Sick People Dancing on the Graves of the Ancients.

9  2015-08-15 by [deleted]


I do not care (I intend to be cremated and dumped into a certain bay on an incoming tide...on promise of haunting if it is not done...) what people may do over my remains, however disposed they may end up.

But I also understand the viewpoint of those who venerate their ancestors, and their remains. It remains impossible to believe people who call themselves "civilized" can do this.


Look, it's this simple, ALL THE TIME.


That includes their ancestors.

I celebrate somewhat reluctantly the beginning of my sixty-second year on this little round piece of Hell/Paradise. And I've seen a lot of foolishness acted out by the whole gamut of fools, and some non-fools too.

But in my very secular, but actually Deist view, the biggest foolishness is the competition between versions of the Almighty. And killing, even fighting over his "Prophets" (humans) who supposedly hear and transcribe "His" word is an imbecility because man is so fallible, so frail, so prone to temptation, that taking on faith alone what a man describes as the "afterlife"...well, let us say I have heard descriptions of what transpires that sound very much the way a humanist would set things up.

Time is not measured, cosmically, the way we keep track of rotations. It is based on lessons learned.

I regard those who would disregard the belief others have in "Sacred or Holy" ground as barbarians.

I regard those who would disregard the belief others have in "Sacred or Holy" ground as barbarians.

Very well put!

I detect the makings of a boffo horror movie here. The angry Muslim dead rise up to punish the atheistic Jews who dance on their graves.

Yeah, well there have been a lot people on this rock over the years.

You realize if this was flipped, the media/world would go apeshit over it, right? The Jews wonder why their Muslim neighbors have disdain for them.....

I'm just being consistent, I don't care about Indian graves here in the States either. The dead are dead.

The dead deserve our respect. We should know their story so we do not make the same mistake and have foreign powers commit genocide against our people.

That doesn't mean walk through your life on Tully's because somebody died or was buried where you walk. This isn't 10,000 bc.

So the right to return for Israel is illegitimate?

No, they are there, that makes it legit.

O now 10,000 year old bullshit matters?

If you can make it matter, it matters. Might makes right, all else is flowery language.

That is a satanic mindset. Thank you for exposing yourself anyhow.

Oh yeah, we are given dominion over the earth.

'Do as thou wilt.' Well, fuck, lemme sleep on that.


The rules of sovereignty are:

  1. Claim territory

  2. Occupy territory

  3. Gain recognition, which is de facto if your occupation is unmoved.

That's how it works, you could do it in Florida if you were inclined and had the means.



No, a squatter has no claim. Settlers are part of sovereign entity.


Ah, you a liar.


Twisting my words to fit your narrative while ignoring my point is what makes you a liar. We both know what you're doing.


Twisting words and logic isn't debate. You haven't debated, you've done the equivalent of 'Nah-uh' and the inane arguments kids use on the playground. You didn't do anything but shoehorn your little ideology into my statement. It's sad dude, you're gonna get fired.


You're doing it again. Ignoring facts for a pathetic excuse.


You don't have enough credibility to make such a demand.


You still haven't said anything. Look in the mirror homeslice. I'm not saying anything wrong or offensive, but your hatred of Israel is getting in the way of you learning something about how the world works.


You continue to intentionally misuse that word. I explained the difference, you want to hate on Israel so you refuse to hear it. I understand completely what you are doing. If you really don't see it then you need to take a break.


Twisting words and lying, you are a liar.


Who takes the advice of a liar?

I get that, but with the tensions as high as they are in the middle East, you'd think that the Jews would be a little more understanding that this is not the right thing to do and will only add fuel to flames. It's almost like they are asking for it, victim mentality.

That isn't victim mentality, it's 'fucking try something' mentality.

Context, dude. Context. You do this to Jews in Israel, and the ziotards will go insane over it.


I 100% agree with this. Absolutely. The problem is, however, that the zionist lobby play up what happens to them, and hide what they do to others. THAT is a big problem.


Even their own periodicals are more truthful than those in the U.S.

I think part of the reason for this might be because the U.S. is the global, snarling, war dog superpower that Israel has to keep A) on its side, and B) in a constant state of agitation so it will do its (Israel's) bidding at all times. Israel has to keep its pet convinced that both the US and Israel are under attack "at all times!" so that the US remains at a high state of vigil and ready to continue killing in the name of zionism.

In other words, it might not matter too much if Israeli citizens voice their discontent occasionally with zionist policies because Israel isn't really the one that's fighting the middle east battles all that much. It's actually the US itself that Israel has to make sure remains focused on "blowing these brown people up!"...because if the US doesn't support Israel's genocide in Palestine, then they (Israel) might get its constant US funding cut (1, 2, 3) and might end up having to fight it's own battles...and oh no! It wouldn't want that.

For these reasons, the pro-zionist propaganda in the US is massive - possibly even more so than in Israel itself.

Just imagine if the US stopped giving all that money to Israel and instead gave it all to Palestine.

Or, better yet, put it back into its very own economy.

Either way, the ziolobby would, of course, be crying crocodile tears of "antisemitism!"...but fuck'em.

We'll have to wait a thousand years for this theory to pan out though.

Son, the shit's happening now. It's been happening.

So let them dance, WGAF?

I don't know if you live in the US or not, but if you do, it's YOUR money that's going to support these genocidal zionists - maniacs that have been directly implicated in murdering three thousand plus US citizens on 9/11/01. Manics that our sons and daughters and mothers and fathers are going to the middle east to fight and die for - coming back mentally/physically broken and/or in caskets.

The whole "wgaf" attitude is fucking YOU up just as much as every other citizen. The difference is that you continue allowing yourself to remain ignorant of it. That won't keep the damage from continuing to happen, however.

Is this an example of misrepresenting your enemy in the hopes that others don't see you're an imposter?

Dude. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Stay in your fantasy world. Keep on believing whatever you're believing.

You are obviously a *****.

Twisting words and logic isn't debate. You haven't debated, you've done the equivalent of 'Nah-uh' and the inane arguments kids use on the playground. You didn't do anything but shoehorn your little ideology into my statement. It's sad dude, you're gonna get fired.