Question: who else believes that most (if not all) of these recent massacres are false flags

52  2015-07-24 by TheCocaineFairy

Or am I just out of my tree?


I think this is quite likely. But it is extremely important not to make claims based just on a hunch. Each of them should be examined individually with a focus on the evidence.

Nope. If you have a couple of hundred million people and give them a free pass to buy guns and ammo. Then make their lives fucking intolerable, it doesn't take too much for one of these to 'lose his grip' and blow people away. In fact, with just how miserable life is for millions of U.S. citizens it's a miracle these aren't happening every day. The more the screws are turned on your lives, the more these things will happen. I'll tell you how you can stop all of these mass shootings. Reduce the working week to 30 hours, increase the min wage to $20 per hour, if there is a jobs shortage the Gvt should just invent really easy, pleasant jobs that pay lots of cash, invest in the arts and entertainment massively, plant flowers in every City, make everywhere fucking beautiful. Throw big free parties for everyone to go to, organize special events that are inclusive for all. Put positive TV programs on and outlaw violence on TV. Make every citizen feel they are an asset to the nation and to the world, make sure nobody is friendless, that every person is cared for. Increase the happiness of every person, once this is achieved you'll have zero mass murders.

U.S. Society is the polar opposite of this. Everyone is made to feel they are a liability - global warming, it's all your fault! Racism - all your fault! Banking crisis because you borrowed too much! Lack of food because you eat too much! Lack of water because you use too much! Etc. Then the TV bombards you with images of murder, rape, pedophiles, gluttony, greed, selfishness 'greed is good', lust etc. Then you are told 'you have a problem - go to your doctor and let him find what it is' and you'll be told you're bipolar, depressed, anxious, stressed, or one of the other five billion disorders you can have. Whilst anyone who can't find a job is given food stamps and treated like fucking shit! Having celebrities rubbed in your face every second of every day all screaming at you that "you don't count, your pointless, worthless life means nothing"! And you wonder why someone shoots people?

You forgot one thing, psychotropic drugs.

You can't get rich off a well informed, happy population.

hollywood, burbank, gaming industry, record publishing.

many people got very rich from providing entertainment to the masses.

beyond breeding and perpetuating our DNA, the whole reason for humans existing is entertainment.

(and making the world a nice place for cats to be our overlords)

It's like someone hit the "activate all manchurian candidates!" button.

There is a lot more reality in this than it might seem

While I have these in my clipboard anyway, this looks like a place that needs the information too.

If one of these incidents was coincidental that would be very much against the odds.

If all of these happened at the same time and place of an exercise of the same event the odds against that are well, impossible.

Exercises That 'Went Live'.


The bizarre coincidence of the 9/11 "contingency ON 9/11

Boston Bombing

DHS Admits Boston Training Drill Involving Backpack Explosives Planned Months Before Marathon

Boston explosions coincided with bombing exercise

7/7 London Bombings

2011 Norway shooting

Aurora shooting exercise at a nearby medical facility about a shooting at a theater.

Exercise at Waco



Taft Union High School Drill Becomes “Real Life”

Marysvlile Police Were Scheduled to run a SWAT Training Exercise During School Shooting...Again.

Charleston Shooting Happened During Federal ‘Active Shooter’ Drill

Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson admits Government is Involved in Most 'Terrorist' Attacks!

63 drills that 'coincidentally' went live ( dead link)

Now at,

I'm going to add Columbine for the purposes seen here but it's a bit speculative.

Columbine "Victim was a dummy"

If they are FF's intended to scare the masses into more gun control and less guns on the streets, it's having the opposite affect on me. These "events" make me (and most folks I know) want more good people with guns around to protect from the bad.

More plausible than the usual conspiracy theories.

What massacres? They never show any evidence of a massacre and what they do show only raises more questions. The relatives and witnesses always seem to be lying/deceptive, and nobody cries or seem to genuinely emote. They need better actors. Contact me if you are interested.

Whatever is true about massacres our media is irresponsible and sycophantic enough to make their reporting suspect. If they tell me there's a wreck on the interstate, I have reason to believe them, but Sandy friggin Hook? I've been saying if we had a free press we'd have instant improvement but instead media statism is getting worse.

There's almost a pattern to a lot of these shootings, it was more obvious around the time of the Virginia shipyard shooting. But a story like that seems to break out about every six weeks. Adam Curry and John C Dvorak call it the "six week cycle" on their podcast. They hypothesize that it's the FBI's way of staying relevant so their budget doesn't get cut. You'll notice that the gunman almost never makes it out alive, and that the number 33 is prevalent in the stories. I don't know the significance of 33, but it keeps showing up. Dvorak and Curry also touch a little bit on pharmaceuticals. The gunman is always diagnosed as troubled or disturbed, but only after the fact, and they never mention what drugs he's on. I personally think it's the antidepressants. I mean, one of the side effects for Abilify is schizophrenic tendencies. They never mention the drugs on the news, but then they go to commercials and what's the only thing being advertised? Anti depressants and boner pills. In conclusion, it might be the FBI trying to maintain their budget, or it's just people going crazy from too many pharmaceutical drugs, or maybe a mixture of both.

33 vertebrae in humans, 33 alleged degrees of freemasonry, Jesus supposedly died at the age of 33

Symbology and numerology are very important and play into their psychological control. Don't forget this


Thanks for this!

I always knew that there was something that made me nearly 100% sure that Adam Curry was a tool. Joe Rogan is also, absolutely without doubt.

Yea joe organ really toned down his conspiracy rhetoric after he had that mick west shill on his show

It kind of seemed to me like he did because that tool had a few valid criticisms. But joe also kind of made a fool of him in general, on account of him being a miserable inflammatory tool.. I sort of think he realized he has a huge audience who eats up his every word, and became more aware of what he was projecting. Maybe thats just me though.

Yes, it takes like 5 minutes of research to see that something is amiss in these events.

There are way too many things to keep track of when it comes to false flags (or hoaxes), but if you haven't been following the Sandy Hook Saga lately, look up Wolfgang Halbig's Sandy Hook Foia request. These happened in the last few months. There's a part 1, part 2, and closing arguements on the youtube channel Mert Melfa.

I recommend watching all of it but some highlights: We learned that there are no permission slips on record for the 26 students from the sandy hook choir who went to sing at the 2013 superbowl.

Also, several of the witnesses were instructed not to attend by defense attorney Monte E. Frank.

22 units were sent to Sandy Hook even though the 911 call was classified as medium priority.

Isn't Halbig disinfo?

I don't think so. I've never seen anyone give a convincing argument that he's disinfo. You can argue that he's incompetent in some ways, (but nobody's really perfect and he's facing Monte E. Frank one of "the best lawyers in America"). As far as I know he's the only person that has taken legal action against the Newtown school district and he's gotten pretty good results.

Yea I just heard that I didn't do any research into it myself

IMO they are usually false flags, so until they are proven real by independent research, I assume that is likely what they are.

As we have learned it is more likely to be a false flag than not, so it's not unreasonable to be suspicious of any new incident. This seems to be a logical approach but sceptics will still call you crazy for suggesting an incident might be a false flag.

Any time the MSM makes a spectacle about a "lone gunman" who ends up "turning the gun on himself" and shows no evidence beyond police testimony and B-roll of cop cars outside of the location with their lights on....

Then I call false flag.

Well a lot of these guys don't even end up turning the gun on themselves lately

raises hand violently

No, because people really do go crazy and kill people.

You're in a country of 300 million people. Said country has a very strong gun culture. When crazy people have an easy time of getting their hands on guns, shit tends to happen.

So the huge majority of gun owners that never kill anybody don't matter at all, do they?

It does pretty frequently, doesn't it?


Wouldn't it make more sense to switch it to "When government agencies have an easy time of getting their hands on crazy people, shit tends to happen."?

I urge you to read Columbine by Dave Cullen (ISBN-13: 978-0446546928) if you think that was a dummy. PM me, I'll send you my copy.

It's blatantly obvious to anyone who isn't comatose, as far as I am concerned. The reference to Sandy Hook in The Dark Knight Rises wasn't exactly subtle. Then again, I instinctively realised that 9/11 was bullshit pretty much as it was happening.

The psychopaths don't really need to care about anyone knowing that these things are false flags, because they know that the majority of the population (who are psychologically incapable of tolerating the idea that their supposedly loving parents within the government could actually be such monsters) will keep those few of us who aren't cowards in line.

That is the single biggest problem; the fact that the majority are willfully naive adult children, who insist on believing that politicians are actually good people, rather than the sort of literally inhuman psychopaths that the rest of us know them to be. I suspect that that is the main thing which people like David Cameron are really terrified of; the idea that someone out there knows what he truly is. Some of us know who the real terrorists are.

The fact that David cameron is saying ct's are just as dangerous as terrorists really shows you where this is heading. I'm actually really surprised that people HERE are still arguing about whether or not these are actual false flags. I mean fuck, it's at the point where if you bring up crisis actors people call you a retard. IMO whenever there are lone gunman massacres it should be treated as a false flag until proven otherwise.

If there is any conspiracy, it's about getting the National Guard armed so that we become desensitized to seeing armed soldiers in our communities. It's not just recruiting offices. For a number of the state Guards who are arming, it applies to all National Guard facilities. This includes armories, training centers, recruiting offices, and HQ camps. While not all states have armed their Guards, here is a map of the National Guard's footprint in the US.

We're already conditioned not to think twice if we see heavily armed, military-equipped police officers. Soon it will be normal to see armed soldiers and airmen around town.

History is written by people who take action. If you can stage the action, you can shape history without true events.

Frankly, it doesn't matter if shootings are false flags or not.

What matters is we the people paint this as gun control problem, the mentally ill shooting a group of people (controlled by another party or acting of their own volition), when this is a mental health problem.

These are sick people who have broken minds, coming to the insane conclusion to kill people.

We need major mental health reform and to face the real issue.

i think the MSM cherry picks which massacres they want to report in an effort to push whatever agenda TPTB have in place.

Apparently, mass shootings happen about every two weeks

That page also has a link to a website by USA today that has a timeline of massacres. grim stuff

I don't think you understand what a "false flag" is. Perhaps you are thinking of a different term?

Enlighten me. I thought it was an event staged by the government to advance an agenda.

No, it would be staged by the government (or anyone really) but made to look like someone else (another government) was responsible.

It's a war on terror.... terror is the enemy. It is a false flag for domestic terrorism.

The guy shooting up the movie theater was a terrorist?

Duh. If you do anything that's not work pay bills or watch tv, you're a terrorist.

Whatever man, it's some covert operation that's used to deceive people. Whether or not it's being blamed on a foreign government, a group of people, or an individual is besides the point.

Yeah the shooting in SC by "Dylan Roof" I mean come on, how could he have killed 9 people and gotten away without a scratch. He couldn't have been working alone or have done it at all. And the church opened back up like a week later? Wouldn't they need to do renovations or something? They would need it for investigations longer than a week right? Something's weird about it.

the pudding basin haircut (gay gladiator haircut !!!!!), the obscure and obsolete reference and obsession with dead Rhodesian history. history that NEVER was relevant to Americans.

the Rhodedesian angle points to a London connection, ie some script-writer working for the DHS is British by birth.

The haircut says it all, man.


What/who are you recruiting for?
