Could Bradley Manning have been manipulated into transgenderism?

6  2015-08-20 by [deleted]

It seems to me like this would be a perfect way to sabotage his credibility, given the United States' relative unease about transgendered people (similar to homosexuals in the 80s and 90s).

This "news story" on Facebook today got me thinking about how stereotypical and contrived the whole thing feels. Could they have fed him hormones without his knowledge and led him to believe he wanted to transition to female?


Her transition should not affect her credibility in the slightest. Anyone who did what she did is a hero, regardless of gender.

While true, it misses the point. The thought put forward is that it is easier to the unenlightened to subconsciously dismiss the claims made by a man who is convinced [s]he's a woman as those of a crazy person than to dismiss those of a man or a woman.

And then they could threaten new whistleblowers -- look what we did to Manning! We will do it to you

I wouldn't put it past the government to do something like this, MK Ultra was an official government project. Think about it for a second.

Yes, I always thought so. Many people will not see her as credible anymore. Combined with the 35 years sentence, it also has the effect of scaring other potential whistleblowers.

It's certainly possible, particular when you consider that this same thing happened to high profile MI5 whistleblower David Shayler. He was imprisoned for breaking the Official Secrets Act for revealing UK security services' links with terrorists.

His credibility has since been destroyed, and he has been completely dismissed by the mainstream media as a "nutter". How convenient for the security services who wanted to shut him up.

More here:


Rule 10. Removed.

Children also sometimes think they are a fire truck. Kids go through phases.

Wait a few years and you'll see "gender dysmorphia" listed as a side effect of a number of commonly-prescribed psych meds. It took them years to admit suicidality, we can expect it'll take longer for the GD, especially with so many at the FDA in-pocket or gunning for post-retirement cush jobs. :(

I was thinking the same thing for some time, its definitely odd.

This is a joke thread right?

Transgender is not a mental condition that can be manipulated. It also has nothing to do with her credibility regarding the leaks & ensuing sentence.

The fact that you reinforced that narrative... Thanks Houston.

Transgender is a delusion.

What gender is the human psyche?

This. We contain multitudes.

Multitudes? I thought there was only two? I'm male, but I think I'm female. So I'm going to ejaculate and put it in my ass? What will happen? Nothing, because a man's ass has no reproductive organs. Take that same semen specimen, and put it in a vagina and voila, you can have yourself a kid. Gender is not what your mind thinks it is, biologically you are male or female. This is science, not the femdom SJW science you are being anally injected with. Science FTW!

The crazies are taking over science and turning it into a religion >_<


How many people should I see sitting in this room when it's just me and my dog?

It depends on the dog's breed obviously.

Way to skirt and give a ridiculous answer. If I see one person, in which the psyche produced, I'm delusional or schizophrenic (mental disorder). If a person see's/feels they are another gender, then how is that any different? It's not, it's a disorder. Did you know a male schizophrenic can have a female alter personality and vice versa?

edit: here comes the downvote brigade. Downvote, but do not comment, noice.

Oh, you were being serious? You threw me off with the dog question. I figured it was a reference to the Son of Sam or something bizarre. What if a person believes that there is no real gender? That gender is just a perception of behavioral and environmental stimuli.

Now, I'm not saying I personally believe that I'm some kind of androgynous fish. I'm quite the typical hetero male. Maybe more so due to my ethnic background. But if I were to put all that aside I still believe that the spiritual side of the human, or the thought portion has no real gender.

That was all I was saying. I'm well aware of different psychological maladies and their different manifestations. I have a few family members in social healthcare that tell me all about it.

What if a person believes that there is no real gender?

That makes as much sense as schizophrenic who believes the figments of their imagination are real, when in reality they are not. There are biological genders, male and female.

But if I were to put all that aside I still believe that the spiritual side of the human, or the thought portion has no real gender.

Duality, yes we are both male and female, but that is not the discussion here. See what I said about a schizophrenic who has a female alter personality.

I'm well aware of different psychological maladies and their different manifestations.

Bold word is the important part. The psyche can manifest a whole human that I could only see, it could also manifest my desire to be another gender. Mental disorder. You're proving my point here.

What exactly is your thesis statement here? I lost you at the dog anyway. Are you trying to infer I'm imbalanced?

Edit: you realize that I don't disagree that gender can be manipulated due to it being influenced by external factors?

What exactly is your thesis statement here?

You asked me what gender was the psyche and I responded.

I lost you at the dog anyway

How? Me and my dog are in a room alone. How many people should I see? A sane person wouldn't see anyone. To a schizophrenic, it could be 1,2,3,4 others.

If the mind can manifest a human, what makes you think it cannot manifest you are another gender (schizophrenic alter personality). A schizophrenic can also become, that female alter personality. This is my point. As I said to Houston, transgender is a delusion and a disorder.

Huh, so do you think homosexuals have a disorder? Or just gender identity issues?

Gender identity issues and the hormones some of them take magnify it. I'm not against trans people or gays. I'm just saying call it for what it is. If you (not you, but you in general) are one of the two, you should not be ridiculed or shunned, but do not say it's "normal". It's not.

Well said. We are pure loving spirit.

I always thought he did it cause he was scared to be in jail with men.

... you realize she is in jail with men, right? That most trans women in prison are sent to jail with men, and that they face vastly higher rates of rape and sexual abuse than male inmates?

Damn, didn't realize that, that's horrible.

... you realize she is in jail with men, right? That most trans women in prison are sent to jail with men, and that they face vastly higher rates of rape and sexual abuse than male inmates?