Not a single post about the theater shooting is on the Top page of this sub right now?

53  2015-07-24 by DontTreadOnMe16

I find it a little suspicious that so few people are talking about that event this morning. Personally, it looked like a giant training op to me.

Within an hour of the shooting they had state, local and city police, FBI, DHS, District Attorneys Office, ATF, and both the Mayor and Governor all on the scene?

Two witnesses on CNN who were in the theater next to the theater where the shooting occurred reported hearing NO gunshots, but heard the people screaming next door and then the fire alarm went off?

Edit: The amount of trolls showing up to this post is even more suspicious. If you don't think it's a conspiracy, then why are you even here? To voice your belief in the official story? Great, then go join the conversation over at /r/news


The sub is being overrun worse than usual. the real community needs to step up and do some voting.

In the new queue at that.

Doesn't matter. This sub was destroyed a while ago. If your post isn't about Jews or some other racist nonsense it will get buried.

No True Scotsman Fallacy

OK Mr. 13 day old account.

My username age is irrelevant, as it did not cause you to commit a logical fallacy.

logical fallacy - a fallacy in logical argumentation fallacy, false belief - a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning

Where is the misconception false belief?

So you are saying the large amount of race baiting posts that are new to this sub are somehow normal to this sub?

Even you called one race baiting and called out brigading on it.

Funny when your only conspiracy related post was an attempt to debunk 911 nanothermite.

Funny when your only conspiracy related post was an attempt to debunk 911 nanothermite.

I actually had no interest in debunking it. I was asked by someone I was debating and realized I had no answer for that.

Nice ad hominem, though.

Generally, new accounts obsessed with calling out logical fallacies as if that itself is making a point, are big red flags. The no true scotsman fallacy doesn't even apply and that's also not an ad hominem.

The sub is overrun with new accounts that do misdirection, race-baiting, and standard pseudo-intellectual contrarian masturbation. The age of an account is completely relevant to that discussion.

Generally, new accounts obsessed with calling out logical fallacies as if that itself is making a point, are big red flags.

Says who? What evidence do you actually have that this is common shill behaviour? Is this a trait common among the user profiles who were outed by independent means (admission, leaked info etc).

I didn't say that this is common shill behavior. I said it raises red flags.

The thing that ties these things together, in my opinion, is an effort to obfuscate issues and drag down discussion.

What the individual posters' motivations are for doing so isn't my point. Just that strategies are recognizable.

Of course, sometimes it isn't a strategy. Some people are just not as smart as they think they are and have a tendency to be obsequious.

College freshman detected.

Ad hominem much?


Why not?

Abuse of fallacy. Fifteen Yards, Loss of Down!

The fallacy requires, by definition, a universal truth to be hidden by the claim (e.g. a person from Scotland is a Scotsman, regardless of belief or statements they make.)

A person who holds a specific belief, may or may not be a member of a social group or community that holds those beliefs and therefore their position as a member of that group or community can fluctuate based on actions or beliefs they hold.

Two witnesses on CNN who were in the theater next to the theater where the shooting occurred reported hearing NO gunshots

Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.

If you're still wondering why there isn't a flood of posts on top, it's because we're waiting for more information before we draw a conclusion.

Well put, where is the evidence there was even a shooting? Apart from bobble heads and trustful police pundits.

I'm not waiting. Anyone who believes the official story is a moron.

Why? Do they lie 100% of the time?

When it comes to mass shootings, almost assuredly.

I live in Lafayette and there is nothing suspicious about this incident. Immediately clinging to any and every little thing about every tragic event and calling it a conspiracy involving elements of the government is simply going to discredit conspiracy theories and reinforce the stereotypes that those who have things to hide desire. Unless you have some evidence or credible hypothesis shut the fuck up.

I'm here too. I'm sorry to everyone but this kind of shit would never fly in LA. Everyone knows everyone here in Laffy. It's a big city with a small town heart. Why is the mayor being there a problem? He lives 2 minutes away what do you expect?

Does the Governor live 2 minutes away?

Edit: At 9:30 on a Thursday night

The governor was in BR. If you hit the interstate around 7 with light traffic it only takes an hour to get over the basin. If that. The shooting started and the gov wasn't here until almost 2 hours later. If you want to see a play by play I posted a live thread here last night and posted updates as they happen. Similarly, the FBI office downtown is about 2 minutes away, the same building also houses Homeland Security. Geographically the city is wide, but the population is centered around that theater l. It's basically the most travelled rode in the city, and that spot especially is really trafficked.

Maybe you should do some simple research before you jump to moronic conclusions.

I have to agree. I don't think a false flag would ever work in Lafayette, too many real people would be trying to help and would see the bs.

Not if they contain it to a single theater at a movie theater. The only people that would need to know about it/be in on it would be the people in just that one theater... everyone else would just be an unsuspecting participant.

Not saying that this is what happened, just saying that it's not that ridiculous of a scenario. If this was a coordinated training exercise for all agencies involved, they wouldn't tell you that either.

That's three users from Lafayette dropping in within an hour of one another... Not suspicious at all. Just reddit as usual.

That's nothing. Three fake army buddies did the exact same thing to the incredible debunking video that for a short while graced the front page here. Perfectly normal...

Reminds me of Sandy Hook all over again. EVERYONE was a related.

Lol. Yyup. Glad to see some of us are still on the ball here. I've been splitting time between Voat and here. Guess ingot into voat at a good time, I hear it's invite only atm. Heheheh.

This fucking sub infuriates me for this reason

Not everything in a conspiracy.

Yes it is.

At -4 when I see this. Gotta love this sub sometimes.

Not everything the media/police tell you is true.

See? Both of our points are arguably correct, but that doesn't add anything to the conversation. If you don't think it was a conspiracy, then how about you get out of /r/conspiracy ?

This sub didn't used to be like you seem to want it to be. You're the reason that "conspiracy theorists" are given a bad name. OMG SOMEBODY DIED IT'S A CONSPIRACY! NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT THIS!? But then you provide no evidence of why you feel it is a conspiracy, other than "EVERYTHING THAT THE POLICE TELLS YOU IS A LIE!" Fuck outta here.

I didn't say everything the media/police is true, did I? Some people on this forum think everything in a conspiracy. I come here b/c it's entertaining. Some disgruntled old man that killed two people isn't a conspiracy. You sound like an angry guy.

sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

no evidence yet, just the usual suspect ending

I saw it on the front page earlier today.

I intuited as much: "The individual was quite likely contending with matrimonial or otherwise sentimental-relational woes."

"Police also say he was "estranged" from his family. His wife filed for divorce in March in part because of erratic, sometimes violent, behavior, according to AP."

There were actually several witnesses who reported hearing gunshots.


We are a nation brought up on lies upon lies, why is it bad to ask questions again?

OP isn't seeking question to be asked, OP is asking why we don't have evidence that this is a conspiracy and staged event, because no crazy person would ever shoot innocent bystanders unless the government hired all of them.

You do realize what subreddit you're in, right? If you're offended by alternative opinions you should probably not come here.

I think the world is flat is not an "alternative opinion."

It is outright refusal to accept scientific fact and insanity.

Some of you need to read this and understand it.

No, it's not your opinion. You're just wrong.

This is just a blind appeal to authority. Just because some authoritative person or organization has spoon fed you a conclusion without any evidence to back it up does not mean it should be accepted without rational debate. Science based on the scientific method, repeatable experiments and observations is absolutely valid, but $cience by dictate MUST be challenged.

If all you can do is shout "science denier!" at someone who presents a view that is not the mainstream, then you are nothing but a parrot.

You know what, you're absolutely right. predicted it

It also said:

20 October 2015    |    New World Dollar (Yuan)   


look at history along with the Jewish calendar HISTORY repeats itself and the OIL crisis is lined up perfect so idk why you would say no....

Yuans... You honestly think a new world currency would be called a Yuan..? You also think that they would "deploy" it without telling the public about it at all (with less than 3 months left to go!). I don't think so.

Further to that, The whole world will get this currency eh? Russia? China? Korea? Don't think so...

Think before you type. Don't just blindly follow what the internet says.

It's not even August. You can't say nope until October 21st.

This is true, but I guarantee that this won't happen. 3 Months to arrange a new world currency without telling the public... pfftt.. Whatever...


Yup. This attitude confirms it.

My attitude means nothing in this dicussion. The fact is, it won't happen unless it's a surprise to 95% of the public - which won't go down well...

It'll probably only be a suprise to anyone who doesn't follow international affairs and even then they won't care at all until it effects grocery store and gas station prices. Then things will really start to fall apart. I can imagine the US hanging on for a good 7 months after losing reserve currency status before riots start getting violent. Next Summer should be interesting to say the least.

I'll be damned if it didn't.

What did it predict? I only see "24 July - Unknown". Also, what is that site?

I haven't done enough research but I did find the Facebook page of one of the victims and it definitely looked legit. Do you think anyone actually died?


Posted a thread right after it happened . Down voted by shills instantly .

Downvoted by people who make their opinions fact based not emotion based.

Bad shit happens in the world all on its own. Not every fucking news story is a mother fucking conspiracy.

Someone who waits for details before coming to a conclusion is not a "shill"... they simply react to fact, rather than emotion.

I live about 4 blocks away and didn't hear anything.

Theaters are made to be soundproof so that you cant hear the movie in the room next to you, not to much of a stretch to say that the building blocked the sounds.

If this were a false flag the media would be hyping it a lot more.

I understand that. My point was that if you can hear the screams of the people in that theater, then you sure as shit would have heard gun shots.

Have you ever shot a handgun? That shit is loud (unless we find out it was a .22, in which case I could see not being able to hear that).

Have you ever been to a movie theater? Hearing sounds of gunshots is pretty common, considering most "action" movies involve gunfights.

They're going overtime attempting to slide* this former front page discussion way....way off the front page. Censorship of the truth in action.


The US has become a veritable cornucopia of spying and assassination; what a time to be a conspiracy researcher.

I posted theater shooting thread, was immediately downvoted "what's the conspiracy" as if James Holmes isn't currently in trial. exactly does that make it a conspiracy?

It doesn't

The people who think Holmes is a conspiracy are badly misinformed, fail to address facts, and make all of us look like loons.

Let me guess you believe in flat earth and reptilians too.


its an allegorical meme

there are plenty of inconsistencies with the official narrative on Holmes including many that are routinely posted here and discussed.

I am noticing a rise in straw man arguments about people who try to point these things out though...

Let me guess you are Hitler who returned from an outer space mission after decades of hiding.

Really? I was called a shill for pointing out that people shot in Theater 8 were hit by rounds that went through the wall.

thats my point. it seems everyone is a shill when it comes to this story. how could anything other than what the news says be true?

like why are these people even here. why are you tryna tell me i believe in reptilians because i don't believe james holmes pried an emergency exit door open by himself without anyone noticing.

attacking character for a pretty basic and straight forward belief is suspect at best.

because i don't believe james holmes pried an emergency exit door open by himself without anyone noticing.

Because you clearly are uninformed. Within minutes of the shooting we had numerous reports from people in the theater who watched him "answer a phone, walk out the exit door, and then return because he had propped the door open."

07.20 08:05: /u/faraya: Witness is saying someone received a phone call, went to Exit door and held it open with his foot. After this the shooter came in. 711:00:00 mark on 9News

07.20 16:56: According to 9News, the shooter bought a ticket, propped the emergency door, armed himself, and came in.

07.20 11:38: /u/mvpmets00: Aurora gunman propped open rear door of theater, put on gear, threw tear gas and began shooting.

07.20 08:05: /u/faraya: Witness is saying someone received a phone call, went to Exit door and held it open with his foot. After this the shooter came in. 711:00:00 mark on 9News

07.20 08:00: /u/shankee: Federal officials: Aurora gunman propped open rear door of theater, put on gear, threw tear gas, and began shooting. source

07.20 03:06: Witness interview from earlier being replayed. Witness in Theater 9 was young woman. She described a man about 6' tall kicked through the door in a riot helmet and bulletproof vest. He was completely covered in all black, with goggles. After that, she and her boyfriend dropped to the floor. They got up, ran through the emergency exit. Shooter made his way up the stairs and started shooting people with the shotgun.

07.20 02:06: On /r/denver: Comment from /u/ThePenguinist: My best friend was at this. She said it happened about 30-40 minutes into the midnight premiere. Someone burst through the door and started shooting tear gas and then a gun. The only reason they got out was because they hit the ground and went for the door on their bellies.

Those are all less than 12 hours after the event.

This is an incredibly ignored resource that shows how initial reports get blown out of proportion (like the usual "multiple gunman" claim - because how else could people in two theaters get shot that are separated by sheetrock and insulation that isn't bulletproof!?

The earliest reports are typically where you will get the most truth about a questionable situation (along with much misinformation as well). But later reports can be just as easily inaccurate/manipulated to fit the story that the media and the police want you to hear.

Earliest reports are often the easiest to get wrong as well - that's why you should be looking at ALL the reports, not a 2 paragraph summary or a 4 minute youtube video to form your opinion.

I could not agree more sir. I hope you are not implying that that is what I did.

i love how you do nothing to discredit the possibility of a second suspect.


How hard it is to put your phone up to your ear without a call and walk out side holding it to your ear?

what purpose would it serve the shooter to do that? you literally make no sense. you tell me he was in direct contact with another perp via your own recollection of events, yet tell me im wrong for thinking so.

what purpose would it serve the shooter to do that? you literally make no sense.

To not alarm people in the theater as he makes his exit to his car to gather his weapons?

That makes no sense to you?

you tell me he was in direct contact with another perp via your own recollection of events, yet tell me im wrong for thinking so.

No, I tell you that initial reports of a second shooter are common in almost every single mass shooting ever - and in this case came from people being injured in both theater 8 and 9 - but some of those injuries were caused by pieces of wood from the wall separating the two theaters ending up as shrapnel and you still won't accept the fact that it did not require two people to cause those wounds in both theaters.

Sigh, another false flag. It's getting boring, that's why.

Being that whatever happened happened today, I don't think you can really expect rational minds to have already come up with some sort of conspiracy theory yet, even if it really is one. It takes time to assess the incident and determine whether it is even believable or not. In the first 12 or 24 hrs of an incident like this there is an avalanche of information and misinformation/disinformation. Why would you expect people on the internet to instantaneously solve this question? (By that I mean whether or not a conspiracy exists, or in other words whether or not the "official story" is to be believed) It takes time; for minds to meet, for inconsistencies to be noticed/pointed out to others, and for conclusions to build from those. If someone had a fully thought out conspiracy theory the same day as an incident occurred, and didn't have some sort of "inside knowledge" of the event, I would be calling BS right away. If you weren't there you're limited to what you can see from TV and the internet.

TLDR: Have patience, there is no use in jumping the gun and going off on the wrong trail just because you're in a hurry to "solve the mystery"

The antigun crowd is hard at work in the one post calling out the 'coincidence' of Obama lamenting gun ownership and the theater shooting. I mean hard at work. Downvote City and Strawman Central.

Edit: lol downvotes....

It's a false flag hoax and you are the target, yes you who reads this!

Because nobody cares

I think it was Cliché that he:

  • Was "a drifter"
  • Was staying at a motel
  • Was driving a 1995 Blue Lincoln Continental
  • Has three names

Edited: English is hard.

Funny when your only conspiracy related post was an attempt to debunk 911 nanothermite.

I actually had no interest in debunking it. I was asked by someone I was debating and realized I had no answer for that.

Nice ad hominem, though.

what purpose would it serve the shooter to do that? you literally make no sense. you tell me he was in direct contact with another perp via your own recollection of events, yet tell me im wrong for thinking so.