Billionaire George Soros, a Hilary Clinton supporter, has given millions of dollars funding to the BlackLivesMatter movement, while that movement continues to disrupt rallies of Clinton's main contender, Bernie Sanders. Sen. Sanders has vocally opposed financial influence in politics for decades.

3218  2015-08-09 by NotEtreo

Soros gives money to BLM:

Soros supports Shillary:

Not going to include links to Sanders' statements on campaign finance and money in politics, because it should be spellbindingly obvious to everyone by now that he's constantly going on about it and he's 100% genuine.


I'm gonna die of laughter if @deray endorses Hillary.

There is something so off about that guy. Came out of nowhere and took over the movement by hooking up and raising money with Ferguson locals. He never gets arrested, never gets majorly harassed and always lands interviews on big media. He even had a site where he got people to give him their cell phone numbers to receive a text of the Michael Brown jury decision. If you wanted to build a list of shit disturbers for the government what a great way to do it.

Compare him to someone like Bassem Masri who was arrested many many times and put in solitary for a week because of a traffic ticket. They cops harassed him so much he dropped out of protest scene.

I would bet my liver the government has at least a couple people embedded high up in the movement. Is it Deray? Maybe. Maybe not. But if we could bet that's who I'd put some money on.

edit: The next day...@deray is arrested by Homeland Security and placed in solitary confinement away from the other protestors.

If this was a movie that's where his handler would meet with him.

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Considering anyone can literally rent a crowd now (which I think may have been involved here) I wouldn't be surprised if deray was controlled opposition in the slightest.

Security agencies have many experts out there working as founders and organizers of ''dissent'' groups. That's an old game from ancient Chinese folklore and shit.
I accuse Stokely Carmichael and Angela Davis and Abbie Hoffman of being federal agents or CFR type agents.
Your boy there sounds like one.
I'm positive the Occupy thing was leapt upon by these expert movement leaders, from the UN, the feds, AND the elite cartels as a tactical furthering of their thousands of years old studies on how to control people in mass groups, of varying environments.
Right now, every single security agency interested in control, the secret elite squads, the feds, the cops, the social planners, the ''educators'' cough cough, UNESCO, view this unrest as super happy study and learn how to control more, fun time. These leaders of social unrest movements they train get to pull puppet strings dictated by orders from above.
In some civil disobedience groups, the training is complex, where one needs to know all about whales or seals or fracking chemical analyses. One must be aware of complex issues, and be able to speak about them.
In black oriented organizing, the game is much easier to play, as an undercover agent leader. That provocetuer shit is a distraction. The real agents are at the top of civil unrest orgs. Anyway, a black agent has to be black, and be sick of the man's bullshit, and be able to display anger about [list names, dates, places, times, how many shots fired, of police killings] ''This shit got to STOP!''
So easy to infiltrate.
What new ideas in black dissent organizing have cropped up since the 60s?
Nothing. Their movements are led by federal agents with amazing hypnosis based bamboozle plans that really fucking work. Bam fucking boozled.
Any black who even hints at anything I said would be lynched by their own people. In black civil disobedience culture, they never ferreted out any spies, or double agents, or anyone infiltrating any of the dozens of movements over the decades. In twisted black civil disobedience culture, every single ''leader'' must be respected and solumnly regarded in high praise, with no possibility of them working foir the man, or having been duped by the man.
Ishmael Reed is the greatest of the black American authors, and was one of Richard Pryor's best friends. Not random. edit

Some say Alex Jones is actually an agent gathering his list of members/watchers.

He's so fucking obvious. The emotional outbursts spell ''easy agent training''.
The black guy on the street yelling ''dey killin us!!'' is immediately trusted by all black activists. Alex's job is way more complex.
He's actually pretty good at it, the federal jesuit agent of whatever.
He's got millions of folks hoodwinked, both those with him, and against him.

Of course there are undercover. There always is in movements like this.

RemindMe! One Year "Is @deray a shill?"

DeRay and Netaaaaaaaa were just arrested in STL. Very peaceful arrest for CD.

Interesting coincidence. Getting arrested definitely builds credibility, like how rappers that get shot sell more records.

State of emergency declared as well. It's all unfolding rather quickly.

Aaaaand they (along with 55 others) were just processed and released by the U.S. Marshall service with only a summons. Lucky them. Almost too easy.

Edited to delete a letter

I love how you can fit any facts into your conspiracy narrative.

DeRay not arrested? Obviously a plot!

DeRay arrested? Obviously a plot!

DeRay process and released? Obviously a plot!

If he was killed, it would be "Obviously a plot!!111!"

Evidence-based reasoning; people really ought to check it out.

I didn't espouse any theories. Chill out, man.

Agent provacateurs

RemindMe! Three Months

On this I'll agree with the Sanders people. Pure bullshit.

I still think he's far from ideal, but I appreciate people like him and (much moreso) Ron Paul for expanding the terms of the public forum

I'd much sooner vote for Ron Paul or Bernie Sanders than probably any other candidate currently out there. And they're about as opposite as you can get on policy.

I think it speaks volumes about the state of America when people are struggling to pick between a libertarian and a socialist*.

I think it speaks volumes about the state of America when people are struggling to pick between a libertarian and a socialist*.

It speaks volumes about the state of America when advocating for a constitutional government gets one labeled an extremist.

To be fair, it was made by a bunch of violent revolutionary extremists back then.

No. We won history so we get to write it. We were freedom fighters.

Freedom is a violent revolutionary extremist cause!

It's not that surprising. The parties represent a Hegelian dialectic. You chop up the issues that most people support to make them more or less equally attractive and split the vote, divide the people. Then you use one party to attack the middle class, the other party to attack the lower class. End of the day everyone gets fucked but no one knows how to fight back.

People often find themselves liking "extremists" from both parties because these are the people who focus on the things we all like about either party and drop most of the other crap that we don't. In other words, they are as close to genuine as you can be within the system; no one is allowed to be more than "half" good because they have to pick a party, but they can mostly drop the bad half. But these people not electable because the elections are rigged and politicians are not useful to the system unless their true intention is to implement things none of us like while paying lip service to a few things we do.

Great insight. Divide and conquer is as old as civilization itself.

And the fifth column fascist establishment!

Except Paul isn't a Libertarian and Sanders isn't a socialist. :/

He has called himself one but I think it's ridiculous the wrap socialism gets. socialism is something we all live with the question is only how much. I doubt any high ranking republican who claims to hate socialism would try to turn the interstate or the school system completely private.

He can call himself what he likes but he's a Social Democrat, not a socialist

I think, although I have been known to be wrong, that is it "rap" as in "rap sheet".

it's ridiculous the wrap socialism gets

Stalin. Hitler. Castro. Mao. Pol Pot. Chavez.

What would be ridiculous is socialism NOT having a bad rap, after repeatedly spawning monster after monster after monster.

I know you guys like to argue Sweden, etc, but seriously, genocide on one hand, stagnation on the other, is NOT a good track record.

The thing is, socialism didn't cause these people to do what they did

You can play that game with capitalists too the Saudi royals, Saddam Hussein, Noreiga, the contras and many other dictators the united states has supported.

Or you could open your eyes and see the genocide directly perpetrated by our own government. Just ask any survivor. It's hard to find Indians these days, though.

Yeah I could add that to the list me not having done so is not a case of closed eyes and where your from it may be hard to find natives but live in the western unites states and know plenty of natives and they would all say what happened to them is super fucked and I would agree with them.

Not exactly.... Most of those people were not even following socialist principles. There is a difference between communism and socialism by the way.

Do you think that people owning the companies they work for is a bad thing?

As has been now resolved, the varying numbers of deaths under the Stalin administration are a product of propaganda, and have hence been wildly exaggerated. The evidence found in Russian archives, opened up by the capitalist roader Yeltsin, put the total number of death sentences from 1923 to 1953, the post-Lenin Soviet Union, between 775,866 and 786,098.a To this we must add up the 40,000 who may have been executed without trial and unofficially.b If we add up the numbers, what we get achieve is 800,000 executions in a period of 36 years, less than the lives claimed by the dictatorship of the CIA-backed anti-communist Suharto in Indonesia in a time span of 2 years. This is not to say the deaths are to be condoned, but it raises an important question: if fewer lives have been claimed by the Soviet Union under Stalin than Suharto’s Indonesia, why is Stalin demonized to that extent when Suharto is rarely even known among pro-capitalists?

That's grossly understating the death toll. Holodomir anyone? Man made famines?

I'm well aware of the roll of propaganda. How much do you know about Edward Bernays and his role in the Cold War?

If unintentional starving is taken into account capitalism still has the higher deathtoll by a landslide.

I know who Bernays is but don't know much about what role he played in the Cold War.

The Holodomir was not accidental any more than the Irish potato famine.

It was Bernays who built the concept of Communism as being "bad" and something to be feared, as a tool to move popular sentiment against the Russians. Communism has been violently controversial since its inception, but we turned from being Russia's friend to being their deadly enemy, and that turn was deliberately manufactured.

There was never any proof that that is what the Soviets intended to do. I don't believe it was intentional as there was a food crisis throughout the Soviet Union at the time.

That's interesting that Bernays was instrumental in anti-communist propaganda. It has gotten so bad now that being anti-communist is seen as patriotic as seen by the MURICA subreddit.

There was never any proof that that is what the Soviets intended to do. I don't believe it was intentional as there was a food crisis throughout the Soviet Union at the time.

There was a food crisis. However, the crisis in the Ukraine was purposefully amplified, in retaliation for the Ukrainian dissatisfaction and growing isolationism inside the Communist sphere.

As for the general food crisis, what kind of food crisis happens at the exact same time that Russia exports record quantities of wheat and other crops? A failure of management to be sure, but the situation in the Ukraine was a tool to break the back of the Ukrainian resistance by starving the population.

That's interesting that Bernays was instrumental in anti-communist propaganda. It has gotten so bad now that being anti-communist is seen as patriotic as seen by the MURICA subreddit.

It's not any worse now than it has been in the past. I recently helped clear out hundreds of pounds of old magazines and books from someone's cellar that dated back to the 50s and 60s. If anything, it's much tamer now. Much tamer. But because we're young, we don't have the experience to know that.

Castro? Cuba has one of the best health care systems in the world believe it or not and also free university--It's a matter of perspective.

Although Hitler called himself a national socialst, he was in fact a fascist.

Those systems were not 100% socialist, they are a mixed system, just as the west is nowadays--just a matter of degrees.

Kind of weird as a non american, because around the world libertarian means socialist

It frustrated me for years, but I have come to accept it now. Let them have the term, they have been unable to co-opt 'Anarchism' at least.

In the US they are also trying to take that term as well. The capitalists believe it means just being against governments and not all forms of rulers that extend into the private lives O individuals.

I'd much sooner vote for Ron Paul or Bernie Sanders

You really could not easily find two people in American politics who are farther apart, ideologically. They are on complete opposite ends of the political spectrum and advocate a completely opposite set of ideas. The fact that you would vote for either of them is kind of baffling.

I disagree. There are plenty of places where libertarians and socialists intersect, and specifically these two who are, as anyone, not strictly defined by their chosen label.

They both rail against the powerful interests controlling the major politicians of the country. They both talk about getting money out of politics.

They are both similar in terms of foreign policy, in avoiding military conflict as much as possible. They both opposed the PATRIOT Act and mass surveillance.

They diverge when they talk about the role of government in society: healthcare, minimum wage, SS, DOE, EPA and regulations across the board. These aren't small things, but they both want a government steered by the people and not a plutocracy. And the media owned by that plutocracy has not been kind to either.

If we could agree to reform the system and remove that control, at that point we can decide government's role in our lives.

And I made sure to point that out. My point was that I'd rather vote for genuine candidate who don't bullshit around and know what they believe. People who aren't concerned with their career as a politician but rather what they feel is right. I can at least respect that even if I don't always agree.

Fair enough

He's far from ideal, but everyone else is farther.

Say he's "100" away from ideal. Well, every other candidate is infinity away from ideal. Except Hillary, as she's infinity times infinity away.

...and then there's Donald Trump.

Infinity to the power of infinity.

Plus 2.

Plus 3

And my axe!

also, this shit


vs HER

They look very similar. Good work.

Holy shit.

Even though Im a libertarian, I would not mind Sanders at the bully-pulpit. He's outside the status quo, and can make the flaws in our nation painfully obvious to the people. Now, I don't really agree with a lot of his solutions, but I know he cares enough to actually go through with them.

Ah yes, another "jew controlling the blacks" argument. Great job guys, let's break for lunch.

Not to mention the Clintons are long time friends with Donald Trump, and the friendship is well documented.

Controlled opposition is the best opposition.


lol thats funny how you think the two sides are "opposing" each other

whether trump, clinton, obama, jeb bush, marco rubio, romney wins, the exact same shit will happen. all that changes is the spin they put on it before and after.

a prime example - illegal immigrants, or "undocumented immingrants" i guess we're calling them now. These will all be converted to real citizens at some point in the near future, no matter who is in office. All that will change will be the spin put on it.

It's like I write in every one of these "omg politics is corrupt!" threads on here -

There are people who benefit with billions, investing millions of $ and hundreds of hours into what they're doing and what they want done. Compare the drive and motivation of those people to the motivation of your average, overweight/obese american. They watch 2 debates on TV, get spoonfed their viewpoint from the "post debate analysis" (like it matters anyways), and then go back to american idol and eating mcdonalds. tomorrow at work they'll "debate" with "bible thumping racists" or "minority loving faggots", thinking they're accomplishing something. election day will come, they'll take the day off work, get a stupid sticker and wear it around like they did something, voting the way that could be predicted years before the "debates" or candidates were even announced. Then at night, every retard will huddle around their computer or tv waiting to see if "their side won". half will go to sleep happy, half depressed, all retarded

like most things in life, you get out what you put in. the same goes for politics. So i dont know why anyone with half a brain is surprised that the american public is being duped or manipulated... we don't care at all. we care as much as the CNN or 'The Daily Show with Jon Liebowitz' tells us to care, just enough to jerk off over, and then we move on.

it's gotten to such a level of retardation that there's no point trying to fight it or even get upset about it. it is what it is now, and you thinking you're one step ahead really means you're one step behind.

and you thinking you're one step ahead really means you're one step behind.

Written by someone who clearly thinks they are "one step ahead".

how can you be one step ahead of the people at the front?

if theyre the ones deciding things years before it's even public, they're the ones that have been openly abducting, torturing and experimenting on their own citizens for more than half a century, and they're the ones storing and analyzing every email, phone call, and tweet you post, how can you be ahead of that?

all of us are at the back of the line, it's just most are too busy looking down at their bag of mcdonalds to even realize it. it could be different, but like we all know, people don't want to put in work and change things. easier to just complain (about what the news tells you to. Example - one lion shot in africa, national outrage for a month due to media coverage. meanwhile, 50,000 kids under 5 die per day in africa, nobody really cares. in all the time everyone spent crying over a lion, protesting, etc. they could have achieved a real result and just donated a $5 to prevent the 5,000 daily preventable malaria deaths of children in africa and moved on with their life and done something else with their time. but we know people like to cry)

I don't think I agree with you, but I don't think I understand everything you're saying either.

I'l tell you this. You sure covered a lot of ground in one post.

In USA do you only get the choice of two candidates? Is there no option for a third party or independents vote?

Then everyone would have to bribe a third candidate.

There are third parties and such, but they only really serve to take votes from either of the major party candidates.

This is the attitude that keeps the two party system fully in power. Untold tens of millions of people not voting for a 3rd party because they've all convinced each other to not do it.

I'm just saying how it works.

Crabs in a bucket.

Plus the electoral college votes are the only votes that really matter.

But, if they didn't follow the popular vote it would ruin the illusion. Right?

Do they always follow the popular vote? I didn't think they had to.

They don't have to depending on state law. But if they didn't follow the popular vote the citizenry would freak out.

True, it's still a weird concept for a "democracy".

That happened before with bush and kerry. What happened? Nothing. That's what happened.

How unfortunate in an 1984 way

Feels more like Brave New World to me.

Its a skillful blend of A Brave New World and 1984. We've got our doublethink, endless wars, soma (television, fast food, EDM festivals), a caste system based on income and familial ties, secret police (DHS/CIA), thought police (FCC, FBI and the Scientism hegemony) and New Speak ("Racism is Prejudice PLUS power"..)

Yet no word against power.

Then at night, every retard will huddle around their computer or tv waiting to see if "their side won". half will go to sleep happy, half depressed, all retarded

Nail on the head.

Just wanted to say, that was an awesome rant.

hahaha thank you, it went on a little longer than i wanted

It's controlled opposition because they're doing it to control the public. They probably already know the result of the fucking election, they simply do these things to pit the public against each other. I mean for fucks sake, have you seen how mad people get over each others music taste? People will argue about anything. They're taking advantage of that.

The elections are decided a long time before the voting starts. Presidents are tapped by elite inner circles in DC, London, Tel Aviv and New York they don't get elected


is trump going after sanders too? I wouldn't think he would make a good ally for anything surgical or nuanced.

I've not heard anything from Trump that would make me believe that he was going after Bernie. Also Trump and the Clinton's are only friends in the sense that Trump gave them money for favors, something he has said himself.

I don't even like sanders political stance but it seems to be a connection here. In a perfect world there would be an investigation and arrest for political corruption... In a perfect world...

If it was illegal to lie and manipulate regarding politics, then all the politicians would be in jail. I think everyone understands that they all do it, but pretend that they don't see it. Kinda like how people pretend that Velveeta is actually cheese.

Hence the "in a perfect world".

What don't you like about it? Honest question, I don't like his stance on $15 an hour.

I don't like social democratic government. If I labor and earn money then nobody else has the right to take it for redistribution.

I'd be fine with it if money was a public utility issued by the treasurer based on economic productivity. Those who couldn't work would get the required amount to eat, get medical treatment and be housed with enough extra to have leisure time.

In a system where money was handed out on a merit basis then a nation would have legitimate reason to educate, keep healthy, and happy the population.

Socialist systems can't work with money issued by private entities. It definitely could if it were a public utility.

Great answer.

I never understood the 'no one has the right to take my money and redistribute it' argument. Money is a tool or a means to an end that's supposed to buy quality of life and happiness right? So instead of looking at yourself, the lone tree, look at the country as a forest- a whole that you are trying to keep healthy and happy.

The idea is that its a statement of priorities- is it more important to let a super rich Multi billionaire CEO have an extra $5 million in tax breaks or could our country use that $5 million in tax loopholes to help poorer people be able to afford college . Basically, is it morally more important to the country as a whole to have our economic priorities be things like letting the CEO of the Bank of America pay $0 in taxes and yet get $1.9 billion in tax refund OR do we try and have the super rich contribute more to the collective well being of the country and guarantee that people like this guy - who has keloids all over his body and face (who currently has been trying to raise money for an operation for months because his insurance won't cover it for being 'cosmetic')- are able to get free health care.

I say this as someone who comes from a family that is near the top of wealth in this country and someone who has also lived in the UK, where my friends could go get medicine they needed for free, and where college was several thousand dollars a year rather than $40k or more.

All you need to understand is that if you worked for something nothing gives another the right to take it from you.

Not an individual or a group of individuals calling themselves a government.

The privatization of capital is the reason the world is in this current state. Making capital a publicly available right does away with elitism and classes.

The harder you work the more you earn, your time is paid for versus exploited as is currently the system the world works under.

A country that depresses and subjugates its citizens ability to produce in favor of a few at the tops benefit would be weaker than a nation that promotes citizens health and well being equally.

Private banks are parasites that breed parasites within all social institutions.

Think about it.

The harder you work the more you earn

That's where the whole issue lies though. CEOs make five HUNDRED times what their workers do. Are they working 500 times harder? Absolutely not. Are teachers who bust their ass and get <$50,000 a year working 100 times less hard than an NBA player, whose average salary is $5 million? If how hard you worked was directly correlated to pay, then people who come from low income families could just work hard and then be rich, but that's obviously not the case.

And more importantly what people like Bernie sanders is advocating for is not to give poor people more money directly. It's to help people with health care like that guy in the video, and college- so that money isn't such a barrier to education or getting giant life-ruining cysts off of your face . Seriously, please take a minute and put yourself in this guys shoes and try to empathize:

And another thing fuck your emotionally manipulative comment implying I lack empathy for the less fortunate. If you could comprehend what I stated then you'd know it is the MOST empathetic way to run society.

Jesus dude. No need to get angry. I'm done with trying to reasonably discuss differences of opinion, not interested in a shouting match

Seriously read what I fuckin wrote and don't argue based on your misunderstanding. If you wanted to make a point about your sanders support then do it separately from my points.

Social democratic policies do not address the god damned issues of inequality and corruption in social institutions or society.

Getting currency out from under the control of private banks does. Fuck.

Love you.

Yea, but I'll have a better quality of life if I cut down all the trees around me so I have a better view.

Also, I need all the water so I can keep the plants healthy, but continue to cut them in case they look too healthy

E: Please don't tell me I need a /s on this.

What you want is what the elites want. A completely privatized government with no social programs whose only job is to enforce the law(which the corporations write). You are not in opposition to them.

No not even slightly. Read what I wrote.

At this moment the money I earn through my own labor is reduced through taxation to fund social programs and service debt on interest caused by governments borrowing capital from private banks.

I think private banks should be dissolved and their function handled by individual countries treasury departments.

This way a country can issue currency on a merit based system of labor. The more economic production a worker puts in the more currency they are issued.

In the cases of disability, and inability to produce economically then the government would issue the vital currency directly to those individuals and families so as to provide a comfortable quality of life.

There would be no need to tax citizens if the government issued a debt free currency tied to GDP.

Instead the govt would have the incentive to actually promote a physically and mentally healthy population versus a competitive, aggressive, and divided population of narcissists like America currently.

The loans made to govt are paid by its citizens but the citizens didn't secure these loans. Citizens ask for safety, security, and liberty.

What we get from the current system is exploitation, govt terrorism, and fascism.

Businesses would be better able to plan and budget in a debt free currency system. Instead of navigating a 75,000 page tax code and competition killing regulations they could spend their energy on their products.

The silk road demonstrated this principle with bit coin as its debt free decentralized currency.

The products from silk road were dependable and high quality (no pun intended). The sellers on silk road had the incentive to provide excellent service and quality due to their market being free to express their likes and dislikes publicly and without intervention.

They weren't given tax breaks for backroom deals or future favors and thus they competed with each other to win consumers with quality and customer service.

Regulations should only address the businesses operating consequences. If a products production causes environmental or health damage then the regs would demand the biz change or lose their charter and get dissolved.

The profit motive is the killer of sound and safe business practices. Take the profit motive away and replace it with customer satisfaction motive and winner winner chicken dinner.

Also without favors being able to be handed out the regulations that are on the books could be enforced and actually do what they were intended to do.

Lastly I'd just like to say, competition is great in sports, product creation, and with yourself. Competition with others for the right and comfort to live is fucking horrible.

I would vote free marketer!

Haha, thanks.


I finished two years of school to make less than 15 and I'm a firefighter paramedic. Why would anyone want to go to school for anything less? If they had a way to make sure everyone made more than cool but that hasn't been figured out. McDonalds has already started replacing people with computerized ordering systems. Family owned businesses can't afford it. The whole thing just seems forced and unpolished.

I would argue that you should be paid much more for the services you provide.

Agreed. I forgot where but currently ems employees in another state are doing just that.

Wouldn't that put the original low wage earner in the same situation they were in from the start? If you raise everyone's wages then the cost of business will go up. That extra cost will be passed on to the price of the product they are selling to pay for the increased cost of doing business. So while the low wage employees wages go up, their buying power remains the same.

Wages need to be indexed to inflation to off set the loss of capital. What you describe is a long term effect. People are being robbed of what they deserve through taxes, low interest rates, and rampant inflation.

If I may interject his proposal is the 15 dollar min wage by 2020.

What about the rest of us who bettered ourselves though? Don't get me wrong as of right now I'm all aboard the Bernie train, this is just the one thing I don't agree with. I'm willing to take the bad with the good.

What about the rest of us who bettered ourselves though

I'm so tired of this entitlement. You don't get a bonus just because you've been mistreated. You've already been held at the bottom of what it takes to live, and you just don't know it because they artificially have the 'minimum' far below where it should be.

You should be supporting the wage increase specifically to use as a bargaining chip for a better wage yourself.

I already commented on your last point in this thread. I already agree that ems professionals need to fight the same fight. Also, it's not entitlement. It's being paid for your contribution to society. And quite frankly a typical fast food employee isn't worth as much as a firefighter or paramedic let alone someone who is both.

Fast food workers may not be worth as much as ems, but they aren't worth 7.25. They COULD BE worth 15, and that goes to show how much EVERYONE is getting the short end of the stick. Ems workers are making what fast food workers should be making right now.

Can't disagree with that

And again, that speaks more to the professionals wages being artificially kept low, to not match where their skills should be.

So I'm not allowed to feel the way I do?

Some people think the earth is only 6000 years old. They're allowed to think whatever they want - that doesn't make it any less wrong.

Awful rebuttal but ok.

Well, you're using an opinion against economic statistics, and I don't really feel like arguing on the internet.

No one's arguing, were discussing. We don't know exactly how this will effect the economy, we can make educated guesses that's it. It needs time to get the statistics you talk of.

All price controls should be abolished.

Would that benefit the United states as it stands right now?

"I had a Sarah Palin button on backpack" Who is BLM's Marissa "Johnson" Jenae?

It's said that if you decide to act above reproach, you had better be above reproach. It seems that Marissa "Johnson" Jenae did not heed this warning. A photo posted by Jenae to her FB page (Linked) in which she stated "This woman has known me since high school, back when I had a Sarah Palin button on backpack....we been thru a lot."

Alone, we can surmise that she may have made a few questionable choices in her youth. OK, she was young, but Palin was a candidate for VP running against the first black president. But when I read down a little further, my benefit of the doubt limit had been reached.

"GOP shoulda groomed me right they gotta see me on the other side shrugs"

For real? It's like that? This wasn't 8 years, or even 4 years ago. She posted that last month. So my question is, what kinda grooming would it have taken?

If you're going to accuse white liberals of racism, and target the only presidential candidate, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders with a 40 year track record of standing up for #BlackLivesMatter you might not want people to know that "I had a Sarah Palin button on my backpack" or admit that the GOP could have "groomed you more". Because now you look disingenuous at best, and an agent provocateur at worse.#FeelTheBern #BlackLivesMatter2Bernie #SarahPalinButtonReally #BLMjoinBernie #NativeAmericanLivesMatter #Ismellcointelpro

Linked collage will not embed, so you can copy & paste this to access it.

this has soros written all over it. so does the blocktheboat protest in portland.

One of the blm protesters was at the blocktheboat protest. Except she was Palestinian then.

wait whaaaaaaat...background please.

Edit: This


yeah found it shortly after commenting. thanks.

that's funny, but wearing a khafi does not mean she is palestinian. It does generally signify unity with that social justice cause though.

I don't have any problem with the concept or methods of either of these protests, but I do wonder whether this is another subversive soros coopted movement like those black blocers that always end up causing trouble at trade conferences that make the rest of the peaceful protesters look bad.

Reddit's reaction to the black live matter campaign has not been particularly sympathetic and I think we're seeing some serious race baiting building.

I was just repeating what I saw on twitter, apparently she was claiming so but take it with a pinch of salt. At face value I support the concept of BLM (and I also support Palestine) but I really don't agree with the way they interrupted the Sanders speech. I think it's disgusting behavior, as is inciting violence at a peaceful protest, especially if it's paid for by big money with political motivations.

The elite class politically assassinated Ron Paul last election via the media, but inadvertently cemented a libertarian movement permanently into place. I'm sure they learned their lesson and will be assassinating Bernie with covert grass roots forces, lest they also have to deal with a permanent Democratic Socialist movement.

I'd love to see one establish itself but occupy didn't do much of anything.

Occupy was hijacked by tumblr SJWs (not even kidding - Google the Progresive Stack) but in Sanders and Warren the social democratic movement has firmly-established figureheads. I think it'll be fine.

President Warren. I do like the sound of that.

Ugh the privilege of the progressive stack.

I don't agree. When's the last time an unapologetic socialist made waves running for president?

The media has inundated us with stories about how occupy failed, likely because they want occupiers to become apathetic and give up. Occupy and the Ron Paul revolution both have made significant impacts on politics IMO.

ron paul revolution morphed in to the tea party, funded by Coch brother money. I'd say that was significant. Occupy has.... well yeah.

This is exactly how I felt about the situation when it happened the first time. With Bernie Sanders getting shoved aside by these protesters. Protestors on racism wouldn't be this stupid.

You underestimate the stupidity of people who seek attention.

and when angry people get in groups. self-righteousness has always been dangerous as fuck.

It doesn't make sense to shove Bernie aside like that, especially when he is on their side. What's the point of getting up on stage? Just to say, "Hey! We exist and we care! Unlike this white supremacist politician over here, that we clearly know nothing about"?

Not pushing Hillary aside. Hmmm..

How much has he given Trump?

LOL... nothing, I guarantee it.

I tried to repost this on /r/SandersForPresident and got an automatic response saying "Hi. It looks like you are looking for discussion related to #BLM. Given today's events and the ensuing flood of content regarding said event, we are redirecting all content to a relevant Megathread. Please click here to be taken to said megathread, so you can continue the discussion without overwhelming the new queue." I can't even find it in the Megathread.

Odd, I think it's a shame they've instituted a mega thread though. What point does it serve? The front page will be clogged for like a day, but he's on a great run and it won't damage his campaign or anything.

Ah well. There's really very little he could do about it. Can't criticise them for being shills, because then he's just whitesplaining and condoning the death of Mike Brown (who was a violent thief, for christ's sake).

Yes, violent criminals should be put down like dogs by a powerful, militarised police force or by armed vigilantes. That sounds like law and order to me, and that definitely sounds like something to aspire to.

Contextually, shooting Michael Brown was justified IMO. Other cases like Sandra Bland and Eric Garner have been inexcusably handled, and are appalling, but I don't think Brown fits into that bracket.

Kinda sad no one remembers that old fat man in South Carolina (I think) that was shot in the back barely running faster than a crippled person

Shot in the back treated like an animal.

He doesn't, but he was the straw that broke the camels back. It represented the issues that people in that community face. Just an unfortunate face to the struggle.

Did you read the other report the DOJ did on Ferguson? The one regarding all the horrific treatment of minorities and the poor in the town? All the way through the justice system and into city hall

I'm talking about one individual.

We agree then. Murdering citizens in the street is justified, as long as you can come up with a good enough reason.

Self-defense on this one for sure. The whole "hands up don't shoot" statements by his friend came out to pure BS. All eyewitnesses (including African Americans) backed the officers statements. The media played this one up and sounds like the propaganda worked on you.

of course the propaganda worked on me. i fully support our glorious leader's right to chose when we live or die without so-called "due process" that bleeding heart liberals are always going on about. if i leave the house and appear to have committed a crime, i expect to be murdered where i stand rather than arrested and taken to a court of law so that a jury of my so-called peers can review evidence and make a decision based on the law and presumption of innocence.

i am concerned that you are showing a dangerous lack of support for the state comrade, perhaps you should attend re-education?

Have you even looked into the case? The guy (not kid) was shot while bull-rushing the officer after he had already assaulted him. Eyewitnesses and autopsy verify this. Self-defense. Case closed. It's ok to admit you were wrong.

You know that sounds ridiculous right? You honestly believe he rushed the officer while he had his gun out? I thought he was trying to take it from the car. I thought he was reaching into his waist band? I mean I guess if you throw enough hyperbole police phrasing people eventually believe some of it.

Attacked him while he was getting out of the car.

and it's okay to put people down as long as you wear a pretty costume :)

Ehhh... name calling, really? Grow up. Guy just robbed a convenience store and then attacks the cop when confronted moments later. If I have my gun on me and you come at me, you are getting shot. I agree 100% that police unfairly target blacks, just not in this case. What about Walter Scott in South Carolina? That was murder and attempted cover-up caught on camera!

He deserved due process not a summary execution.

There's brigading going on over there, outside forces and such. If this is as much as they can smear Sanders, you gotta know he's the right candidate.

someone needs to make a timeline with pictures and info snipits found on these two paid protesters to really bring it together kinda thing ---H---H---H---{ }

Yea, and don't forget the Phoenix rally that they showed up to and disrupted last week.

I'm not an American, but I do follow the politics over there more than my own country. Anyone who votes for Clintons and such just doesn't want the good of the citizens or are very ignorant towards politics.

Soros is a master in setting up the scams

Hired thugs

George Soros also collaborated with the Nazis.

From what I understand that racist lady is with a group that just wanted to disrupt ANY speech??

Is there more to this story?!

The protest in Seattle seemed a bit off. The one person who has proven his worth in fighting for equality and civil justice, is being targeted by a black rights group? You know why it doesn't make sense? Because money has driven BLM to defeat itself.

You know I thought it I was doing enough to not vote for Hillary. Now I'm going to contribute to tearing her campaign to shreds.

Any blowback Bernie gets is certainly unjust, but on reddit at least it seems most people just hated BLM for it, which is a good thing.

Allegedly, G.S. spent 40 million dollars to support the out of town professional protestors arrival in Ferguson.

Apparently, Soros made his first fortune by helping the Nazi's in his neighborhood locate other Jewish community members and where they hid their monies. Soros left when things were looking bad for his sponsors and fled when his horde to London.

As a boom and bust investor in various unstable governments, Soros has unscrupulously taken advantage of international chaos to make his billions. In his autobiog Soros claims he enjoys destroying governments, destabilizing countries and hurting the little people and playing god. The USA is firmly in Soros' target picture.

Well DUH!!!! Most of these protests involving blacks have involved paid protestors. Remember in Ferguson when people started bitching about "not getting paid"? OWS had paid union members, etc. the list goes on and on. Let's not forget the shitstorm just a few weeks ago with O'Malley and BLM people to the point he had to actually apologize for saying "All lives matter"?

You think this is anything different?

Over 2500↑ front page from this sub, times are changing.

It would have been smart for Sanders to hire the people to disrupt his speech because this has given him more support than anyone. I doubt it's true. Just a theory.

Soros sounds like a cunt.

Every BLM person I know hates Hillary Clinton.

So how many rallies have been disrupted?

Two so far. The other was in Phoenix.

OP doesn't even know how to spell Hillary. =/

Not my fault, I'm a dirty foreigner.

LOL it's all good I just hate that it takes credibility away from your good work

Ahh and that was fucking predictable.

I think I mentioned the other day that one potential source for this blm/bernie incident was hildog

Didn't that woman on the stage belong to another group and was found out that she wasn't black? It was somewhere on twitter..

Edit link

Let's be real opposing the financial influence in our political sphere is just futile. Politics is so influenced by finances it's not even funny. Just look at AIPAC it's the most powerful lobby group and it's for another country FFS

Sorros has been a longtime funder of radical protests in order to overthrow many governments. He's spurred the Ferguson riots and gave 33+ million dollars to fund the black lives matters. They won't ever interrupt a Hillary event because George Sorros has her in the bag.

Soros = the Koch brothers from a different political angle

There is nothing in that article saying Soros gave monety to BLM, much less "millions."

OP just made that up. It's a flat out lie.

George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action

Liberal billionaire gave at least $33 million in one year to groups that emboldened activists

Even if this article is accurate, which I doubt, it doesn't say he gave "millions" to Black Lives Matter - and you know it. You can read it as well as I can.

Can't you read the title and subtitle? It's right there.

Actually, no, it says "groups that embolden activists. That's a pretty ill-defined and broad category. It definitely does NOT specifically say BLM. Why would you interpret those words to specifically mean BLM?

funny how huffpost deleted the link u linked to

That's shifty as fuck.

I honestly think it's too much of a stretch to just go on and imply that BLM is being paid to disrupt Bernie in any way intentional enough to be called a conspiracy. What I see are like 2 coincidences that aren't at all improbable.

politics were fucked up before the financial influence. the system was rigged long before braaaah

Bringing blacks into this country was the single biggest mistake we have ever made.


Rule 10. Removed.

Its true though.

Guess you shouldn't have built your nation on the backs of slaves then.

I'm fairly certain the economic impact of slaves in the United States was not critical.

Haha, "was?" Try "is." You've got a millions-strong labor force today essentially being forced to work for free. It's been that way since the very beginning.


Poor Bernie, it's not like everyone knew this would happen. He's just such a victim, trying to empower the black plague to destroy society and all.

Soro's is kind of a cool guy. He's been pushing for legalization for decades.

BLM is all right by me (old, white guy).

You're going to have few crazies. Move on.

They know Social Media, more power to them.

Malcom was the guy. Wow! :-)

Think he would support Bernie. Like 100%.


"Recently when I was blessed to make a religious pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca where I met many people from all over the world, plus spent many weeks in Africa trying to broaden my own scope and get more of an open mind to look at the problem as it actually is, one of the things that I realized, and I realized this even before going over there, was that our African brothers have gained their independence faster than you and I here in America have. They've also gained recognition and respect as human beings much faster than you and I. Just ten years ago on the African continent, our people were colonized. They were suffering all forms of colonization, oppression, exploitation, degradation, humiliation, discrimination, and every other kind of -ation. And in a short time, they have gained more independence, more recognition, more respect as human beings than you and I have. And you and I live in a country which is supposed to be the citadel of education, freedom, justice, democracy, and all of those other pretty-sounding words. So it was our intention to try and find out what it was our African brothers were doing to get results, so that you and I could study what they had done and perhaps gain from that study or benefit from their experiences."

Ah yes, another "jew controlling the blacks" argument. Great job guys, let's break for lunch.

I didn't even know Soros was a Jew. Why do you want to read race into everything? Seems fishy to me.

So support Rand Paul, then. He's been speaking out against financial influence in politics for years, too, but he also doesn't want government controlling your life or your finances, unlike Sanders. Win-win situation...unless you somehow think its morally justifiable to institute socialism and vote yourself more of other individuals' money and force them under the will of the collective.

I don't support anyone, I'm English. Just reporting the facts.

Disrupting things with secret service protection and hand-picked audiences is much more difficult. It may just be her paranoia that had prevented it from happening to get thus far. Finding a BLM idiot that likes Clinton is like trying to find a unicorn.

I'm glad the left is finally starting to call out Soros (after constantly crying about the Koch Brothers) but it still doesn't change the fact that Sanders is awful.


You bedwetters on the left cry "Koch brother" constantly and never mention Soros. And Sanders is a complete moron when it comes to economic policy. Or we can just be like Greeze or Venezuela (or any other socialist nation) where socialism worked out sooooooo well.

Vote me down all you want. You're just like any of the brainwashed fulls throughout reddit. This is the same shit we heard about when Obama ran in '08. The same fucktards are convinced "Bernie is the hope and change!"


You're not going to go anywhere with anyone trying to shame them.

I would urge you to do your own independent research, and stay away from blogs and opinions. Now I don't know 100% of Bernie's policies, but most of them, and especially the ones he campaigns on, are economically sound and supported by many economists.

As far as socialism goes, its more of an ideal rather now than anything. Greece and Venezuela are both capitalist, however certain policies are of a socialist persuasion. Guess what, we've had policies of socialist persuasion for a very long time too, and just like us, those 2 have more going on than just policies. It would be wrong to say those 2 countries are the epitome of socialist design, in a vacuum, and their socialism ideals is what did them in - because its not.

The Koch brothers are probably the most visible in regards to monied person interest corrupting our government. That is why Koch is the popular go-to when identifying the issue. His policies would affect Koch and Soros alike - the goal is to remove special interest, the American public should just about be their only interest.

Not socialist countries? Really? I study this stuff virtually every day, for a good portion of the day. Read Mises, Hayak, Bastiat, Friedman, or any of the economists and political thinkers out there on this issue. Socialism is a wormy, vile, and dishonest system because fairness is relative and forced redistribution is morally reprehensible.

Tell me where his arguments are flawed as it pertains to socialism?

This was my point: there is no epitome of a socialist country like there can't be an epitome of a libertarian or free trade country. They are all fundamentally capitalist, but may have specific policies that reflect an ideal.

So given that, and given that i n our melting pot of a country, we have persuasions of every direction. You may not want to throw out the socialist things like roads, police or education simply because of the label socialist.

I'm not going to sit here and lecture you why a certain ideal is better or worse than the other, because that's futile.

The issues are important, not the buzzwords. United we stand, divided we fall. Do not fall prey to those who wish to divide us.

All I'm saying is Bernie is this election's repeat of 2008 and Obama. You're all kidding yourself if you think Bernie is some savior, especially since more socialism is the exact opposite of what this country needs right now.

I'm not saying he's the Messiah, but his biggest issues (wealth inequality and campaign finance reform) are my biggest issues. He has the integrity to do it as well. I would be hard pressed to find anyone with those values and the electability Bernie has.

We supporters are not some caricature that pundits would like to paint us as, my local organizer group is about as diverse as one could imagine. Liberal, conservative, multiracial, older, younger, well off, poor, etc.

Anyone who believes a socialist can save this country is a caricature to me. We need someone who will address the roots of our problems. Not hack at the branches.

What did he vote against or for that caused an issue when it was/wasn't passed? Name one thing.

Debt ceiling, aid for Israel, socialist programs of all sorts. I mean, c'mon. This is not hard to find info.


Actually what? You are a toolbag, kid. Get off the Internet.


First of all, I'm not a shill for Bernie Sanders as I am not even an American, so I don't exactly care who wins your presidency.

Second of all, no, he doesn't have dual citizenship with Israel. Please try not to get your information from Facebook posts.

Anybody that's not a pure American shouldn't be elected? OK then. Which Native American are you voting for?

Native Americans came over from Asia...

Haha yeah I know that, but I guess it's a sort of "who was there first?" thing. Certainly the people who rule over America now are not actually "American". I don't really want to go deep down that road though, 'cause I know you people can get brutal with all this stuff. I'll just let it die with me.

Smart choice, bub. (Holsters his six-shooter.)

You're really getting hammered by the Sanders-suckers. Normally, this sub is very Anti-Israel.

So out choices are A right winged war monger in clinton, or a zionist? Whats the third option?

So out choices are A right winged war monger in clinton, or a zionist? Whats the third option?

Actually what? You are a toolbag, kid. Get off the Internet.

Contextually, shooting Michael Brown was justified IMO. Other cases like Sandra Bland and Eric Garner have been inexcusably handled, and are appalling, but I don't think Brown fits into that bracket.

You know that sounds ridiculous right? You honestly believe he rushed the officer while he had his gun out? I thought he was trying to take it from the car. I thought he was reaching into his waist band? I mean I guess if you throw enough hyperbole police phrasing people eventually believe some of it.

I'd love to see one establish itself but occupy didn't do much of anything.

You're really getting hammered by the Sanders-suckers. Normally, this sub is very Anti-Israel.

hahaha thank you, it went on a little longer than i wanted

This was my point: there is no epitome of a socialist country like there can't be an epitome of a libertarian or free trade country. They are all fundamentally capitalist, but may have specific policies that reflect an ideal.

So given that, and given that i n our melting pot of a country, we have persuasions of every direction. You may not want to throw out the socialist things like roads, police or education simply because of the label socialist.

I'm not going to sit here and lecture you why a certain ideal is better or worse than the other, because that's futile.

The issues are important, not the buzzwords. United we stand, divided we fall. Do not fall prey to those who wish to divide us.

I would argue that you should be paid much more for the services you provide.

What about the rest of us who bettered ourselves though

I'm so tired of this entitlement. You don't get a bonus just because you've been mistreated. You've already been held at the bottom of what it takes to live, and you just don't know it because they artificially have the 'minimum' far below where it should be.

You should be supporting the wage increase specifically to use as a bargaining chip for a better wage yourself.

No not even slightly. Read what I wrote.

At this moment the money I earn through my own labor is reduced through taxation to fund social programs and service debt on interest caused by governments borrowing capital from private banks.

I think private banks should be dissolved and their function handled by individual countries treasury departments.

This way a country can issue currency on a merit based system of labor. The more economic production a worker puts in the more currency they are issued.

In the cases of disability, and inability to produce economically then the government would issue the vital currency directly to those individuals and families so as to provide a comfortable quality of life.

There would be no need to tax citizens if the government issued a debt free currency tied to GDP.

Instead the govt would have the incentive to actually promote a physically and mentally healthy population versus a competitive, aggressive, and divided population of narcissists like America currently.

The loans made to govt are paid by its citizens but the citizens didn't secure these loans. Citizens ask for safety, security, and liberty.

What we get from the current system is exploitation, govt terrorism, and fascism.

Businesses would be better able to plan and budget in a debt free currency system. Instead of navigating a 75,000 page tax code and competition killing regulations they could spend their energy on their products.

The silk road demonstrated this principle with bit coin as its debt free decentralized currency.

The products from silk road were dependable and high quality (no pun intended). The sellers on silk road had the incentive to provide excellent service and quality due to their market being free to express their likes and dislikes publicly and without intervention.

They weren't given tax breaks for backroom deals or future favors and thus they competed with each other to win consumers with quality and customer service.

Regulations should only address the businesses operating consequences. If a products production causes environmental or health damage then the regs would demand the biz change or lose their charter and get dissolved.

The profit motive is the killer of sound and safe business practices. Take the profit motive away and replace it with customer satisfaction motive and winner winner chicken dinner.

Also without favors being able to be handed out the regulations that are on the books could be enforced and actually do what they were intended to do.

Lastly I'd just like to say, competition is great in sports, product creation, and with yourself. Competition with others for the right and comfort to live is fucking horrible.

Aaaaand they (along with 55 others) were just processed and released by the U.S. Marshall service with only a summons. Lucky them. Almost too easy.

Edited to delete a letter

and it's okay to put people down as long as you wear a pretty costume :)

Even if this article is accurate, which I doubt, it doesn't say he gave "millions" to Black Lives Matter - and you know it. You can read it as well as I can.