Opinions on David Icke?

5  2015-08-12 by vtugelbend

What does the sub think of him?


The best advice I can give anyone on Icke, IMO, is to READ his early work (truth vibrations, the biggest secret, children of the matrix), digest his material for yourself.

If you think he's crazy, fine. If you think he's controlled opposition to make conspiracy theorist, fine. If you think he's profiting off of truth seekers like Alex jones, fine. If you think he has valid points, fine.

The one thing I find consistently about David Icke is that most criticisms are by people that don't know too much of his ideas and writings. Most people know just the extreme parts (reptilians, holographic universe, etc) of his views, without much context or background.

Again, whatever opinion you would form I respect. But only if you have actually digested his material. Not short clips on YouTube or summaries you read on that blog over there.

I find many people won't even delve into his work deeply because of the stigma. Again, just my opinion.

TBH the best thing is he doesn't say to you, "oh, if you don't believe this, you're mad." Awakening, I believe, is an individual journey, and he constantly says how if something doesn't resonate with you, don't believe it. You shouldn't feel like you have to believe something just because someone says so, because that's exactly what's happening in the media today.

Reptiles that live under the earth and control our minds? I am amazed anyone takes him seriously. His ideas are pretty entertaining though. I loved it when Louis CK asked Rumsfeld on live radio if he was a lizard person. I never laughed so hard.


You've failed to realize what he is saying. I'm not a "supporter", but at least look into what he is saying, it's a metaphor.

I'm not saying you are or are not a supporter. I was just giving my opinion.

Are you saying David Icke is actually satire? I must have missed that!

I'm not OP, I was just mentioning, I wasn't a supporter of Icke, but I'll listen. Icke is not satire, he speaks in metaphors and if you understand them, then you can learn. I suspect you need to look into what he says, beyond the reptile alien shape-shifters and see the esoteric/occult metaphors he is dropping.

Oh my apologies, totally thought you were OP! (it's late here). So then he is telling parables?

No worries, and yes (sorta). He is speaking in metaphors. When he says reptilians (imo), means two blood lines. This dates back to the story of Cain and Abel (occult/esoteric teachings). They had the same mother, but different fathers (Serpent and God). Cain killed Abel for a reason (jealousy/hate). It's a story, but there is truth to it, and most occult societies believe it. This may blow over most people's heads, but if you know what he is poking at, you'll get it.

Interesting, I'll check that out. So then he doesn't believe in literal lizard men? He just sees it as a metaphor for how the world works (i.e. good vs evil)?

I do not know the man personally, I have listened to him while studying other topics, and I've concluded he is speaking in metaphors. Which is why he is still alive. People laugh at this/him, but if you really knew what he was saying, you'd awaken and see it. This is all occult/esoteric. He relies on the people to do their homework to see it. TPTB rely on people not doing their homework and laughing him off as a buffoon/looney. Look into, then re-watch what he is saying. It'll be clear as day.

He blends genuine conspiracy with complete garbage. Not mention the fucking new age, Gaia, religious dingbattery he goes on about. His sole purpose is to make conspiracy theory look stupid. Just like Alex Jones, raving like a red faced lunatic, so we all look like retards.

I wouldn't exactly call it religious dingbattery. The idea that we're all connected - Carl Jung hypothesised it as a collective un/subconscious - as just expressions of infinite consciousness is hardly the worst of new age stuff we've had. And his talk on becoming a heart-oriented society, based on love, compassion and tolerance, is that garbage?

Ah, I just find that people need to separate their personal views on that sort of thing, from their discourse. Most people do, it's not tough. If he wants to be a guru, he should just bugger off and be one. The fact he doesn't imo, is elegant proof to me that he works for the bad guys. Just my $0.02

Well what is he then? Is he a philosopher or a whistleblower?

Nothing wrong with advocating for love and compassion but when it comes to the lizard people he is either a liar or crazy. If he is a liar, then he doesn't deserve anyone's attention. If he is crazy, maybe we at /r/Conspiracy can practice some of that love and compassion, raise some money, and get him some professional help.

Just asking, why is he either a liar or crazy for the reptilian stuff?

I agree it is far out, and unlikely to say the least. But why the black or white possibility?

Sure. This is what I was thinking... assuming the reptilian stuff isn't true, beyond lying (because he made it all up) or being crazy (because he believes it despite the lack of evidence) what else is there?

Could he be a victim of faulty evidence?

Well if you read his books he provides evidence of how he reached his conclusions... It could most certainly be faulty.

I don't believe he is lying, but there is no way either of us could know either way.

This is an assumption so excuse me if I'm wrong, but it seems from your comments in this thread that you haven't read too much of what David Icke has written... Which might explain why you see it as either him lying or being crazy, without the possibilities that a) he is convinced of it himself based on what he perceives as valid evidence, or albeit a far less likely outcome, b) he is correct or close to being correct.

You are correct. I must confess I have only watched some interviews, watched a documentary about him, and read through "reptoid" wikipedia page. He seems like a very nice guy (which is why I lean more towards crazy and not a liar).

If I was to read some of his stuff, which book would you recommend starting off with?

I'd agree with you, that I don't think he's lying. I think he's genuine.

I would strongly suggest to start off by reading The Biggest secret first. I downloaded a free pdf of it (and a couple of his other books too). I would suggest torrenting it or getting it somewhere online for free. I couldn't tell you it is definitely worth the money because I didn't pay for it myself. But I did read it in entirety and IMO that is his best work. Also, it gives you insight to a bit of a different Icke than the one you see all over YouTube. This book was written very early on in his career.

What's great about his books is that he cites his sources of information, so you can check out those sources for yourself after/while reading.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Citations are very important. I can't tell you how many times I have to remind my students to "cite your sources!!" when grading their papers!!

its either a or b. White or black. this or that the minds of people who only think in absolutes...:( its everywhere.

"Only a Sith deals in absolutes."

Only a sith, and no one else, ever.

He's a bright guy who discovered some existing streams of esoteric thought and assumed he originated them. He expresses himself in an articulate way, but he fails where so many teachers of alternative knowledge fail -- he tries to connect everything together into one great whole.

He says he is the Son of God.

His own words https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiyrHZCksDM

Two words: lizard people. His only purpose is to discredit the movement.

That's a bit...extreme. Condemnation without investigation is the highest form of ignorance, I believe the quote goes.

Lizard. People.

I'm can't wait to meet one. We'll be the bestest friends ever.

His ideas of problem-reaction-solution are great, everything else takes away from that core, good idea.

Seems crazy, but the more you really look into it the more it makes sense. People don't understand that just because something isn't familiar it can still be true just as much as anything, as sometimes familiar things we thought were once true are proved untrue, or incomplete. Look into vampire therapy, then read the bible and watch David Icke, it gets pretty dark.
