Can anyone explain why the music industry is so full of Illuminati and Satanic symbolism?

11  2015-08-06 by [deleted]

So for awhile I was really into this site and read pretty much all their articles. It is hard not to be convinced that the music industry is obsessed with illuminati and satanic symbolism.

Anyone know what gives? Is the industry just full of these kinds of people, or is the world really run by satanists and illuminati?


Music is just another tool to program you.

I have a hunch that the Satanism stuff is intended to be a warning to those who are half awake. Like, if you see it and continue to listen to it, well you gave your consent. Similar to corporate logos.


It's all about consent. No ones stopping anything no matter how bad it gets too.

I get it, but it's a bullshit argument -- because of the deception and coercion involved.

If I run after you with a fake knife, and you flee into a room with a tiger in it, unbeknownst to you... and that tiger eats you... it's bullshit for me to say "well I guess he consented to being eaten by a tiger!"

Complete bullshit. The deceiver is responsible -- not the deceived.

edit: The phrase I was looking for is "informed consent". There is no informed consent in their ploys. Deceived consent is no consent at all.

The deceiver, I would say, is definitely more responsible. However, I'd say the deceived would do well to work on waking themselves up, and wouldn't be doing themselves any favors by continuing to give the deceiver the time of day.

Your fake knife and tiger example is a good analogy, but another analogy that I think isn't a horrible one is the substance user/abuser vs. the pusher dynamic. Who's really at fault there? The pusher is the obvious "bad guy" here, but the user/abuser absolutely has great culpability in the dynamic and cannot be free from fault in the least at all.

We should strive to educate ourselves, and if in the course of our attempts to awake ourselves, we happen to find that some of the very things we engage in or even like to do are actually bad for us, then it is our responsibility to stop/discontinue doing them...and if we continue doing them otherwise...then the onus of responsibility is on us.

Yeah the drug pusher / junky is probably a better analogy, with the addition of trillions of advertising dollars telling the would-be junky how good heroin is for them.

Exactly. Understandably, it's really difficult for the junky to NOT be a fucking junky considering how big of a fucking piece of shit the pusher is, and considering the "peer pressure" extent toward which practically everyone around is constantly pushing the crack (both metaphorically and literally) saying "It's so awesome! Everyone who does it is coool!", etc, and people just don't want to be left out, look "uncool", etc (smfh)...but still. That's when you have to be strong. Those people who are still ignorant and way stuck in the matrix, I can understand (to some extent) how they still go with the negative thinking, but if you're one of the one's who know something's wrong and isn't good for you, then - peer pressure or not - it's ultimately YOUR responsibility to be strong and NOT do that shit/fall into the hands of the pusher.

And here I'm speaking very much both literally (in terms of actual substance use/abuse) AND metaphorically (in terms of falling into the trappings of the MSM and rabid consumerist, uncritical thinking, etc).

And also there are ads on TV... doctors are recommending the drug... :sigh:

I mean, if you KNOW the knife is fake then yeah don't run into the room with the tiger. But there's multiple trillion dollar industries that exist to convince you the knife is real. And he just "stabbed to death" multiple crisis actors. One of which was your mom.

edit: Now help me find a way out of the LEGAL NAME deception -- which, it turns out, violates the 2nd Commandment and is at the root of our enslavement. And it turns out the Bible is a political strategy guide to defeating these fuckers. The things I've learned this week...

And also there are ads on TV... doctors are recommending the drug... :sigh:

Correct. The pusher is TPTB...and TPTB control the MSM, the government, etc, their advertising of their ultimately undermining message is very strong, ubiquitous, and very difficult for the population to not be influenced by, unfortunately.

I mean, if you KNOW the knife is fake then yeah don't run into the room with the tiger. But there's multiple trillion dollar industries that exist to convince you the knife is real. And he just "stabbed to death" multiple crisis actors. One of which was your mom.

That, or he just went through with a false flag attack that A) although it definitely was a false flag attack, B) STILL ended up killing your mom. Like 911, for example. That was a false flag attack through and through. However, we're not saying that there were 3000+ crisis actors that ACTED like they died on 9/11/01. No. They died. They got murdered.

This, of course, makes things much more difficult because game that TPTB play to convince us that the falsehoods are real is very committed. That's what makes it so much more difficult to just ignore their games and NOT be convinced by them. They have no compunction against actually KILLING many people for the sake of making their lies seem real to the masses - for the sake of making us believe their lies. That makes it all the more difficult to stand up and not be afraid of their lies, because their lies can and do often time kill. The more we rely on EACH OTHER as a citizenry and NOT on the manipulating government or corporate structure, however, the better off we will be. Easier said than done, but true nonetheless.

Now help me find a way out of the LEGAL NAME deception --

That whooshed over me right there. I can’t say I’m sure I even know what the LEGAL NAME deception is in the first place. Is this the deception that finds the legal loophole to take advantage of you as a corporation when you agree to have your name spelled in all capital letters but that doesn't apply to your name spelled in caps and lower case letters because the all caps version is "the corporation" version of you and not the real you?

which, it turns out, violates the 2nd Commandment and is at the root of our enslavement.

The 2nd commandment as in "Don't make graven images/idols of God?" Is that the one? If it is, then I'm REALLY lost as to the connection between this and how it ties in to our enslavement.

it turns out the Bible is a political strategy guide to defeating these fuckers.

I wouldn't say this is impossible at all, of course...but I also can't say I understand offhand how this is actually the case.

Perhaps I need an ELI5 here…

Ooof, the LEGAL NAME deception is deep. Essentially, damn near everybody has "consented" to be property of the state and cannot own property themselves.

ELI5: I'm not a religious guy. It turns out that, in law, reality or creation is God's constitution. Every nation is suborned to God's law. Literally, the Ten Commandments. The Second Commandment forbids graven images -- i.e., state birth certificates, which create a legal fiction (a corporation) from your name. When your name is written in uppercase, it has been CAPITAL-IZED. Your legal person is capital. If you consent to being your person, they own you.

This is a big, twisted mess, and if you don't figure it out, you're consenting to being property of the state. A slave. By consent.

It's not something to blow off. But the Bible is not what we think it is. It's a legal lawful strategy guide. Religions exist to corrupt and deflect this knowledge.

This guy breaks it down fantastically:

This second series goes over the solution to the problem and reveals the true purpose of the Bible:

Trying to get some discussion going over here:

Still working on nuts and bolts -- passports, property ownership, etc.

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Thanks for all the info. Will go through it.


You don't have to run though. You could fight and maybe win.

Replace knife with sword. Or shotgun. Or killbot.

He makes a good point though.

I don't run period. I'll face whatever comes my way to harm me head on. Physically or spiritually.

So if you're playing chess, you only move pieces forwards, never backwards?

Don't be silly/macho. Retreating is often the correct tactic. Especially when faced with a killbot made of knives. And there's an empty killbot-proof room right there. And tigers are extinct.

You can't run from eternity. You can only embrace it.

Swallow that fistfull of pills then.

Swallow some more shit.

It sells, the controversy of it sells. Just like it has for years, Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll.

Like, Every teenager wants to piss off their parents, or most anyway, and the more anti-parent a band is, the more it drives up the value to the teenager.

That's even before you get into what is being done "through" the music.

EDIT: Missed a few words there...

"The Pecan Sandies..."

While it can't be denied that the entertainment industry oozes with abuse, manipulation or artists and agendas established by higher powers, the blatant, now bordering on the ridiculous flaunting and use of 'occult' imagery & concepts on every video and every concert just stinks of exploitation by lazy 'creatives', photographers and advertising execs, of the current memes and 'illuminati' concepts. Just as yesterday rock stars had to look badasses and exhibit drug use and hints of satanist attitudes, today the 'cool' thing is to flash horns, hide an eye and shake your rump over checkerboard floors, the 'cool kids' will get it.

Aside from some theoretical or unknown esoteric bullshit, planting symbolism does two things. It scares those that know about a piece of the cabal bent on planetary domination and control. Second, and more importantly, it keeps the minions in line. As they see the imagery, they think about how powerful their masters are that they can flaunt such symbols without the common man noticing. They also lose hope that mankind could unite and defeat the cabal.

What is the cabal? It is comprised of a bunch of old families that have used secret societies, finance, religion, the media and government to keep people in a state of useful subservience to their authority. They know with information spreading their time is limited, unless they further subdue and limit humanity. Thus they seek to undermine the Internet, undermine the power of the people through their governments via the new trade agreements, employ global mass surveillance and destroy civil rights.

the world is really run by satanists and illuminati.


cause money and hidden agendas and influence of the people.

Popstars, or the creative team behind them, might well be interested in occult symbolism. That doesn't mean that they practice magic or have any idea what they mean. Artists have engaged with religious and occult themes and iconography for decades, from Robert Johnson singing about the devil, to David Bowie drawing the Tree of Life on the floor, and Madonna utilising imagery related to her Catholic upbringing. It's mostly for aesthetic purposes: to cultivate a rebellious, mystic or exotic image. Gwen Stefani wore a bindi in the 90s - no one thought she had converted to Hinduism.

Then there's the fact that singers and their record labels are aware of what people say about them. It's likely that they deliberately act this way to in order to bait and encourage conspiracy theorists because they bring them valuable attention and give them an aura of mystery and power. It's all smoke and mirrors. Magic of the Wizard of Oz variety. I don't doubt that some nasty things go on behind the scenes in the entertainment industry, but I doubt that they're rubbing our noses in their esoteric practices.

It's edgy, popular, and sells to teens. There are many themes in pop culture. They come and go with the times. I suppose Satanism is a big one because it's so in your face to the majority opinion. Hey mom; Satan is King! God is dog backwards!

I see this plenty. I just hate how other Christians use this to promote their religion. Its dusvhsting when you thibk about. Satanism and being a christian is 2 sides of a coin now. I just wished thr conspiracy crowd were more agnostic/atheist/even spiritual maybe. We should look at this objectively


Google the book "Culture Bandits" by Del Jones. Jones points to Clive Davis as one of the first guys to inject Satanism into pop music.


The 6 is a nickname for Toronto...

Mainstream record companies like Big Machine Records seek the ditziest artists and then influence their style of music and the star's image. Their goal is to degrade popular culture to a deprave state, as deprave as their artists such as Rihanna, which is a culture easier to control. I mean, producers aren't exactly Phil Spector anymore.

Everyone either has an agenda or no agenda. There are many blurry lines.

Music is wonderful and beautiful, and fun to play, and some people use it as a tool to spread their beliefs and others do it because they love to dance… pick your reason for you!

Using music to sell jesus, satan, wars, fashion, or corporate interests just ruins it all for me.

On the symbolism factor, some people know what they are doing, others do not and do not care. An all seeing eye to one person is just a neat looking tattoo to another. You can not say absolutely what it is either way in every case.

Also, keep in mind that when you are researching this that you are looking at one person's theory and their agenda. Don't forget about the countless millions of artists and songs that have nothing to do with this.

Aside from it being interesting subject matter, I feel like most consumerism/mainstream media outlets are basically tools of what many would call the "Illuminati." The Satan part, well, Satan is just awesome.

Satan is a dork. cthulhu fhtagn!

Satan's a pussy.

The Vigilant Christian will let you know what is up.

Thank you for sharing. :)

Satan is a dork. cthulhu fhtagn!

Satan's a pussy.