This is probably coming from a cynical place, but does anyone else feel Bernie Sanders is just *too* perfect/well-timed/portrayed as everyone's favorite underdog?

29  2015-08-09 by [deleted]

I don't really have real reasons to doubt him. It's more of a gut feeling type of thing. Kind of like they're testing how viable a virtual platform is.

On paper he seems wonderful. In fact, I'll probably vote for him. But does anyone else feel like there's another side to this?


Before I started earnestly supporting him I paused and thought about this. I thought he was going to split the democratic vote and give the election to Jeb. But after seeing him say he wouldn't seek a third party nomination I was assuaged. Maybe he's just that genuine. Go look at his older speeches. He may just be the real deal.

The guy's been around forever. Either he's playing the 30-year "long game" or he actually means what he's saying.

Yup, I'm not a fan of him purely because of his stance on Palestine but he is as genuine as any other person out there. I mean the man organized civil rights sit ins as early as 1962.

The saddest part is that we've been trained to be so beat down when a genuine candidate does show up we can't trust him,

hes just close enough to the real deal for the media to run with

He's the Left's Ron Paul, an older guy with an educated (relatively speaking) base, who are progressive, older, and love WeAreChange petitions (hint: overeducated, unemployed, and politically disatisfied millenials, who could be a FUCKING FORCE but he is meant to corrall them). Fuck, some of them may have even read some Marx.

They're somewhat savvy social media users, who think they know what's going on. Bernie'll say whatever they think, be he does know what's going on, and it's his job to pull the base to the Left (or the appearance of this, at least) so he can throw his support behind Warren when Hilary fizziles out (do not forget, there's emails and Bengazi and Haiti and The Foundation and I Could Go On) and she gets this version of the Swift Boats For Truth.

They'll bring in the Woman, The Professor, The Consumer Watchdog - and she'll make Student Loans be her thing (that I'm sure will be a huge exercise in doublespeak) as well as those damn TPP/UN Climate Change Resolutions she can shepherd in. She'll be this Cycle's Carter, a 1-termer.

But she won't be able to do it without Bernie.

Posting to look back at this in a year if the Warren dethrones Hillary.

I'll be here.

So has he been co-opted? Bribed? Threatened? Brainwashed...what?

Just playing the game, man.

hillary is a confirmed murderer

I left out Vince Foster but can add it in if you desire.

Bernie Sanders said open borders were a "Koch Brothers" policy and that immigration hurts workers.

Hell I kind of like the guy now.

So he's a socialist... and he's against open borders... so he's not an international socialist... hm, what would you call a socialist who's not international?

It really isn't healthy to assume everything good is actually a trojan horse. Bernie has been on the right side of history and issues for decades. He's the real deal. What happens after he becomes president and what pressures are put on him, who knows. But he truly is a good guy who deserves support. All you have to do is notice the silence from the media. It's like the status quo has seen a specter wandering the halls.

This is probably the first time someone like him even stood a chance, the first time someone like him could even get enough exposure let alone support.


He's been saying the same things since the 1960s. Try and find a more consistent candidate. What you see is what you get. He wants to support the middle class and reduce corporate and bankster ownership of out government and return that power to the people.

In spite of all that, people here seem to respond to him in stereotypes and cliches like "Jewish," "Zioinst," "unelectable," "socialist."

If he were the perfect construct of a candidate he would be 10-20 years younger.

To some people there is no perfect candidate. They just like to complain while refusing to get involved in the process themselves.

Sometimes you cant make a big difference, only a small one. Collectively, small differences add up to big ones.

If they cover him on msm, he's their man.

I have been reading a lot of (my posting history) threads and...

Well, the thing that immediately jumps at me is that the hardcore right and alt-right issues are THE SAME as the left and alt-left issues.

Police brutality, corruption of our political system, the law enforcement harassment, constant wars, constant immigration.

I believe that the greatest threat/worry for the neoliberals and neoconservatives (who are THE SAME THING) is a political union of alt-left and alt-right guys ON THE ISSUES THAT MATTER.

That is why the wedge issues are sought and amplified to divide us, the normal, working folks, that is why the race relations are amped up.

Everything is done to divide the population - the importation of 3rd world immigrants main goal is to further polarize our societies so that we are less and less homogenous.

The more we fight with each other at the bottom for scraps, the more the top can get away with.

The fact that he gets generous MSM coverage is suspicious.

I went looking for his skeletons... I haven't found them. He is as he appears, an advocate for proper governance.


I like him the best but he's anti-2nd Amendment so I DO NOT think he's perfect at all. The right to bear arms has nothing to do with hunting, Bernie.

He's managed to piss off both side of the gun issue. Vermont is an "anyone can carry without a permit" state, and he is OK with that.

Bernie Sanders is taking a position on the Second Amendment that aims to straddle both gun rights and gun control, with protections tailored to needs. Sanders says that guns in locales where hunting is a way of life, and in states where gang violence is a way of life, are two completely different cultures, and laws need to take both into consideration.

Is that such an irrational conclusion?

Not irrational at all, but I was referring to this image found on his Facebook wall.


"Certain types of guns" - fully auto, machine guns, maybe even 50 cals. A lot of people may agree with that. The second amendment and case law provide for "regulated"

Not "all" guns.

Automatic firearms are already regulated. Let's say he goes after and somehow successfully bans .50 caliber weapons and pistols. Would you still consider him to be pro-second amendment?

I feel you are being unnecessarily defensive about Bernie because you like him. I'm being critical of his stance for the same reason. I like Bernie but he's on the absolute wrong side of this issue.

he's on the absolute wrong side of this issue.

From your perspective, not everyone's. I know you have a lot of allies, but there are a whole host of people out there who favor responsible gun regulation. (defining "responsible can be tricky," I get that.) But some people do favor gun control.

Personally I am uncomfortable with civilian availability of 50 cals. I own guns and support the second amendment, but it does say "well regulated."

As I said, Bernie has pissed off both sides of this issues.

I am not a one issue voter, and if i was, that issue wouldnt be guns. The NRA, which represents gun manufacturers, not gun owners, has behaved in an incredibly sleazy manner, acting in its own self interest.

Let me put it like this: He's on the wrong side of the Constitution.

The Bill of Rights does indeed say "well regulated...". That is in reference to a (let's continue the phrase!) "well regulated militia" -- whereas a militia is defined as any male over the age of 17.

The only information in the amendment having anything to do with limitations on citizens to having firearms states that these rights "shall not be infringed". A civilian can own machine guns (although you have to pay for a tax stamp) and .50 caliber guns are easy to purchase by anyone with the money and inclination. I don't feel endangered in the least.

I do agree with you on the NRA, though. They're pretty scummy but I do see them as an ally on these issues as they have the most money (which is how you get things done in Washington, sadly). I like the Gun Owners of America, personally.

Absolutely. Seeing how ravenously some of my friends are supporting him reminds me of supporters for Obama's first campaign on meth. Even if he is to get elected and genuinely has a desire to affect change, the only change he'll be successful in affecting is that which the shadow government already wants.

So, which troll group do you work for?


Well, if you love your work, you're never working.

All hail, The Lord and The Light.

Just another rich person who wants a bigger government in my life. Not interested.

Nice try. He's actually the perfect candidate.

He's bullshit because he's pumped up by the media. If he were sincere he'd be blacklisted by the msm.

He's an Israeli. Never vote for an Israeli. This comment section is almost entirely shills. The top comment is by a person who actively posts in Sandersforpresident. Do your research people.

Bernie sadly has no chance of winning a nomination. The real conspiracy is this fact.

Underdog in American elections? Good luck with that.

Heh people acting like they forgot how US elections work.

He's a Zionist who can't engage minorities

As a brown American I'm very disappointed in him

You'd think if we had a Jew we'd get some verbal acuity. He refuses to go off his stump speech.

Worse than Obama, he's all talk the same way Obama was. If he gets elected once the CIA gets done telling him the million ways Jihadis can ruin his legacy he will be just as gung ho as anyone.

Obama is a constitutional law professor and he threw it (edit - the constitution) out the window. Do we really expect a man who has been elected so many times to do any different?

Not even good on paper....

So, your attempt to smear Bernie Sanders indicates to me that you feel threatened by him, that you are a right-winger who is attempting to perform mischief on behalf of your troll-factory employers, or you are a freelance troll.

Smear him?

He's a Zionist, and not going to win the democratic primary because brown people like me won't vote for him.

Why would I need to smear him? He's doing a great job ruining his own campaign by getting these terrible headlines about black lives matter.

It's probably the Hilary campaign sending these hecklers. They make him look like a senator from Vermont who has never seen a black woman.

"all lives matter, so we''l ignore blacks dying at 20x the rates of whites by police"

That will lose him an election.

Black lives matter isn't a shill campaign. It's filled with brown people who can read

Your link only cites itself. Just saying. Please link an actual source of some kind. Also George Soros did pay for the whole damn thing, spent 33 million on black lives matter on Ferguson alone and has spent several million in Clinton's super PACs.

He's Jewish and is saying he's going to take down the banks/get money out of politics. That's as farfetched as Obama saying he will heal the world. It's hope and change v 3.0. If people fall for this again, I'm moving out of this god forsaken country.

I'm not so sure. There's plenty of worldwide Jewry that openly opposes Zionism. Despite the fact that 90% of Congress is beholden to Israel, this support is concentrated in Washington, the media and Hollywood. A financially powerful group, but one with a small membership. This is what they're so scared of.

Simple solution would be to stop being dicks. This is what Bernie Sanders seems to be saying. At least to me, an interested British observer.

My point is, the idiocy of all of it. I guess I'm a little jaded. I just think no politician is going to change anything, the change has to come from the people. But the majority of the people still believe our votes matter. I think he is a wolf in sheep's clothing, especially with all the shit going on with the Iran deal and Israel crying like little brats who's parent didn't buy them the lego set they wanted in toys-r-us.

Exactly. If we of all people can become compromised and believe in the system again it will show that they can wave false hope in our face and be subdued, just like everyone else. They just play off what we want to hear. More change.

the change has to come from the people

on the nose. I'd like to think Sanders has the interest of the people. Just because he is of jewish descent, doesn't necessarily mean he is in favor of Israel. Well, saying anything the wrong way about Israel is political suicide. It is a tight rope. If you want to get ahead in any political game, Israel's brand cannot be challenged; tread lightly.

No politician has the quick fix to all of our problems. If he wins the oval office, who knows what will happen. Maybe we'll see small steps in the direction we need to go. Maybe he'll bend over to wall-street and the banks and begin taking it balls deep. Maybe he'll start to look like the next JFK, making waves, and then gets brained by the CIA (Weekend at Bernie's II).

All of our leaders have never seem genuine. I am weary of it all, but if I'm going to decide to cast a vote for the first time in my life I don't see the harm in helping him overtake Hillary. Or at least try to.

Politicians are "people" too, right?

Ok, I understand. Jew's are like dragons and it's in their nature to horde gold and valuables.


The tribe is loyal to the tribe. Israel first Bernie Sanders (who is Jewish) will be loyal to who? To say he will take down the banks, is like a Hollywood producer saying he will out the pedophiles in Hollywood.

Im already planning that.

Send me a postcard


Because I'm pretending to care that you are leaving

Im not pretending to care that you are pretending to care.

You told the whole internet that you intend to leave. Certainly you thought someone must care.

Dude, i commented on a reply. for someone that doesnt care you sure are giving me lots of attention.

The Black Lives Matter protests against Sanders indicates his portrayal is not too perfect.

There is plenty of room for many people to push their agendas. The Americans who are working on the Black Lives matter project in no way interfer with Bernie Sanders. This is a false attempt to create conflict. Nice try.

My point is, the idiocy of all of it. I guess I'm a little jaded. I just think no politician is going to change anything, the change has to come from the people. But the majority of the people still believe our votes matter. I think he is a wolf in sheep's clothing, especially with all the shit going on with the Iran deal and Israel crying like little brats who's parent didn't buy them the lego set they wanted in toys-r-us.

Let me put it like this: He's on the wrong side of the Constitution.

The Bill of Rights does indeed say "well regulated...". That is in reference to a (let's continue the phrase!) "well regulated militia" -- whereas a militia is defined as any male over the age of 17.

The only information in the amendment having anything to do with limitations on citizens to having firearms states that these rights "shall not be infringed". A civilian can own machine guns (although you have to pay for a tax stamp) and .50 caliber guns are easy to purchase by anyone with the money and inclination. I don't feel endangered in the least.

I do agree with you on the NRA, though. They're pretty scummy but I do see them as an ally on these issues as they have the most money (which is how you get things done in Washington, sadly). I like the Gun Owners of America, personally.