quite a bit better now. Thanks for helping out.

I'm going to leave the post up, maybe with a few edits to not expose who I am IRL, and maybe it be used as a study, or an example, for others, if anyone will be interested.


You might be making your own assumptions now.


I don't think it's the time for arguments, or debates about this, or whatever this will turn into.

I don't believe that I'm addicted to adderall, hell I just started this bottle when not using any for 3 weeks! I was taking them, XR, over time, to stay up and finish tasks, without fatigue, not get high or w/e (I'd imagine that's a shitty high... stressful high?).

He gave it to me for energy and focus. It seems to work. I took too much, over a period of two days. That's my mistake, but I was trying to make things happen, get shit done, work-wise.

wean yourself off of all psych meds, see a shrink for a bit

tried that several times, I think five times, with different doctors, it's a no go

paranoid wacko is a bit harsh, but okay, a non-violent, overthinking wacko :)

Yeah, and promoting SSRI's is fucking stupid.

Can you explain why?

SSRI's are a mental straight jacket. Yeah, not as bad as anti-psycs, but they seriously limit your ability to THINK and really solve problems (users aren't even able to realize they can't think most of the time). Plus.... impotence and no sex drive. Sure, if someone is going to kill themselves anyway it's better then suicide, but only by one click.

I think you need to take a deep breath, a long hot bath, smoke a fatty, chill, and clear your mind. You are over thinking. I would not tell you this had I read a single thing that concerned me about your story.

Things are fucked up in the world. Keep your finger on the pulse of it all if you are in to that. But remember to turn the internet off, turn the tv off, put your phone away, and disconnect from it all long enough to have a healthy reset or you will be your own worst enemy.

Landlords are people too.. I have dealt with many and many rentals. They probably mentioned air force and cps to convince you not to mess with them, like stealing the lawnmower.. I am a business owner, sometimes I wait weeks, even months a few times, to cash clients checks.

I wasn't at all alarmed by the conversation the guys had that you posted from that thread you made either.

What do I know? Just giving you my 2 cents. Hate to think you are losing sleep at night over these things you mentioned.

There is nothing to worry about until there is something to worry about. Peace!

Worst case scenario? This is taken from a website about (maybe over the edge) conspiracy theory but the section on manipulative tactics is much more general, and interesting to learn about.

Tricking Suspects

"One trick (or variations of it) that has been used with suspects is to arrest them, place the suspect in a situation where the police are in two groups--one group looks like police, the other group looks like the group the suspect has come from. After the suspect arrives, the group pretending to be arrested group members, overpowers the police contingent and escapes to another setting where another police group pretending to be even more of the suspect’s group ask him who he is and to explain his credentials. Letting his guard down, the original suspect explains what he is all about, thereby giving them the information they needed in the first place. Variations of this script can be run."

In your case, remove all references to being arrested and replace them with moving to a new location.

My point is that people have given enough thought on how to go about manipulating people's trust. That being said, the level of extravagance, attention to detail, and overall time required to plot something against you seems a bit over the top.

"and I'm putting together puzzle pieces that don't fit?"

It seems like they do fit ... maybe in a fuzzy way. In all these types of instances we have to make the decision whether or not to attribute them to an overactive, pattern searching brain, which just happened to come across weird, statistically unlikely, coincidences. Or...we could just dismiss them all, since they lead to uncover (perhaps necessary, or worthwhile) conspiracy and discover (not necessary, but perhaps worthwhile) religion.

My point is that people have given enough thought on how to go about manipulating people's trust.

I'm trying to follow all of this, as unlikely as it may be... so someone/group could be trying to get me to make more posts on the internet? Or make this post? I'm not following you, but I do appreciate the time taken to help me understand.

Yes, an overly tired mind, seeking patterns (which is what I meant by my analogy), putting together weird coincidences can happen. I am open to that as well, but would also like to understand the other item you are suggesting.

Yes, I should have specified which of your strange situations I was referring to: the conversation on Voat. Suppose you move to your new location and one or both of these people (or you) propose further friendship either through internet, in person or both and their true intentions are ... well, not friendship.

At least, that's the only thing potentially negative/conspiratorial/suspicious thing about what you wrote above.

Overall, would you this to be an impossibility? A minuscule fraction of a chance?

Seems very unlikely. They were talking about terrorists and shit. I wouldn't want to hangout. I banned them, and deleted their comments.

... but maybe it was innocent comments, and paranoia was behind the driver's wheel. If so, I'll just delete the sub so someone else can take over.

Just offering the worst case scenario as I hope was establish in my first post. I would definitely sort out reducing or eliminating your desire for Adderall, first. You mention jumping towards SSRI's, and although the child thread did a good job of establishing why this might not be a good idea, I also concur. He also mentions pot has a potential for creating delusions, but I'd give that a try (definitely before SSRI's) and ignore that opinion (although it has some truth to it, depending on your personality) It's the most natural way (ideally vaporization) to relieve anxiety I know of.

Good luck, sir.

It may or may not be what you think, but there are two approaches that I would suggest.

The first option is what I would definitely do. Just be fearless. Have faith in who you are and in your purpose here. You know that you are a good person and there is no reason for anyone to be suspicious of you for criminal behavior. If they are trying to mess with you, set you up, observe, or whatever, just let it be. Don't be scared. Don't question it. Just believe in who you are.

The second option is to stop the Adderall for a few days and see what happens. It should help you to feel less paranoid. Since your mind is focused on figuring out if this possibility is true, you will be so aware of it, trying to study all information that might lead you to the truth.

You're welcome! I hope you find peace and happiness!

You're thinking of too many probabilities. Basically, anything is possible. You can sit there and question possibilities all day long, but it won't do that much good. It will stop you or greatly hinder you from making decisions and following through with them. This is very fear-based.

Weigh the benefits and the risks. Things that you can't control, just let it be. Everything may or may not not turn out perfectly, but either way, you will have done your best with honesty and integrity.

By the way, I feel that things will turn out great for you.

Ah, thank you very much!

I was just pushing it too much. I'll stop taking these for a while, and see if an SSRI is a better replacement for these for my depression. The depression causes my energy levels to plummet.

I wish the best for you as well!

Please make sure you know what you're going to be taking. Do the research and try to find others like you who are taking it.

This is how I feel and I might be wrong. Adderall is very mild compared to SSRI's and is not as toxic to the mind or body. Maybe you could just lower the dosage a bit after your break or something. I could just be worrying because I don't know much about SSRI's.

And thank you love!

Most of these comments are telling you not to worry. I'm afraid for you these people found this comment and are telling you not to worry. Now I'm jeopardized


Hilter had lists


Was Hitler really bad though, or was propaganda just that good?


So was Bush but that's comparing oranges to apples as far as artists. I wasn't alive at the time and I'm sure you weren't either to have known him personally and all we have are stories from the victors, and we all know who writes history. So is it possible to lie to make oneself look better?


No, here fine he was bad. Happy?

You're next on their list. :]

I'm ok with that, anything to further the agenda

Haha. Nice way to mess with his head.

I'm trying to help, the fact I and others noticed his post might botch their plans for him. While adding some "possible" humor

Please do not take this the wrong way, to much time on your hands, get out there and be a man.

What does that link to?

I think that the problem might be that I'm working too much, being "out there" too much, and just need some sleep.

What does that link to?

A type of therapy, just have to find one that works for you.

I'm important to some... but probably not important enough compared to all of the other important people! I don't think I'm having delusions of my place in society.

Well, I don't think I've permanently hurt myself, but, yes, I'll back off as noted in other comments. I actually do plan on leaving adderall for an ssri after this bottle, or the next, depending on what situation the move puts me in. Finding a good psych is hard. I take the adderall for major clinical depression. I have conviction, drive, but no energy to put that into action, unless I have an adderall XR in me.

I'm feeling quite a bit better now. Thanks for helping out.

I'm going to leave the post up, maybe with a few edits to not expose who I am IRL, and maybe it be used as a study, or an example, for others, if anyone will be interested.