Some critical thinking about "reptilians"
2 2015-07-29 by many-one
Look into the scientific facts about the "reptile" part of our human brain. It's not hard to take Icke's wacky reptilian theory and see there might be some truth in it, if you consider that all humans are capable of allowing the reptile part (survival at any cost) to kind of take over their behavior.
I think it's a common part of human nature -- triggered by both desperation and intoxicating power -- and causes a consistent and familiar type of behavior. That's why it looks like it's a planned conspiracy.
Furthermore, this all seems "new" to us (let's say as of 100 years ago) because there are more non-survival-mode humans now, all connected and talking to each other. When a person is in reptile mode, empathy and love are hard to grasp, since the only thing they are thinking about is survival. Only outside of this mode can you start putting other people ahead of your own interests.
Now that non-reptile mode is more common, there are a lot more people looking at how things are being done and seeing them as "unfair" or evil. The way things are being done now has been standard operating procedure for as long as humans have exercised power over each other. As much as we talk about "rights" and "discrimination", the concept of fairness is just a myth, only survival is real.
We need to continue to help as many of our fellow humans out of this survival mode and toward love. The only way we can "defeat" the evils that come from power is with tremendous amounts of love, honesty and acceptance.
This kind of achievement may have been possible in the past with a small isolated society because fewer people had to become "enlightened" and a strong common culture allowed quick teaching of this mindset to all citizens. This would be the true core motivation of "religion", though it seems to always end up corrupted.
Many have fantasized about what it would be like to live in such a society. They have likely existed in the past and might still now exist in traditional tribal cultures. Nowadays our global society is huge and diverse, which means awakening is a massive task to accomplish in modern times.
4 IanPhlegming 2015-07-29
Yes. I always thought Icke was speaking in metaphors about the Reptilians. I'm not sure whether he realizes or sees it that way or not, but it makes sense when you look at it metaphorically.
2 Putin_loves_cats 2015-07-29
Which is why he does speak in metaphors. If he was speaking literally, he probably wouldn't have lasted this long. By doing what he does, he is laughed at and mocked, but if you knew the metaphor (which most don't) it goes over their heads. So no danger in that. It's when people start realizing it's a metaphor and look into it, is when trouble arises. All one has to do is look at the esoteric story of Cain and Abel and the two bloodlines.
6 TheAmericanPharaoh 2015-07-29
God. Lilith. Lucifer. Adam. Eve. Nothin but baby momma drama since the start. God loves drama and beef.
1 Putin_loves_cats 2015-07-29
Sure does.
2 TheAmericanPharaoh 2015-07-29
I'm ok with it. It's what made everyone possible. Over 7 Billion of us took a bunch of fucking.
1 Putin_loves_cats 2015-07-29
It's all very interesting, to say the least.
2 TheAmericanPharaoh 2015-07-29
The Apocalypse isn't the end. It's when all the secrets get unveiled.
1 Putin_loves_cats 2015-07-29
A great awakening. I agree.
1 TheCocaineFairy 2015-07-29
Eli5 Cain and Abel
2 Putin_loves_cats 2015-07-29
Eli5. Cain and Abel were brothers from the same mother (Eve). However, they had two different fathers. Abel's father was Adam, while Cain's father was the "serpent". It was not a snake, but a different being then Adam. God was the father of Adam, while something else was the father of "Satan". Shit gets a little blurry around these lines, bastards, etc etc. Abel was Favorited by God while God considered Cain an abomination. Abel was loyal, not seeking knowledge and did his father's deeds. Live a life according to his Father. Cain was bored of this and sought a different life. The bloodline of Cain was all about the arts, math, science, music, art, rebellion, etc etc (hence the apple of knowledge). Cain grew tiresome of the submissive brother Abel and was fueled with hatred because Abel was Favorited by God, he killed Abel. After that, two bloodlines have existed since. Abel of Adam and Cain of Satan. It's a metaphors and allegoric, but that is the esoteric teachings of the story. Hope I've Eli5. The rabbit hole goes much deeper, but a 5 year old wouldn't understand. Cheers.
0 TheCocaineFairy 2015-07-29
Jews must have come from Cain
1 Putin_loves_cats 2015-07-29
Canaan, happy hippy-hoppity rabbit hole falling ;)
edit: definition.
1 TheCocaineFairy 2015-07-29
Really? Canaans or Canaanites or whatever the fuck are a type of semitic people I just remembered! I didn't know Canaans are derived from Cain. I'm gunna do some serious googling. Hory shet.
1 Putin_loves_cats 2015-07-29
Cheers. Like I said, the rabbit hole goes deep with this. I'm not religious, but the allegories and metaphors intrigue me. You can find answers in ancient Egypt, but that's a horse of another color.
2 TheCocaineFairy 2015-07-29
Can you recommend where I can start? Like books or websites? You relinquished the beast on this one, don't just leave me hanging here lol
1 Putin_loves_cats 2015-07-29
Of course. But what you have to realize is, this is many years worth of reading into this stuff. Everything from ancient Egypt, to Summerians, to occult and Free Masonry. I'll compile a list for you, maybe post a self post? The best I can do for now is this video. Not very long, little under an hr.
1 TheCocaineFairy 2015-07-29
Send the whole URL I'm on a tablet bcaz my comp is fucked and the link won't work. This shit goes deep man, makes me go all zachariah sitchiny and just melts my brain.
1 Putin_loves_cats 2015-07-29
It's a youtube video. IDK how to send the whole url? Just put this into youtube "FREEMASONRY SECRETS REVEALED Mystery of the Widow's Son The Legend of the Craft". It will be the first link, by user "WakeUp". This is a decent summary. But it goes much deeper, this is a foot in the water video explanation.
edit: you mean this:
2 TheCocaineFairy 2015-07-29
Thanks mane
1 Putin_loves_cats 2015-07-29
You're welcome. This is a deep rabbit hole, be prepared. Check your world views/beliefs at the door ;). Happy falling.
2 TheCocaineFairy 2015-07-29
Goodbyeeeeeeee voice fades as I fall into the deep abyss of crazy
1 Putin_loves_cats 2015-07-29
I can still here you, I'm down here dude. Check out my wallpaper, isn't it neat?
2 TheCocaineFairy 2015-07-29
Yea man, but which one of us gets Alice :/ I don't like sharing bro
2 Putin_loves_cats 2015-07-29
Alice is a nympho. Here, take this bong. We all smoke and we all fuck, no sword crossing. I get the front, you get the back, sorry. I was here first. Tomorrow, we'll reverse. Deal?
2 TheCocaineFairy 2015-07-29
Fair enough lol
2 Putin_loves_cats 2015-07-29
2 TheCocaineFairy 2015-07-29
After we finish tag teaming Alice let's go start a 4th reich in wonderland. All we gotta do is Assassinate the queen of hearts and take control over her 2 dimensional card minions. You can be second in command like himmler, I call dibs on Fuhrer status.
2 Putin_loves_cats 2015-07-29
Fine, but who had the true power and who was the puppet? Here are the strings ;) (aka, you my bitch, now dance puppet). I have some time traveling shit to do, you're part Jew, but a good speaker. I'm off to Antarctica.
1 whatisauthority 2015-07-29
hows this for critical thinking
1 Putin_loves_cats 2015-07-29
Of course. But what you have to realize is, this is many years worth of reading into this stuff. Everything from ancient Egypt, to Summerians, to occult and Free Masonry. I'll compile a list for you, maybe post a self post? The best I can do for now is this video. Not very long, little under an hr.