So is it still worth it?

0  2015-07-24 by [deleted]

So for the second time in as many months, we've had a guy with mental problems who got all riled up on the internet with racist paranoid conspiracy theories who then walks into a public place and murders innocent people. Dylann Roof last month and then just yesterday, John Houser.

Both of these people fed themselves a steady diet of online racism and paranoid conspiracy theory. Both of them felt so motivated by what they were feeding themselves that they had to murder people.

So here we are, the next day. R/Conspiracy is one of the most prolific sources of conspiracy theory, and the white supremacy element here has been discussed many times in the past ( remember this? ). So here we are, with the same people pumping out conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory and racist invective after racist invective, churning out poison nuggets like an assembly line, the same stuff that fed the brains of the last two people to walk into a public place and shoot people dead because of things they read on the internet.

And you, you personally, you still come every day to this poison factory and support it with your pageviews and posts.

Is it still worth it? Even though the cost can now be measured in human lives?

It's a yes or no question. Let's see how many of you have the courage to honestly answer.

I am aware that my account will probably be banned from this subreddit for asking this simple and honest question. And I am also aware that many of the responses here will be that this didn't happen, it's a false flag, it's all a lie. Those responses are dodges, and they don't answer the question.

But surely there are some of you that have the courage and honesty to just answer this question for me.

Is it still worth it?


Worth it? What are you saying? r/conspiracy should be banned b/c it has "ties" to two recent shootings. If that is your logic, then anti-depressant drugs should be banned and guns should be banned.

Is it still worth it? Even though the cost can now be measured in human lives?

Why don't you ask this question to the financial elite? Those who push for drug approval, knowing there are lethal side effects. Those who commit acts of terrorism in the name of gaining more wealth and power. These people kill 1000000X more than any lone shooter ever could.

should be banned

Stop making shit up. He said nothing about banning the sub.


Yeah, it's still worth it. I can't be held responsible for the bullshit other people post. I can't be held responsible for people that feed a manic loop online. Also, you know they go to other places than r/conspiracy

I run across information that I enjoy. As for the racist/hate-filled posts, I downvote them.


So you,would justify censorship and surrender of the right to freedom of speech because some people take it too far. Theres so much more wrong with that line of thinking i dont even want to dwell on that hypothetical.

So you,would justify censorship and surrender of the right to freedom of speech

Why do you keep making shit up? He's not suggesting anything of the kind - and you know it.

[deleted] personally supporting an internet forum that disseminates white supremacy conspiracy theories...


Interesting choice of words for the first post of an 18-day account.

I am seeing that anti-Semitism is a big concern for you, but I tend to dismiss much of that shit on this subreddit, and think much of it is trolling from US government, Israeli, and other people trying to undermine the sub, frankly. Like this guy:

If someone who read/posted here regularly went bat-shit crazy and shot up someplace, it would not keep me from coming here under any circumstances. There is too much truth and insight to be found here. Like anything, you just have to be able to discern the wheat from the chaff.

I also note it's been pointed out that this is your first post on an 18-day old account.


Perhaps it doesn't. Just saying.

participation is not support. i have adblock on and i dont give reddit gold.

Its not the only thing that goes on here tho. To stop supporting this sub because of a few sounds like a lot of the other issues that are wrong with this country right now

Fuck no. I find some of the content here questionable or outright offensive but each person should be responsible for their own actions. If you're that influenced by something you read online to go murder someone chances are you were going to anyways.

So hypthothetically speaking, at what point would it be not worth it anymore?

Why? so you can refine your divide & conquer technique?

It would not be worth it if I found out that 90% not just 50% of r/conspiracy were racist bigots.

And you were asked whether it's worth it for the "financial elite" to keep acting in that capacity, killing millions upon millions of innocents, with an implied goal of killing billions.

Is private central banking still worth it??


Freedom of speech? Yes, it's worth it. You should ask a veteran the same question. I have a feeling it would be educational for you.

If you can't see that a purpose of these shootings is to demonize "conspiracy theorists", I don't know what to tell you.

Spot on. According to the script 100% of the time.

Right. Because "conspiracy theorists" are somehow better than the rest of the human race and incapable of committing a crime without a set-up from the government.

Regardless, conspiracy theorists like John Houser have demonized themselves with their own words.

If you care about your fellow man, you should concern yourself more with private central bankers than those who would oppose them.


Because people that are often demonized as "conspiracy theorists" are people who trying to raise awareness of private central bankers -- arguably the biggest murderers of history. Please stop trivializing the death of millions of people.

Look dude, kids (military drone "pilots") with joysticks vaporize a group of 20 people at a wedding on America's orders, and they all hi-five and get medals and hugs from mom. Was that worth it? This guy at the theater should've been in a mental institution. But wasn't, because they phased-out the majority of asylums in the 60-70s - thinking big pharma could handle it.

By the way, this guy was living in a motel (far from his home) with disguises, wigs and shit. Plus, he may have had psychologist handlers since his former wife tried to have him committed at one point. It's a very safe bet he was on psych meds like 99% of these cases. Also, MK is a reality. Hypnosis is a reality. This fits that type of scenario. Go to theater. Pull trigger. Put gun to head. Oh, look.. random incriminating tweets and fake online profiles. Don't get hoodwinked.


There's an even scarier theory going around: that this guy was mentally unstable, depressed, and filled his own head voluntarily with racist and paranoid conspiracy theories before he went into the theater under his own volition and killed innocent people.

And still was legally allowed to carry around firearms, despite his long criminal history, long history of mental illness, and threats of violence against his family. Even a wacko like him had a sacrosanct right to bear arms.

LOL. Perfect deflection. Who needs evidence? Just blame it on some mysterious government program.

I gave a synopsis of the situation. Sue me. Dude was nuts - it wasn't the internetz.

Playing right into the part. Yet another staged shooting, going PERFECTLY according to the script. Blame the conspiracy theories...

It's called "concern trolling" part of jtrig or forum disruption tactics.

We deserve a pizza party.

Yet another staged shooting, going PERFECTLY according to the script. Blame the conspiracy theories...

Conspiracy theories are not exempt from the rational skepticism that is expected to be applied to government.

Says the guy who has a rationalâ„¢, Israeli approved "explanation" for EVERYTHING.

Yes it is. I think your post stated it best "we've had a guy with mental problems.." So are you insinuating that all of the conspiracy community have mental problems and are racists or that all people with mental problems are conspiracy theorists as well as racists? I'm not sure why you felt the need to stop by & spew your own particular brand of poison, but I do wish you would take it somewhere else.

Well, I think he is just kind of fumbling around the notion of Harm-Reduction.

I'm big on trusty ol' amendment numero uno. So I'm kinda just fence sitting here.

Do you Chads ever discuss harm-reduction here. (Please don't hit me. I'm new.)

Things like this sub are entertainment, but some people take it too far. People will always take things too far, and we can't make the world perfectly safe.

I can dig that.

On a lighter note... what do you think about Harm-Reduction techniques being used here?

Such as?

Well, I'm not really sure since I've never looked into it before.

I'm guessing it would probably involve some certified psychology cats coming over and looking for any glaring issues and/or informing us as to how, when, and why some nut-job might "take things too far" as you put it.

Also, giving us tools to deal with said nut-job on site. I mean these psychos don't live in a void. Environmental influences could actually produce stronger/weaker results. We should look into that IMO

Edit: I bet we could vet some knowledgeable, trained, and certified people from a psych sub... We could have open debates about what each candidate could bring to the table. There are probably some individuals who would be willing to donate their time to this pursuit.

Edjit: Tyopo

Yes. Sure as hell is.

Collective punishment and demonization of a group for the actions of an INDIVIDUAL dodges the issue.

You paint a broad stroke with your narrow minded brush OP.

Who are you to ask this loaded question? What mechanism in your brain compels you to post thinly veiled accusations at the participants of this sub?

Ask your ridiculous questions to the authoritarian parasites dug into the worlds social institutions. They are responsible for millions of lost lives due to people like you who choose to chide frustrated people looking for answers instead of hold them accountable.

You're a coward OP, whether you admit it or not you're a coward.


There really is something sick about using the crimes of others as justification for the crimes of right wing terrorists like Dylann Roof or the guy in Lafayette.

Take your concern trolling elsewhere.

What a bunch of worthless rhetoric. What are you even trying to accomplish? Of course it should remain open and everyone should be able to participate (unless they're clearly trolling).

Everyone is responsible for their own actions. Why is that so hard for you to understand? A crazy person will find a reason to do something crazy somewhere or for no reason at all.


I answered your question. As far as concernsm trolling, look it up.


Concern trolling.

No argument? Stalk a user's history.


No, just your concern trolling and stalking instead of having an actual rebuttal.

Lol, so THIS is why you were so stubborn about the Civil War the other day. Wish I would've known, I'd have saved myself the conversation.

A "racist" is right and you're wrong. How's does that feel?


Sure thing, kiddo.

Quit living a fake life.






Was spending trillions to catch OBL worth it? So he could be disposed of at sea, against all principles of justice.

Didn't America deserve the catharsis of a trial?

There were mass shootings before reddit.

Conspiracy theorys don't kill people. People kill people.

Key words: Mentally Ill. Go back to facebook with that stupid dialogue.

I don't see a lot of anti-black or anti-woman screeds in conspiracy, frankly, and that's what these two mass shootings were about. Guy in So. Carolina hated blacks, guy in Louisiana hated women.

Most of the racism here I see is against the Jews. So I don't think you're argument holds much credence.


In no way do I want to suggest racism against Jews is irrelevant overall. I'm not sure it relates to the Houser murders, however. It seems to me his ultimate breaking point was to lash out at women -- attending a feminist comic's film, he killed women. He did not go to a Jewish community center and kill Jews (as other racist maniacs have in the past).

9/11 still worth it ?

