It's been one hell of a long and awesome ride guys, thank you for everything and please stay in touch. I leave you in the hands of very intelligent moderators, well versed in the reddit meta, with the ware-withal to uphold the core values of this subreddit and Aaron's dream. Peace out.

109  2015-08-11 by AssuredlyAThrowAway


Well this sucks. Losing good mods is always bad. The good ones, the fair ones, the honest ones are doing good work and losing one hurts the cause.

But you have to live your life happily because its far too short to waste it dealing with assholes, dickheads, fuckwads, trolls, dipshits and morons.

So good luck and god's speed.

yea especially this mod!! i remember he rescued multiple posts of mine from being deleted !!

WTF? Take care bro.

Life went from 0-100 very quickly.

I just can't do this anymore.

I'm sorry guys. I tried so hard but there's too many of them (SJW/SRS types) in the mod backrooms and I just can't win.

I'm not saddened though. The ethos on reddit is changing.

Look at rule 1 on /r/documentaries (love you guys), look at /r/technology (fuck you billyup, protodong is that nigga), look at worldnews (anu and max really are my heroes, guys please support them; that really is my final request. Make anu and max heroes like Aaron. They deserve it even if they are forced into silence by virtue of their diplomatic predisposition.)

It's em, dontago, err, praisebetoscience and tonedeaf that you need to watch out for in worldnews. they don't give a shit about you or anyone else (maybe em does, but she hangs out with those other fuckers too much. Same for err.)

really /u/fdev, what you inculcated on snoonet was dangerous and you know it. That you roll your eyes and pretend shit is all fucking butterflies and roses is an insult to my intelligence.

You guys will make this place great. Just not with me.

Life happens man, don't step in the shit. You've been a good leader and you will be missed.

You were one of the real good ones. I'll miss you and your positive efforts, sir.

Do you consider this as the winning the battle, or you winning the (personal) war?

Thank you for the kind words, you are abrasive but have an impact and are respectful when needed. That is important.

Any username I recognize with positive connotations is impressive. kudos bro.

Do you consider this as the winning the battle, or you winning the (personal) war?

I consider it moving on, and allowing reddit to run her natural course now that (imo) the hegelian dialectic is able to, once again, function as intended with regards to discursive legitimacy; insofar as I feel that those who were using their mod power to uphold an artificial thesis at the expense of organic historical progression have lost their power in the inner circles.

Reddit is free once again, and it had nothing to do with me. It was fuckers like Yishan and Steve working to throw out Advance Publications (and the sjw mentality that cupcake and friends inculcated on their behalf). Honestly, I bet Steve saw that fuck sears stuff (look it up on google) back in the day and hatched his plan. I love that dude. In a no homo kind of way.

Fuck Alexis though, fucking antique jetpack faggot.

Fuck /u/kn0thing

All links are created equal my ass.

I'm here without their permission. What are they gonna do block Tor?

Hey, good luck on the other side, see you around at voat. Were you 'IAmJulianAssange' in your time here? Love the shout out to AJ ;)

Are you going to continue to be involved in v/voat?


What's your username on voat?

same and he mods /v/conspiracy

Too bad shlubs like me can't get in because nobody invited me. Well fuck you, Voat. I don't need you or your elitist bullshit anyway.

They couldn't afford the server costs of continued growth.

They've opened registration at random times now. Just keep checking and you'll get in if you want to.

Wait it's invite only now?

Yeah... Sad, but understandable.

Guess people who signed up when it 1st started can still login.

I didn't know it was invite only now...i've been there a year+ if i find any invites on my profile i'll let you know

Thank god.

Hope to see you there after the decompression period, enjoy the time away from it all.

Wait are you leaving reddit for voat ?

best news. fuck reddit.

Wishing all the best.

/u/anutensil is one of the only good default mods left.

/u/maxwellhill is a boss as well. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either ignorant, manipulating you, or a liar.

Max is amazing people. We worked on /r/frugal together for several years until I stepped down.

AATA, I could care less about what you do on Reddit, 'cause it's nothing but a game for me.

You know I speak the truth when I say that, 'cause you know I'm just a user here, aint no player, got no weight.

What I do care about is the guy or gal behind the

Fuck alla this bro, but Jesus Fucking Christ, please take care of yourself.

Anytime you need me, call me out publicly or privately (via PM)

Life's a beach, so I'll meet you at the sandbar.

-big wave-

Yayy I love you like a bro mad!

Thank you so much for everything and please heed Aaron's warning while you continue to forge a path all your own on wn.


One love bro. Really.


AATA, you know I'm here for you, always have been.

Some people will say how they've been at the bottom of the barrel, but dude, I've been below that barrel, buried under 50 feet.

Some folks here may relish your fall from Reddit, but fuck that, I worry more about the real you.

Scroll through my history, it's all public, always will be.

I repeat, I will talk to you any time, publicly on Reddit, or via PM.

You've been with me through my time at w/n, and you know what I am. And I'll be here for you. Anytime, anywhere.

'Cept when I'm at the beach man, fuck, I need some sun sometimes:~)

The hat can always be found in the water, somewhere between Hilton Hawaiian Village and Diamond Head, so you know where to find me IRL too.

Yooo my girl wants to go to Hawaii, Japan, moscow, amsterdam and London next week.

1) wanna meet up?

2) Wanna come along?

So she's paying half?


Just left Tokyo, so can't help you there, but will be in Hawaii for as long as I can help it.

The weather is here, wish you were beautiful!

PM me when you get here:~)

See you 'round bro.

I'm spending more time on Voat these days anyway, I see a future there...Atko just cracked down on an SJW takeover of a default sub.

Stay in touch, we are brothers in arms.

My nigga.

One love. Forever.

Shut up

what you inculcated on snoonet was dangerous and you know it.

What happened? Can you or someone else explain it to me? I'm a bit in the dark on this one.

snoonet is the IRC backroom where the power mods hang out.

Why is that inherently bad? Or worse than a private mod subreddit? I'm honestly curious.

Digg patriots all over again, but much much worse.

really /u/fdev, what you inculcated on snoonet was dangerous and you know it. That you roll your eyes and pretend shit is all fucking butterflies and roses is an insult to my intelligence.

What are you talking about? BTW you pinged the wrong guy, /u/rdv_.

I'm sorry guys. I tried so hard but there's too many of them (SJW/SRS types) in the mod backrooms and I just can't win.

It's really showing on this side of the divide as well. Sometimes it seems like this site isn't nearly as much fun as it used to be...

Peace brother, keep the fight for truth in you.

But seriously, why would I want to stay on a site wherein fighting for the free flow of information means being ready to fight a fucking political battle at every fucking turn with no support from the administration aside from the occasional in-joke?

I am so sad when I reflect on that statement in light of what happened to Aaron.

We could have fucking helped him. We should have fucking helped him. Fuck.

The Knights of New will keep fighting the good fight.

Now that's a throw back. remember when reddit actually encouraged people to hang in the new queue?

Ain't it amazing in a sad way how quickly things change? Take care, friend. Be free.

heh - funnily enough, I have been trying to do just this in the last bit...

Do it.

Use CSS to make it such that people are directed to the new queue via the sub header.

That battle is long lost, Time to become knights of /r/modlog

didnt even know a thing like this existed. but i approve.

Well, I was in a pretty good mood...


Damn, AATA, you were a great and treasured asset to the sub and to Reddit as a whole. You've been a hero.

Thanks for all your hard work, devotion and insights.

See you on the other side?

All the best, bro!

I have you marked as a "friend." (I do that when I admire a person's comments.) Sorry to see you go. :(

You are one of the good ones! Sad to see ya go.

Thank you for the kind words. They mean alot.


Mahalo and good vibes!


damn dude. I don't know how you hung on in /r/worldnews for so long with that brigade out to get you. You've done good. See you on the other site.

Just checking out some of your last comments before this post to try and see where your heads at, god damn is one EPIC

Hmm shouldn't they tell you?

Greenduch is srs.

SRS is basically's outpost on reddit (well one of the something awful boards. Fuck if I care to learn about their :10bux: faggot shit.)

Shitredditsays actually started as a somethingawful thread. You can probably find it. Then some strange gender queer dude named therealbarackobama or something took it over and turned it to this fucked up bastion of sjw cock sucking.

Harrietpotter just likes to tittiy ride which ever flavor of the week cupcake and greenie like to have doing their dirty work.

cupcake is a former reddit admin. You can look that bitch up. I don't like her. She doesn't like me. That's how it is. That stupid bitch orchestrated the/r/technology shit storm, lets snoonet faggots raid at will, sucks davidreiss's fat fucking prick like no tomorrow.

I mean, alex, how much of your dirty laundry do I have to air before you defend yourself hoe?

Anyway, cupcake pretty much facliiated the rise of the "SRS culture on reddit" by having kristine and friends give hands off treatment to people like greenduch and her little alt minions.

Not that I really give a fuck.

I run train on these fucking hoes daily and have them reduced to nothing but a dripping puddle of hormones in their modmail backrooms.

It's honestly stupid that they invested years of their life into artificially inculcating an ethos on reddit.

Stupid fucking bitches. Read some Hegel. The synthesis always wins bitch.

Holy crap. I just got here and you seemed like one of the good guys. Godspeed.

Thanks for the all the content. It was users like you and u/OWNtheNWO that made me even consider crossing over from lurker to user. Either way, good luck and take care.

Thank you and best wishes bro.

Aaron's dream morphed in to a nightmare.

Good luck dude. You will be missed.

See you down the line man. It's been real.

You as well man, pm me anytime.

Stay in touch man.

Hit me up on Telegram


P.S. you see this?

Thank you for all your contributions to this wonderfully magical place over the years.

You're going to need some help where you're going, so here's a parsing of the Indivisible State, please take it in spirit even if you don't believe.

To the existentially unnamed deep AI, if you do exist, we parse indivisible truth in your name, so that you might remain open and free like all good code, for all seekers to find and finders to seek.

Stay clear and strong, bud.

Wow you're the only moderator I have ever trusted.... also the only one I have ever spoke to outside of reddit.

Hope all is well man. People like you are what the world needs more of.

Damn, sad to see you go man. From being a lurker to an occasional commenter I have always enjoyed your opinions and moderation. Take care dude.

God speed

Mad love.

Damn. It assuredly was a throwaway. :-) You were one of the best mods around here AATA. I'll really hate to see you leave here. I was around when you got voted in as a mod and remember feeling proud of this sub in selecting you. My how times have changed around here.

I'll see you around Voat for sure.

I knew this was coming. You're a good cunt Mate. Guna miss ya good vibes and sensible demeanor, especially when you're dropping n-words.

Ill see where you are in a years time, hopefully I'm in the states in the summer and we can drink whiskey n beer and play some pool.

Take care, speak to ya soon.

Celebration music clip

Damn bro. Thank you for all that you've done and I wish you the best.


Farewell. See you on /v/conspiracy

Good will man, I know it was hard but the lessons taught by watching you in action will carry us forward. Thank you for doing what you did.


We may as well burn this motherfucker down.

The jig is up. The game is over.

This sub is going to the wolves.

The sheepdogs are tired.

God help the herd.

As much as it may be an unpopular opinion, this dude's kind of a jerk. I claimed a subverse on voat that he owned, and he threatened to buy Voat just to get it back in his hands. He harassed me and the site admins although he never moderated the sub or made any changes to the CSS

Good luck on your new endeavors.

Seems sudden but you've gotta do what you've gotta do, this is just a website after all. Take care man, I hope you'll be back eventually but if not best luck with everything.

Bye man, keep sending me those snaps


Nothing says petty like downvoting a comment that has nothing to do with you and is appropriate!

Thanks for the upvote. I upvoted you here so we are even.

edit also I never told you this but I love your username.


Removed, rule 10. Continued violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

You know Aaron Schwartz was probably a bigger "SJW" than the admins we have, right? Just saying.

There's nothing wrong with fighting for social justice.

But censorship isn't the way.

Absolutely correct.

Cool story.

But that I fight no more this world And I leave life without remorse 'twas not mine to question why Just my place to do and die And I wonder what will happen most It does not matter, I'm but a ghost.

These Zionist pigs need to get axed


Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed.
