[Not a shill] Sandy Hook from a CT perspective. AMA

10  2015-07-27 by [deleted]

EDIT: Please try to remember that I came here to do an AMA. I'm not here to discredit or support any of your various theories or bits of evidence. I am hoping people will ask me questions that are relevant to what it's like to be this close to Newtown when it happened. Also what the CT mentality is like on the subject. I seem to be getting a lot of people throwing stuff at me and are like "Yeah, well what do you think about this!" Also, it seems to prove my point that it's very very hard for anyone to talk about Sandy Hook in this sub unless they are in 100% agreement to all conspiracy theories. I've come here to do a respectful AMA and I got a LOT of downvotes and hate right out of the box. This sub should be better than that.

OK. I know this is a sensitive subject for a lot of people. And by that I mean sensitive on both sides. A lot of people believe in a conspiracy, and I understand that, and a lot of people are strongly opposed to the idea of a conspiracy and I respect that too. I am a CT resident who lives about 30 minutes from Newtown. I was not involved in the Sandy Hook tragedy first-hand, meaning I wasn't involved with the responders, the the media, the morgue, the hospital, or really anything other than my location. I did however go to work with a person who allegedly lost a daughter there. I'd like to take an opportunity to do an AMA if anyone is interested in what the local CT perspective is like. My purpose here isn't to attempt to debunk anyone else's theories, but to simply state a few facts of what I know and experienced during that time. I took an interest in doing this because I think the CT perspective is very different from other parts of the world. I thought a more local perspective might help add to the information. I have nothing to gain by doing this and if history repeats itself, I will just be downvoted to shit before anyone has had a chance to ask a real question. So, there it is. AMA.


See, here's the problem with what you're trying for to do here:

You've been a redditor for like a month, with no post history prior to today. Nobody here knows you, and there's not really any way for you to reasonably verify your story without doxxing yourself (which you SHOULD NOT do, because it's against reddit's rules and a very foolish thing). The only thing we know about you is that you made a post about shills earlier. Which many would argue serves only to prime the forum for this post.

I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish by making this post; whether you're being genuine or whether you're intentionally trying to set up a "look, we caught a shill!" scenario with a very poorly done strawman (of sorts).

Either way, I don't think this is going to be productive.


It doesn't. It's not the same name.

my main thought is what gained all that comment karma?

I can look at other peoples accounts and see pretty much everything. meanwhile with the OP here anything past a few days ago is non existent. So makes me want to question why the account scrub, what is there to hide?

Nice try, young account. We don't care about account age, here, only facts. Take your distractions elsewhere.


What would be useful would be an overview of the most glaringly absurd segments of information that is capable of being corroborated in some rational way.

As in 9/11 truth, or JFK assassination, bad faith distortions by the responsible authorities and their chosen agents and highly intelligent analysis of scientific and professional databases are the low hanging fruit for sincere investigators to begin their basic testing of whether there is anything fishy or conspiratorial about the matter.

Fine to add some sketchy personal anecdotes, but sorry, this is not anywhere close to being the low lying fruit or entry point to any sane analysis.


It was more of a clarification to you of how one would approach an investagation of a matter in which you were interested to investigate the popular narrative.

What you are bringing to the table is not the kind of information that can add much to such an investigation. Within a particular company that you left before you could get to know the parent of the child who is now considered deceased, you are aware that the company participated in the informing of its employees. Got it. That's interesting. But not really in itself definitive of anything.


it depends a lot on what conspiracy theory you may or may not adopt

This subreddit may come up with conspiracy theories from time to time, but that is not the same as investigating the official or the common narrative to see if it holds water or not. If the primary narrative(s) have little political charge, little political value, for example, a narrative about what has now become verified by numerous sources and verified by extensive review, and even admitted to by the participants: the drugging scandals of various sports events, that had an outcome where the facts surpassed most of the imaginings.

So, there are several parts, the key of which is that the official version at some point did not add up, and that more disclosure would be necessary before heads or tails could be made of it. There was another part where possible alternative scenarios to the official lie were considered, but this was a passing phase, and not all that important in the long run. And finally, we have the stage where historians add further research the add to the nuances.

Yet we know now that for certain conversations, the historians are steering clear. We know what the consequences have been for those who did voice their lack of confidence in certain narratives. Its is not without consequences.







Seriously? Everyone in the WORLD knows this idiot:


Also, do you find it strange that both the home on Yogananda and Sandy Hook Elementary were demolished?

The house in the Cheshire Petit family home invasion-murders was also torn down and turned into a neighborhood park. Not unusual at all, and it keeps the ghouls and tragedy vampires away.


the town voted to demolish the house. precedent is completely irrelevant.


If they tore the house down because it was a terrible reminder of the tragedy, what are they replacing it with?

Apparently nothing. I don't see why it's of consequence either way in establishing the facts of what happened.

If they tore the school down because of the reminder of the terrible tragedy why are they rebuilding in the exact location?

It doesn't sound like they're building an exact replica of the school, they're replacing it with something else. But, as above, I don't see why it's relevant anyway


.....okay. I'm not really sure where you got the impression that I'm a police officer trying to silence you. Carry on, citizen.


Usually demolition hides something!

In reality, there's this whole industry based around demolishing buildings and almost never does it have anything to do with "hiding something." It's to clear an area for development of a more desired structure.

Please seek psychiatric help before you hurt someone.

Columbine is not a good example for your argument. They walled off the library, where the majority of deaths happened, and then they tore it down later. People naturally don't want to keep things that harbor or bring up bad memories.

What happened to the main "key witness" Rick Thorne? He doesn't exist based on hundreds of hours of research by many people here. Despite "Rick" not existing, he is being officially cited by the MSM and Newtown officials and surviving victims as the person who "saw Adam Lanza" commiting the crime? What's the deal with this fabrication? Please be specific, this is key..


"Teachers heard janitor Rick Thorne try to get Lanza to leave the school. One teacher, who was hiding in a closet in the math lab, heard Thorne yell, "Put the gun down!" An aide said she heard gunfire and Thorne told her to close her door. Thorne survived." source

"I can't find his facebook page" does not mean someone doesn't exist

Nice quote? Is that mine? Nope. That's called a strawman, chump..

So, you too can't find anything on custodian Rick Thorne? That's what I'm saying, mate. Show me something of relevance and I'll respect that. Otherwise shill away. I added a link in the edit above - found it in a three-second search. Real tough.

You have audio of him making the 9-11 call as well as eyewitness accounts of him being there, plus school documents showing he was on payroll. Where do you get this "fabrication" horseshit?

"You have audio of him making the 9-11 call as well as eyewitness accounts of him being there, plus school documents showing he was on payroll."

No, I don't have any of that audio. Do you? Please do me a favor and provide proof. That's all I ask. I stepped-up and offered something that doesn't seem right at all, and I get nothing back but trolling and hearsay. Again, please just provide actual proof of what you outlined. Thanks in advance.

He doesn't exist based on hundreds of hours of research by many people here.

No, I don't have any of that audio

what exactly did this "hundreds of hours of research by many people" consist of if they missed his most prominent involvement in the case?

The audio is at the official report website. If you can't find that, there is no hope for you.

OK, I found the audio of him calling 911. My point is I don't think he's a real person out in the world walking around as Rick Thorne.

Is this suspicious based on anything?

That's not a straw man.

Strawman: "A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument which was not advanced by that opponent"

I never said "I can't find his facebook page". Yet they argued on the premise I made that statement. Strawman.

What a shame this has devolved into a predictable tangle of bullshit instead of discussing my original comment. There is NO proof Rick Thorne exists outside the Sandy Hook fantasy report. Please provide actual proof of this. I haven't seen shit yet.

Heh. "There's no evidence this person exists except for all this evidence that he exists."

Shine on, you crazy diamond.

I'm not quite at Syd Barrett's level, but yeah getting there.

I guess my point is, this guy R Thorne is not verified at a level I'm comfortable with. Zero pictures of him exist when you search images. Zero. And, nothing else other than the AP-sanctioned MSM report of him having a chat with Adam and the teachers during the spree exists. Nothing. That's why I'm asking for help resolving this character. It never seems to pan-out though. Just insults and whatnot.

Of course you get insults, man. You sit there going "This guy doesn't exist! It's all a big lie!" when people are mourning their dead children. I'm sure it's only by virtue of the fact that you've only pulled this on the Internet that you haven't gotten punched in the nose.

Why exactly do you think an elementary school janitor should an extensive Internet paper trail? What do you expect to find when you google his name? You sure got all het up about it, but kiddo, what you're saying absolutely does boil down to "I can't find his Facebook page," and it falls squarely into the category of what we observers call "arbitrary skepticism." You're willing to entertain the most ludicrous fantasies, but the fact that a school janitor didn't have a Tumblr blog sets your red lights flashing? Please.

I'm not talking facebook page. No. I'm talking any media trail, at all, other than the 911 call audio and AP MSM report. Not one media interview. Not a single small article on the guy. Absolutely nothing. No pictures. Nothing. And this guy isn't just an elementary school janitor. He was the key witness at SH. There would be media requests and money available for access to this guy, and yet nothing? A janitor could probably use the cash, as well. Yet a total and complete black-out? Yeah that's weird, "kiddo".

"You're willing to entertain the most ludicrous fantasies"

SH reeks, and this dude is no exception. Come back when the PMS is gone.


Media reports that came out shortly afterwards expressed that Adam Lanza was dead by suicide by the time the police entered the building. So that would conflict with a statement that Rick Thorne witnessed Adam Lanza committing the crime

No, no conflict at all. Wat?

This is what I was afraid of here. Circular BS. You claim ignorance when it suits you but then cite your own "media reports that came out shortly afterwards". You are not even aware of the glaring MSM inconsistencies that have been relevant here for a long time.

The one statement DOES NOT conflict with the other -- not even close. They are seperate matters. The witnesses could have obviously seen the shooter alive prior to him "committing suicide", right? Just because the police show up and he's dead on the floor does not negate the fact that custodian Rick Thorne was cited as the witness who saw Adam Lanza running through the halls. Come on man.

Claiming ignorance on the points without first doing some research and responding to my original question is classic and predictable. "Oh, I have no idea what you are talking about, can you provide me sources.."

I gave you a chance to AMA, and you deflected and claimed ignorance. Bye.


The old "fuck you" and slam the door routine.

I said bye.. Not "fuck you". Cheers.

Do you believe that Sandy Hook shooting happened as the official story dictates?


I think some of the information was left-out or downplayed because of the natural human tendency to keep people from being exposed to difficult emotions.

The school had just installed a new security system. Why not release video footage of Adam Lanza walking in the front door? That wouldn't be traumatic to anyone.

For example, what happens to a kid's head when you shoot them with an AR-15. It's a very gory situation.

There were no AR-15's used by Adam Lanza in Sandy Hook. That part was made up by the media later. The whole thing was a giant hoax to push gun control.

Don't you find it odd that there were NO injuries? Not even a broken arm or leg from people trying to escape. Everyone lived or died. Nothing in between.

That's what I thought too. Which makes the entire story even less believable, given the amount of bullets fired and accuracy of the shooter using only handguns...

Even if he did use a rifle... the kid weighed what? 100 lbs? How does a 100 lb. weak nerd rack a up a kill ratio that would rival a Special Forces soldier in that short amount of time? Every shot must have been a kill shot. How many people did the Columbine killers shoot? How many got away? Adam Lanza must have been the most precise shooter in mass murdering history.

AR-15 has almost no kick. The kid had practiced., Mommy took him shooting in New Hampshire several times as a way to deal with his weirdness. Plus he played violent video games.

These were 6 YO kids, in confined classrooms, being shielded by their teachers. I refuse to make the fish analogy. I think all who ran escaped injury or death.

Once the police arrived, he checked himself out.

I don't buy it. Lanza wasn't that good.

And, seriously? Blaming 'violent video games'?!?!

Didn't they do that in Columbine? Maybe Lanza listened to Marilyn Manson too.

And, seriously? Blaming 'violent video games'?!?!

Who said anything about "blaming" video games? We both know thousands or more people play violent video games and dont commit atrocities.

He did use the games to improve his skill level, along with real shooting. Perhaps it allowed him to dehumanize his victims at SHES, but I'm no shrink, so I dont know.

so I dont know


Columbine was much more representative of a real active-shooter situation. They fired a lot of rounds. They missed a lot. They were hoping to take out hundreds. Harris and Klebold ended up killing 13 (and injuring a lot of others). There were problems. The bombs didn't work. The guns jammed. There was smoke and noise. They ran out of targets before they ran out of ammo. They had to walk around looking for more victims. They ran out of time and shot themselves. This was done by TWO shooters working as a team. There is NO way that Adam Lanza could have killed 27 people by himself in the amount of time given. It just isn't possible. Going to the gun range a few times and playing video games won't give you the skills needed to do this.

Columbine was a high school, spread out over a large area with an armed SRO on prem.

SHES was a small elementary school with no viable security. There's a reason the coward didnt choose Newtown High School.

There is NO way that Adam Lanza could have killed 27 people by himself in the amount of time given. It just isn't possible.

A couple of classrooms full of six year olds and a few magazines from a Bushmaster. You really think it was that difficult? Ever shoot one?

I've never shot a Bushmaster but reports say the new ones are very prone to jamming.

That aside. I've still never heard a motive for the shooting.

There were no AR-15's used by Adam Lanza in Sandy Hook. That part was made up by the media later.

Totally false. The rifle he used at the school was a Bushmaster XM15, which is in fact an AR-15 .223 Remington/5.56 NATO derivative. He also carried two handguns, one of which he never fired. The gun he used to kill his mother was a different firearm from the XM15, which is probably where you got confused.


The school had just installed a new security system. Why not release video footage of Adam Lanza walking in the front door? That wouldn't be traumatic to anyone.

Not true. It was installed in 2006. It was a door intercom/buzzer.


There were no AR-15's used by Adam Lanza in Sandy Hook. That part was made up by the media later. The whole thing was a giant hoax to push gun control.

Technically true. He used a .225 Bushmaster, described as an AR-15 "type" weapon. A Saiga 12 shot gun was retrieved from the trunk of his car. The rifle was used for the assault. The handgun was used for the self inflicted wound.


Don't you find it odd that there were NO injuries? Not even a broken arm or leg from people trying to escape. Everyone lived or died. Nothing in between.

Not true. One female staffer received a gunshot wound to the foot or ankle. According to this state police report, 2 people were transported to Danbury hospital with injures. Of those who died, several had multiple GSW's and those who didnt die instantly bled out before the scene could be made secure for EMS.

I listened to the event on the scanner. I thought I remembered 3 transports to Danbury, but my memory must be wrong.

I guess its fair to question official narratives, but the idea that several families' tragedy is someones else's entertainment, I find hard to deal with. I also think its dangerous to conclude from inaccurate media hysteria reporting that a conspiracy exists.

I have family that knows victims families, and I know emergency personnel who were deeply affected by this incident.

If this was a false flag to push gun control, it wasnt very successful.

There have been 204 mass shootings — and 204 days — in 2015 so far


Either way... when a drunk driver kills a bunch of people in a Ford Mustang you don't hear the media yelling: "Let's ban Ford Mustangs!". It's the person. Not the car. More people die from car crashes each year than from guns. Why isn't the media all worked up over those deaths? What about "car violence"? Why don't we hear more about that?


It's as if there wasn't even any debate before the law was passed. I find this to be very difficult to accept because they are talking about redefining the 2nd Amendment

The law was literally rammed through during the night without any form of public debate. CT "due process" at work.


There needs to be a lot more dialog for those things to get changed.

The only dialog about the 2nd Amendment that is relevant is the part that says: "shall NOT be infringed"

Change = Infringement

It's the only Constitutional Right that specifically mentions that it can't be infringed upon.

I think they took advantage of the American population by exploiting the emotional response to Sandy Hook. I also believe in a conspiracy to cover-up some ineptitude.

The three people that made me feel the whole thing was scripted were:

  • Gene Rosen
  • H. Wayne Carver
  • Robbie Parker

All were acting VERY strange. ('Acting' being the key word in Gene and Robbie's case. Look up their background info) It doesn't match previous tragedies where people were grieving and in shock. Everyone was very nonchalant.

I can attest that Wayne Carver is a real person. He is a medical examiner, and had been so in CT for several years. He replaced Katherine Galvin in 1986, who was fired for allowing her dogs in autopsy rooms.

He just autopsied or supervised the autopsy of several children, which included dealing with family. Give him a break.

The other two I cant speak for.

I know he's "real". But, he didn't autopsy anyone. He was forced to make a statement and his body language and mannerisms gave away the fact that he was lying. He came across as the most non-professional medical examiner I've ever seen.


"I don't know who any of those people are."

Holy cow.. What's the point of all this if you don't even know who those three people are (Gene Rosen, Wayne Carver, Robbie Parker)?? That's actually comical. Seriously man, I'm not even mad, but WTF is this crap? What a waste of time.

He used a .225 Bushmaster, described as an AR-15 "type" weapon.

It was an XM15 which is not an "AR-15 type" weapon; it's an AR-15 derivative. It is a type of AR-15. It was also chambered for .223/5.56, not .225.

It was also chambered for .223/5.56, not .225.

I meant .223. My typo. Sorry. I've never seen .225 ammo.

Thanks for the link.

Well, Ingraham did say shootings (people shot), not murders. And FBI data can be inaccurate, partially due to GIGO from UCR data, and the fact that they dont even track police shootings.

I did like this, and agree:

Curbing gang violence is important, and it could be done pretty simply: stop enforcing the laws or legalize drugs

There's no question that our unsuccessful war on drugs skews the gun violence statistics.

However there are a lot of innocent victims of gang violence, and many neighborhoods are terrorized by this gun violence, just that they are not white affluent neighborhoods.

There's no such thing as "gun violence".... just violence. That is a made up word designed to influence and direct the narrative on gun control. Just like "assault weapons". (They don't exist)

I'd love to hear more about this. Do you have a link to an article about the new security system?


I did however go to work with a person who allegedly lost a daughter there.

Where did you work? Why did you say allegedly, do you think they were lying?

What is the CT perspective on public schooling versus private schooling? Was Sandy Hook considered good for a public school?

Also, since the shooting, astronaut Rick Mastracchio and Bill Nye the Science Guy have visited Sandy Hook Elementary. Do you know if Sandy Hook had high profile visitors before the shooting occured?

Witchcraft or Satanism? Both?


CT in general seems to be a center for occult practices going back hundreds of years. .what's the connection with SH?


there was this photo circulated of one of the purported victims




fixed age. all other points still relevant.

Fake Fake Fake Fake


This same "AMA" has been done a million times before: "I know a guy who knows a guy who's kid died." There's no way for you to prove it (without giving away your personal info) so what's the point?


No. Stay as long as you want... Just saying... Is there anyway you can prove some of the things you're saying?


That you are who you say you are.


And a person that knows one of the victims.

I think some of the information was left-out or downplayed because of the natural human tendency to keep people from being exposed to difficult emotions.

The school had just installed a new security system. Why not release video footage of Adam Lanza walking in the front door? That wouldn't be traumatic to anyone.

For example, what happens to a kid's head when you shoot them with an AR-15. It's a very gory situation.

There were no AR-15's used by Adam Lanza in Sandy Hook. That part was made up by the media later. The whole thing was a giant hoax to push gun control.

Don't you find it odd that there were NO injuries? Not even a broken arm or leg from people trying to escape. Everyone lived or died. Nothing in between.

Either way... when a drunk driver kills a bunch of people in a Ford Mustang you don't hear the media yelling: "Let's ban Ford Mustangs!". It's the person. Not the car. More people die from car crashes each year than from guns. Why isn't the media all worked up over those deaths? What about "car violence"? Why don't we hear more about that?

I can attest that Wayne Carver is a real person. He is a medical examiner, and had been so in CT for several years. He replaced Katherine Galvin in 1986, who was fired for allowing her dogs in autopsy rooms.

He just autopsied or supervised the autopsy of several children, which included dealing with family. Give him a break.

The other two I cant speak for.