Are all the anti-vaccine posts being overrun by bots?

0  2015-08-15 by [deleted]

I'm not really an active member of reddit, but I do enjoy reading posts in this sub-reddit. I've noticed a kind of disturbing trend regarding posts dealing with vaccines.

It seems like all the logical and well-thought out posts on the topic of vaccines are being quickly down-voted and commented on by paid posters from Big Pharma. Any post that does not promote the corporate mantra that vaccines are safe and effective are quickly down-voted and lost in all the pro-vaccine propaganda. I used to come here because it was a "safe" place to discuss ideas that don't tow the corporate it seems like even this place isn't safe anymore.


Original username.

It's definitely not an anagram of anything.

It seems like all the logical and well-thought out posts on the topic of vaccines...

Conversely, for others it seemed like those posts were illogical because they were based on speculation instead of evidence.

Or you can stay out of a sub you disagree with instead of harassing people in this one...

So what you want is an ecochamber where you can all pat yourself on the back and admire how special you are?

Or a place that isn't filled of paid posters (you) harassing those capable of thinking.

I'm a paid poster? I'm sorry mate my government doesn't have the money for that.

K...but big pharma sure had enough!

I post more about warhammer. Maybe I'm a shill for big orks?

And why the hell would you hire a kiwi to do this? We can't even spell colour correctly, this would completely kill the argument.

Medicine is magical and infallible. Accept the shots. Take your medicine.

Vaccine Voodoo

True, this place isn't the best, but I don't think that big companies would make reddit accounts....

haha, of course not, why would they care about making money, those corporations are just there for a bit of fun

Yes, this is exactly what's going on, it's been happening for a long time. Vaccines are what make Big Pharma most of their sales (from the diseases which they cause), they are also be used to wage covert war on any population along with managing fertility rates. Vaccines are being used to commit crimes against humanity, this shows that the Elite see us as no more than animals who can be used and abused for their purposes. It's no surprise that vaccine posts attract so much attention from the shills, I've even had a poster sent to man-mark me as I've been posting about vaccines so much.

Because the people of this sub-reddit are crazy.

Vaccines don't make you be autistic.

And just because they have mercury doesn't mean it's bad.

Not true at alll...there are over 80 research papers that link autism to vaccines. Truth. Learn what it is before you type.

Awesome, so its just about numbers then? I have a like here of 107 studies involving millions of children that say there is no link.

LOL!!!! Paid for by....drumroll....BIG PHARMA! Of course they're going to say what you want to believe so badly.

So anything you disagree with you can brush off and say its just paid for my big pharma? What's the point in researching then? You only want one result.

That is incorrect. The research you use to bolster your point is bought by Big pharma. Unfortunately, the veil hasn't been lifted from your eyes so you don't see the truth. It's ok, it's better to live in blissful ignorance that admit what's really going on.

I sat here for about 30 good seconds, attempting to say something that would point out how ridiculously idiotic you are.

I couldn't do it. Good job. You've reached a degree of stupidity I can't really even make a joke about. That's impressive.

EDIT: We did it Reddit! He deleted his account!

It seems that you subconsciously that big pharma lives cost innocent lives and aren't smart enough to realize it consciously.

Please re-read and edit your comment. It makes almost no sense.

It's funny how that is actually only one research paper, and its only talking about the link between autism and the first month of life.

Read your sources before posting them on Reddit, did you just Google "research paper on vaccines and autism" and paste the link on Reddit?

Then leave.

Seriously, there are other places for /u/alien13869 to spout his lies than a sub that is known for rationality and truth-speaking.

a sub that is known for rationality and truth-speaking.

Oh boy.

He believes himself, too. That's the scary part.


"Ideas I disagree with are scary"

Hey /u/alien13869, instead of sending harassing private messages why don't you harass me in public? You too much of a coward? Is that it?

Nah, I'll comment in 'public'.

Yet, it's funny that your first post was speaking of bots....your first post....seems like you made a different account to post this.