I'm just going to say it. Under the new reddit policy changes, I think /r/conspiracy will be quarantined and how that's bad for the truth movement. More inside....

102  2015-08-06 by Putin_loves_cats

Under the new reddit policies, they are implementing bans on some subreddits (recently, /r/coontown) and quarantining others. I however think that the main goal is not to get rid of/silence these retarded subreddits, but to silence the truth movement/alternative news/conspiracy theories.

Everyone knows what a ban is, but what does quarantine mean?


A community will be Quarantined on Reddit when we deem its content to be extremely offensive or upsetting to the average redditor. The purpose of quarantining a community is to prevent its content from being accidentally viewed by those who do not wish to do so. Restrictions on a quarantined community include:

  1. Requiring an account with a verified email address
  2. Requiring an explicit opt-in
  3. No custom images
  4. Will generate no revenue, including ads or Reddit Gold

The important part of this is:

A community will be Quarantined on Reddit when we deem its content to be extremely offensive or upsetting to the average redditor

So, what is talked about on here that may be offensive to the average reddit user (in no particular order)?

  1. 9/11
  2. USS liberty
  3. Operation Paperclip
  4. Intelligence agencies creating faux terrorists/boogie men around the world
  5. Critical of the government (politicians are puppets), call out the shadow government
  6. GMO's/hormones in our food effecting people's genetics/hormones
  7. Critical of the militarization of the police and police brutality
  8. Critical of these endless wars, and call out the truth behind them
  9. Critical of the PC SJW agenda
  10. Zionism influencing US Politics and foreign policy
  11. Israel and Palestine, and the war crimes Israel is committing (Israel treats Palestinians like the Nazi's treated the Jews)
  12. The transgender agenda

Just to name a few.

Now any of those could be deemed by any "average reddit user" as offensive, which puts us in the cross hairs. As I've said above, quarantining a subreddit will put restrictions on that subreddit. My main concerns with the restrictions are these:

  1. Requiring an account with a verified email address
  2. Requiring an explicit opt-in

If you are asking, okay what's wrong with that?

  1. By making people verify their email address, it makes it less likely a lurker (on the fence conspiracy theorist/truth seeker) will stop by and see what alternative news is being talked about here. Many people come here from say /r/worldnews to see another side of the story. This adds an unnecessary step (people are lazy), most "average redditor" will not enter their email address, go to said email inbox and press the verify link. It will also do away with throwaway accounts.
  2. By requiring an explicit opt-in, this will stigmatize /r/conspiracy (and other alt subs) with the likes of other quarantined subreddits. Hence, associating us with some of the most vile subreddits on reddit. This too, may also deter people on the fence or mildly interested in ever seeing alternative news/conspiracy theories. Because the opt-in implies, topics talked about inside this sub were determined to qualify it to be quarantined (racist, hateful, blah blah, etc). I imagine it will be a splash page similar to 18+(porn) subreddits. Most people will just say "fuck it", I'd rather look at cats and funnies or a subreddit like /r/worldnews or /r/news, etc. Only truly curious people will do these steps (I say 20% actually would). This further segregates alternative news/theories from people who need to know this information

By doing these two very things, the truth movement is quarantined from the very people, who need to/should see it. I see this as an overall strategy of censoring the internet and I feel like now with the reddit changes and how the FCC will be regulating the internet (net neutrality), things will only get worse for the truth movement.

Welcome to the new internet, a bastard child created by 1984 and A Brave New World.

TL;DR: We desperately need a new platform and we all need to come together and figure out how we can do this.


I swear I'll leave reddit and never return if any action is taken against this sub.

I have a feeling, it's not to far off.

Methinks the next step is to ban the other "antisemitic" subs then slowly they will eventually get to us.

I can see this happening, because some people will see stuff we talk about, as anti-Semitic, yet it's not. For instance, the Palestinians are Semitic people, Khazar's, are not. But, you know how that goes.

do you realize how much anti jew stuff is said on this sub

on this sub, the jews seem to be behind everything

Yea, I'm conflicted on the Khazar theory myself. I need to do more research. slurps redbull with tremoring hands while wearing tinfoil hat

You need more cocaine, I'm surprised your brother hasn't "stopped by". Cocaine fairies always have each others back, or so I hear.... What are you conflicted about the Khazar's?

I just didn't research it enough to be certain. It makes sense though.

I spend too much time on here anyways.

Well, maybe that's the turning point, no? We get off this platform and actually start doing shit IRL? I just see this as writing on the walls, and hear this song playing in the background.

It will happen as soon as this ban wave blows over. Reddit can't afford to ban too much shit at once and risk a large uprising

If we create new accounts and cross submit we might still be able to spread this subreddit's perspective

They have been logging IPs now for a couple of years. They have mine and they have yours. If you registered with an email, they have your IP and your email connected, so they basically know who you are.

Different computers, local libraries, carrying emails all can circumnavigate dat shiiii


Does that feeling lead to you believe the planets of the solar system don't rotate?

Can you prove they do, or are you just gonna follow me into all threads? You know I can report you for harassing/stalking me. I do not feel safe.

wait do you actually think the planets dont rotate?

I don't feel safe with your racism.

Got an example? Because I have screen shots of you stalking me..... I'm scared, this is not a safe place, for me!!!


before you go to sleep, sit and contemplate a life without substance abuse. think about the grand conspiracy to get the masses to consume a substance, sometimes many times daily, that shuts down the critical thinking regions of the brain.

I know a man that's a schizophrenic. His disease was caused by years of alcoholism....sometimes he says the world is flat as well. You may be undiagnosed.

Hey now, I'm not a doctor (though I play one for comedic effect), so I got a question. Was the schizophrenia a direct manifest result of alcohol abuse, or is it that the man you know had latent schizophrenia which was triggered into action by the alcohol? And are we sure he wasn't using other drugs?

I am a doctor and no, no, and no

Well, as far as I know he wasn't into other drugs like cocaine or acid or anything. He didn't even smoke marijuana. Regardless, he had no prior history of schizophrenia in his family. Thus, his decades of boozing it up were thought to be the cause of his affliction.


Please, get help. I know you feel alone and powerless, but I'm sure there are people that care about you. Do it for yourself. Seek professional guidance. The world loves you and it wants you to come back to it.

Many people commonly describe schizophrenia as 'hearing voices' or something similar. However, delusions are also a common symptom of schizophrenia. For example, you have concluded that the world is flat because you can't observe the spherical shape directly. This is an inability to connect the established results of many experiments with reality of a spherical earth, that rotates in space. This is a delusion. No amount of evidence will convince you that this is true because your disease has affected the way your brain works.

Please, you should really seek professional help.

You're a fucking idiot. If you take anything that I say seriously, you need help. The earth isn't flat, I do not hear voices and the Jew reptilians are not after me. Are you that fucking dumb? Look at most of my posts, you ignorant inbred. Go watch your gf get fucked by Tyrone, because you have a small penis and your girl has a alley way of a vagina. Man, people are fucking idiots. Gnite, homo. Take everything I say, as with others with a grain of salt. You do not know me, and you only see the shit I post, mostly joking. Do I drink? Yea, because it's funny to see cucks like you respond to this shit. Too da loo j00.

Schizophrenics can often seem normal or will try to hide their illness; some even lead relatively normal lives. You can beat this. Don't get angry, please, you will need strength and compassion to overcome this thing that affects you. If you don't have any friends and you need support, hell, I will even help you figure out what is real and what isn't. You can do it! The change starts today!

There is help for you. You can do it. You just need to acknowledge that things just aren't quite right. After that, the healing/coping process can begin. Treatment for your schizophrenia will be a journey that runs through the rest of your life. Don't give up.

Do you know any schizo's? Possibly a schizo girl, who I can talk to about the aliens and then we can have Hcore schizo sex? I wanna change, I need to change, but pussy is important to me. I heard non-schizo pussy smells. I knew a schizo girl and her pussy smelled like corn-flakes, mmm, I will always remember that, college years. Do you know any? I do not like captain crunch, that's not schizo pussy, I'm talking mini-wheats or corn-flakes. I want you to help on this journey, but I have a few requests/questions....

These things will not aid in your recovery.

Based on a simple analysis of your text, I can see that you are displaying an almost textbook example of an inability to connect the dots, if you will, which is commonly displayed by schizophrenics. You will need the aid of advanced psychiatry and psychology techniques and therapies. Unfortunately, you will not be able to make requests. You need to follow the directions of those appointed to your care.

Will there be frosted corn-flake pussy where I'm going?

Where are you going?

Where are you taking me? I do not consent, unless there are frosted-flake pussies. Don't worry, I can derail my own post. Anyways, frosted-flakes?

Thanks for the jingle-jangle. My mom told me when I was younger, I could be anything I wanna be. I told her, I wanna be Hitler. She said alright Gunther, you need to dye your hair. My momma helped me dye my hair, my dad who was an alcoholic could see past it, and he was Russian. He said, Joseph, you are more like Stalin, be him. I said ok, so now I'm following the path of Gandhi. Where are those frosted-flakes? I'm hungry now.

no you wont

and if you do, so what?

On the other hand those that truly violate the rules such as, https://www.reddit.com/r/isrconspiracyracist/ are allowed to exist.

https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205701155 'We do not tolerate the harassment of people on our site, nor do we tolerate communities dedicated to fostering harassing behavior.'

If this is not a community dedicated in harassing, then i don't know what it is.

The new CEO said "We are banning a handful of communities that exist solely to annoy."

/r/isrconspiracyracist is just that.

Exactly, which is why I think it's smoke and mirrors. They will be allowed to exist and so will others (who fucking harass people). I think this is more than just "safe places". I think it more about the truth movement and we here are at the heart of it. It coincides with the FCC regulating the internet and "hate speech" and "conspiracy theories".

How? Does it seek people out in real life and send death threats to the owner of a nursery? No, wait, that's here.

Does it even send angry PMs? Don't think so.

You are right in my opinion.

I lurk back here on occasion but have been on Voat almost 100% of the time and I have to ask, why are you guys still hanging around this cesspool, when the turds don't want you here? We have a lot more activity on Voat.com now, and many of the stories normally posted to /r/conspiracy are posted in the news or politics subs, where they belong, because there are no mods banning specific content at the behest of X. /v/conspiracy is also a thriving community.

Why accept being quarantined when the goal is to spread the truth? Come to Voat, where the truth fears no investigation.

Yet nothing said about the extreme islamaphobia. Blatant racism against Muslims almost daily on almost every mainstream sub.

The xenophobic wartime propaganda is everywhere. Guess there are groups it's kosher to be racist against.

Hating Muslims is fine according to reddit, Jews oppressing Muslims, well they are terrorists and if you say anything different, your an anti-Semite!

I hate how race is manipulated and weaponized. Smokescreen gas lighting.

Interesting double standards of the fascist warmonger class. Racism against the societies that values the family is good. It's not racism because look at how they treat their people. We need feminist Islam. We need to give them democracy. Terrorist cave men. Bah, we will allow them to sell us the oil. Turkish delight.

Imperialism at it's finest... Makes me physically ill, TBH....

Wow. You're all so caught up in this that you think an average redditor will be offended by a bunch of fringe theories sourced from poorly-produced YouTube videos and infowars?

This subreddit isn't nearly as important as you all think it is. The fact that you take yourself so seriously isn't offensive; it's comical.

/r/conspiracy has some low quality stuff and high quality stuff. I think its an important topic. we should be talking about alternatives. Im gonna thinking of some ways we can put our money where our mouth is and do something about this.

That aether decentralized site sounds pretty interesting. http://getaether.net/

Especially with all of the coontown people who try introduce their shit here.

Exactly, be prepared to see an increase of agent provocateurs.

They've all left for another website that's an exact clone of reddit... but without the censorship.

Voat? Not really bud coontown people just receded back into the shadows everywhere.. Reddit and voat alike. Most probably spread their views on defaults now lol

It's time to jump ship guys, Ive only been here for like a month so it ain't a thang. Sucks for you reddit veterans tho :/

Please register at my commonwealths website if you are interested in staying in the loop on news regarding a solution to a decentralized community run by the community. I'm working on that site as we speak to be used by people to develop reputations for making P.A.S.T decisions that could lead to building a community website run for the community by the community.

Sign up for the news letter and ill keep you up to date on whats happening if you are interested in that. If you have any questions or thing you can make contributions let me know. I will also be putting updates on the /r/Commonwealths sub if you are interested in viewing information that way.

I'll look into it, thanks and cheers!

I mostly come here for entertainment however I believe you lot are safe. I could be wrong but its just my opinion as a passing observer.

I do not trust you, "passing observer". Tell /r/spez he needs a tic-tac.

You don't need to trust me I was just trying to be nice, this sub is really not offensive 99% of the time and its not designed around hating a specific race or gender.

I don't get people coming here for 'entertainment', as if what we are talking about is soooo crazy that it amuses someone so much they come back for more??? Considering that CT are a reality, I don't think discussing possible CTs is entertaining, it is eye opening and often worrying, but amusing it must only be for those that don't understand the gravity behind some of the theories.

I meant no offence, I'm a hardcore skeptic who likes to get all the opinions I can, most stuff here isn't that out landish however regularly there's stuff that I see that people here largely disagree with as well, those are what I read for entertainment as of late.

The quarantine began when admins disallowed any posts from this sub to make it to /r/bestof because of one post which put Israel in a bad light.

If the above would happen, I'd leave reddit for good. I am also on Voat and their conspiracy sub is getting there. Seriously it was this sub that made me come to reddit in the first place and I am not giving anyone any emails of mine. Unfortunately it WILL happen...


This sub has opened my eyes too, and I love the community. I'm already on voat, but their recent Incorporation in the US has me at my doubts. I'll stick around here for as long as possible, I just think this community has enough diverse people within in to be able to come together and brainstorm a new platform. I have many ideas as do many others. This is just kind of like a writing on the walls, the tsunami wave is coming. Best see it before it hits and have a plan. Cheers!

What of I've subscribed to r/conspiracy, but I haven't verified my account with an email address? Will I be required to so if this sub is quarantined?

Yes, under the new policy you would have to. That is kind of the point I'm getting at. It's multi purpose.

Hmm... good to know.


Emails help put identities to names too. People are lazy - using their personal/NSA-monitored email is easier than making a new disposable.

I'll keep that in mind when the time comes.

Precisely, failed to mention that part in my post. Sorry, I was sober at the time of writing this.

It happens to us all occasionally.

Did you just Chinese curse me, lol?

Oh, that's certain. We'll have time till November-December at most. It's more likely to happen in/around September, when the shit is supposed to hit the fan.

So it might be inevitable. But what can we do, anyway?!

I was banned for 24 hours recently for asking questions in an AMA. The mods said it was for "trolling", but since all I was doing was asking questions, and I'm a regular member, commenter and contributor to this subreddit, I think it's something more sinister. I think it's the precursor to a crackdown. I agree with the OP that this is just the beginning of making this subreddit less useful.

It's a shame because it literally is the only subreddit I read on a daily basis.

Fucking censorship again. At this rate, they can literally accuse ANY subreddit and just get rid of it. They're trying to cover all their bases and it's looking really obvious. Fuck that. Hopefully Voat can sort their shit out so I can go create an account there and not worry about the shitstorm that's about to happen again.

They won't take down conspiracy because they need the theories running around to block the truth, best way to lie is by truth

I'm not saying ban, I'm saying quarantined, under the new policies. Which, if you think about it, is worse than a ban.

Not sure why you are getting downvoted, I completely agree. The banning of this sub would just drive all its readers to the next one that pops up whether that's a new site or a new sub.

Quarantine, on the other hand, would have the opposite effect. Some would flee, the ones who stay become an insulated and effectively silenced community, not being able to branch out to other and new redditors.

Divide and conquer would be awfully effective under a quarantine.

Divide and conquer would be awfully effective under a quarantine.

Exactly, whether I got my point across or not, this is what I'm saying. You hit the nail on the head. PS, not sure why I'm getting downvoted either.

I certainly agreed with you as soon as I gave it some thought.

Cheers, to each their own!

That's true ^ but I don't think they would quarantine it. Because then who are the sheep going to make fun of when their delusions are picked apart? They need us so they can discredit us, of course what your saying is pretty intense and again, who knows in this world anymore?

The thing is, we would still be here, but we would be behind a quarantine wall. That's what I'm saying. This furthers, /r/conspiracy are a bunch of cooks and now they are quarantined. Most of said some hateful/racists shit. Let's all laugh at them. You can still view it, but now you have a star of david/scarlet letter sewn on your jacket. Get my point?

Definitely ^ I guess like I've always thought the the truth is always right in plain view but the circuses surrounding it are too serving free bread....it's like people are mentally lazy nowadays to even seek, and if you do your a conspiracy theorist....I get your point about being quarantine but I'm sure that the uproar would too much for them to handle... We'll have to wait and see

We shall, being quarantined would do more harm to us then them. If they banned us, it would cause a Streisand effect. This is how human nature works. Quarantine it, you can have your cake and eat it too!

Ahahah very right! But you gotta remember they can't shut all of us down/ quarantine and reddit isn't the only platform to produce indie media! The truth will always prevail because nothing else is legitimately tangible ~ 👌

Is there a backup subreddit we could migrate to?

Precisely, failed to mention that part in my post. Sorry, I was sober at the time of writing this.

I'll keep that in mind when the time comes.

Please, get help. I know you feel alone and powerless, but I'm sure there are people that care about you. Do it for yourself. Seek professional guidance. The world loves you and it wants you to come back to it.

Different computers, local libraries, carrying emails all can circumnavigate dat shiiii