What is your favorite conspiracy theories?

0  2015-07-30 by [deleted]


Aliens helped build the Pyramids.

Anchient aliens had a hand in modifying our dna. How else does one explain homosapians losing all their body fur only to cover our bare skin with furs.

No mammal in earths history has ever shed its fur in order to survive, it would be a death sentence.

It does have explanations.

So only human DNA has been changed by aliens? Because a lot of animals have undergone changes to its DNA. For, you know, adaptation.

Edit: the following converastion is what is wrong with this place.

What mammal would rid itself of fur in the name of adaptation. We're not talking about animals here.

Edit: and I already know who you are, youve been exposed site wide. Your words hold no merrit here.

Whales evolved from mammals. They lost their fur for their new environment.

Evolutionary pressure to lose body heat. We rapidly changed how we lived. We began walking and running a lot. Losing hair allowed us to regulate body temperature while walking around in the sun. It's recently been suggested that losing fur and beginning to sweat allowed us to grow larger brains that would have overheated previously. Losing fur also got rid of deadly parasites infested in it. Kept hair in useful places, like our head hair for sun protection/warmth. Kept pubic hair for sexual stuff.

Edit: exposed? Wtf? What am I? What has been exposed about me? I post here and in Cleveland sports threads. I've already explained that I simply like evidence. You're mammal fur conspiracy has explanations. A ton of fucking mammals don't have fur. Jesus Christ, some of you are ridiculous. You believe any fucking conspiracy theory because it's a conspiracy theory. You believe any story posted here because it's posted here. The Sandra Bland story two days ago is pretty fucking clear evidence of that. One day it's obvious she's dead in her mugshot, we watch anonymous videos, breakdown the look in her eyes, and people are calling for action here. The next we see the video of her getting her mugshot and tuck our tails between our legs on that point. Think for five fucking seconds. I'm sick of this "you're a shill" bullshit. I'm sorry I don't show up in every thread, yell "fucking government psyop" or "damn Zionist Jews", collect my upvotes, and leave. I like shit that actually contributes to discussion. If you don't like people who try and refute your points you're just scared. Make your argument better. Make your evidence better. You're too paranoid.

The fuck kind of agenda could I have talking about fur? You just made my fucking point. Don't discuss, don't debate, don't refute anything, just cry wolf.

And you downvoted all of my recent post history. Who has an agenda here? Keep running.

Clearly your upset, you shouldve thought of that before you started your "job". Keep your distance guy.

Lol. Keep my distance? None of you sheep worry me. I'm here to stay. You show your intelligence with every post you make. Keep the downvotes coming.

Edit: what do you mean job? This sounds like a violation...

Lmao, but in all seriousness you're insinuating I'm a shill because I responded to your comment about mammal fur. This is hilarious.

There you go assuming shit again. You get off on arguing with people, thats clear. Just continue doing whatever it is that you do sugartits.

Im not assuming. You know what you meant when you said "job."

I'm not arguing with you. I posted information about mammal fur and you got upset, lol. Mammal fur, bro. Lol, you all say the same shit when you get one reply against your thoughts. It was a reply about fur. Don't take it so hard.

Exactly, mammal fur. Now please calm down, I can actually hear your bloodpressure spiking from here.

Nuh uh, you're the angry one! Lol, are you ten? What kind of replies are these?

Yes, mammal fur. I posted information about why we eventually lost ours and you got upset.

Edit: please, the downvotes hurt Donny :(

Youre sweet, thank you. I bet you have fantastic posture.

So, how about that mammal fur Don? Can't believe the "anchient" (your words) aliens took it away from us. There's no explaining it.

Exactly, unless we can unlock that last little bit of human genetics that eludes us so. Im glad to finally cross paths with someone who sees it my way. Groovy.

Totally. Everyone else would just be government paid fur propaganda shills.

Yea but im more of a hawiian pizza kinda guy.

I can tell you're a real thinker. Someone who really appreciates researching topics before they talk about them. Topics like mammal fur. Basic grammar and spelling, too. Perhaps while eating a Hawaiian pizza.

That'll be all for today. Gotta go look into some mammal fur/"anchient" alien comapiracies for the government.

Awesome, im going for a beer. Care to join me?

This is fucking hilarious and you're an idiot.

You really know how to make a girl blush, I hope you have a fantastic day friend

Personally, I always like a good ol' fashioned "the government is inside my mind!!"; those always make me giggle. Being serious, I would say any conspiracy that evokes thought would be my favorite.

The government has the ADS, the MEDUSA, the LRAD... All acoustic devices using microwave radiation.

I like the theory that a secret service agent accidentally shot JFK