What Do These Events Have in Common??

113  2015-07-24 by jimmyb207


What do these events have in common?

9/11 World Trade Center, Pentagon

London Subway Bombing (7/7/05)

Oklahoma City Bombing

The Estonia Catastrophe (852 dead)

Norway Oslo Shootings (77 dead)

Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting

Aurora Colorado Theater Shooting

Taft Union High School (January 10, 2013)

Boston Marathon Bombing (April 15, 2013)


Live "terror" drills were conducted same day, same scenario. They were on location or very close to the event.

MSM ignores these facts completely

EDIT: Well this is a coincidence - Emergency Terror drill held in Portsmouth, NH (TODAY) in the video within the article, they show the crisis actors, they call them "Actors" and they explain and show what these actors are doing. Nice.


Thanks for bringing all these together. You mentioned several that I missed when I was explaining this to my friend recently. I forgot Oslo for sure! Which is funny because I was in Europe when it happened.

Here are the links.

Exercises That 'Went Live'.



The bizarre coincidence of the 9/11 "contingency ON 9/11 http://www.propagandamatrix.com/agency_planned_exercise_on_sept_11_built_around_a_plane_crashing_into_a_building.htm

Boston Bombing


DHS Admits Boston Training Drill Involving Backpack Explosives Planned Months Before Marathon http://www.storyleak.com/dhs-boston-training-drill-backpack-explosives/

Boston explosions coincided with bombing exercise http://truthstreammedia.com/mass-casualty-exercise-at-boston-marathon-coincided-with-explosions/

7/7 London Bombings


2011 Norway shooting


Aurora shooting exercise at a nearby medical facility about a shooting at a theater.


Exercise at Waco


Waco http://intellihub.com/2013/04/19/eyewitness-in-waco-confirms-live-drill-and-military-presence-prior-to-explosion-photosvideo/

Waco http://www.examiner.com/article/another-official-drill-goes-live

Taft Union High School Drill Becomes “Real Life”


Marysvlile Police Were Scheduled to run a SWAT Training Exercise During School Shooting...Again.


Charleston Shooting Happened During Federal ‘Active Shooter’ Drill


Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson admits Government is Involved in Most 'Terrorist' Attacks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nqhzsoLyao

63 drills that 'coincidentally' went live ( dead link) http://www.glparchives.com/psyops/list-of-63-drills-which-have-coincidentally-gone-live/

Now at,


I'm going to add Columbine for the purposes seen here but it's a bit speculative.

Columbine "Victim was a dummy" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOmiavAegZo

This is why I come to this subreddit.

Nice work.

Thank you to people like you on this sub who devote honest work for the sole purpose of informing others.

Exercises That 'Went Live'.

I'm stealing this stuff.


Everyone should.

one thing that stands out in the Columbine video is the students running out of the building , its almost like paratroopers dropping out of a plane , is someone standing inside telling them to "go" ? there is clearly a gap between people coming out like its on queue ..


Just saw Corbett Report's 'The Secret Life of Timothy McVeigh'. I already knew of many oddities on that event, specially from the alleged contact-with-Bill-Cooper angle, but the whole story... wow.

Fear = control. Control = power. Power to kill as you see fit, a means to an end.


So, you don't know what a codex is?

Live "terror" drills were conducted same day, same scenario. They were on location or very close to the event.

Bullshit, this is a totally fabricated claim.

In the case of Sandy Hook for instance there was no live terror drill being carried out anywhere near Sandy Hook, as people in this subreddit love to claim.

In reality a class was being held in Bridgeport, CT: over 100 miles away from Sandy Hook. At the class participates sat at desks and learned how to respond to mass casualty events.

These events are also totally meaningless because these types of classes happen in virtually every state at least once a week. Wherever you are right now I can guarantee there is a class like this happening within 100 miles of you.

I don't disagree with you, except that Bridgeport is much closer to Sandy Hook than you claim. Probably 40 miles or so.

That's the creepiest part that you wouldn't know the difference. You can't say it wasn't a drill. Nor can we prove it was, yet. The information add up to skeptical.

Yes you can know the difference, I'm pretty sure someone would notice a full-scale terror drill going on in the middle of their city.

Furthermore, what exactly does having one of these drills 100 miles away from an actual incident prove?

Look up active shooter training. It's every where. Going live is when they train the media to be a part of it. So the media practices conveying these stories. It's easy to experiment and say it's real while blocking all real physical evidence. Open caskets? Also, in a world full of surveillance, not having info is a lie. How did no one record events on phones and how did the nsa not steal it? They have camera that cover the majority of motor ways and street intersections. It's obvious its conditioning experiments to see if you can create a fake scenario real. Maybe you have to kill some children, but it's for the greater good. They can turn your camera on remotely. They can listen as a high percent of phones and devices are in active record mode 24/7. So Ruhr lack of physical evidence in a surveillance state proves the drills are no different than the NCIS show...


That video was taken very early into the Sandy Hook response - its likely police went to every school in the area to make sure the gunman had not moved to a different school or had an accomplice given how close the schools are. Initial media reports suggested that Lanza attended middle school there, so there was concern that he would target them as well.

Of course this was probably explained by the reporters when the video was shown, but whoever uploaded that video muted the sound on purpose to cover that up.

What do you think that video proves anyway? If Sandy Hook was a staged drill why have officers rushing to a different school? Wouldn't that be blatantly obvious?

The distance between Sandy Hook and Bridgeport is irrelevant, they are separate cities separated by rural towns. Like I sad the initial claim that a live terror drill was being held there is a totally fabricated and untrue claim.

the helicopters or drones were in the air filming the early hour of the drama, way too early.


How do we even know that people have been actually dying in these things? The whole event could be the drill

with all the advance knowledge people have I don't think it can happen, not in an obvious way at least.

Its gonna be insane!!!

The Estonia Catastrophe was caused by a storm....

Which was caused by terrorists...

So what did that all mean? Someone educate me please.

The terror drills were used to Confuse people who were unknowingly in on it. The drills assisted in executing the false flag.


What is the meaning behind it, are these drills a form of mockery by the elite? I would like to know this.

I think the drills are meant as a fail safe device. A cover in case they are caught in the act.

If they are caught red handed they can say it was just a realistic exercise.

I think the drills are meant as a fail safe device. A cover in case they are caught in the act.

Absolutely. The cover is very important - particularly because it means that any information discovered which shows prior knowledge can be rationalised away. This is not possible without the drill excuse.

I think the way it works is that the drill is genuine, 99% of participants are just doing their job. However, there is a sneaky add-on to the drill (aka "the real purpose") that only 1% know about. Most people will therefore be genuinely dumbfounded (and defensive afterwards) when the drill goes live.

Wow, very succinct. Well done!

What are the odds? Billions to one, I would guess, that it could just be a coincidence.


I wonder what "the Great Randi" would say about the odds of this happening purely by chance?

All I'd bet is that Zionist Snopes would swear they were all purely coincidence, of course.

and the fucktards at metabunk stated that since iron has a higher melting point than steel, steel cannot melt at iron temps.

the stupidity of official truthers/debunkers is amazing.

everybody has to throw all their schooling and trainings away, we are expected to be sheep and believe the MSM in everything. all because some fake govt or shill-agency expert says the sky is green.

The government is trying it's hardest to protect us from these attacks and you want to accuse them of conducting them!? Shut up conspiracy theorist!

/s id hope.

Considering you are in a conspiracy subreddit...

Yeah... thought people around here would get the reference...

The whole /s is such bullshit