Is it just me or is Reddit suppressing news about Ferguson... I had to find out from CNN the the oath keepers were now patrolling the streets in Ferguson.

25  2015-08-11 by [deleted]


It could be reddit suppressing the news. But honestly, I think that people (on reddit) just don't care about Ferguson anymore. Especially after the whole Bernie Sanders getting interrupted by BLM protesters.

How do you figure? That makes no sense.

I think he is saying .... the momentum behind #BlackLivesMatter is taking a hit thanks to their membership's overt racism on display.

Yes, thank you for clarifying. I wasn't sure how to put it into words without it sounding like, "no one cares about civil rights anymore"; which is what I was NOT trying to do.

CNN is trying to make the Oathkeepers out to be the problem, and "white racists" while actually scrubbing all the gang related thuggery from the reporting on the #BlackLivesMatter Shooter. This Black kid is solely responsible for the gunfire at the protests in recent days, and he actually fired upon other black protestors, and then the police.

Think about that for a moment.

Shit is getting real serious real fast. I remember the L.A. riots. This time it has the potential to break out in a hundred cities. We really should start prepping now if we're not already, because supply lines can be cut off easily. Just ask that Reginald guy who got the brick to the temple.

Main stream news is claiming Alex Jones is behind the oath keepers being there.

Alex Jones is claiming this is completely false

Kinda confusing. It is obvious that main stream media does not want oath keepers there. They want this to be a black vs white deal. They do not want blacks and heavily armed whites working together.

The mainstream media is trying to make the black rioters, looters and arsonists into heroes. They can't do that if ordinary black citizens are standing shoulder to shoulder with armed white oathkeepers.

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fuck off bruh

It cannot understand you bruh.

Wonder if the same could be said for the comment you were commenting on bruh.